
SailPoint Software as a Service Agreement (EMEA)

Page 1of 18(V. 20210212),SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AGREEMENT EMEA (V.20210212),PLEASE READ THIS SAAS AGREEMENT BEFORE USING SAILPOINT’S SERVICES. BY ACCESSING OR USING SAILPOINT’S IDENTITY NOW ,SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE OFFERING, YOU (“the Customer”) SIGNIFY ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ,THIS SAAS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SAAS AGREEMENT, DO NOT ACCESS OR USE ,THE SERVICES. IF THE PARTIES HAVE A FULLY EXECUTED AGREEMENT THAT EXPRESSLY GOVERNS ORDERS FOR SAILPOINT’S ,SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE OFFERING, SUCH AGREEMENT SHALL SUPERSEDE THISSAASAGREEMENT. ,WHEREAS, SailPoint is the provider of SaaS Serviceand the Customer wishes to obtain access tothe same under the termsof this SaaS ,Agreement. and,WHEREAS, the parties desire that this SaaS Agreement serve asa master agreement between them for the purposes of any Orders that ,Customer may place with SailPoint or a Partner, from time to time. ,1.DEFINITIONS,As used in this SaaS Agreement:,“Customer Data” means all dataand otherinformation that Customer ,or a User provides or makes available to SailPoint in connection with ,the Services or this SaaS Agreement. ,“Customer Personal Data” means all Customer Datarelating to an ,identified or identifiable natural person.,“Documentation” means the user guides, online help, and release ,notes, provided or made available by SailPoint to Customer regarding ,the use or operation of the SaaS Service.,“DPA”means the provisions detailed in the SaaS Customer Data ,Processing Addendumattached hereto as Exhibit A. ,“Identity Cube”means a unique collection of identity data for an ,individual human,a non-human bot, or other userthat will be granted ,access to and/or managed by the SaaS Service. Identity data may be ,physically or logically maintained in a single repository or in separate ,physical or logical repositories. ,“Order” means the schedule, quotation, statement of work, or other ,document(s) by which Customer orders the SaaS Serviceor Other ,Services pursuant to this SaaS Agreement. ,“OtherServices” means all technical and non-technical services ,identified in an Order and performed or delivered by SailPoint under ,this SaaS Agreement, consisting solely ofimplementation services, ,implementation support, best practices consultations, integration ,efforts, and training and education services, which areprovided on a ,non-work for hire basis and documented in statements of work ,mutually agreed to by the parties. For purposes of clarity, Other ,Services does not include the SaaS Service or the SaaS Support.,“Partner” means a reseller or distributor that has an agreement with ,SailPoint that authorises them to resell the SaaS Serviceor Other ,Services.,“Required Software” means the object code version of the Virtual ,Appliance, including any updates or new versions.The Required ,Software is a virtual machine that connects Customer’s target ,Sources using public APIs, connectors, and integrations to the SaaS ,Service.,“SaaS Service” meansthe specific SailPoint internet-accessible ,identitygovernancesoftware-as-a-service(s) identified in an Order acquired the Customer Dataand the rightto provide the Customer ,hosted by SailPoint or its service provider and made available to ,Customer over a network on a term-use basisand, except with ,respect to Section 2.1 (Provision of SaaS Service), includes the ,Required Software.,“Services”means the SaaS Service, SaaS Support, and Other ,Services.,“Source” meansa Customer managed target system for reading data ,from and, if supported by the specific system, writing changes to user ,accounts. The connection to a target system can be managed via a ,direct connector or a flat file.,“Term” means that period(s)specified in an Order during which ,Customer will have access to and use of the SaaS Service. in connection with its use of the Services, collectionand other ,“User” means an employee or independent contractor of Customer or ,other Identity Cube user that Customer authorises to use the SaaS ,Serviceon Customer’s behalf.,2.SAAS SERVICE,2.1.Provision of SaaS Service. During the Term, SailPoint grants ,Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferrable (except in ,accordance with Section 12.1(Assignment)), non-sublicensable,,royalty-freeright to access and use the SaaS Servicein accordance ,with the Documentation, solely for Customer’s internal business ,operations, in each casesubject to the termsof this SaaS Agreement, ,including the number of Identity Cubes and Sources documented in ,the Order. Customer agrees that its purchase of the Services is ,neither contingent upon the delivery of any future functionality or ,features nor dependent upon any oral or written public comments ,made by SailPoint with respect to future functionality or features.,2.2.Required Software. Customer acknowledges that use of the SaaS ,Servicerequires the installation of the Required Software as a pre-,requisite for using the SaaS Service. Customer agrees to install such ,Required Software, including any required updates if and when ,available. SailPoint hereby grants to Customer a limited, non-,exclusive, non-transferable(except in accordance with Section 12.1 ,(Assignment)), non-sublicensable, royalty-freelicense to install, ,execute, copy, display, or otherwise usethe Required Software in ,accordance with the Documentation, solely in connection with the ,Services,during the Term, in each case subject to the termsof this ,SaaS Agreement.,2.3.Users. Users will be required to abide by the termsof this SaaS ,Agreement. Any breach by a User will be deemed to be a breach by ,Customer. SailPoint may terminate or suspend any User’s access to ,the SaaS Servicefor any breach without notice. ,2.4.SaaS Support. During theTerm, SailPoint will provide Customer with ,support services (the “SaaS Support”) in accordance with SailPoint’s ,current Premium SaaS Support Policyattached hereto asExhibit B.,2.5.Service Level Agreement. The SaaS Service Level Agreement ,(“SLA”) for the production instance of the SaaS Serviceis set forth in ,SailPoint’s current SLA attached hereto asExhibit C.,3.CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIESAND RESTRICTIONS,3.1.Customer Responsibilities. Customer is responsible for all activities ,conducted by it or through the accounts of its Users on the SaaS ,Service. Except for SailPoint’s obligations described in Section 10,(Confidentiality) and Section 11(Data Securityand Processing), ,Customer shall (i) have sole responsibilityfor the accuracy, quality, ,and legality of the Customer Dataand the means by which Customer ,Datafor the purposes of this SaaS Agreement(including ensuring the ,receipt of all permissions from individuals and other third parties as ,may be necessary in order to provide the Customer Datafor the ,purposes contemplated in this SaaS Agreement). (ii) be responsible ,for the security and confidentiality of Customer’s and its Users’ ,account information. (iii) be responsible for maintaining a back-up of ,all Customer Data. and (iv) prevent unauthorised access to, or use of, ,the Services, and notify SailPoint promptly of any such unauthorised ,access or use. ,3.2.Compliance with Laws. Customer shall comply with all applicable ,local, state, national,and foreign laws, rules, and regulations(“laws”),processingof all Customer Data,and performance under this SaaS ,Agreement, including those laws related to employment, data privacy,and protection,and international activities. Customer acknowledges ,that SailPoint exercises no control over the Customer Data,transmitted by Customer or Users to or through the SaaS Service. ,Page 2of 18(V. 20210212),SailPoint may impose limits on the use or access to the Servicesas ,required by applicable law. All Services purchased by Customer through either SailPoint or a ,3.3.Restrictions.Customer and its Users shall not, and shall not permit Partner shall be governed exclusively by this SaaS Agreement and, ,any third party to: (i) copy or republish the Services. (ii) make the subject to Section 12.5, the applicable Order. ,Services available to any person other than Users. (iii) rent, lend, sell, 5.2.Fees. Invoicing and Payment. ,sublicense, or use the Services to provide service bureau, time-(a)Direct Purchases fromSailPoint. For direct purchaseswith ,sharing or other services to third parties. (iv) send or store in the SaaS ,Service any personal health data, credit card data, personal finance applicableOrder. All fees are exclusive of sales and use taxes, ,data, Sensitive Personal Data (as defined in the DPA), government ,issued identification numbers, or other sensitive data which may be provided in the Order, SailPoint shall invoice Customer for all ,subject to regulation;(v) send or store viruses, spyware, ransomware, ,timebombs, Trojan horses, or other harmful or malicious code,orfiles shall pay all invoices (except with respect to charges then under ,to or in connection with the Services. (vi) send or store infringing, ,offensive, harassingor otherwise unlawful material in connection with of invoice. Except as expressly provided otherwiseherein, fees ,the Services. (vii) modify or create derivative works based upon the ,Services or Documentation. (viii) remove, modify,or obscure any All fees shall be stated in and paid by the Customer in the ,copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices contained in the currency statedin each Order. If any fees (except with respect ,Services or Documentation. (ix) reverse engineer, decompile, to charges then under reasonable and good faith dispute) remain ,disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code used or ,embodied in the SaaS Service, which for the avoidance of doubt ,includes the related algorithms, methods, and techniques. (x) access of law, (i) SailPoint reserves the right to suspend the Services ,or use the Services or Documentation in order to build a similar or upon thirty (30) days written notice, until such amounts are paid ,competitive product, or (xi) exploit the Servicesor Documentation in in full, and (ii)any such unpaid feesmayaccrue, at SailPoint’s ,any unauthorised way whatsoever, including by trespassing or ,burdening network capacity. If for some reason these restrictions are half (1.5%) percent of the outstanding balance per month or the ,prohibited by applicable law or by an agreement SailPoint has with ,one of its licensors, then the activities are permitted only to the extent due until the date paid. Further, Customer shall be responsible ,required to comply with such law or agreement.for all costs and expenses associated with collecting such fees, ,4.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY,4.1.Ownershipand Reservation of Rights of SailPoint Intellectual ,Property. SailPoint and its licensors own and, except for the limited ,rights expressly granted to Customer under this SaaS Agreement, (b)PurchasesThrough a Partner. For any Services purchased by ,retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Services,Documentation Customer through a Partner, the pricing and payment terms are ,and any other materialsprovided by SailPoint or its licensors under established by and between Customer and such Partner ,this SaaS Agreement, including all modifications, derivative works, (“Partner Agreement”) and all payments will be made directly to ,and feedback related thereto and intellectual property rights therein. ,No rights are granted to Customer under this SaaS Agreementother Services purchased by Customer through such Partner pursuant ,than expressly set forth in this SaaS the Partner Agreement and notifies SailPoint of such, ,4.2.Rights in Customer Data. As between SailPoint and Customer, ,Customer owns the Customer Data. Customer hereby grants and ,agrees to grant to SailPoint and its affiliates a limited-term, worldwide, ,non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free license to,host, copy, transmit, display, and processthe Customer Dataas ,reasonably necessary to provide the Services to Customer and as ,necessary to monitor, modify, and improve(including develop),SailPoint’s services.,4.3.Feedback. To the extent Customer or any of its Users provides any ,suggestions for modification or improvement or other comments, ,code, information, know-how, or other feedback (whether in oralor 5.3.Expenses. Unless otherwise specified in an Order, Customer will ,written form) relating to the Services (“Feedback”), Customer hereby ,grants to SailPoint a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, related expenses incurred in performing the Other Services. SailPoint ,transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free license to use and ,commercially exploit the Feedback in any manner SailPoint sees fit with each related invoice. ,without accounting or other obligation.,4.4.Statistical Usage Data. SailPoint owns the statistical usage data taxes, value added taxes (VAT), or similar charges relating to ,derived from the operation of the SaaS Service, including data Customer’s purchase and use of the Services, excluding taxes based ,regarding applications utilised in connection with the SaaS Service, on SailPoint’s net income. IfSailPoint has a legal obligation to pay or ,configurations, log data, and the performance results for the SaaS collect taxes for which Customer is responsible under this SaaS ,Service(“Usage Data”). Nothing herein shall be construed as Agreement, the appropriate amount shall be computed based on ,prohibiting SailPoint from utilising the Usage Data to monitorand Customer’s address listed under Customer Information above and ,improve the SaaS Serviceor otherwise operate SailPoint’s business. invoiced to and paid by Customer, whichamounts are in addition to ,provided that if SailPoint provides Usage Data to third parties, such the fees for the Services, unless Customer provides SailPoint with a ,Usage Data shall be de-identified and presented in the aggregate so valid tax exemption certificate authorised by the appropriate taxing ,that it will not disclose the identity of Customer or any human User to authority.,any third party.,5.ORDERS AND PAYMENT6.1.Term. The term of this SaaS Agreement shall begin on the date that ,5.1.Orders. Customer may purchase Servicesby either (a) entering into Customer enters into an Order pursuant to Section 5.1 (Orders) (the ,anOrderwith SailPoint or (b) entering into an Orderwith a Partner,that is subsequently acknowledged by SailPointin writing or following has expired or has otherwise been terminated. This SaaS Agreement ,notificationof an Order to SailPoint from the Partner, SailPoint sends may be terminated at any time bymutual agreement of SailPoint and ,a delivery notice to Customervia email. Each Orderwith SailPoint Customer.,shall besigned by both Customer and SailPoint or issued by SailPoint ,and acknowledged by Customer via the issuance of a purchase order ,that incorporates by reference the applicable Order and subsequently thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such breach. Upon ,accepted by SailPoint. All Ordersplaced through a Partner will be ,subject to pricing mutually agreed to between Customer and Partner. ,SailPoint, all fees for the Servicesshall beset forth in the ,value added taxes (VAT), or similar charges. Unless otherwise ,fees described therein on the Order effective date. Customer ,reasonable and good faith dispute) net thirty (30)days from date ,are non-refundable, non-cancellable and not subject to set-off. ,unpaid bytheir due date, in addition to any other rights or ,remedies it may have under thisSaaSAgreement or by matter ,discretion,latecharges at the rate of the lesser of one and one-,maximum rate permitted by lawfrom the date such fees were ,including reasonable attorneys’ fees. Suspension of the Services ,under this section shall not release Customer of its payment ,obligations under this SaaS Agreement. ,Partner. If aPartner is entitled to terminate or suspend any ,SailPoint may suspend or terminate the Services identified by ,such Partner. Subsequently, if Partner notifies SailPoint that ,Customer is entitled to reinstatement of any Services purchased ,by Customer through such Partner pursuant to the Partner ,Agreement, and Customer is otherwise in compliance with the ,terms of this SaaS Agreement, SailPoint shall reinstate such ,Services as soon as reasonably practicable. SailPoint shall not ,be liable to Customer or to any third party for any liabilities, ,claims, or expenses arising from or relating to any suspension or ,termination of Services in accordance with this Section 5.2(b). ,reimburse SailPoint for all pre-approved, out-of-pocket travel and ,will include reasonably detailed documentation of all such expenses ,5.4.Taxes. Customer isresponsible for payment of all sales and use ,6.TERM, SUSPENSION,AND TERMINATION,“Effective Date”)and continues until the stated Term in all Orders ,6.2.Termination for Material Breach. Either party may terminate this SaaS ,Agreementif the other party fails to cure any material breach within ,any termination of this SaaS Agreement by Customer for a material ,Page 3of 18(V. 20210212),breach by SailPoint pursuant to this Section 6.2, SailPoint will refund ,Customer a pro-rata portion of any prepaid fees paid by Customer to been utilised in accordance with the Documentation, this SaaS ,SailPoint that cover the remainder of the Termafter the effective date Agreement, and applicable law.,of termination and a pro-rata portion of any prepaid fees paid by (c)Other Services. SailPoint warrants that the Other Services will ,Customer to SailPoint for Other Services that cover Other Services be performed in a professionalmanner consistent with ,that have not been delivered as of the effective date of termination.,6.3.Suspension for Ongoing Harm. SailPoint reserves the right to ,suspend delivery of the SaaS Serviceif SailPoint reasonably in this Section 7.1(c), SailPoint will, at its sole option and ,concludes that Customer or a User’suse of the SaaS Serviceis ,causing immediate and ongoing harm to SailPoint or the security, meet this limited warranty or refund to Customer the fees paid ,integrity, or availability of the SaaSService. SailPoint will use for the non-conforming portion of the Other Services.,commercially reasonable efforts under the circumstances to provide ,Customer with notice and an opportunity to remedy such violation or maximum extent permitted by applicable law, SailPointmakes no ,threat prior to such suspension. In the extraordinary case that warranties of any kind, whether express,implied, statutory, or ,SailPoint must suspend delivery of the SaaS Service, SailPoint shall ,promptlynotify Customer of the suspension and the parties shall ,diligently attempt to resolve the issue. SailPoint shall not be liable to ,Customer or to any third party for any liabilities, claims or expenses enjoyment or otherwise. SailPointdoes not warrant that the SaaS ,arising from or relating to any suspension of the SaaS Servicein ,accordance with this Section 6.3. Nothing in this Section 6.3will limit warranty regarding any non-SailPoint application with which the SaaS ,SailPoint’s other rights under this Section 6.,6.4.Retrieval of Customer Content. Upon request by Customer madeat ,least thirty (30) daysprior to theeffective date of the termination of ,this SaaS Agreement, SailPoint will make available to Customer, at 8.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY,no cost, for a maximum of thirty (30) days following such termination 8.1.Neither Party excludes or limits its liability for:,for download a file of the Customer Datathen-currently stored in the (a)death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or that of its ,SaaS Service(“Customer Content”). After such thirty (30)-day ,period, SailPoint shall have no obligation to maintain or provide any (b)any breach by them of the “Restrictions”, “Indemnification” or ,Customer Content and shall thereafter, unless legally prohibited, be “Confidentiality” provisions of this Agreement;,entitled to delete all Customer Content. provided, however, that (c)abreachofitsrespectiveobligationsundertheDPAduetoits,SailPoint will not be required to remove copiesof the Customer willfulmisconduct,ornegligence(“negligence” notincludingan,Content from its backups until such time as the backup copies are errorofjudgementormistakeingoodfaith) orthatofits,scheduled to be deleted in the normal course of business. provided employees,contractorsoragents);,further that in all cases SailPointwill continue to protect the Customer ,Content in accordance with Section 10 (Confidentiality). Additionally, misrepresentation by it or its employees;or,duringtheTerm, Customer may extract Customer Content from the (e)any liability that cannot be excluded or limited by virtue of the ,SaaS Serviceusing SailPoint’s standard web services.Governing Law (as per Section 12.9 below).,6.5.Effect of Termination. Upon expiration or termination of this SaaS ,Agreement, all licenses to the Required Software and access to the ,SaaS Servicegranted to Customer under this SaaS Agreement and ,all Orders placed hereunder shall immediately terminate and ,Customer will cease using the SaaS Service, (except as permitted ,under Section 6.4(Retrieval of Customer Content)) and SailPoint ,Confidential Information. Expiration or termination ofthis SaaS ,Agreement for any reason other than termination by Customer for a ,material breach by SailPoint pursuant to Section 6.2(Termination for ,Material Breach)shall not relieve Customer of the obligation to pay all ,future amounts due under all Orders. Sections3.3 (Restrictions), 4 ,(Intellectual Property), 5.2 (Fees. Invoicing and Payment), 6.5(Effect ,of Termination), 7.2 (Disclaimer), 8(Limitations of Liability), 9,(Indemnification), 10(Confidentiality), and 12(General Provisions),shall survive the expiration or termination of this SaaS Agreement for ,any reason.,7.WARRANTIESANDREMEDIES,AND DISCLAIMERS,7.1.Warrantiesand Remedies. ,(a)General. Each partyrepresents and warrants thatithasthe legal ,power and authority to enter into and perform under this SaaS 9.1.Indemnification by SailPoint. Subject to Section 9.3(Indemnity ,Agreement. SailPoint shall comply with all laws applicable to Process), SailPoint will defend Customer from any and all claims, ,SailPoint in its performance hereunder.demands, suits, or proceedings brought against Customer by a third ,(b)SaaS Service. SailPointwarrants that during the Termthe SaaS party alleging that the SaaS Service, as provided by SailPoint to ,Servicewill perform substantially in accordance with the Customer under this SaaS Agreement, infringe any patent, copyright,,Documentation. As Customer’s exclusive remedy and or trademarkor misappropriate any trade secret of that third party,SailPoint’s sole liability for breach of the warranty set forth in this ,Section 7.1(b), (i) SailPoint shall correct the non-conforming ,SaaS Serviceat no additional charge to Customer, or (ii) in the finally awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, authorisedarbitral ,event SailPoint is unable to correct such deficiencies after good-panel, or paid to a third party in accordance with a written settlement ,faith efforts and within a commercially reasonable timeframe, agreement signed by SailPoint, in connection with an Infringement ,Customer shall be entitled to terminate the applicable SaaS ,Serviceand SailPoint will refund Customer a pro-rata portion of ,any prepaid fees attributable to the defective SaaS Servicepaid ,by Customer to SailPoint from the date SailPoint received the of the SaaS Service, (b) replace or modify the SaaS Service with a ,notice contemplated in the next sentence. To receive warranty non-infringing alternative having substantially equivalent performance ,remedies, Customer must promptly report deficiencies in writing within a reasonable period of time, or (c) if the foregoing options are ,to SailPoint, but no later than thirty (30) days of the first date the ,deficiency is identified by Customer. The warranty set forth in this to Customer any prepaid fees paid by Customer under such Order to ,Section 7.1(b) shall apply only if the applicable SaaS Servicehas ,applicable industry standards. As Customer’s exclusive remedy ,and SailPoint’s sole liability for breach of the warranty set forth ,expense, promptly re-perform any Other Services that fail to ,7.2.Disclaimer. Except as expressly provided in this Section 7 and to the ,otherwise, and specifically disclaims all warranties of fitness for a ,particular purpose, merchantability, accuracy of informational content, ,systems integration, non-infringement, non-interference with ,Servicewill be error free or uninterrupted. SailPoint makes no ,Servicemay interoperate. The limitedwarranties provided in this ,Section 7 are the sole and exclusive warranties provided to C ustomer ,in connection with the subject matter of this SaaS Agreement. ,employees, agents orsub-contractors;,(d)otherwise any willful misconduct, fraud or fraudulent ,8.2.Subject to Sections 8.1and 8.3;,(a)in the event of a Security Incident (as defined in the DPA) by ,SailPoint of any personal data of Customer thatSailPointis,processingundertheDPA,SailPoint’stotalfinancialliabilityshall,notexceed200%ofthe total fees paid or payable by the ,Customer pursuant to Section 5.2 (Fees, Invoicing and Payment) ,under this Agreement at the time the claim arose;and,(b)forallotherclaimsofeitherpartyfordirect/other damagesunder,thisAgreement,theaggregateliabilityof theotherparty,,regardlessofthenatureoftheclaim(includingnegligence)and,irrespectiveofwhetherthe samewasforeseeableorotherwise,,shallnotexceed125%ofthetotalfeespaidorpayablebythe,Customer under this Agreement at the time of suchclaim.,8.3.Subject to Section 8.1, in no event shall either Party be liable to the ,other for any, indirect, special, punitive or consequential loss or ,damage, including (by way of example and not an exhaustive list), ,loss of profits, loss of business, loss of revenue, loss of or damage to ,goodwill, loss of savings (whether anticipated orotherwise.,9.INDEMNIFICATION,(each, an “Infringement Claim”). SailPoint will indemnify Customer ,for all damages and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) ,Claim. In the event any such Infringement Claimis brought, or in ,SailPoint’s reasonable opinion is likely to be brought, SailPoint may, ,at its option: (a) procure the right to permit Customer to continue use ,not reasonably practicable, terminate the applicable Order and repay ,Page 4of 18(V. 20210212),SailPoint with respect to any period of time following the termination ,date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, SailPoint shall have no liability ,for any Infringement Claim of any kind to the extent that it relates to ,(i) modification of the SaaS Serviceby a party other than SailPoint, ,(ii) use of the SaaS Servicein combination with any other product, ,service, or device, if the infringement would have been avoided by the ,use of the SaaS Servicewithout such other product, service, or ,device, or (iii) use of the SaaS Serviceother than in accordance with ,the Documentation and this SaaS Agreement. The indemnification ,obligations set forth in this Section 9.1 are Customer’s exclusive ,remedy and SailPoint’s sole liabilitywith respect to SailPoint’s ,infringement or misappropriation of third-party intellectual property ,rights of any kind.,9.2.Indemnification by Customer. Subject to Section 9.3(Indemnity ,Process), Customer will defend SailPoint from any and all claims,prevent unauthorised access, use, modification, or disclosure of ,demands, suits, or proceedings brought against SailPoint by a third Customer Personal Data. SailPoint’s current SaaS Data Security ,party alleging a violation of a User’s or third party’s rights arising from Programisdescribed in the DPA. SailPoint will operate in ,or related to the Customer Data, including the Customer’s provision ,of the Customer Datato SailPoint or SailPoint’s use of the Customer administrative measures and protocols regarding data security for the ,Datain connection with providing the Services in accordancewith this ,SaaS Agreement. Customer will indemnify SailPoint for all damages Control2 (SOC 2) Type 2 Report (or equivalent report), received from ,and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) finally awarded by a ,court of competent jurisdiction,authorised arbitral panel,or paid to a ,third party in accordance with a written settlement agreement signed ,by Customer, in connection with an such claims, demands, suits, or ,proceedings.,9.3.Indemnity Process. The party seeking indemnification under this and only to the extent that SailPoint processes Customer Personal ,Section9 (“Indemnitee”)must (a) promptly notify the other party ,(“Indemnitor”) of the claim(provided that any failure to provide such DPA) in the course of providing Services pursuant to thisSaaS ,prompt written notice will only relieve the Indemnitorof its obligations ,to the extent its ability to defend such claim is materially prejudiced by 12.GENERALPROVISIONS,such failure), (b) give the Indemnitorsole control of the defense and 12.1.Assignment. Neither party may assign this SaaS Agreement or ,settlement of the claim(provided that Indemnitorshall not consent to ,entry of any judgment or admission of any liability of the Indemnitee,without the prior written approval of the Indemnitee), and (c) provideshall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding the ,reasonable assistance, cooperation, and required information with ,respect to the defense and settlement of the claim, at the Indemnitor’s to an acquirer of all or substantially all of the assets or equity of such ,expense. At its own expense,the Indemnitee may retain separate ,counsel to advise the indemnitee regarding the defense or settlement ,of the claim.,10.CONFIDENTIALITY,10.1.As used in this SaaS Agreement,“Confidential Information” means ,all proprietary, non-public information disclosed by a party (the ,“Disclosing Party”) to the other party(the “Receiving Party”), ,directly or indirectly, which, (a) if in written, graphic, machine-readable ,or other tangible form, is marked as “confidential” or “proprietary,” (b) ,if disclosed orally or by demonstration, is identified atthe time of initial ,disclosure as confidential and is confirmed in writing to the Receiving ,Party to be “confidential” or “proprietary” within thirty (30)days of such ,disclosure, or (c) reasonably appears to be confidential or proprietary ,because of the circumstances of disclosure and the nature of the ,information itself, including the Customer Data, termsof this SaaS ,Agreement, each Order, the Services and Documentation, business ,and marketing plans, technology and technical information, product ,designs, and business processes of either party.,10.2.“Confidential Information” does not includeinformation that: ,(a)is known publicly at the time of the disclosure by the Disclosing ,Party or becomes known publicly after disclosure through no ,fault of the Receiving Party;,(b)is known to the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure by the ,Disclosing Party due to previous receipt from a source that ,wasn’t bound by confidentiality obligations to the Disclosing ,Partyat that time. or ,(c)is independently developed by the Receiving Party without use ,of or reference to the Confidential Information as demonstrated ,by the written records of the Receiving Party. ,10.3.The Receiving Party shall not (a) use the Confidential Information of ,the Disclosing Party except to exercise its rights and perform its ,obligations under this SaaS Agreement or (b) disclose such ,Confidential Information to any third party, except those of its ,employees, service providers, agents,and representatives who are ,subject to confidentiality obligations at least as stringent as the ,obligations set forth hereinand have a “need to know” in order to carry ,out the purpose of this SaaS Agreement. The Receiving Partyshall ,use at least the same degree of care it uses to protect its own ,confidential information of like nature, but not less than a reasonable ,degree of care, to protect the Confidential Information of the ,Disclosing Party. ,10.4.The Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of the ,Disclosing Party to the extent such disclosure is required by law or ,order of a court or other governmental authority;provided that the ,Receiving Party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly ,notify the Disclosing Party prior to such disclosure to enable the ,Disclosing Party to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent or ,restrict such disclosure.,11.DATA SECURITYAND PROCESSING,11.1.Security Program. SailPoint will maintain administrative, physical, and ,technical safeguards designed to protect the security and ,confidentiality of Customer Data, including measures designed to ,conformance with the physical, technical, operational, and ,SaaS Service as set forth inits then current Service Organization ,its third-party auditors.,11.2.Data Processing Agreement. The DPA sets forth the terms and ,conditions under which SailPoint may receive and process Customer ,Personal Data from Customer. To the extent one is required, the DPA, ,as entered into between SailPoint and Customer, shall apply where ,Data on the behalf of Customer as DataProcessor (as defined in the ,Agreement.,otherwise transfer any right or obligation under this SaaS Agreement, ,without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent ,foregoing, either party may assign this SaaS Agreement in its entirety ,party to which this SaaS Agreement relates, whether by merger, asset ,sale,or otherwiseso long,in the event of an assignment by Customer, ,as all fees thendue and payable to SailPoint have been paid. Any ,attempt by a party to assign or transfer its rights or obligations under ,this SaaS Agreement other than as permitted by this Section12.1,shall be void and of no effect. Subject to the foregoing, thisSaaS ,Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the ,parties’ successors and permitted assigns.Either party may employ ,subcontractors in performing its duties under this SaaS Agreement, ,provided, however, that such party shall not be relieved of any ,obligation under this SaaS Agreement and subject (as applicable) to ,the applicable sub-processing terms of the DPA.,12.2.Notices. Except as otherwise expressly permitted in this SaaS ,Agreement, notices under this SaaS Agreement shall be in writing and ,shall be deemed to have been given (a) five (5) business days after ,mailing if sent by registered or certified mail, (b) when personally ,delivered, or (c) one (1) business day after deposit for overnight ,delivery with a recognised courier for U.S. deliveries (or three (3) ,business days for internationaldeliveries.,12.3.Force MajeureEvent. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any ,delay or failure to perform hereunder due to circumstances beyond ,such party’s reasonable control, including acts of God, acts of ,government, computer related attacks, hacking, or acts of terror, ,service disruptions involving hardware, software, or power systems ,not within such party’s possession or reasonable control(a “Force ,MajeureEvent”).,12.4.Equitable Relief. The partiesagree that a material breach of Section ,10 (Confidentiality) orSection 3.3 (Restrictions) would cause ,irreparable injury to the non-breaching party for which monetary ,damages alone would not be an adequate remedy, and therefore the ,non-breaching party shall be entitled to equitable relief in addition to ,any other remedies it may have hereunder or at law, without the ,requirement of posting bond or proving actual damages.,12.5.Entire Agreement. This SaaS Agreement together with the ,documents incorporated herein by referencecontains the entire ,agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and ,supersedes all previous oral and written communications, ,representation, understandings, and agreements by the parties ,Page 5of 18(V. 20210212),concerning the subject matter of this SaaS Agreement. No terms, ,provisions or conditions contained in any purchase order, sales partners or customers or any other person or entity.,confirmation, or other business form that either party may use in 12.9.Governing LawandSeverability.Where the address of the Customer ,connection with the transactions contemplated by this SaaS (as contained in anyOrder) is located in any of the following countries, ,Agreement will have any effect on the rights or obligations of the then the laws of such country shall apply to this SaaS Agreement and ,parties under, or otherwise modify, this SaaS Agreement. If there is ,any conflict between the terms of this SaaS Agreement and any Order Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Spain, ,or similar ordering document with a Partner, the terms of this SaaS ,Agreement shall control unless SailPoint and Customer expressly country,thisAgreementand all Orders willbegovernedbyand,agree otherwise in the applicableOrder or other document signed by ,both parties by specific reference to this Section and the Section(s) of ,this SaaS Agreementthat aremodified. Where SailPointis required ,to “click through” or otherwise accept any online terms as a condition,toits provision or receipt of Services, such terms are not binding and ,shall not be deemed to modify this SaaS Agreement. No modification, ,amendment, or waiver of any provision of this SaaS Agreement will ,be effective unless in writing and signed by authorised ,representatives of both parties hereto. Any failure to enforce any ,provision of this SaaS Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof ,or of any other provision and a waiver of anybreach of this SaaS ,Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent ,breach.,12.6.Publicity. During the term of this SaaS Agreement, SailPoint may ,include Customer’s name and logo in its customer lists, includingon ,its website. To the extentCustomer provides standard trademark ,usage guidelines, SailPoint shall use Customer’s name and logo in ,accordance with such guidelines.,12.7.Export Laws. Export laws of the United States and any other relevant ,local export laws apply to the Services. Customer agrees that such ,export laws govern its use of the Services (including technical data) ,and any materials provided under this SaaS Agreement, and ,Customer agrees to comply with all such export laws. Customer ,agrees that no data, information, software programs, or other ,materials resulting from Services (or direct product thereof) will be ,exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of these laws. ,12.8.Independent Contractors, No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The parties ,have the status of independent contractors,and nothing in this SaaS ,Agreement nor the conduct of the parties will be deemed to place the ,parties in any other relationship. Except as provided in this SaaS ,Agreement, neither party shall be responsible for the acts or ,omissions of the other party or the other party’s personnel. Save as ,contained expressly herein (or in any Order), this SaaS Agreement ,confers no rights upon either party’s employees, agents, contractors, ,such Order(s): Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, ,Sweden, Switzerland.Wheresuchaddressislocatedinanyother,construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales,.The ,United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of ,Goods doesnot apply. If any term of this SaaS Agreement is held to ,be invalid or unenforceable, that term shall be reformed.,12.10.Anti-Bribery/Corruption. Neither party hasreceived or been offered ,any illegal or improper bribe, kickback, payment, gift, or thing of value ,from anemployee or agent of the other party in connection with this ,SaaS Agreement. If either partylearns of any violation of the ,foregoing restriction, such partywill use reasonable efforts to ,promptly notify the other party.,12.11.Interpretation. For purposes of interpreting this SaaS Agreement, (a) ,unless the context otherwise requires, the singular includes the plural, ,and the plural includes the singular. (b) unless otherwise specifically ,stated, the words “herein,” “hereof,” and “hereunder” and other words ,of similar import refer to this SaaS Agreement as a whole and not to ,any particular section or paragraph. (c) the words “include” and ,“including” will not be construed as terms of limitation, and will ,therefore mean “including but not limited to” and “including without ,limitation”. (d) unless otherwise specifically stated, the words “writing” ,or “written” mean preserved or presented in retrievable or ,reproducible form, whether electronic(including email but excluding ,voice mail) or hard copy. and (e) the captions and section and ,paragraph headings used in this SaaS Agreement are inserted for ,convenience only and will not affect the meaning or interpretation of ,this SaaS Agreement.,12.12.Country-Specific Contract Terms.Where, pursuant to Section 12.9 ,above (Governing Law and Severability) this SaaS Agreement is ,subject to the laws of France(“French Law”)or Germany(“German ,Law”), certain Sections of this SaaS Agreement shall be deemed to ,be varied inaccordance with the applicable provisions of Exhibit D ,attached hereto. In the event of any conflict between the provisions ,of Exhibit D and the provisions of this SaaS Agreement, the provisions ,of Exhibit D shall prevail, in relation to the context thereof.,*** End of Page ***,Page 6of 18(V. 20210212),EXHIBIT A,Customer Data Processing Addendum,1. Definitions,1.1The following terms shall have meanings ascribed for the ,purposes of this DPA:,"Affiliate" has the meaning set forth in the Agreement, ,or if no such meaning is given, means an entity that ,controls, is controlled by or shares common control with ,a party, where such control arises from either (a) a direct ,or indirect ownership interest of more than 50% or (b) the ,power to direct or cause the direction of the management ,and policies, whether through the ownership of voting ,stock by contract, or otherwise, equal to that provided by ,a direct or indirect ownership of more than 50%. ,"Agreement" means the agreement between Customer ,and SailPoint for the provision of the Services to ,Customer.,"CCPA" means the California Consumer Privacy Act. ,"Customer" means the entity set forth in the signature ,block above and party to the Agreement.,"Customer Data" has the meaning set forth in the ,Agreement (if any).,"Customer Personal Information" means any ,Customer Data that is Personal Information (including ,Sensitive Personal Information) that Customer ,discloses, provides or otherwise makes available to ,SailPoint (either directly or indirectly) under or in ,connection with the Agreement. ,"Data Controller" means an entity that determines the ,purposes and means of the processing of Personal ,Information. ,"Data Processor" means an entity that Processes ,Personal Information on behalf of a Data Controller. ,“Data Protection Act 2018” meansthe Act of that name, ,applicable in the United Kingdom. ,"Data Protection Laws" means all data protection and ,privacy laws applicable to the respective party in its role ,in the Processing of Personal Information under the ,Agreement, including, but not limited to, (where ,applicable) European Data Protection Law and/or the ,CCPA. ,"EEA" means, for the purposes of this DPA, the ,European Economic Area.,"European Data Protection Law" means: (i) the ,Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of ,the Council on the protection of natural persons with ,regard to the processing of personal data and on the free ,movement of such data (General Data Protection ,Regulation) (“GDPR”) as implemented by countries ,within the EEA. (ii) the European Union e-Privacy ,Directive 2002/58/EC as implemented by countries ,within the EEA. and/or (iii) the Data Protection Act 2018. ,and/or (iv) other laws that are similar, equivalent to, ,successors to, or that are intended to or implement the ,laws that are identified in (i) through (ii)above, including ,by Switzerland.,"Model Clauses"means the Standard Contractual ,Clauses for Data Processors as approved by the ,European Commission in the form set out in Annex B. ,"Personal Information" means: any information (i) ,relating to an identifiedor identifiable natural person. or ,(ii) defined as "personally identifiable information", ,"personal information", "personal data" or similar terms, ,as such terms are defined under Data Protection Laws.,"Process", "Processes", "Processing", and ,"Processed"means any operation orset of operations ,performed upon Personal Information, whether or not by ,automatic means. ,"Security Incident" means any unauthorised or unlawful ,breach of security that leads to the accidental or unlawful ,destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of ,or access to Customer Personal Information on systems ,managed by or otherwise controlled by SailPoint but ,does not include any Unsuccessful Security Incident.,"Sensitive Personal Information" means any ,Customer Personal Information revealing racial or ethnic ,origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical ,beliefs, or trade union membership, and the Processing ,of genetic data, biometric data for the purposes of ,uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning ,health or data concerning anatural person's sex life or ,sexual orientation. ,"Services" means the services provided by SailPoint to ,Customer pursuant to the Agreement, which may ,include: (i) support and maintenance services for its on-,premise software. (ii) SaaS services. and (iii),professional services (e.g. implementation services, ,expert services, and training services) provided by ,SailPoint to Customer pursuant to the Agreement. ,"Sub-processor" means any Data Processor engaged ,by SailPoint or its Affiliates to assist in fulfilling its ,obligations with respect to providing the Services ,pursuant to the Agreement or this DPA. Sub-processors ,may include third parties or SailPoint’s Affiliates. Sub-,processors may also include subcontractors that are ,specified in an applicable SOW. ,"Unsuccessful Security Incident" means an ,unsuccessful attempt or activity that does not ,compromise the security of Customer Personal ,Information, including (without limitation) pings and other ,broadcast attacks of firewalls or edge servers, port ,scans, unsuccessful log-on attempts, denial of service ,attacks, packet sniffing (or other unauthorised access to ,traffic data that does not result in access beyond ,headers) or similar incidents.,1.2Capitalised terms used in this DPA that are not defined ,in this Section 1 (Definitions) shall have the meaning ,ascribed to them elsewhere in this DPA and/or the ,Agreement. ,Scope and Applicability of this DPA ,2.1This DPA applies where and only to the extent that: (i) ,SailPoint Processes Customer Personal Information on ,the behalf of Customer as a Data Processor in the ,course of providing Services pursuant to the Agreement. ,and (ii) Customer is subject to European Data Protection ,Law. ,2.2Notwithstanding expiry or termination of the Agreement ,and subject toSection 9 (Return or Deletion of Customer ,Personal Information), this DPA will remain in effect until, ,and will automatically expire upon, deletion or return of ,all Customer Personal Information by SailPoint to ,Customer as described in this DPA. ,Roles and Scope of Processing,3.1Role of the Parties. For the purposes of European Data ,Protection Law, SailPoint shall Process Customer ,Personal Information only as a Data Processor acting on ,behalf of Customer. ,3.2Customer Processing of Personal Information. ,Customer agrees that: (i) it will comply with its obligations ,under Data Protection Laws in respect of its Processing ,of Personal Information and any Processing instructions ,it issues to SailPoint. and (ii) it has provided all fair ,processing notices and obtained all consents and rights ,necessary under Data Protection Laws for SailPoint to ,Process Personal Information and provide the Services ,pursuant to the Agreement and this DPA. If European ,Data Protection Law applies to the Processing of ,Customer Personal Information and Customer is itself a ,Data Processor, Customer warrants to SailPoint that ,Customer's instructions and actions with respect to that ,Page 7of 18(V. 20210212),Customer Personal Information, including its ,appointment of SailPoint as another Data Processor, ,have been authorised by the relevant Data Controller. ,3.3Customer Instructions. SailPoint will Process ,Customer Personal Information only for the purposes ,described in this DPA and only in accordance with ,Customer’s documented lawful instructions and ,applicable Data Protection Laws. The parties agree that ,this DPA and the Agreement set out the Customer’s ,complete and final instructions to SailPoint in relation to ,the Processing of Customer Personal Information by ,SailPoint. Additional Processing outside the scope of ,these instructions (if any) will require prior written ,agreement between Customer and SailPoint. ,3.4Details of Data Processing.,(a)Subject matter: The subject matter of the ,Processing under this DPA is the Customer,Personal Information. processors. ,(b)Duration: As between SailPointand Customer, the 4.2Sub-processor Obligations. SailPoint will: (i) not ,duration of the Processing under this DPAis until engage a Sub-processor unless SailPoint enters into a ,the termination of the Agreement in accordance written agreement with the Sub-processor imposing data ,with its terms. protection terms that require the Sub-processor to ,(c)Purpose: The purpose of the Processing under this protect the Customer Personal Information to the same ,DPA is the provision of the Services to the ,Customer and the performanceof SailPoint's compliance with the obligations of this DPAand for any ,obligations under the Agreement (including this ,DPA) or as otherwise agreed by the parties in ,mutually executed written form. 4.3Changes to Sub-processors.,(d)Nature of the processing: To provide identity (a)In relation to the list of Sub-processors on ,governance solutions and other Services as SailPoint’s website at ,described in the Agreement, SailPoint will Process, ,Customer Personal Information upon the SailPoint shall notify and request Customer’s ,instruction of the Customer in accordance with the approval of any: (a) new Sub-processor it intends to ,terms of the Agreement,. grant permission. or (b) existing Sub-processor it ,(e)Categories of data subjects: intends to withdraw permission, in either (a) and (b), ,Customer may ,disclose Customer Personal Information to ,SailPoint, the extent of which is determined and ,controlled by Customer in its sole discretion, and grant or withdrawal, as the case may be (such ,which may include, but is not limited to, Personal ,Information relating to the following categories of ,data subjects: make every effort to provide SailPoint with its ,(i)Employees, contractors, agents, advisors, approval of SailPoint's Request within the Review ,freelancers of Customer (who are natural Period (such approval not to be unreasonably ,persons). and/orwithheld). and (b) any objections raised by ,(ii)If licensed under the Agreement, Customer’s ,business partners and/or end-users authorised based on reasonable grounds and only with respect ,by Customer to use the data protection concerns.,(f)Types of Personal Information: (c)The parties agree that: (a) any non-response by the ,Customer may ,disclose Customer Personal Information to ,SailPoint, the extent of which is determined and ,controlled by Customerin its sole discretion, and ,which may include, but is not limited to, the following ,types of Personal Information: ,(i)Identification and contact data (name, address, ,title, contact details);,(ii)Employment details (job title, role, manager). ,and/or,(iii)IT information (entitlements, IP addresses, ,usage data, cookies data, geolocation data).,(g)Sensitive Personal Information:Unless otherwise ,specified in the Agreement, Customer will not ,provide or make available to SailPoint Sensitive ,Personal Information. ,3.5Access, Use or Sell.,(a)SailPoint will not: (i) sell any Customer Personal ,Information received from Customer. or (ii) retain, ,access, disclose or use Customer Personal ,Information provided by or collected on behalf of ,Customer for any purpose except as necessary to ,maintain or provide the Services specified in the ,Agreement and this DPA, or as necessary to ,comply with the law or binding order of a ,governmental body, including retaining, accessing, ,disclosing orusing the Customer Information for a ,commercial purpose other than providing the ,Services specified in the Agreement. ,(b)SailPoint shall not disclose Customer Personal ,Information to another business, person, or third ,party, except for the purpose of maintaining or ,providing the Services specified in the Agreement, ,including to provide Personal Information to ,advisers or sub-processors as described below, or ,to the extent such disclosure is required by law. ,Sub-processing,4.1Authorised Sub-processors. Customer agrees that ,SailPoint may engage Sub-processors to Process ,Customer Personal Information on Customer's behalf. ,The Sub-processors currently engaged by SailPoint and ,authorised by Customer are detailed in this DPA or ,where such detail is not included, as listed on SailPoint’s ,website at ,standard as SailPoint. and (ii) remain responsible for its ,failure by the Sub-processor to fulfil its data protection ,obligations under the applicable Data Protection Laws. ,to Process Customer Personal Information ,(“Request”) at least thirty (30) days prior to such ,notice period, the “Review Period”). ,(b)Customer acknowledges and agrees that: (a) it will ,Customer during the Review Period may only be ,Customer during the Review Period will be taken as ,the Customer’s approval of that Request where ,Customer continues to use the Services after the ,Review Period has lapsed. and (b) any objection by ,the Customer during the Review Period will result in ,the parties discussing such concerns in good faith ,with a view to achieving a mutually beneficial ,resolution. If SailPoint cannot provide an alternative ,Sub-processor, or the parties are not otherwise able ,to achieve a mutually beneficial resolution as ,provided in (b) above, Customer, as its sole and ,exclusive remedy, may terminate the Services ,which cannot be provided by SailPoint without the ,use of the objected-to new Sub-processor by ,providing written notice to SailPoint. Upon receipt of ,such written notice, SailPoint will provide a pro-rata ,refund for prepaid fees for Services not ,performed/delivered as of the date of termination to ,Customer.,Security ,5.1Security Measures. Taking into account the nature of ,the Processing, SailPoint shall implement and maintain ,appropriate technical and organisational security ,measures to protect Customer Personal Information ,from Security Incidents and to preserve the security and ,confidentiality of the Customer Personal Information, in ,accordance with SailPoint's security standards ,Page 8of 18(V. 20210212),described in Annex A, as applicable to the Services ,("Security Measures"). ,5.2Updates to Security Measures. Customer is ,responsible for reviewing the information made available ,by SailPoint relating to data security and making an ,independent determination as to whether the Services ,meet Customer’s requirements and legal obligations ,under Data Protection Laws. Customer acknowledges ,that the Security Measures are subject to technical ,progress and development and that SailPoint may ,update or modify the Security Measures from time to ,time provided that such updates and modifications do ,not result in a material degradation of the overall security ,of the Services.,5.3Customer Responsibilities. Customer agrees that, ,without prejudice to SailPoint's obligations under Section ,5.1 (Security Measures) and Section 8.2 (Security ,Incident Response): ,(a)Customer is responsible for its use of the Services, ,including making appropriate use of the Services to ,ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk in ,respect of the Customer Personal Information, ,securing its account authentication credentials, ,protecting the security of Customer Personal ,Information when in transit to and from the Services, ,taking appropriate steps to securely encrypt and/or ,backup any Customer Personal Information ,uploaded to the Services, and properly configuring ,the Services and using available features and ,functionalities to maintain appropriate security in ,light of the nature of the Customer Personal ,Information Processed by Customer’s use of the ,Services. and ,(b)SailPoint has no obligation to protect Customer ,Personal Information that Customer elects to store ,or transfer outside of SailPoint's and its Sub-,processors’ (whereapplicable) systems (for ,example, offline or on-premise storage). ,5.4Customer’s Security Assessment. Customer is ,responsible for reviewing the Security Measures and ,evaluating for itself whether the Services and the ,Security Measures and SailPoint's commitments under ,this Section 5 (Security) and Section 8 (Additional ,Security) will meet Customer’s needs, including with ,respect to any obligations of Customer under Data ,Protection Laws as applicable. ,Security Reports and Audits ,6.1Upon request, SailPoint shallprovide to Customer (on a ,confidential basis) a summary copy of any third-party ,audit report(s) or certifications applicable to the Services ,("Report"), so that Customer can verify SailPoint's ,compliance with this DPA, the audit standards against ,which ithas been assessed, and the standards specified ,in the SailPoint Security Measures,as described in ,Annex A. ,6.2If Customer reasonably believes that the Report ,provided is insufficient to demonstrate compliance with ,this DPA, SailPoint shall also provide written responses ,(on a confidential basis) to reasonable requests for ,information made by Customer related to its Processing ,of Customer Personal Information, including responses ,to information security and audit questionnaires that are ,necessary to confirmSailPoint's compliance with this ,DPA, provided that Customer shall not exercise this right ,more than once per year. ,6.3If Customer reasonably believes that the information ,provided pursuant to Sections 6.1 and/or 6.2 is ,insufficient to demonstrate compliance with this DPA, ,SailPoint will allow an audit by Customer (or auditors ,appointed by Customer and reasonably acceptable to ,SailPoint) in relation to SailPoint’s Processing of ,Customer Personal Information. Any such audit will be at ,Customer’s expense, withreasonable advance notice, ,conducted during normal business hours no more than ,once every 12 months and subject to SailPoint’s ,reasonable security and confidentiality requirements and ,provided that the exercise of rightsunder this Section 6.3 ,would not infringe Data Protection Laws. ,International Transfers ,7.1Data Storage and Processing Facilities. In the event ,thatSailPoint is providing SaaS services to the ,Customer, any Customer Data that the Customer ,uploads to the SaaS services shall remain at all times at ,the location of the Host (as detailed in the Agreement). ,With respect to its general provision of the Services, ,SailPoint may store and Process Customer Personal ,Information in SailPoint’s internal systems anywherein ,the world where SailPoint, its Affiliates or its Sub-,processors maintain data processing operations. Where ,SailPoint transfers and otherwise Processes Customer ,Personal Information outside of the EEA, the UK or ,Switzerland, including by any Sub-processor, SailPoint ,will ensure that such transfer is made in accordance with ,the requirements of Data Protection Laws, such as by ,entering into Model Clauses.,7.2Model Clauses. To the extent that SailPoint Processes ,any Customer Personal Information from the EEA,the ,UK or Switzerland and transfers such Customer ,Personal Information outside of the EEA, the UK or ,Switzerland to countries not deemed by the European ,Commission to provide an adequate level of data ,protection, the parties agree to enter into and comply,with the Model Clauses. SailPoint agrees that it is a "data ,importer" and Customer is the "data exporter" under the ,Model Clauses (notwithstanding that the Customer may ,be an entity located outside of the EEA, the UK or ,Switzerland).,7.3Alternative Transfer Mechanism.The parties agree ,that the data export solution identified in Section 7.2 ,(Model Clauses) will not apply if and to the extent that ,SailPoint adopts an alternative data export solution for ,the lawful transfer of Personal Information (as ,recognised under European Data Protection Laws) ,outside of the EEA, the UK or Switzerland, in which ,event, Customer shall take any action (which may ,include execution of documents) strictly required to give ,effect to such solution and the alternative transfer ,mechanism will apply instead (but only to the extent such ,alternative transfer mechanism extends to the territories ,to which Customer Personal Informationis transferred).,Additional Security ,8.1Confidentiality of Processing. SailPoint shall ensure ,that any person who is authorised by SailPoint to ,Process Customer Personal Information (including its ,staff, agents and subcontractors) shall be under an ,appropriate obligation of confidentiality (whether a ,contractual or statutory duty).,8.2Security Incident Response.Upon confirming a ,Security Incident, SailPoint shall: (i) taking into account ,the nature of SailPoint’s Processing of Customer ,Personal Information and the information available to ,SailPoint, notify Customer of a Security Incident that it ,becomes aware of, without undue delay. (ii) provide ,timely information relating to the Security Incident as it ,becomes known or as is reasonably requested by , C ustomer. and (iii) promptly take reasonable steps to ,contain, investigate, and mitigate any Security Incident. ,8.3Notification. Customer acknowledges that SailPoint will ,not assess the contents of Customer Personal ,Information in order to identify information subject to any ,specific legal requirements. Customer is solely ,responsible to comply with incident notification laws ,applicable to Customer and fulfilling any third-party ,notification obligations related to any Security Incidents.,Unless otherwise required under Data Protection Laws, ,the parties agree to coordinate in good faith on ,developing the content of any related public statements ,or any required notices for the affected data subjects ,and/or notices to the relevant supervisory authorities.,Page 9of 18(V. 20210212),Returnor Deletion of Customer Personal ,Information ,On termination or expiration of the Agreement, Customer ,may wishto instruct SailPoint to delete or return all ,Customer Personal Information (including copies) from ,SailPoint's systems in accordance with applicable law. ,SailPoint will, after a recovery period of up to 30 days ,following such expiry or termination, comply with this ,instruction as soon as reasonably practicable, where ,technically feasible. Customer shall be responsible for ,retrieving any remaining Customer Personal Information ,it wishes to retain before the end of the recovery period. ,SailPoint shall not be required to delete or return ,Customer Personal Information to the extent: (i) ,SailPoint is required by applicable law or order of a ,governmental or regulatory body to retain some or all of ,the Customer Personal Information. and/or (ii), ,Customer Personal Information it has archived on back-,up systems, which Customer Personal Information ,SailPoint shall securely isolate and protect from any ,further processing, except to the extent required by ,applicable law. ,Cooperation,10.1Taking into account the nature of the Processing, ,SailPoint shall (at Customer's request and expense) ,provide reasonable cooperation to assist Customer to ,respond to any requestsfrom data subjects in relation to ,their data subject rights (e.g. right to access, erasure, ,deletion, to opt-out of sales, and any other similar data ,subject requests) under Data Protection Law or ,applicable data protection authorities relating to the ,Processing of Customer Personal Information under the ,Agreement. In the event that any request from data ,subjects or applicable data protection authorities is made ,directly to SailPoint, SailPoint shall not respond to such ,communication directly without Customer's prior ,authorisation other than to inform the requestor that ,SailPoint is not authorised to directly respond to a ,request, and recommend the requestor submit the ,request directly to Customer, unless legally compelled to ,do so, and instead, after being notified by SailPoint, ,Customer shall respond. If SailPoint is required to ,respond to such a request, SailPoint will promptly notify ,Customer and provide it with a copy of the request ,unless legally prohibited from doing so. For the ,avoidance of doubt, this Section 10.1 does not seek to ,diminish or exclude any right of remedy to which the data ,subject may be entitled pursuant to Article 82 of the ,GDPR. ,10.2If a law enforcement agency sends SailPoint a demand ,for Customer Personal Information (e.g., a subpoena or ,court order), SailPoint will attempt to redirect the law ,enforcement agency to request that data directlyfrom ,Customer. As part of this effort, SailPoint may provide ,Customer’s contact information to the law enforcement ,agency. If compelled to disclose Customer Personal ,Information to a law enforcement agency, then SailPoint ,will give Customer reasonable notice of the demand to ,allow Customer to seek a protective order or other ,appropriate remedy to the extent SailPoint is legally ,permitted to do so.,10.3Customer acknowledges that SailPoint may be required ,under European Data Protection Law to: (a) collect and ,maintain records of certain information, including the ,name and contact details of each Data Processor and/or ,Data Controller on behalf of whichSailPoint is acting ,and, where applicable, of such Data Processor’s or Data ,Controller's local representative and data protection ,officer. and (b) make such information available to the ,supervisory authorities. Accordingly, if European Data ,Protection Lawapplies to the Processing of Customer ,Personal Information, Customer will, where requested, ,provide such information to SailPoint, and will ensure ,that all information provided is kept accurate and up-to-,date.,10.4Taking into account the nature of the Processing and ,information available to SailPoint, SailPoint shall (at ,Customer's request and expense) provide reasonably ,requested information regarding the Services to enable ,the Customer to carry out data protection impact ,assessments.,Relationship with the Agreement ,11.1Except for the changes made by this DPA, the ,Agreement remains unchanged and in full force and ,effect. If there is any conflict between this DPA and the ,Agreement, this DPA shall prevail to the extent of that ,conflict in connection with the Processing of Customer ,Personal Information. ,11.2Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the ,Agreement or this DPA, the liability of each party and ,each party’s Affiliates under this DPA shall be subject to ,the exclusions and limitations of liability set out in the ,Agreement. Without limiting either of the parties’ ,obligations under the Agreement, Customer agrees that ,any regulatory penalties incurred by SailPoint that arise ,as a result of, or in connection with, Customer’s failure to ,comply with its obligations under this DPA or any ,applicable Data Protection Laws shall count toward and ,reduce SailPoint’s liability under the Agreement as if it ,were liability to the Customer under the Agreement.,11.3Any claims against SailPoint or its Affiliates under this ,DPA shallonly be brought by the Customer entity that is ,a party to the Agreement against the SailPoint entity that ,is a party to the Agreement. In no event shall this DPA ,or any party restrict or limit the rights of any data subject ,or of any competent supervisoryauthority.,11.4This DPA will be governed by and construed in ,accordance with governing law and jurisdiction ,provisions in the Agreement, unless required otherwise ,by applicable Data Protection Laws.,11.5This DPA and the Model Clauses will terminate ,simultaneouslyand automatically with the termination or ,expiry of the Agreement.,Page 10of 18(V. 20210212),Annex A –Security Measures,SailPoint has implemented and shall maintain a commercially to customers, partners, employees, regulators and other ,reasonable security program in accordance with industry best stakeholders. ,practices, which shall include technical and organisational ,measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for Customer ,Personal Information taking into account the risks presented by the ,Processing,in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, ,loss, alteration, or unauthorised disclosure of, or access to ,Customer Personal Information,and the nature of the Customer ,Personal Information to be protected having regard to the state of ,the art and the cost of implementation. SailPoint’s security program ,shall include the following measures. ,Security Program,•ISO27001-based Information Security Management System ,(ISMS): SailPoint shall maintain an ISMS risk-based security ,program to systematically manage and protect the ,organisation's business information and the information of its ,customers and partners.,•Security Governance Committee: SailPoint shall maintain a ,security committee comprisedof leaders across all business ,units that oversees the company’s security program. This ,committee shall meet monthly to review the operational status ,of the ISMS (including risks, threats, remediation actions, and ,other security-related issues) and drive continuous security ,improvement throughout the business.,•Security incident response policy: SailPoint shall maintain prevented. equipment used to Process Customer Personal ,policies and procedures to (1) investigate and respond to ,security incidents, including procedures to assess the threat of reconfigured without appropriate authorisation and protection ,relevant vulnerabilities or security incidents using defined ,incident classifications and categorisations and (2) establish Personal Information is decommissioned, Customer Personal ,remediation and mitigation actions for events, including artifact ,and evidence collection procedures and defined remediation would prevent its reconstruction.,steps.,•Policy maintenance: All security and privacy related policies Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers for hosting the ,shall be documented, reviewed, updated and approved by SaaS services. AWS follows industry best practices and ,management at least annually to ensure they remain complies with numerous standards. Details on AWS data ,consistent with best practices, legal and regulatory center physical security are available at ,requirements and industry standards.,•Communication and commitment: Security and privacy policies ,and procedures shall be published and effectively ,communicated to all personnel and relevant subcontractors. ,Security shall be addressed at the highest levels of the maintain a software development life cycle policy that defines,company with executive management regularly discussing the Process by which personnel create secure products and ,security issues and leading company-wide security and the activities that personnel must perform at ,Personnel Security,•Background screening: Personnel who have access to •Secure development: Productmanagement, development, test ,Customer Personal Information or the equipment on which it isand deployment teams shall follow secure application ,stored shall be subject to background screening (as allowed by development policies and procedures that are aligned to ,local laws and regulations) that shall include verification of industry-standard practices, such as the OWASP Top 10. ,identity, right to work and academic degrees and a check of ,criminal records, sex offender registries and prohibited/denied ,partylists.,•Confidentiality obligations: Personnel whohave access to and Software upon each new version release). Identified ,Customer Personal Information shall be subject to a binding ,contractual obligation with SailPoint to keep the Customer ,Personal Information confidential.,•Security awareness training: Personnel shall receive training ,upon hire and at least annually thereafter covering security ,best practices and privacy principles. ,•Code of conduct: SailPoint shall maintain a code of business ,conduct policy and compliance program to ensure ethical ,behavior and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.,Third-Party Security,•Screening: SailPointshall maintain policies and procedures to ,ensure that all new suppliers, SaaS applications, IT software, ,and IT service solutions are subject to reasonable due ,diligence to confirm their ability to meet corporatesecurity and ,compliance requirements as well as business objectives.,•Contractual obligations: SailPoint shall ensure that contractual ,agreements with suppliers include confidentiality and privacy ,provisions as appropriate to protect SailPoint’s interests and to ,ensure SailPoint can meet its security and privacy obligations ,•Monitoring: SailPoint shall periodically reviewexisting third-,party suppliers to ensure the supplier complies with contractual ,terms, including any security and availability requirements. The ,monitoring program shall review suppliers at least annually ,(regardless of length of contractual term) to confirm that the ,supplier/solution is still meeting the company’s objectives and ,the supplier’s performance, security, and compliance postures ,are still appropriate given the type of access and classification ,of data being accessed, controls necessary to protect data, and ,applicable legal and regulatory requirements.,Physical Security,•Corporate facility security: A facility security program shall be ,maintained that manages building entrances, CCTVs, and ,overall security of its offices, including a security perimeter ,(including barriers such as card controller entry gates or ,manned reception desks). All employees, contractors and ,visitors shall be required to wear identification badges which ,distinguish their respective role.,•Corporate data center security: Systems installed on ,SailPoint’s premises and used to Process Customer Personal ,Information shall be protected in such a manner that ,unauthorised logical or physical access is effectively ,Information cannot be moved, removed, upgraded or ,of the information. and, when equipment Processing Customer ,Information shall be disposed of securely in a manner that ,•SaaS services data center security: SailPoint leverages ,Solution Security,•Software development life cycle (SDLC): SailPoint shall ,various stages of development (requirements, design,,implementation, verification, documentation and delivery).,•Vulnerability assessment: SailPoint shall regularly conduct risk ,assessments, vulnerability scans and audits (including third-,party penetration testing of the SaaS services twice annually ,product solution issues shall be scored using the Common ,VulnerabilityScoring System(CVSS) risk-scoring methodology ,based on risk impact level and the likelihood and potential ,consequences of an issue occurring. Vulnerabilities are ,remediated on the basis of assessed risk. Upon request from ,Customer, SailPoint shall provide information about the ,identified vulnerabilities and the measures taken to remediate ,or address any such vulnerabilities.,Operational Security,•Access controls: SailPoint shall maintain policies, procedures, ,and logical controls to establish access authorisations for ,employees and third parties to limit access to properly ,authorised personnel and to prevent unauthorised access. ,Such controls shall include:,orequiring unique user IDs to identify any user who ,accesses systems or data;,Page 11of 18(V. 20210212),omanaging privileged access credentials in a privileged ,account management (PAM) system;,ocommunicating passwords separately from user IDs;,oensuring that user passwords are (1) changed at regular ,intervals. (2) of sufficient length and complexity. (3) stored ,in an encrypted format. (4) subject to reuse limitations. ,and (5) not assigned to other users, even at a different ,time. and,oautomatically locking out users’ IDs when a number of ,erroneous passwords have been entered.,•Least privilege: SailPoint shall ensure that personnel onlyhave ,access to systems and data as required for the performance of ,their roles. only authorised personnel have physical access to ,infrastructure and equipment. access toproduction resources ,for the SaaS services is restricted to employees requiring ,access. and access rights are reviewed and certified at least ,annually to ensure access is appropriate. ,•Malware: SailPoint shall utilise industry-standard measures to ,detect and remediate malware, viruses, ransomware, spyware, ,and other intentionally harmful programs that may be used to ,gain unauthorised access to information or systems.,•Encryption: SailPoint shall use industry-standard strong ,encryption methods to protect data in transit and at rest as ,appropriate to the sensitivity of the data and the risks ,associated with loss. all laptops and other removable media, ,including backup tapes, on which Customer Personal ,Information is stored shall be encrypted. ,•Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR): SailPoint ,shall maintain formal BCDR plans that are regularly reviewed ,and updated to ensure SailPoint’s systems and services ,remain resilient in the event of a failure, including natural ,disasters or system failures.,•Databackups: SailPoint shall backup data and systems using ,alternative site storage available for restore in case of failure of ,the primary system. All backups shall use strong encryption in ,transit and at rest.,•Change management: SailPoint shall maintain change ,management policies and procedures to plan, test, schedule, ,communicate, and execute changes to SailPoint’s SaaS ,service infrastructure, systems, networks, and applications.,•Network security: SailPoint shall implement industry standard ,technologies and controls to protect network security, including ,firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, monitoring, network ,segmentation, VPN and wireless security. Networks shall be ,designed and configured to restrict connections between ,trusted and untrusted networks, and network designs and ,controls shall be reviewed at least annually.,•Data segregation: SailPoint shall implement logical controls, ,including logical separation, access controls and encryption, to ,segregate Customer’s Personal Data from other Customer and ,SailPoint data in the SaaS services. SailPoint shall additionally ,ensure that production and non-production data and systems ,are separated.,Page 12of 18(V. 20210212),Annex B-Model Clauses,Standard Contractual Clauses (processors),For the purposes of Article 26(2) of Directive 95/46/EC for the ,transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries ,which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection.,THE PARTIES HAVE AGREED on the following Contractual ,Clauses (the Clauses) in order to adduce adequate safeguards with ,respect to the protection of privacy and fundamental rights and ,freedoms of individuals for the transfer by the data exporter to the ,data importer of the personal data specified in Appendix 1. ,1.Definitions,For the purposes of the Clauses:,'personal data', 'special categories of data', ,'process/processing', 'controller', 'processor','data ,subject' and 'supervisory authority' shall have the ,same meaning as in Directive 95/46/EC of the European ,Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the ,protection of individuals with regard to the processing of ,personal data and on the free movement of such data;,'the data exporter'means the controller who transfers ,the personal data;,'the data importer'means the processor who agrees to ,receive from the data exporter personal data intended for ,processing on his behalf after the transfer in accordance ,with his instructions and the terms of the Clauses and who ,is not subject to a third country's system ensuring ,adequate protection within the meaning of Article 25(1) ,of Directive95/46/EC;,'the subprocessor'means any processor engaged by ,thedata importer or by any other subprocessor of the ,data importer who agrees to receive from the data ,importer or from any other subprocessor of the data ,importer personal data exclusively intended for ,processing activities to be carried out on behalf of the ,data exporter after the transfer in accordance with his ,instructions, the terms of the Clauses and the terms of ,the written subcontract;,'the applicable data protection law' means the ,legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms ,of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with ,respect to the processing of personal data applicable to ,a data controller in the Member State in which the data ,exporter is established;,'technical and organisational security measures',means those measures aimed at protecting personal ,data against accidental or unlawful destruction or ,accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or ,access, in particular where the processing involves the ,transmission of data over a network, and against all other ,unlawful forms of processing.,2.Details of the transfer,The details of the transfer and in particular the special ,categories of personal data where applicable are ,specified in Appendix 1 which forms an integral part of ,the Clauses.,3.Third-party beneficiary clause,3.1The data subject can enforce against the data exporter ,this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) to (e), and (g) ,to (j), Clause 6(1) and (2), Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and ,Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party beneficiary. ,3.2The data subject can enforce against the data importer ,this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause ,7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where the ,data exporter has factually disappeared or has ceased ,to exist in law unless any successor entity has assumed ,the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by ,contract or by operation of law, as a result of which it ,takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, ,in which case the data subject can enforce them against ,such entity. ,3.3The data subject can enforce against the subprocessor ,this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause ,7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both ,the data exporter and the data importer have factually ,disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become ,insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the ,entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract ,or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the ,rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case ,the data subject can enforce themagainst such entity. ,Such third-party liability of the subprocessor shall be ,limited to its own processing operations under the ,Clauses. ,3.4The parties do not object to a data subject being ,represented by an association or other body if the data ,subject so expressly wishes and if permitted by national ,law. ,4.Obligations of the data exporter,The data exporter agrees and warrants: ,(a)that the processing, including the transfer ,itself, of the personal data has been and will ,continue to be carried out in accordancewith ,the relevant provisions of the applicable data ,protection law (and, where applicable, has ,been notified to the relevant authorities of the ,Member State where the data exporter is ,established) and does not violate the relevant ,provisions of that State;,(b)that it has instructed and throughout the ,duration of the personal data processing ,services will instruct the data importer to ,process the personal data transferred only on ,the data exporter's behalf and in accordance ,with the applicable data protection law and ,the Clauses;,(c)that the data importer will provide sufficient ,guarantees in respect of the technical and ,organisational security measures specified in ,Appendix 2 to this contract;,(d)that after assessment of the requirements of ,the applicable data protection law, the ,security measures are appropriate to protect ,personal data against accidental or unlawful ,destruction or accidental loss, alteration, ,unauthorised disclosure or access, in ,particular where the processing involves the ,transmission of data over a network, and ,against all other unlawful forms of processing, ,and that these measures ensure a level of ,security appropriate to the risks presented by ,the processing and the nature of the data to ,be protected having regard to the state of the ,art and the cost of their implementation;,(e)that it will ensure compliance with the security ,measures;,(f)that, if the transfer involves special ,categories of data, the data subject has been ,informed or will be informed before, or as ,soon as possible after, the transfer that its ,data could be transmitted to a third country ,not providing adequate protection within the ,meaning of Directive 95/46/EC;,(g)to forward any notification received from the ,data importer or any subprocessor pursuant ,to Clause 5(b) and Clause 8(3) to thedata ,protection supervisory authority if the data ,exporter decides to continue the transfer or to ,lift the suspension;,(h)to make available to the data subjects upon ,request a copy of the Clauses, with the ,exception of Appendix 2, and a summary ,description of the security measures, as well ,as a copy of any contract for subprocessing ,services which has to be made in accordance ,with the Clauses, unless the Clauses or the ,Page 13of 18(V. 20210212),contract contain commercial information, in ,which case it may remove such commercial ,information;,(i)that, in the event of subprocessing, the ,processing activity is carried out in ,accordance with Clause 11 by a ,subprocessor providing at least the same ,level of protection for the personal data and ,the rights of data subject as the data importer ,under the Clauses. and,(j)that it will ensure compliance with Clause ,4(a) to (i).,5.Obligations of the data importer,The data importer agreesand warrants:,(a)to process the personal data only on behalf of ,the data exporter and in compliance with its ,instructions and the Clauses. if it cannot ,provide such compliance for whatever ,reasons, it agrees to inform promptly the data ,exporter of its inability to comply, in which ,case the data exporter is entitled to suspend ,the transfer of data and/or terminate the ,contract;,(b)that it has no reason to believe that the ,legislation applicable to it prevents it from ,fulfilling the instructions received from the ,data exporter and its obligations under the ,contract and that in the event of a change in ,this legislation which is likely to have a ,substantial adverse effect on the warranties ,and obligations provided by the Clauses, it will ,promptly notify the change to the data ,exporter as soon as it is aware, in which case ,the data exporter is entitled to suspend the ,transfer of data and/or terminate the contract;,(c)that it has implemented the technical and ,organisational security measures specified in ,Appendix 2 before processing the personal ,data transferred;,(d)that it will promptly notify the data exporter ,about:,(i)any legally binding request for ,disclosure of the personal data by ,a law enforcement authority ,unless otherwise prohibited, such ,as a prohibition under criminal law ,to preserve the confidentiality of a ,law enforcement investigation,,(ii)any accidental or unauthorised ,access, and,(iii)any request received directly from ,the data subjects without ,responding to that request, unless ,it has been otherwise authorised ,to do so;,(e)to deal promptly and properly with all ,inquiries from the data exporter relating to its ,processing of the personal data subject to the ,transfer and to abide by the advice of the ,supervisory authority with regard to the ,processing of the data transferred;,(f)at the request of the data exporter to submit ,its data processing facilities for audit of the ,processing activities covered bythe Clauses ,which shall be carried out by the data ,exporter or an inspection body composed of ,independent members and in possession of ,the required professional qualifications ,bound by a duty of confidentiality, selected by ,the data exporter, where applicable, in ,agreement with the supervisory authority;,(g)to make available to the data subject upon ,request a copy of the Clauses, or any existing ,contract for subprocessing, unless the ,Clauses or contract contain commercial ,information, in which case itmay remove ,such commercial information, with the ,exception of Appendix 2 which shall be ,replaced by a summary description of the ,security measures in those cases where the ,data subject is unable to obtain a copy from ,the data exporter;,(h)that, in the event of subprocessing, it has ,previously informed the data exporter and ,obtained its prior written consent;,(i)that theprocessing services by the ,subprocessor will be carried out in ,accordance with Clause 11;,(j)to send promptly a copy of any subprocessor ,agreement it concludes under the Clauses to ,the data exporter.,6.Liability,6.1The parties agree that any data subject, who has suffered ,damage as a result of any breach of the obligations ,referredto in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 by any party or ,subprocessor is entitled to receivecompensationfrom ,the data exporter for the damage suffered.,6.2If a data subject is not able to bring a claim for ,compensation in accordance with paragraph 1 against the ,data exporter, arising out of a breach by the data importer ,or his subprocessor of any of their obligations referred to in ,Clause 3 or in Clause 11, because the data exporter has ,factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or has ,become insolvent, the data importer agrees that the data ,subject may issue a claimagainst the data importer as if it ,were the data exporter, unless any successor entity has ,assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by ,contract of by operation of law, in which case the data ,subject can enforce its rights against such entity.,6.3The data importer may not rely on a breach by a ,subprocessor of its obligations in order to avoid its own ,liabilities.,6.4If a data subject is not able to bring a claim against the ,data exporter or the data importer referred to in ,paragraphs 1 and 2, arising out of a breach by the,subprocessor of any of their obligations referred to in ,Clause 3 or in Clause 11 because both the data exporter ,and the data importer have factually disappeared or ,ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, the ,subprocessor agrees that the data subject may issue a ,claim against the data subprocessorwith regard to its own ,processing operations under the Clauses as if it were the ,data exporter or the data importer, unless any successor ,entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data ,exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law, ,in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against ,such entity.The liability of the subprocessor shall be ,limited to its own processing operations under the ,Clauses.,7.Mediation and jurisdiction,7.1The data importer agrees that if the data subject invokes ,against itthird-party beneficiary rights and/or claims ,compensation for damages under the Clauses, the data ,importer will accept the decision of the data subject:,(a)to refer the dispute to mediation, by an ,independent person or, where applicable, by ,the supervisory authority;,(b)to refer the dispute to the courts in the ,Member State in which the data exporter is ,established.,7.2The parties agree that the choice made by the data ,subject will not prejudice its substantive or procedural ,rights to seek remedies in accordance with other ,provisions of national or international law.,8.Cooperation with supervisory authorities,8.1The data exporter agrees to deposit a copy of this ,contract with the supervisory authority if it so requests or ,if such deposit is required under the applicable data ,protection law.,Page 14of 18(V. 20210212),8.2The parties agree that the supervisory authority has the ,right to conduct an audit of the data importer, and of any ,subprocessor, which has the same scope and is subject ,to the same conditions as would apply to an audit of the ,data exporter under the applicable data protection law.,8.3The data importer shall promptly inform the data exporter ,about the existence of legislation applicable to it or any ,subprocessor preventing the conduct of an audit of the ,data importer, or any subprocessor, pursuant to ,paragraph 2. In such a case the data exporter shall be ,entitled to take the measures foreseen in Clause 5 (b).,9.Governing Law,The Clauses shall be governed by the law of the ,Member State in which the data exporter is established, ,unless the data exporter is established in the UK, in ,which case, English law will apply.,10.Variation of the contract,The parties undertake not to vary or modify the ,Clauses. This does not preclude the parties from ,adding clauses on business related issues where ,required as long as they do not contradict the Clause.,11.Subprocessing,11.1The data importer shall not subcontract any of its ,processing operations performed on behalf of the data ,exporter under the Clauses without the prior written ,consent of the data exporter. Where the data importer ,subcontracts its obligations under the Clauses, with the ,consent of the data exporter, it shall do so only by way ,of a written agreement with the subprocessor which ,imposes the same obligations on the subprocessor as ,are imposed on the data importer under the Clauses. ,Where the subprocessor fails tofulfil its data protection ,obligations under such written agreement the data ,importer shall remain fully liable to the dataexporter for ,the performance of the subprocessor's obligations under ,such agreement. ,11.2The prior written contract between the data importer and ,the subprocessor shall also provide for a third-party ,beneficiary clause as laid down in Clause 3 for cases ,where the data subject is not able to bring the claim for ,compensation referred to in paragraph 1 of Clause 6 ,against the data exporter or the data importer because ,they have factually disappeared or have ceased to exist ,in law or have become insolvent and no successor entity ,has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data ,exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law. ,Such third-party liability of the subprocessor shall be ,limited to its own processing operations under the ,Clauses.,11.3The provisions relating to data protection aspects for ,subprocessing of the contract referred to in paragraph 1 ,shall be governed by the lawof the Member State in ,which the data exporter is established.,11.4The data exporter shall keep a list of subprocessing ,agreements concluded under the Clauses and notified ,by the data importer pursuant to Clause 5 (j), which shall ,be updated at least once a year. The list shall be ,available to the data exporter's data protection ,supervisory authority. ,12.Obligation after the termination of personal data ,processing services,12.1The parties agree that on the termination of the provision ,of data processing services, the data importer and the ,subprocessor shall, at the choice of the data exporter, ,return all the personal data transferred andthe copies ,thereof to the data exporter or shall destroy all the ,personal data and certify to the data exporter that it has ,done so, unless legislation imposed upon the data ,importer prevents it from returning or destroying all or ,part of the personal data transferred. In that case, the ,data importer warrants that it will guarantee the ,confidentiality of the personal data transferred and will not ,actively process the personal data transferred anymore.,12.2The data importer and the subprocessor warrant that ,upon request of the data exporter and/or of the ,supervisory authority, it will submit its data processing ,facilities for an audit of the measures referred to in ,paragraph 1.,Appendix 1 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,This Appendix forms part of the Clauses and must be completed ,by the parties. ,Data exporter: The data exporter is the entity identified as the ,"Customer" in the Data Processing Addendum in place between ,data exporter and data importer and to which these Clauses are ,appended ("DPA"). ,Data importer:The data importer is the US headquartered company, ,SailPoint Technologies, Inc. ("SailPoint"). SailPoint provides ,identity governance solutions and other Services as described in the ,Agreement which process Customer Personal Information upon the ,instruction of the Customer in accordance with the terms of the ,Agreement. ,Description of Data Processing: Please see Section3.4 (Details of ,Processing) of this DPA for a description of the data subjects, ,categories of data, special categories of data and processing ,operations. ,Appendix 2 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,This Appendix forms part of the Clauses and must be completed ,by the parties.,Description of the technical and organisational security measures ,implemented by the data importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) ,and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached):,Please see Annex A of the DPA, which describes the technical and ,organisational security measures implemented by SailPoint. ,Appendix 3 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,This Appendix forms part of the Clauses and must be completed ,by the parties.,This Appendix sets out the parties' interpretation of their respective ,obligations under specific Clauses identified below. Where a party ,complies with the interpretations set out in this Appendix, that party ,shall be deemed by the other party to have compliedwith its ,commitments under the Clauses. ,Clause 4(h) and 8: Disclosure of these Clauses,1.Data exporter agrees that these Clauses constitute data ,importer's Confidential Information as that term is defined ,in the Agreement and may not be disclosed by data ,exporter to any third party without data importer's prior ,written consent unless permitted pursuant to the ,Agreement. This shall not prevent disclosure of these ,Clauses to a data subject pursuant to Clause 4(h) or a ,supervisory authoritypursuant to Clause 8.,Clause 5(a): Suspension of data transfers and termination:,1.The parties acknowledge that data importer may process ,the personal data only on behalf of the data exporter and ,in compliance with its instructions as provided by the ,data exporter and the Clauses.,2.The parties acknowledge that if data importercannot ,provide such compliance for whatever reason, it agrees ,to inform promptly the data exporter of its inability to ,comply, in which case the data exporter is entitled to ,Page 15of 18(V. 20210212),suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the ,contract.,3.If the data exporter intends to suspend the transfer of ,personal data and/or terminate these Clauses, it shall ,endeavour to provide notice to the data importer and ,provide data importer with a reasonable period of time to ,cure the non-compliance (“Cure Period”). ,4.If after the Cure Period the data importer has not or cannot ,cure the non-compliance then the data exporter may ,suspend or terminate the transfer of personal data ,immediately. The data exporter shall not be required to ,provide such notice in instance where it considers there ,is a material risk of harm to data subjects or their personal ,data.,Clause 5(f): Audit:,1.Data exporter acknowledges and agrees that it exercises ,its audit right under Clause 5(f) by instructing data ,importer to comply with the audit measures described in ,Section 6 (Security Reports and Audits) of the DPA. ,Clause 5(j): Disclosure of sub-processor agreements,1.The parties acknowledge the obligation of the data ,importer to send promptly a copy of any onward sub-,processor agreement it concludes under the Clauses to ,the data exporter.,2.The parties further acknowledge that, pursuant to sub-,processor confidentialityrestrictions, data importer may ,be restricted from disclosing onward sub-processor ,agreements to data exporter. Notwithstanding this, data ,importer shall use reasonable efforts to require any sub-,processor it appoints to permit it to disclose the sub-,processor agreement to data exporter.,3.Even where data importer cannotdisclose a sub-,processor agreement to data exporter, the parties agree ,that, upon the request of data exporter, data importer ,shall (on a confidential basis) provide all information it ,reasonably can in connection with such sub-processing ,agreement to data exporter. ,Clause 6: Liability ,1.Any claims brought under the Clauses shall be subject ,to the terms and conditions, including but not limited to, ,the exclusions and limitations set forth in the ,Agreement. In no event shall any party limit its liability ,to a data subject with respect to any data subject rights ,under these Clauses.,Clause 11: Onward sub-processing ,4.The parties acknowledge that, pursuant to FAQ II.1 in ,Article 29 WorkingParty Paper WP 176 entitled "FAQs ,in order to address someissues raised by the entry into ,force of the EU Commission Decision 2010/87/EU of 5 ,February 2010 on standard contractual clauses for the ,transfer of personal data to processors established in ,third countries under Directive 95/46/EC" the data ,exporter may provide a general consent to onward sub-,processing by the data importer.,5.Accordingly, data exporter provides a general consent to ,data importer, pursuant to Clause 11 of these Clauses, ,to engage onward subprocessors. Such consent is ,conditional on data importer’s compliance with the ,requirements set out in Section 4 (Sub-processing) of the ,DPA.,Page 16of 18(V. 20210212),EXHIBIT B-PremiumSaaS Support Policy,This Attachment details SailPoint’s premium identity and access ,management support and maintenance services to the Customer’s ,applicable SaaS Service. ,1.SaaS Support Entitlement ,During the SaaS subscription term identified in an Order, Customer ,will receive Premium SaaS Supportthat includes i) supportseven ,(7) days a week twenty-four (24) hours a day for Severity 1 problems ,and ii) support during business hours of Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm ,local time elected by Customer excluding local holidays for allother ,severity problems.,2.Premium SaaS Support ,SaaS Support provides Customer with the following services:,a)Telephone or electronic support in order to help Customer ,locate and correct problems with the SaaS. ,b)Bug fixes and code corrections to correctSaaS malfunctions ,to bring such SaaS into substantial conformity with the ,operating specifications.,c)All extensions, enhancements and other changes that ,SailPoint, at its sole discretion, makes or adds to the SaaS ,and which SailPoint furnishes, without charge, to all other ,customer of SaaS.,3.Response and Resolution Goals,•“business hours” coverage (Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm local ,time elected by Customer excluding local holidays),•“Problem” means a defect in SaaS as defined in SailPoint’s ,SaaS specification which significantly degrades such SaaS.,•“Fix” means the repair or replacement of SaaS component in ,theform of a patch or e-fix to remedy Problem.,•“Workaround” means a change in the procedures followed or ,data supplied by Customer to avoid a Problem without ,substantially impairing Customer’s use of the SaaS. ,•“Respond” means acknowledgement via email of Problem ,received containing assigned support engineer name, date ,and time assigned, severity assignment, and other,information,Problem SeverityResponse TimesResolution Goals,1. The SailPoint application is completely SailPoint will Respond Upon confirmation of receipt, SailPoint will begin continuous ,unavailable or seriously impacted, and within 30 minutes for work on the Problem. provided that a Customer resource is ,there is no reasonable workaround Severity 1 issues and available at any time to assist with Problem determination. ,currently available. within 1 business hour for SailPoint will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide a ,all other severity issues.Workaround or Fix within 8 hours, once the Problem is ,reproducible or once SailPoint has identified the defect. ,SailPoint may incorporate a Fix for the Problem in a future ,release of the SaaS service.,2. The system or SailPoint application is SailPoint will Respond SailPoint will provide commerciallyreasonable efforts to provide ,seriously affected. The issue is not critical within 1 business hour. a Workaround or Fix within 3 business days.,and does not comply with the Severity 1 ,conditions. There is no workaround ,currently available or the workaround is ,cumbersome to use.,3. The system or SailPoint application is SailPoint will Respond SailPoint will provide commercially reasonable efforts to provide ,moderately affected. The issue is not within 1 business hour. a Workaround or Fix within 7 business days.,criticaland the system has not failed. The ,issue has been identified and does not ,hinder normal operation, or the situation ,may be temporarily circumvented using ,an available workaround.,4. Non-critical issues, general SailPoint will Respond SailPoint will provide commercially reasonable efforts to provide ,questions, or situations where within 1 business answer within 10 business days.Resolution of a problem ,functionality does not appear to match may appear in a future release of the SaaS. ,documented specifications but has no ,business impact.,4. Accessing Support,In addition to online help in the SaaS, which can be accessed by ,clicking the “Help” tab when logged into the SaaS service, function-,specific help information can also be accessed throughout the SaaS ,using the ‘?’ option.,The Compass online community ( ,is available 24x7 for self-service technical assistance including: ,•Accessing our knowledgebase, product documentation, ,technical articles, and FAQs ,•Viewing supported platforms and hardware ,The online support portal (,,support) is used to manage Customer cases and includes:,•Logging support cases and case communication,•Submitting new product enhancements,•Support Policy documentation,•Reporting status of cases,The support email address is,. Local and toll-,free supportphone numbers are listed in SailPoint’s Compass ,online community. ,Access to Support is available to a maximum of 10 named contacts ,per contract, list to be provided and maintained by Customer. ,Page 17of 18(V. 20210212),EXHIBIT C–Service Level Agreement,This AttachmentdetailsSailPoint’s Service LevelAgreement issue a Service Credit in Customer’s next invoice, calculated in ,(“SLA”) for the Customer’s production instance of the SaaS Service. accordance with the below chart. “Service Credit” represents ,1.Standard Terms.,a.During each calendar month of the Term,SailPoint ,warrantsat least 99.9% System Availability.,b.System Availability is calculated per calendar month by: ,i.Dividing (x) the total minutes during which the user ,interfaceof the SaaS Service in a Customer ,production instance are available in the month minus,the total minutes of scheduled maintenance in the ,month, by (y) the total minutes in the month minus,the total minutes of scheduled maintenance in the ,month. and ,ii.Multiplying such result by 100. ,For purposes of calculating System Availability, only ,SaaS Service unavailability exceeding 30 seconds will ,apply. ,c.SailPoint reserves theright to take the SaaS Service ,offline for scheduled maintenance for which Customer ,has been provided reasonable notice and SailPoint ,reserves the right to change its maintenance window ,upon prior notice to Customer.,2.Exclusions. Customer shall not have any remedies under this ,SLA to the extent any SLA C laim is due to unavailability of the ,SaaS Service resulting from: (a)a Force Majeure Event, (b) ,issues associated with the Customer’s computing devices, ,local area networks,or internet service provider connections, ,(c) use of the SaaS Service outside the scope described in this,SaaS Agreement, or (d) inability to deliver the SaaS Service ,due to acts or omissions of Customer or any User.,3.SLA Claims. Customer must notify SailPoint customer service ,via support ticket within five (5) business days from the ,occurrence of the SLA incident and provide the details of the ,incident(a “SLA Claim”). SailPoint will use log files, database ,records, audit logs and any other information available to ,validate an SLA Claim and make a good faith judgment on the ,applicability of this SLA to such SLA Claim. In the event an SLA ,Claim is denied, SailPoint shall make the information used to ,validate such SLA Claim available for auditing by Customer at ,Customer’s request. ,4.Service Credits. If System Availability is less than 99.9% in an ,individual month and if Customer has fulfilled all of its ,obligations under the SaaS Agreement, then upon Customer ,submitting and SailPoint validating an SLA Claim, SailPoint will ,apercentage of the monthly fee associated with the affected ,SaaS Service. In any given calendar month, Customer shall in ,no event be entitled to receive a Service Credit that exceeds ,50% of its monthly fee for the affected SaaS Service. ,% System AvailabilityService Credit,&lt. 99.9%10%,&lt. 99.0%20%,&lt. 98.0%30%,&lt. 97.0%40%,&lt. 96.0%50%,5.Alternative Remedies. ,a.At Customer’s election through writtenrequest, in lieu of ,the foregoing Service Credit, SailPoint shall provide a ,credit to Customer in the equivalent dollar amount as the ,Service Credit to be used for additional Identity Cubes, a ,Term extension,or future SaaS Service renewals. ,b.IfSailPoint fails to meet its obligations under the terms of ,this SLA for (i) three (3) consecutive months or (ii) five (5) ,months during a calendar year period, then Customer ,may, in its sole discretion, terminate the SaaS Agreement ,without penalty and SailPoint shall immediately refund to ,Customer a pro-rata portion of any prepaid fees paid by ,Customer to SailPoint that cover the remainder of the ,Termafter the effective date of termination. If Customer ,desires to terminate the SaaS Agreement pursuant to this ,provision, Customer must provide written notice to ,SailPoint pursuant to the SaaS Agreement of such ,election within ten (10) calendar days of the last day of ,the three (3) consecutive month period in section (i) of the ,preceding sentence or the fifth (5,th,) month in section (ii) of ,the preceding sentence. ,c.The remedies stated in this SLA are Customer’s sole ,remedies and SailPoint’s exclusive liability for interruption ,of SaaS Service and SailPoint’s failure to meet System ,Availability.,6.Miscellaneous. Customermay inquire at any time as to ,SailPoint’s compliance with the provisions of this SLA by way of ,accessing SailPoint’sgeneral status website, located currently ,at,,Page 18of 18(V. 20210212),EXHIBIT D–Country-Specific Contract Terms ,1. Where French Law applies:,(a) The parties to this Agreement do not intend to condition (a)Limitation of Liability. Section8of this SaaS Agreement ,their engagement to a period of reflection, as mentioned in Article (Limitation of Liability) shall be replaced in its entirety with the ,1122 of the French Civil Code.,(b).The parties, fully informed of their rights under Article (i)Neither Party excludes or limits its liability;,1195 of the Civil Code, expressly exclude the application to ,unforeseen circumstances, as defined in Article 1195 of the Civil ,Code, regardless of the circumstances beyond the parties' control. ,The parties agree to assume the risks relating to any change in ,circumstances unforeseeable as of the Effective Datethat would ,render its performance excessively onerous for a party, and ,expressly waivethe right to request any renegotiation and/or judicial the DPA due to willful misconduct, or gross ,and/or non-judicial review of this Agreement on the hardship basis.,(c).By way of derogation from the provisions of article 1221 ,and article 1222 of the Civil Code, the parties agree in the event ,SailPoint fails to fulfill its obligations, Customer may not request characteristics, up to the amount of damage ,forced execution and/or enforce SailPoint’s obligation by itself or by ,a third party, at the expense of SailPoint. If such event occurs, ,Customer shall senda prior written notice to SailPoint related to the ,non-performance and the provisions as agreed in Section 6.6 of this ,SaaS Agreement,shall apply only.,(d).By way of derogation from the provisions of article 1223 ,of the Civil Code, the parties agree in the event SailPoint fails to ,fulfill its obligations, Customer may not reduce the price ,proportionally. ,(e).The notice to perform SailPoint’s obligations will take ,effect only if it refers expressly to the non-performance and Section ,6.2. of this Agreement. ,(f).In relation to Section 5.2 (Fees, Invoicing and Payments) ,of this Agreement:,i.It is expressly agreed between the parties that in relation to ,a notice pursuant to such Section 5.2, Customer will be ,validly put onformal notice of Customer to comply with its ,payment obligations, in accordance with the provisions of ,article 1344 of the Civil Code. ,ii.No discount will be granted in the event of early payment. ,iii.Customer delaying anypayment properly due and owing to ,SailPoint becomes a debtor to SailPointautomatically,in ,addition to the penalties for late payment, of a fixed ,allowance for recovery costs of forty (40) euros according to ,articles L441-10 and D441-5 of the French commercial ,code. SailPoint reserves the right to claim an additional ,compensation justifying having spent more than forty (40) ,euros for recovery costs.,2. Where German law applies:,following provisions:, case of intent and gross negligence;, case of injury of body, life or health;,3.for any breach of the “Indemnification” or ,“Confidentiality” provisions of this SaaS ,Agreement;,4.for a breach of its respective obligations under ,negligence;, case of a warranty (Garantie), for losses ,arising from the lack of any warranted ,which, giventhe purpose of the warranty, could ,be typically expected and which was ,foreseeable for SailPoint at the time the ,warranty was given;,6.according to the German Product Liability Act ,(Produkthaftungsgesetz) in the event of product ,liability.,(ii)In case of breach of any material duty, which was ,essential for the conclusion of this SaaS Agreement ,an on the Performance on which the other party may ,rely (Kardinalspflicht), through simple negligence, the ,liability of the infringing party shall be limited to the ,amount which was foreseeable and typical with ,regard to the time and kind of the respective action.,(iii)SailPoint shall be liable for loss of data only up tothe ,amount of typical recovery costs which would have ,arisen had proper and regular data backup measures ,been taken by the Customer;,(iv)A further liability does not subsist. The preceding ,limitation of liability does also apply with regard to ,personal liability of each party’semployees, ,representatives and board members.,(v)Both parties hereunder specifically acknowledge that ,the limitations of liability and exclusion of damages ,stated herein are reflected in the pricing and, but for ,such limitations and exclusions, SailPoint would not ,have provided the services to Customer.,(b)Warranties. In deviation from Section7.2of this SaaS ,Agreement (Disclaimer),the language “SailPoint does not ,warrant that the SaaS service will be error free or ,uninterrupted”shall be deemed to be deleted and apart from ,the warranties explicitly mentioned in Section7.1(Warranties ,and Remedies), nothing in this SaaS Agreement shall be ,construed as a warranty.,(c)Other amendments. ,(i)In deviation from Section5.2(a) (Direct Purchasesfrom ,SailPoint), late charges shall always accrue at the ,statutory default interest rate of 9 percentage points ,above the basicrateof interestper year (Sec. 288 para 2 ,German Civil Code).,(ii)In addition to Section 6.2(Termination for Material ,Breach), SailPointshall also reimburse the Customer for ,all fees already paid for Services which were provided ,before the terminationcame into effect,insofar as the ,Customer proves that the Services had no value to him up ,to this point in time due to the circumstance which led to ,the termination.

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