
Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines,2/14/2021,Our Guidelines govern your relationship with Parler, your use of Parler, as ,well as your access to our services and products. By accessing Parler, you ,agree to these terms. These Guidelines are designed to enable productive,,polite discourse among people with differing interests,lifeexperiences, and ,viewpoints.,Our goal is to provide all community memberswith a welcoming, ,nonpartisan Public Square. While the First Amendment does not apply to ,private companies such asParler,our mission is to create a social platform ,in the spiritof the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.,We prefer that removing usersoruser-provided content bekept to the ,absolute minimum. We prefer to leave decisions about what is seen and who ,is heardtoeach individual. In no case will Parlerdecidewhat willcontentbe ,removed or filtered, or whose accountwill be removed, on the basis of the ,opinionexpressed within the content at issue. Parler’s policies are, to use a ,well-known concept in First Amendment law, viewpoint-neutral. ,Wedo not curate your feed. we do not pretend to be qualified to do so.We ,believe only you are qualified to curate your feed, and sowe give you the ,tools you need to do it yourself. To that end, Parler offers a number of ,features—including the ability to mute or block other users, or to mute or ,block all comments containing terms of yourchoice—and we encourage you ,to use these toolswhenever the content you would rather not encounter here, ,is not otherwise addressed by what follows.,At Parler, we’re committed to continuous improvement toward fulfilling our ,mission. Accordingly, these G uidelines are subject to modification,,unilaterally by Parler,at any time. ,Principle #1: ,Parler will notknowinglyallow itself to be used as a tool for crime, civil ,torts, or other unlawfulacts.We will removereportedusercontent that a ,reasonable and objective observer would believe constitutes or evidences ,such activity. We may also remove the accounts of userswho use our ,platform in this way.,Sometimes the law properly requires us to exclude content from our ,platform once it is reported tous or toour Community Jury—content we ,would make it a priority to exclude anyway. Obvious examplesinclude: ,child sexual abuse material, content posted by or on behalf ofterrorist ,organizations, intellectual property theft. ,However,evenwhenthe law may not require us to flag or removereported ,content, or to ban a user, we willnonetheless do sowhen we deem it ,necessary to prevent our services from being used by someone in the ,commission of a crime or civil tort—particularlywhen theseare likely to,interfere with our mission of providing awelcoming, nonpartisan Public ,Square.Examples include criminal solicitation, fraud, and nuisance.,Finally, while Parler allows the posting of “Not Safe For Work” and ,“trolling”content, we providea double-filter system to help ensure this ,content is not viewedby those who choosenot to see it.,Principle #2:,Posting spam and using bots arenuisances and arenot conducive to ,productive and polite discourse. In addition, it is unjust to our Influencers,and creators, who have put time and effort into building their following and ,goodwill, and who deserve unfettered enjoyment of the effects of their hard ,work. The use of our mute and block features, by individual users, is often ,adequate to address problems with spam. But whenever it is not, and ,particularly when the behavior negatively affects the ability of those ,participating in our Influencer Network to monetize themselves, Parler will ,removeaccounts ofthosewho engage in this behavior.,A detailed discussion of the types of actions encompassed by thesetwo ,principles is available here:,on-Guidelines.pdf,Reporting Violations,In addition to other precautionary measures, Parler relies upon its ,community memberstoreport violationsof these Guidelines. Read more ,about how it works here:,,Last Updated: February 14, 2021

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