
SailPoint – EU Data Processing Addendum

1,(V.20200702),SailPoint Technologies, Inc., ,SaaS Customer EU Data Processing Addendum(v11102020),This SaaS Customer EU Data Processing Addendum("DPA"), forms part of the Agreement between,SailPoint and Customerand shall be effective on the later of:(i) the effective date of the Agreement;and (ii) ,the date both parties execute this DPA ("Effective Date").All capitalized terms not defined in this DPA shall ,have the meanings set forth in the Agreement.,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this DPA to be executed by their authorized ,representative:,SailPointTechnologies, Inc.Customer: ____________________________,By: _______________________________ By: __________________________________,Name:____________________________Name: _______________________________,Title: ______________________________Title: _________________________________,Date: ______________________________Date: _________________________________,1.Definitions,1.1The following terms shall have meanings ascribed for the purposes of this DPA:,"Affiliate" means an entity that controls, is controlled by or shares common control with a party, ,where such control arises from either (a) a direct or indirect ownership interest of more than 50% ,or (b) the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies, whether through ,the ownership of voting stock by contract, or otherwise, equal to that provided by a direct or indirect ,ownership of more than 50%. ,"Agreement" meansthe SaaS Agreement.,"CCPA" means the California Consumer Privacy Act. ,"Customer Personal Information" means any Customer Datathat is PersonalInformation ,(including Sensitive Personal Information) that Customer discloses, provides or otherwise makes ,available to SailPoint (either directly or indirectly) under or in connection with the Agreement.. ,"Data Controller" means an entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of ,Personal Information. ,"Data Processor" means an entity thatProcesses Personal Informationon behalf of a Data ,Controller. ,"Data Protection Laws" means all data protection and privacy laws applicable tothe respective ,party in its role inthe Processingof Personal Informationunder the Agreement, including,but not ,limited to,(where applicable)European Data Protection Lawand/or the CCPA. ,"EEA" means, for the purposes of this DPA, the European Economic Area.,2,"EuropeanData Protection Law" means: (i)Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament,and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal ,dataand on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) (“GDPR”) as ,implemented by countries within the EEA. (ii) the European Union e-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC ,as implemented by countries within the EEA;and/or (iii) other laws that are similar, equivalent to, ,successors to, or that are intended to or implement the laws that are identified in (i) through (ii) ,above, including by the UK and Switzerland.,"Model Clauses" means the Standard Contractual Clauses forDataProcessors as approved by ,the European Commission in the form set out in Annex A.,"Personal Information" means:any information (i) relating to an identified or identifiable natural ,person. or (ii) defined as "personally identifiable information", "personal information", "personal ,data"or similar terms, as such terms are defined under Data Protection Laws.,"Process", "Processes","Processing",and "Processed" means any operation or set of ,operations performed upon Personal Information, whether or not by automatic means.,"SailPoint"means SailPoint Technologies, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of ,Delaware, United States of America, whose principal place of business is at 11120Four Points ,Drive, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78726, USA.,"Security Incident" means any unauthorisedor unlawful breach of security that leads to the ,accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthoriseddisclosure of or access to,CustomerPersonalInformation on systems managed by or otherwise controlled by SailPointbut ,does not include anyUnsuccessful Security Incident.,"Sensitive PersonalInformation" means any Customer Personal Informationrevealing racial or ,ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and ,the Processingof genetic data, biometric data for the purposes of uniquely identifying a natural ,person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation. ,"Services" means the SaaS Service provided by SailPoint to Customer pursuant to the Agreement. ,"Sub-processor" means any Data Processor engaged by SailPointor its Affiliates to assist in ,fulfilling its obligations with respect to providing the Services pursuant to the Agreement or this ,DPA. Sub-processors may include third parties or SailPoint’s Affiliates. ,“Unsuccessful Security Incident” means an unsuccessful attempt or activity that does not ,compromise the security of Customer Personal Information, including (without limitation) pings and ,other broadcast attacks of firewalls or edge servers, port scans, unsuccessful log-on attempts, ,denial of service attacks, packet sniffing (or other unauthorisedaccess to traffic data that does not ,result in access beyond headers) or similar incidents.,1.2Capitalised terms used in this DPA that are not defined in this Section 1 (Definitions) shall have ,the meaning ascribed to them elsewhere in this DPA and/or the Agreement. ,2.Scope and Applicability of this DPA ,2.1This DPA applies where and only to the extent that:(i) SailPointProcesses Customer Personal ,Informationon the behalf of Customer asaData Processor in the course of providing Services ,pursuant to the Agreement. and (ii) Customer is subject to European Data Protection Law. ,3,2.2Notwithstanding expiry or termination of the Agreementand subject to Section9(Return or ,Deletion of Customer Personal Information), this DPA will remain in effect until, and will ,automatically expire upon, deletion of all Customer Personal Informationby SailPointas to ,Customer described in this DPA. ,3.Roles and Scope of Processing,3.1Role of the Parties. For the purposesof European Data Protection Law, SailPoint shall Process ,Customer Personal Informationonly as a Data Processor acting on behalf of Customer. ,3.2Customer Processing of PersonalInformation. Customer agrees that:(i) it will comply with its ,obligations under Data Protection Laws in respect of itsProcessingof PersonalInformation and ,any Processinginstructions it issues to SailPoint. and (ii) it has provided all fair processing notices,and obtained all consents and rights necessaryunder Data Protection Lawsfor SailPointto ,Process PersonalInformation and provide the Services pursuant to the Agreement and this DPA. ,If EuropeanData Protection Law applies to the Processingof Customer Personal Informationand ,Customer is itself a Data Processor, Customer warrants to SailPointthat Customer's instructions ,and actions with respect to that Customer Personal Information, including its appointment of ,SailPointas another Data Processor, have been authorised by the relevant Data Controller. ,3.3Customer Instructions. SailPointwill ProcessCustomer PersonalInformationonly for the ,purposes described in this DPAand only in accordance with Customer’s documented lawful ,instructions, and applicable Data Protection Laws. The parties agree that this DPA and the ,Agreement set out the Customer’s complete and final instructions to SailPointin relation to the ,Processingof Customer PersonalInformation by SailPoint. Additional Processingoutside the ,scope of these instructions (if any) will require prior written agreement between Customer and ,SailPoint. ,3.4Details of Data Processing.,(a)Subject matter: The subject matter of the data Processingunder this DPA is the Customer ,PersonalInformation. ,(b)Duration: As between SailPointand Customer, the duration of the Processingunder this ,DPA isuntilthe terminationof the Agreementin accordance with its terms. ,(c)Purpose: The purpose of the Processingunder this DPA is the provision of the Services ,to the Customerand the performance of SailPoint's obligations under the Agreement ,(including this DPA) or as otherwise agreed by the partiesin mutually executed written ,form. ,(d)Nature of the processing: To provideidentity governancesolutionsandother Services as ,described in the Agreement,SailPoint will ProcessCustomer Personal Informationupon ,the instruction of the Customer in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. ,(e)Categories of data subjects: Customer may discloseCustomer Personal Informationto ,SailPoint, the extent of which is determined and controlled by Customer in its sole ,discretion, and which may include, but is not limited to, Personal Information relating to ,the following categories of data subjects: ,(i)Employees, contractors, agents, advisors, freelancers of Customer (who are ,natural persons). and/or,4,(ii)Iflicensed under the Agreement, Customer’s business partners and/or end-,users authorisedby Customer to use the Services.,(f)Types of Personal Information:Customer may discloseCustomer Personal Informationto ,SailPoint, the extent of which is determined and controlled by Customer in its sole ,discretion, and which may include, but is not limited to, the following types of Personal ,Information: ,(i)Identification and contactdata (name, address, title, contact details);,(ii)Employment details (job title, role, manager). and/or,(iii)IT information (entitlements, IP addresses, usage data, cookies data, ,geolocation data).,(g)Sensitive Personal Information:Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, Customer ,willnot provide or make available to SailPoint Sensitive Personal Information. ,3.5Access,Useor Sell. ,(a)SailPointwill not: (i) sell any Customer Personal Information received from Customer. or ,(ii) retain,access, discloseor use Customer PersonalInformation, provided by or ,collected on behalf of Customer for any purposeexcept as necessary to maintain or ,provide the Servicesspecified in the Agreement and this DPA, or as necessary to comply ,with the law or binding order of a governmental body, including retaining, accessing, ,disclosing or using the Customer Information for a commercial purpose other than ,providing the Services specified in the Agreement. ,(b)SailPoint shall not disclose Customer Personal Information to another business, person, ,or third party, except for the purpose of maintaining or providing the Services specified in ,the Agreement, including to provide PersonalInformation to advisers or sub-processors ,as described below, or to the extent such disclosure is required by law. ,4.Sub-processing,4.1Authorized Sub-processors. Customer agrees thatSailPointmay engage Sub-processors to ,ProcessCustomer PersonalInformationon Customer's behalf. TheSub-processorscurrently ,engaged by SailPointand authorized by Customer are listedon SailPoint’s websiteat ,,4.2Sub-processor Obligations. SailPointwill: (i)not engagea Sub-processor unless SailPoint enters,into a written agreement with the Sub-processor imposing data protection terms that require the ,Sub-processor to protect the Customer PersonalInformationto thesamestandard as SailPoint. ,and (ii) remain responsible for its compliance with the obligations of this DPA and for any failure by,the Sub-processor to fulfil itsdata protectionobligations underthe applicable Data Protection Laws. ,4.3Changes to Sub-processors.,(a)In relation to the list of Sub-processors on SailPoint’s website at ,, SailPointshall notify and request ,Customer’s approval of any: (a) new Sub-processor it intends to grant permission. or (b) ,existing Sub-processor it intends to withdraw permission, in either (a) and (b), to Process ,Customer Personal Information (“Request”) at least thirty (30) days prior to such grant or,withdrawal, as the case may be (such notice period, the “Review Period”). ,5,(b)Customer acknowledges and agrees that: (a) it will make every effort to provide SailPoint ,with its approval of SailPoint's Request within the Review Period (such approval not to be,unreasonably withheld). and (b) any objections raised by Customer during the Review ,Period may only be based on reasonable grounds and only with respect to data protection ,concerns.,(c)The parties agree that: (a) any non-response by the Customer during the Review Period ,will be taken as the Customer’s approval of that Request where Customer continues to ,use the Services after the Review Period has lapsed. and (b) any objection by the ,Customer during the Review Period will result in the parties discussing suchconcerns in ,good faith with a view to achieving a mutually beneficial resolution. If SailPoint cannot ,provide an alternative Sub-processor, or the parties are not otherwise able to achieve a ,mutually beneficial resolution as provided in (b) above, Customer, as its sole and ,exclusive remedy, may terminate the Services which cannot be provided by SailPoint ,without the use of the objected-to new Sub-processor by providing written notice to ,SailPoint. Upon receipt of such written notice, SailPoint will provide a pro-rata refund for ,prepaid fees for Services not performed/delivered as of the date of termination to ,Customer.,5.Security ,5.1Security Measures. Taking into account the nature of the Processing, SailPointshall implement ,and maintain appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect Customer ,Personal InformationfromSecurity Incidentsand to preserve the security and confidentiality of the ,Customer Personal Information, in accordance with SailPoint's SaaS Data Security Program as ,described on SailPoint’s website at ,“Security Measures”).,5.2Updates to Security Measures. Customer is responsible for reviewing the information made ,available by SailPointrelating to data security and making an independent determination as to ,whether the Services meet Customer’s requirements and legal obligations under Data Protection ,Laws. Customer acknowledges that the Security Measures aresubject to technical progress and ,development and that SailPointmay update or modify the Security Measuresfrom time to time ,provided that such updates and modifications do not result in a material degradation of the overall ,security of the Services.,5.3Customer Responsibilities. Customer agrees that, without prejudice to SailPoint's obligations ,under Section 5.1 (Security Measures) and Section 8.2 (Security Incident Response):,(a)Customer is responsible for its use of the Services, including making appropriate use of ,the Services to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk in respect of the Customer ,Personal Information, securing its account authentication credentials, protecting the ,security of Customer Personal Informationwhen in transit to and from the Services, taking ,appropriate steps to securely encrypt and/or backup any Customer Personal Information,uploaded to the Services, and properly configuring the Services and using available ,features and functionalities to maintain appropriate security in light of the nature of the ,Customer Personal InformationProcessed by Customer’s use of the Services. and ,(b)SailPointhas no obligation to protect Customer Personal Informationthat Customer elects ,to store or transfer outside of SailPoint's and its Sub-processors’ (where applicable) ,systems (for example, offline or on-premise storage). ,5.4Customer’s Security Assessment. Customer is responsible for reviewing the Security Measures,and evaluating for itself whether the Services and the Security Measuresand SailPoint's ,6,commitments under this Section 5 (Security) and Section 8 (Additional Security) will meet ,Customer’s needs, including with respect to any obligations of Customer under Data Protection ,Laws as applicable. ,6.Security Reports and Audits ,6.1Upon request, SailPointshall provideto Customer (on a confidential basis) a summary copy of any,third-party audit report(s) or certifications applicable to the Services ("Report"), so that Customer ,can verify SailPoint's compliance with this DPA, the audit standards against which it has been ,assessed, and the standards specified in the SailPoint Security Measures. ,6.2If Customer reasonably believes that theReportprovided is insufficient to demonstrate compliance ,with this DPA, SailPointshall also provide written responses (on a confidential basis) to reasonable ,requests for information made by Customerrelated to its Processingof Customer Personal ,Information, including responses to information security and audit questionnaires that are ,necessary to confirm SailPoint's compliance with this DPA, provided that Customer shall not ,exercise this right more than once per year. ,6.3If Customer reasonably believes that the information provided pursuant to Sections6.1 and/or 6.2 ,is insufficient to demonstrate compliance with this DPA, SailPoint will allow an audit by Customer ,(or auditors appointed by Customer and reasonably acceptable to SailPoint) inrelation to ,SailPoint’s Processingof Customer Personal Information. Any such audit will be at Customer’s ,expense, withreasonable advance notice, conducted during normal business hoursno more than ,once every 12 monthsand subject to SailPoint’s reasonable security and confidentiality ,requirementsand provided that the exercise of rights under this Section 6.3 would not infringe Data ,Protection Laws. ,7.International Transfers ,7.1Data Storage and Processing Facilities. In the event that SailPoint is providing SaaS services ,to the Customer, any Customer Data that the Customer uploads to the SaaS services shall remain ,at all times at the location of the Host (as detailed in the Agreement). With respect to its general ,provision of the Services, SailPointmaystore and ProcessCustomer PersonalInformationin ,SailPoint’s internal systemsanywhere in the world where SailPoint, its Affiliates or its Sub-,processors maintain data processing operations. WhereSailPointtransfers and otherwise ,Processes Customer PersonalInformationoutside of the EEA, the UK or Switzerland, including by ,any Sub-processor, SailPoint will ensure that such transfer is madein accordance with the ,requirements of Data Protection Laws, such as by entering into Model Clauses.,7.2Model Clauses. To the extent that SailPointProcessesany Customer PersonalInformationfrom ,the EEA, the UK or Switzerlandand transfers such Customer Information outside of the EEA, the ,UK or Switzerland to countries not deemed by the European Commission to provide an adequate ,level of data protection, the parties agree to enter into and comply with theModel Clauses. SailPoint,agrees that it is a "data importer" and Customer is the "data exporter" under the Model Clauses ,(notwithstanding that the Customer may be anentity located outside of the EEA, the UK or ,Switzerland).,7.3Alternative Transfer Mechanism.The parties agree that the data export solution identified in ,Section 7.2(Model Clauses)will not apply if and to the extent that SailPointadopts an alternative ,data export solution for the lawful transfer of Personal Information(as recognised under EU Data ,Protection Laws) outside of the EEA, the UK or Switzerland, in which event, Customer shall take ,any action (which may include execution of documents) strictly required to give effect to such ,solution and the alternative transfer mechanism willapply instead(but only to theextent such ,7,alternative transfer mechanism extends to the territories to which Customer Personal Information,is transferred).,8.Additional Security ,8.1Confidentiality of Processing. SailPointshall ensure that any person who is authorized by ,SailPointto ProcessCustomer PersonalInformation (including its staff, agents and subcontractors) ,shall be under an appropriate obligation of confidentiality (whether a contractual or statutory duty).,8.2Security Incident Response. Upon confirmingaSecurity Incident, SailPointshall: (i)taking into ,account the nature of SailPoint’s Processing of Customer Personal Information and the information ,available to SailPoint, notify Customerof a Security Incident that it becomes aware of, without ,undue delay. (ii)provide timely information relating to the Security Incident as it becomes known ,or as is reasonably requested by Customer. and (iii) promptly take reasonable steps to contain, ,investigate, and mitigate any Security Incident.,8.3Notification. Customer acknowledges that SailPointwill notassess the contents of Customer ,Personal Informationin order to identify information subject to any specific legal requirements. ,Customer is solely responsible tocomply with incident notification laws applicable to Customer and ,fulfilling any third-partynotification obligations related to any Security Incidents.Unless otherwise ,required under Data Protection Laws, the parties agree to coordinate in good faith on developing ,the content of any related public statements or any required notices for the affected data subjects ,and/or notices to the relevant supervisory authorities.,9.Return or Deletion of Customer Personal Information,9.1On termination or expiration of the Agreement, Customer may wish to instructSailPointto delete,or returnall Customer Personal Information(including copies) from SailPoint's systems in ,accordance with applicable law. SailPointwill, after a recovery period of up to 30 days following ,such expiry or termination, comply with this instruction as soon as reasonably practicable, where ,technically feasible. Customer shall be responsible for retrievingany remaining Customer Personal ,Informationit wishes to retain before the end of the recovery period. SailPointshall not be required ,to delete or return C ustomer PersonalInformation to the extent (i) SailPointis required by ,applicable lawor order of a governmental or regulatory bodyto retain some or all of the Customer ,PersonalInformation. and/or (ii), Customer PersonalInformation it has archived on back-up ,systems, whichCustomerPersonalInformation SailPointshall securely isolate and protect from ,any further processing, except to the extent required by applicable law. ,10.Cooperation,10.1Taking into account the nature of the Processsing, SailPointshall (at Customer's request and ,expense) provide reasonable cooperation to assist Customer to respond to any requests from data ,subjectsin relation to their data subject rights (e.g. right toaccess, erasure, deletion, to opt-out of ,sales, and any other similar data subject requests)under Data Protection Law or applicable data ,protection authorities relating to the Processingof Customer Personal Informationunder the ,Agreement. In the eventthat any requestfrom data subjectsor applicable data protection ,authoritiesis made directly to SailPoint, SailPointshall not respond to such communication directly ,without Customer's prior authorisationother than to inform the requestor that SailPoint is not ,authorised to directly respond to a request, and recommend the requestor submit the request ,directly to Customer, unless legally compelled to do so, and instead, after being notifiedby ,SailPoint, Customer shall respond. If SailPointis required to respond to such a request, SailPoint,will promptly notify Customer and provide it with a copy of the request unless legally prohibited ,from doing so.For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 10.1 does not seek to diminish or exclude ,any right of remedy to which the data subject may be entitled pursuant to Article 82 of the GDPR. ,8,10.2If a law enforcement agency sends SailPointa demand for Customer PersonalInformation(e.g., a ,subpoena or court order), SailPointwill attempt to redirect the law enforcement agency to request ,that data directly from Customer. As part of this effort, SailPointmay provide Customer’s contact ,information to the law enforcement agency. If compelled to disclose Customer Personal,Informationto a law enforcement agency, then SailPointwill give Customer reasonable notice of ,the demand to allow Customer to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy to the extent ,SailPointis legally permitted todo so.,10.3Customer acknowledges thatSailPointmay berequired under European Data Protection Lawto: ,(a) collect and maintain records of certain information, including the name and contact details of ,each Data Processor and/or Data Controller on behalf of which SailPointis acting and, where ,applicable, of such Data Processor’s or Data Controller's local representative and data protection ,officer. and (b) make such information available to the supervisory authorities. Accordingly, if ,European Data Protection Lawapplies to the Processingof Customer Personal Information, ,Customer will, where requested, provide such information to SailPoint, and will ensure that all ,information provided is kept accurate and up-to-date.,10.4Taking into accountthe nature of the Processing and information available toSailPoint, SailPoint,shall(at Customer's request and expense) provide reasonably requested information regarding the ,Services to enable the Customer to carry out data protection impact assessments.,11.Relationship with the Agreement ,11.1Except for the changes made by this DPA, the Agreement remains unchanged and in full force and ,effect. If there is any conflict between this DPA and the Agreement, this DPA shall prevail to the ,extent of that conflict in connection with the Processing of Customer Personal Information. ,11.2Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement or this DPA, the liability of each party ,and each party’s Affiliates under this DPA shall be subject to the exclusions and limitations of ,liability set out in the Agreement. Without limiting either of the parties’ obligations under the ,Agreement, Customer agrees that any regulatory penalties incurred by SailPointthat arise as a ,result of, or in connection with, Customer’s failure to comply with its obligations under this DPA or ,any applicable Data Protection Laws shall count toward and reduce SailPoint’s liability under the ,Agreement as if it were liability to the Customer under the Agreement. ,11.3Any claims against SailPointor its Affiliates under this DPA shall only be brought by the Customer ,entity that is a party to the Agreement against the SailPointentity that is a party to the Agreement. ,In no event shall this DPA or any party restrict or limit the rights of any data subject or of any ,competent supervisory authority.,11.4This DPA will be governed by and construed in accordance with governing law and jurisdiction ,provisions in the Agreement, unless required otherwise by applicable Data Protection Laws.,11.5This DPA and the Model Clauses willterminate simultaneously and automatically with the ,termination or expiry of the Agreement.,9,Annex A-Model Clauses,Standard Contractual Clauses (processors),For the purposes of Article 26(2) of Directive 95/46/EC for the transfer of personal data to processors ,established in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection.,THE PARTIES HAVE AGREED on the following Contractual Clauses (the Clauses) in order to adduce ,adequate safeguards with respect to the protection of privacy and fundamental rights and freedoms of ,individuals for the transfer by the data exporter to the data importer of the personal data specified in ,Appendix 1to this Annex A. ,1.Definitions,For the purposes of the Clauses:,'personal data', 'special categories of data', 'process/processing', 'controller', 'processor', ,'data subject' and 'supervisory authority' shall have the same meaning as in Directive 95/46/EC ,of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals ,with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;,'the data exporter'means the controller who transfers the personal data;,'the data importer'means the processor who agrees to receive from the data exporter personal ,data intended for processing on his behalf after the transfer in accordance with his instructions and ,the terms of the Clauses and who is not subject to a third country's system ensuring adequate ,protection within the meaning of Article 25(1) of Directive95/46/EC;,'the subprocessor'means any processor engaged by the data importer or by any other ,subprocessor of the data importer who agrees to receive from the data importer or from any other ,subprocessor of the data importer personal data exclusively intended for processing activities to ,be carried out on behalf of the data exporter after the transfer in accordance with his instructions, ,the terms of the Clauses and the terms of the written subcontract;,'the applicable data protection law' means the legislation protecting the fundamental rights and ,freedoms of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with respect to the processing of ,personal data applicable to a data controller in the Member State in which the data exporter is ,established;,'technical and organisational security measures'means those measures aimed at protecting ,personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised ,disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data overa ,network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.,2.Details of the transfer,The details of the transfer and in particular the special categories of personal data where applicable ,are specified in Appendix 1 which forms an integral part of the Clauses.,3.Third-party beneficiary clause,3.1The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) ,to (e), and (g) to (j), Clause 6(1) and (2), Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party ,beneficiary. ,10,3.2The data subject can enforce against the data importer this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), ,Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where the data exporter has ,factually disappeared or has ceased to exist in law unless any successor entity has assumed the ,entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law, as a result of which ,it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce ,them against such entity. ,3.3The data subject can enforce against the subprocessor this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), ,Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and ,the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, ,unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by ,contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data ,exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such third-party ,liability of the subprocessor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses. ,3.4The parties do not object to a data subject being represented by an association orother body if the ,data subject so expressly wishes and if permitted by national law. ,4.Obligations of the data exporter,The data exporter agrees and warrants: ,(a)that the processing, including the transfer itself, of the personal data has been and will ,continue to be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable data ,protection law (and, where applicable, has been notified to the relevant authorities of the ,Member State where the data exporter is established) and does not violate the relevant ,provisions of that State;,(b)that it has instructed and throughout the duration of the personal data processing services ,will instruct the data importer to process the personal data transferred only on the data ,exporter's behalf and in accordance with the applicable data protection law and the ,Clauses;,(c)that the data importer will provide sufficient guarantees in respect of the technical and ,organisational security measures specified in Appendix 2 to this Annex A;,(d)that after assessment of the requirements of the applicable data protection law, the security ,measures are appropriate to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful ,destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, in particular ,where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against all other ,unlawful forms of processing, and that these measures ensure a level of security appropriate ,to the risks presented by the processing and the nature of the data to be protected having ,regard to the state of the art and the cost of their implementation;,(e)that it will ensure compliance with the security measures;,(f)that, if the transfer involves special categories of data, the data subject has been informed ,or will be informed before, or as soon as possible after, the transfer that its data could be,transmitted to a third country not providing adequate protection within the meaning of ,Directive 95/46/EC;,(g)to forward any notification received from the data importer or any subprocessor pursuant ,to Clause 5(b) and Clause 8(3) to the data protection supervisory authority if the data ,exporter decides to continue the transfer or to lift the suspension;,11,(h)to make available to the data subjects upon request a copy of the Clauses, with the ,exception of Appendix 2, and a summary description of the security measures, as well as ,a copy of any contract for subprocessing services which has to be made in accordance ,with the Clauses, unless the Clauses or the contract contain commercial information, in ,which case it may remove such commercial information;,(i)that, in the event of subprocessing, the processing activity is carried out in accordance ,with Clause 11 by a subprocessor providing at least the same level of protection for the ,personal data and the rights of data subject as the data importer under the Clauses. and,(j)that it will ensure compliance with Clause 4(a) to (i).,5.Obligations of the data importer,The data importer agreesand warrants:,(a)to process the personal data only on behalf of the data exporter and in compliance with its ,instructions and the Clauses. if it cannot provide such compliance for whatever reasons, it ,agrees to inform promptly the data exporter of its inability to comply, in which case the ,data exporter is entitled to suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the contract;,(b)that it has no reasonto believe that the legislation applicable to it prevents it from fulfilling ,the instructions received from the data exporter and its obligations under the contract and ,that in the event of a change in this legislation which is likely to have a substantial adverse ,effect on the warranties and obligations provided by the Clauses, it will promptly notify the ,change to the data exporter as soon as it is aware, in which case the data exporter is ,entitled to suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the contract;,(c)that it has implemented the technical and organisational security measures specified in ,Appendix 2 before processing the personal data transferred;,(d)that it will promptly notify the data exporter about:,(i)any legally binding request for disclosure of the personal data by a law ,enforcement authority unless otherwise prohibited, such as a prohibition under ,criminal law to preserve the confidentiality of a law enforcement investigation,,(ii)any accidental or unauthorised access, and,(iii)any request received directly from the data subjects without responding to that ,request, unless it has been otherwise authorised to do so;,(e)to deal promptly and properly with all inquiries from the data exporter relating to its ,processing of the personal data subject to the transfer and to abide by the advice of the ,supervisory authority with regard to the processing of the data transferred;,(f)at the request of the data exporter to submit its data processing facilities for audit of the ,processing activities covered by the Clauses which shall be carried out by the data ,exporter or an inspection body composed of independent members and in possession of ,the required professional qualifications bound by a duty of confidentiality, selected by the ,data exporter, where applicable, in agreement with the supervisory authority;,(g)to make available to the data subject upon request a copy of the Clauses, or any existing ,contract for subprocessing, unless the Clauses or contract contain commercial ,12,information, in which case it may remove such commercialinformation, with the exception ,of Appendix 2 which shall be replaced by a summary description of the security measures ,in those cases where the data subject is unable to obtain a copy from the data exporter;,(h)that, in the event of subprocessing, it has previously informed the data exporter and ,obtained its prior written consent;,(i)that theprocessing services by the subprocessor will be carried out in accordance with ,Clause 11;,(j)to send promptly a copy of any subprocessor agreement it concludes under the Clauses ,to the data exporter.,6.Liability,6.1The parties agree that any data subject, who has suffered damage as a result of any breach of the ,obligations referredto in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 by any party or subprocessor is entitled to receive ,compensationfrom the data exporter for the damage suffered.,6.2If a data subject is not able to bring a claim for compensation in accordance with paragraph 1 against ,the data exporter, arising out of a breach by the data importer or his subprocessor of any of their ,obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11, because the data exporter has factually ,disappeared or ceased to exist in law or has become insolvent, the data importer agrees that the data ,subject may issue a claim against the data importer as if it were the data exporter, unless any ,successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract of by ,operation of law, in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against such entity.,6.3The data importer may not rely on a breach by a subprocessor of its obligations in order to avoid ,its own liabilities.,6.4If a data subject is not able to bring a claim against the data exporter or the data importer referred ,to in paragraphs 1 and 2, arising out of a breach by the subprocessor of any of their obligations ,referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 because both the data exporter and the data importer have ,factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, the subprocessor agrees ,that the data subject may issue a claim against the data subprocessorwith regard to its own ,processing operations under the Clauses as if it were the data exporter or the data importer, unless ,any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter or data importer by ,contract or by operation of law,in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against such entity.,The liability of the subprocessor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the ,Clauses.,7.Mediation and jurisdiction,7.1The data importer agrees that if the data subject invokes against it third-party beneficiary rights ,and/or claims compensation for damages under the Clauses, the data importer will accept the ,decision of the data subject:,(a)to refer the dispute to mediation, by an independent person or, where applicable, bythe ,supervisory authority;,(b)to refer the dispute to the courts in the Member State in which the data exporter is ,established.,13,7.2The parties agree that the choice made by the data subject will not prejudice its substantive or ,procedural rights to seek remedies in accordance with other provisions of national or international ,law.,8.Cooperation with supervisory authorities,8.1The data exporter agrees to deposit a copy of this contract with the supervisory authority if it so ,requests or if such deposit is required under the applicable data protection law.,8.2The parties agree that the supervisory authority has the right to conduct an audit of the data ,importer, and of any subprocessor, which has the same scope and is subject to the same conditions ,as would apply to an audit of the data exporter under the applicable data protection law.,8.3The data importer shall promptly inform the data exporter about the existence of legislation ,applicable to it or any subprocessor preventing the conduct of an audit of the data importer, or any ,subprocessor, pursuant to paragraph 2. In such a case the data exporter shall be entitled to take ,the measures foreseen in Clause 5 (b).,9.Governing Law,The Clauses shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is ,established, unless the data exporter is established in the UK, in which case, English law will apply.,10.Variation of the contract,The parties undertake not to vary or modify the Clauses. This does not preclude the parties from ,adding clauses on business related issues where required as long as they do not contradict the ,Clause.,11.Subprocessing,11.1The data importer shall not subcontract any of its processing operations performed on behalf of ,the data exporter under the Clauses without the prior written consent of the data exporter. Where ,the data importer subcontracts its obligations under the Clauses, with the consent of the data ,exporter, it shall do so only by way of a written agreement with the subprocessor which imposes ,the same obligations on the subprocessor as are imposed on the data importer under the Clauses. ,Where the subprocessor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations under such written agreement ,the data importer shall remain fully liable to the data exporter for the performance of the ,subprocessor's obligations under such agreement. ,11.2The prior written contract between the data importer and the subprocessor shall also provide for a ,third-party beneficiary clause as laid down in Clause 3 for cases where the data subject is not able ,to bring the claim for compensation referred to in paragraph 1 of Clause 6 against the data exporter ,or the data importer because they have factually disappeared or have ceased to exist in law or ,have become insolvent and no successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data ,exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law. Such third-party liability of the ,subprocessor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses.,11.3The provisions relating to data protection aspectsfor subprocessing of the contract referred to in ,paragraph 1 shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is ,established.,14,11.4The data exporter shall keep a list of subprocessing agreements concluded under the Clauses and ,notified by the data importer pursuant to Clause 5 (j), which shall be updated at least once a year. ,The list shall be available to the data exporter's data protection supervisory authority. ,12.Obligation after the termination of personal data processing services,12.1The parties agree that on the termination of the provision of data processing services, the data ,importer and the subprocessor shall, at the choice of the data exporter, return all the personal data ,transferred and the copies thereof to the data exporter or shall destroy all the personal data and ,certify to the data exporter that it has done so, unless legislation imposed upon the data importer ,prevents it from returning or destroying all or part of the personal data transferred. In that case, the ,data importer warrants that it will guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data transferred and ,will not actively process the personal data transferred anymore.,12.2The data importer and the subprocessor warrant that upon request of the data exporter and/or of ,the supervisory authority, it will submit its data processing facilities for an audit of the measures ,referred to in paragraph 1.,On behalfof the data exporter,:,Name (written out in full):,Position:,Address:,Other information necessary in order for the contract to be binding (if any):,Signature…………………………………………………………………………………...,On behalf of the data importer, SailPoint Technologies, Inc.:,Name (written out in full):,Position:,Address:11120 Four Points Dr., Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78726, USA,Other information necessary in order for the contract to be binding (if any):none,Signature…………………………………………………………………………………..,15,Appendix 1 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,This Appendix forms part of the Clausesand must be completed by the parties. ,Data exporter: The data exporter is the entity identified as the "Customer" in the Data Processing Addendum ,in place between data exporter and data importer and to which these Clauses are appended ("DPA"). ,Data importer:The data importer is the US headquartered company, SailPointTechnologies, Inc,("SailPoint"). SailPointprovides identity governancesolutions andother Services as described in the ,Agreementwhich processCustomerPersonal Informationupon the instructionof the Customer in ,accordance with the terms of the Agreement. ,Description of Data Processing: Please see Section 3.4 (Details of Processing) of this DPA for a description ,of the data subjects, categories of data, special categories of data and processing operations. ,16,Appendix 2 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,This Appendix forms part of the Clausesand must be completed by the parties.,Description of the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the data importer in ,accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached):,Please see the Security Measures, which describes the technical and organisational security measures ,implemented by SailPoint.,17,Appendix 3 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,This Appendix forms part of the Clausesandmust be completed by the parties. ,This Appendix sets out the parties' interpretation of their respective obligations under specific Clauses ,identified below. Where a party complies with the interpretations set out in this Appendix, that party shall ,be deemed by the other party to have complied with its commitments under the Clauses. ,Clause 4(h) and 8: Disclosure of these Clauses,1.Data exporter agrees that these Clauses constitute data importer's Confidential Information as that ,term is defined in the Agreement and may not be disclosed by data exporter to any third party ,without data importer's prior written consent unless permittedpursuant to the Agreement. This shall ,not prevent disclosure of these Clauses to a data subject pursuant to Clause 4(h) or a supervisory ,authority pursuant to Clause 8.,Clause 5(a): Suspension of data transfers and termination:,1.The parties acknowledge that data importer may process the personal data only on behalf of the ,data exporter and in compliance with its instructions as provided by the data exporter and the ,Clauses.,2.The parties acknowledge that if data importercannot provide such compliance for whatever reason, ,it agrees to inform promptly the data exporter of its inability to comply, in which case the data ,exporter is entitled to suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the contract.,3.If the data exporter intends to suspend the transfer of personal data and/or terminate these Clauses, ,it shall endeavour to provide notice to the data importer and provide data importer with a reasonable ,period of time to cure the non-compliance (“Cure Period”). ,4.If after the Cure Period the data importer has not or cannot cure the non-compliance then the data ,exporter may suspend or terminate the transfer of personal data immediately. The data exporter ,shall not be required to provide such notice in instance where it considers there is a material risk of ,harm to data subjects or their personal data.,Clause 5(f): Audit:,1.Data exporter acknowledges and agrees that it exercises its audit right under Clause 5(f) by ,instructing data importer to comply with the audit measures described in Section 6(Security Reports ,and Audits) of the DPA. ,Clause 5(j): Disclosure of sub-processor agreements ,1.The parties acknowledge the obligation of the data importer to send promptly a copy of any onward ,sub-processor agreement it concludes under the Clauses to the data exporter.,2.The parties further acknowledge that, pursuant to sub-processor confidentiality restrictions, data ,importer may be restricted from disclosing onward sub-processor agreements to data exporter. ,Notwithstanding this, data importer shall use reasonable efforts to require any sub-processor it ,appoints to permit it to disclose the sub-processor agreement to data exporter.,3.Even where data importer cannot disclose a sub-processor agreement to data exporter, the parties ,agree that, upon the request of dataexporter, data importer shall (on a confidential basis) provide ,18,all information it reasonably can in connection with such sub-processing agreement to data ,exporter. ,Clause 6: Liability ,1.Any claims brought under the Clauses shall be subject to the terms and conditions, including but ,notlimited to, the exclusions and limitations set forth in the Agreement. In no event shall any party ,limit its liability to a data subject with respect to any data subject rights under these Clauses.,Clause 11: Onward sub-processing ,1.The parties acknowledge that, pursuant to FAQ II.1 in Article 29 Working Party Paper WP 176 ,entitled "FAQs in order to address some issues raised by the entry into force of the EU Commission ,Decision 2010/87/EU of 5 February 2010 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of ,personal data to processors established in third countriesunder Directive 95/46/EC" the data ,exporter may provide a general consent to onward sub-processing by the data importer.,2.Accordingly, data exporter provides a general consent to data importer, pursuant to Clause 11 of ,these Clauses, to engage onward subprocessors. Such consent is conditional on data importer’s ,compliance with the requirements set out in Section 4(Sub-processing) of the DPA. ,***End of Document***

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