
Cancellation Policies EV Charging

If you cancel a booking which includes EV Charging<p>You won't be charged the EV Charging fee if you cancel your booking before it its due to start.</p>If you experience problems with your charger or can't access it<p>You won't be charged the EV Charging fee if you get in touch with our Customer Support team whilst your booking is ongoing or due to start.</p> <p>If you fail to notify Customer Support of any charger malfunction whilst the booking is ongoing or due to start, you might be eligible for a parking promo code based on circumstances, at the discretion of our Customer Support team.</p> <p>You may be required to show proof of the charger malfunctioning, such as a photograph.</p>

On 2021-03-30 18:01:43 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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