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Skip to main content <p> The power of people against poverty </p> <ul> <li> Blogs </li> <li> Press releases </li> <li> Research </li> </ul> icon-search Submit search Language <ul> <li>English</li> <li>Français</li> <li>Español</li> </ul> <ul> <li> What we do <ul> <li> Ending poverty <ul> <li> Water and sanitation </li> <li> Food, climate and natural resources </li> <li> Conflicts and disasters </li> <li> Extreme inequality and essential services </li> <li> Gender justice and women’s rights </li> </ul> </li> <li> Responding to emergencies <ul> <li> Bangladesh Rohingya refugee crisis </li> <li> Climate and food crisis in East Africa </li> <li> Crisis in Democratic Republic of Congo </li> <li> Crisis in Syria </li> <li> Crisis in Yemen </li> <li> Hunger crisis in South Sudan </li> </ul> </li> <li> Working worldwide <ul> <li> About us </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Take action <ul> <li> Campaign with us <ul> <li> Join the community of #ClimateChangers </li> <li> Fight inequality, beat poverty </li> <li> End the suffering behind your food </li> <li> Say 'Enough' to violence against women and girls </li> <li> Stand for land rights </li> </ul> </li> <li> Join the global movement for change <ul> <li> Take part in Trailwalker </li> </ul> </li> <li> Work with us <ul> <li> Volunteer with us </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Donate </li> </ul> icon-search Submit search <ul> <li> Blogs </li> <li> Press releases </li> <li> Research </li> </ul> Breadcrumb <ol> <li> Home </li> </ol> Cookies Notice <p>When visiting oxfam.org, some cookies will be installed on your computer or device. Oxfam International does not use cookies to track you&nbsp;or to retain any personal information, they are used to store some information about the technical capabilities of your computer or device in order to give you a better experience.</p> <p>We use 3rd party tools to measure user behavior on our site, to run experiments for improving our site, for displaying multi-media content or to facilitate social sharing. Some of these tools may install cookies on your computer or device. Here is an overview of the different cookies which might be installed after a visit to Oxfam.org:</p> Google Analytics <p>We are using Google Analytics for measuring user behavior. The cookies installed by Google Analytics help remember user behavior from page to page. It is not used to track personal information as all data collected by Google Analytics is being anonymized before it is saved.</p> YouTube <p>On pages where we use YouTube to show you videos, YouTube will save some cookies on your device. Most of the cookies are there to offer you better functionality in the video player. However, YouTube also saves a cookie for DoubleClick, Google’s advertisement platform. This cookie allows Google to track you for advertisement personalization purposes. You can opt-out using Google Ads Settings.</p> social-facebook Facebook social-twitter Twitter social-linkedin LinkedIn Join us <p>Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our newsletter:</p> Email Sign up social-facebook social-twitter social-youtube social-instagram About Oxfam <ul> <li> What we believe </li> <li> How we fight inequality to beat poverty </li> <li> How we are organized </li> <li> Our history </li> <li> Our finances and accountability </li> <li> Our commitment to safeguarding </li> <li> Frequently Asked Questions </li> <li> Scam warning </li> </ul> Issues we work on <ul> <li> Conflicts and disasters </li> <li> Extreme inequality and essential services </li> <li> Food, climate and natural resources </li> <li> Gender justice and women’s rights </li> <li> Water and sanitation </li> </ul> Help us save lives <ul> <li> Bangladesh Rohingya refugee crisis </li> <li> Climate and food crisis in East Africa </li> <li> Crisis in Democratic Republic of Congo </li> <li> Crisis in Syria </li> <li> Crisis in Yemen </li> <li> Hunger crisis in South Sudan </li> </ul> Support our work <ul> <li> Donate now </li> <li> Campaign with us </li> <li> Work with us </li> <li> Take part in Oxfam Trailwalker </li> <li> Volunteer with us </li> <li> Join the global movement for change </li> </ul> <p>Contact | Privacy | Cookies notice | Terms &amp. Conditions</p> <p>Copyright © 2021 Oxfam International. All rights reserved.</p> <ul> </ul> We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience <p>By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies.</p> More info No, thanks OK, I agree

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