Headway Egypt

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

<p> </p> <p>رمضان كريم - هيدواي ايجيبت</p> We have everything you need - عندنا كل اللي انت محتاجه <p>Robust web hosting, digital marketing and a community of web developers.</p> <p>خدمة قوية لاستضافة مواقع الويب، تسويق الكتروني متميز، ومنتدي لمطوري الويب والعامة</p> <ul> <li>Community/Marketplace - المجتمع / المتجر</li> <br> <li>Web Hosting - استضافة المواقع</li> </ul> Terms of Use <p>Last Update: 11st April 2021</p> 1.xx - General Agreement <p>1.01 - The terms written here are effective immediately upon publishing and should be followed by both existing and new members. If the member does not agree with them, they may not use our website or related services.</p> <p>1.02 - All the services offered by Headway Egypt are provided on an AS-IS and AS-AVAILABLE basis and we do not guarantee permanent uptime and we should not be held liable for any damage that might occur due to possible downtime.</p> <p>1.03 - The company should not be held liable of any damage that might happen as a result of security breach or an attack that hit the company or it's services.</p> <p>1.04 - The client should not use the service provided by Headway Egypt against itself or a third-party.</p> <p>1.05 - Data retention and integrity is the responsibility of the member and we are not responsible of data loss that might occur due to a hardware error or a software failure.</p> <p>1.06 - The company might refuse to do business with malicious individuals or those who are participating in immoral, defamatory or disrespectful activities or promotes them. This includes cancelling any existing subscriptions by the member or terminating their account.</p> <p>1.07 - It's up to the company to define what is deemed immoral or disrespectful on it's services and what should not be done or published on it's website.</p> <p>1.08 - The identity of the company and it's logos are property of Headway Egypt and should not be misused or made available elsewhere unless authorized by an administrator.</p> <p>1.09 - Any content created by Headway Hosting or published on it's website is property of Headway Egypt. The company makes use of third-party software and services and copyright of them belongs to their respective owners and the member must respect their and our copyright notice.</p> <p>1.10 - Any content created by Headway Egypt or it's members shouldn't be displayed anywhere else unless given credit to the author and link to the original content.</p> <p>1.11 - The company does not guarantee permanent functionality or no interruptions to it's services and in case something wrong happens, we will work our best to get things back the way they were.</p> <p>1.12 - Content published to Headway Egypt should be appropriate to public audience and must not include: War, Drug Abuse, Pornography, Illegal Activities, Hate Speech, Political Arguments, Religious Arguments</p> <p>1.13 - We believe in Free Speech and we allow any content that will not make others upset, so anything that does not make them feel unsafe and does not break the law is allowed</p> <p>1.14 - The services we offer should not be used to self-promote or to market harmful items or services, or to promote unsafe stuff</p> <p>1.15 - Members of the website should be friendly to each other and we absolutely prohibit bullying, racism, sexism, making fun of others or abusing their insecurities.</p> <p>1.16 - Do not abuse the privacy of other members or make them feel insecure or unwanted and don't creep others out in any way.</p> <p>1.17 - Do not post links to your social media accounts or promote your business, and don't post click-bait links or links to scam or non-trustworthy sites.</p> <p>1.18 - The member agrees that if they break our rules we will apply necessary punishments that might include: Permanent ban</p> <p>1.19 - For the sake of the company's stability, we do not offer refunds for cancelled or terminated accounts and we do not guarantee money-back.</p> <p>1.20 - If the member causes harm to the company or other members, or abuses the system in any way, or utilizes features in an unfair way, the member might be prevented to access the site and account restrictions may apply to the member.</p> <p>1.21 - The member must not use our platform for spamming or anything of that kind. Scammers, abusers and violators will be permanently banned if caught or upon suspicion.</p> <p>1.22 - If the member does not have a reasonable purpose to use our website, they may not use it. Otherwise, we do not allow irresponsible, meaningless or hateful content.</p> <p>1.23 - The company is not responsible of data or information collected by third-party software or services we use to run/administrate/maintain/secure our website.</p> <p>1.24 - These terms are applicable to our website, services we provide and any other associated products or offers.</p> <p>1.25 - Headway Egypt's copyright does not include third party software that it didn't create or content that it didn't make on it's own.</p> <p>1.26 - The company will apply necessary modifications to these terms without further notices. Changes are effective immediately upon publishing and we will only edit the "Last Update" field as a way to keep others aware of the last time it was changed. The member is responsible of checking back for updates.</p> <p>1.27 - The company reserves the right not to do business with anyone and for any reason it deems necessary.</p> <p>1.28 - The following actions are strictly prohibited: impersonating, scamming, threatening or anything of that kind.</p> <p>1.29 - Random advertisements are not allowed if not in their appropriate place.</p> <p>1.30 - Marketing anything that violates our terms of use on our website is considered breaking the law.</p> <p>1.31 - Never share confidential information or passwords with anyone, even if they are our staff members.</p> <p>1.32 - We are not responsible of content published on our website and should not be held liable for copyright infringement or anything of that kind.</p> <p>1.33 - We are not available all the day, and as members can write on our website, we should not be held responsible of that content, however, content is moderated and violation of our terms is strictly prohibited.</p> <p>1.34 - We are not responsible of external links, photos, software or content that are visible on our website and that we have not created or published and do not have control of.</p> <p>1.35 - In addition to agreeing with the terms written herein, the member also agrees with service-specific rules if they use one or more of our services or access different parts of our website.</p> 2.xx - Billing Agreement <p>2.01 - Transactions are processed through the bank or the payment gateway announced on our website.</p> <p>2.02 - We do not offer money-back guarantees, however, cancelled services will be refunded in form of account credit for the remaining period and till the renewal date.</p> <p>2.03 - The client should not raise a dispute against our company unless the company failed to provide them with the advertised service for more than a week time.</p> <p>2.04 - You can contact us at hadysalah1455@gmail.com if your payment was not confirmed or order was delayed for more than 24 hours after payment.</p> <p>2.05 - Overdue invoices have to be paid within 3 days time otherwise the account will be terminated and data will be erased.</p> <p>2.06 - Terminated accounts will have no credit refunded to the member's account nor to a financial account.</p> <p>2.07 - We do not verify the identity of the customer for payments they send to us and we still offer them with the service announced on our website.</p> <p>2.08 - We do not offer refunds in any way and under any circumstances as that would affect the stability and performance of our company.</p> 3.xx - Data Privacy &amp. Retention <p>3.01 - We retain personal data of any kind as long as they are needed for our systems to operate, and for the client to get the service advertised on our website and for basic functionality.</p> <p>3.02 - We keep your personal data on our servers around the world and we are not responsible of how our service provider(s) maintain your data and how they deal with it.</p> <p>3.03 - Personal data are given by yourself and with your consent to it. That's mostly when you are using our website or any service that we provide.</p> <p>3.04 - We use cookies to save your preferences, settings and session data for a better experience, for more information, please read this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie (Link to external site).</p> <p>3.05 - The client has the right to modify their personal data and adjust their privacy settings as needed. However, some details such as "First Name", "Last Name" and other data may not be editable after registration for security reasons.</p> <p>3.06 - We collect access data such as your public IP address, device details (type, information), browser details (type, version, etc.) and store them indefinitely for security reasons.</p> <p>3.07 - We use third party services for security and to provide our service and for processing payments (such as: Cloudflare, Google reCAPTCHA, PayPal) and we are not responsible of how they process your data and for how long do they retain it.</p> <p>3.08 - The company strives to offer a highly secure service to it's customers but unfortunately the Internet can never be 100% secure and data breaches are a thing. We are not responsible of any damage resulted from that.</p> <p>3.09 - You must be at least 13 years old to use our services.</p> <p>3.10 - We are not responsible of the integrity of the data and it's the user's sole responsibility to maintain backups of their data on their own devices.</p> <p>3.11 - We might refuse to delete personal data if they are needed for security or administrative reasons, or if removing them will cause damage to our services.</p> <p>3.12 - We may share your data in the following situations (but not limited to them): If required by law enforcement or if we are doing a merge or are moving to a different data center, or for keeping backups of our servers.</p> 4.xx Community Guidelines <p>4.01 - Do not scam others or share malicious/dangerous content or malware or even promote such things on our website.</p> <p>4.02 - No hate speech, racism, bullying or anything that makes other members feel unsafe.</p> <p>4.03 - Respect others' privacy and do not abuse it.</p> <p>4.04 - No self-promotion or random advertisements for products or services.</p> <p>4.05 - Do not abuse our system or make fun of it for personal or financial gain or for any reason.</p> <p>4.06 - Do not copy content created by others without their consent.</p> <p>4.07 - Do not share pornography and don't be sexually abusive towards others.</p> <p>4.08 - Do not attempt to indirectly break our rules or encourage others to break it.</p> <p>4.09 - Do not promote drug abuse or show any content that relates to it.</p> <p>4.10 - Do not promote wars, conflicts or anything of that kind.</p> <p>4.11 - Do not instigate arguments and respect others whatever their race, religion or interests are.</p> <p>4.12 - Give more than you take and use common sense when interacting with others.</p> <p>4.13 - Respect the opinion and thoughts of your fellow members.</p> <p>4.14 - No negative criticism.</p> <p>4.15 - Do not ask to ask, and keep your topics related to where you are publishing them.</p> <p>4.16 - Think twice before posting and do not bump old topics or duplicate them.</p> <p>4.17 - Edit your reply instead of posting multiple replies whenever needed.</p> <p>4.18 - Keep your profile photo, signature and any custom fields free from anything that's immoral, illegal or against our rules.</p> <p>4.19 - Do not impersonate others for any reason.</p> <p>4.20 - Do not attempt to cause damage or harm to us, our members or a third party.</p> <p>4.21 - Do not threaten or disrespect other members.</p> <p>4.22 - Do not make use of insults or bad words.</p> <p>4.23 - Do not post anything that breaks the law.</p> <p>4.24 - Stay relevant and on topic.</p> <p>4.25 - Do not share your personal data with anyone.</p> <p>4.26 - Follow the rules in the public and in private messages/chat.</p> <p>4.27 - Do not advertise in private.</p> <p>4.28 - We are not responsible of you doing business with other members on our community.</p> <p>4.29 - If a member is confirmed to be a scammer or a spammer they will be banned immediately.</p> <p>4.30 - Content published by yourself on our website may not be deleted if your account gets deleted.</p> <p>4.31 - All your content and media must be appropriate to public audience.</p> <p>4.32 - We are not responsible of the validity of content published by our members and it's up to you to trust the member or not.</p> <p>4.33 - Community support matters should not be settled in private as that breaks the idea of having "Community Support".</p> <p>4.34 - Keep the place like you want your own home to be.</p> <p>4.35 - We do not guarantee that our content is free of typos or errors and we may not be held responsible of a misunderstanding that resulted from a typo on our end.</p> <p>4.36 - We should not be held responsible of any damage that might occur as a result of using our service or website.</p> Still not convinced on buying? Visit our Community <br> Join our Discord server Join now <ul> <li> Contact </li> <li> About us </li> <li> Terms of Use </li> <li> FAQ's </li> <li> Support </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Facebook </li> <li> Twitter </li> </ul> © 2021 Headway Hosting, all rights reserved

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