
Privacy Policy

PRIVACYPOLICY,1.HOWTO CONTACTUS,PleasecontactusifyouhaveanyquestionsaboutourPrivacyPolicyorinformation,weholdabout,you:,Byemail: privacy@JivoSite.com.,2.WHOWE ARE?,JivoSite LLC , (collectively, the “Company” or “we” or “us”) the Russian Federation, 115280, ,Moscow, Leninskaia sloboda, b 19, office 21, is committed toprotecting privacy of your ,Personal Data (as defined below). ,3.PURPOSEANDSCOPEOFTHIS POLICY,This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes how the Company collects, uses, shares and secures,thePersonalDataofvisitorsandsubscriberstotheJivoSite Service (the“Subscriber(s)”or“you”,or “yours”, Personal Data subject, as applicable). It also describes your choices regarding use,,access and correction of your Personal Data. The capitalized terms used in this Policy but not,definedhereinshallhavethesamemeaningassignedtotheminCompany’sTermsandConditions,(https://www.JivoSite.com/terms/) (the “Terms”), and your use of the JivoSite Service is at all,timessubject to the Terms.,ThisPolicyappliestothosewhovisitthewebsitesownedandoperatedbytheCompany,,downloadany downloadable software, install any mobile applications, and/or use the Company’s ,productsandJivoSite Service offeredatJivoSite.com(collectively, the“JivoSite Service”).,For purposes of the Policy, Personal Data means any information that identifies or relates to a,particularindividualandalsoincludesinformationreferredtoas“personallyidentifiable,information” or “personal information” under applicable data privacy laws, rules, or regulations,,including the GDPR, Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) of Switzerland, Ordinance to the,FederalAct onData Protection (FADP Ordinance) ofSwitzerlandand the CCPA.,4.NOTICETOSUBSCRIBER’SDATASUBJECTS,IfaSubscriberusestheJivoSite Service tointeractwithotherindividuals,suchasthe,Subscriber’scustomers or potential customers (the “Subscriber’s Data Subjects”), the Subscriber ,is solelyresponsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws in connection with the ,collectionand/or processing of Personal Data of the Subscriber’s Data Subjects. If you are a ,Subscriber’sData Subject please note that the Company has no relationship with you whatsoever ,and its onlyrelation is with the Subscriber with whom you may interact. For any questions ,regarding thecollection of your Personal Data or to amend your Personal Data, and for all other ,reasons, youmustcontact theSubscriber.,5.NOTICETOSUBSCRIBERS,The Company does not collect or determine the use of any Personal Data of Subscriber Data,Subjects, nor the purpose for which such data is collected by the Subscriber, how such data is,collected and how it is used, the Company does not act as a data controller as defined under the,GeneralDataProtectionRegulation2016/679(“GDPR”),FederalActonDataProtection(FADP),ofSwitzerland,OrdinancetotheFederalActonDataProtection(FADPOrdinance)ofSwitzerland,orabusinessundertheCaliforniaConsumerPrivacyAct,CaliforniaCivilCode1780.100,(“CCPA”)andbearsnoresponsibilityunderthesestatutesassociatedwithadatacontroller/,business.TotheextentthattheCompanyprocessesanySubscriber’sdata,itshouldbeconsidered,onlyasaprocessor/serviceprovideronbehalfoftheSubscriberastoanyPersonalDatathatis,subjecttotherequirementsofGDPRand/orCCPA.PleasenotethatunderGDPRandCCPAyou ,are regarded as a data controller/business vis a vis the Subscriber Data Subject and as suchmust,comply with therequirements of GDPR and/or CCPA.,6.PERSONALDATACOLLECTION,Wemaycollect,use,storeandtransferdifferentcategoriesofPersonalDataaboutyou.Wecollect,PersonalDataabout you from:,(i)you when you provide such information directly to us, and when Personal Data about ,youisautomatically collectedinconnection with your useof theJivoSite Service.,(ii)our subsidiaries and affiliates (together “Affiliates”), when they provide us with Personal,Dataabout you.,We only collect “sensitive” personal information when you voluntarily provide us with this,informationorwheresuchinformationisrequiredorpermittedtobecollectedbylawor,professional standards. Sensitive information includes personal information regarding a person's,race,ethnicity, political, philosophical religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership,,physical or mental health, sexual life, sexual orientation, or criminal record. Please use your,discretion when providing sensitive information to the Company, and under any circumstances,,donotprovidesensitiveinformationtotheCompany,unlessyoutherebyconsenttothe,Company’suseofthatinformationforitslegitimatebusinesspurposesandconsenttothe,transferand storage of such information to and in the Company’s databases. If you have any ,questionsabout whether the provision of sensitive information to the Company is, or may be, ,necessary orappropriate forparticularpurposes, pleasecontactus atprivacy@JivoSite.com.,We use different methods to collect Personal Data from and about you, including through the,followingmeans:,(i)Directinteractions.PersonalDatamaybecollectedwhenyouestablishauseraccount,foruse with the JivoSite Service, correspond with us with our website or otherwise, or ,inquire aboutourserviceofferings.,(ii)Automatedtechnologiesorinteractions.Aprimarysourceofnon-personallyidentifiable,information includes anonymized browser information when you are using our websites, ,wherethis cannot be linked to other Personal Data. Website log files and Third-Party ,scripts collectinformationthatmayincludeIPaddresses,browsertype,internetservice,provider(ISP),referral/exitpages,pagesviewed,date×tamps,andothersimilar,information.Weusetheselog files and Third-Party scripts to help us analyze traffic ,patterns &amp. site usage, understandaudiences, as well as improve our sites and services and ,are not able to identify you from thisinformation.,7.THIRDPARTYPAYMENT PROCESSIN G ,When you make purchases through the JivoSite Service, we process your payments through a,third-party payment processor.In these instances, the third-party processor may collect certain,financial information from you to process a payment on our behalf, including your name, email,address, address and other billing information. In this case, the use and retention of your ,PersonalData is governed by the terms of use and privacy policy of such third-party payment ,processor.Our treatment of any Personal Data that we receive from a third-party payment ,processor, issubjectto this Privacy Policy.,8.PERSONALDATAPROCESSIN G ,WeprocessyourPersonalDataas a controllerfor thefollowingpurposes:,(i)UseoftheJivoSite Service anditsfunctionalities(“ContractualPurposes”);,(ii)RegistrationontheJivoSite Service bycreatinganaccount(“Contractual Purposes”);,(iii)Withyourpriorconsent,sendinginformation,promotionalandadvertisingmaterial,,suchasnewsletters(“Marketing Purposes”);,(iv)Fulfilltheobligationsestablishedbyapplicablelaws,rulesorregulationsand/or,respondtorequests frompublic and governmentalauthorities (“RegulatoryPurposes”);,(v)RegistrationasCompanypartner.,WealsoprocessPersonalDataofSubscriber’sSubjectsasaprocessorforthefollowingpurposes:,(i)toenableaSubscriberto communicatewiththeSubscriber’sSubjects.,9.LEGALBASISOFPERSONALDATAPROCESSIN G ,The processing of Personal Data for the purposes referred to in Section 8(i), 8(iv), and 8(v) is,mandatory to use the JivoSite Service. The processing of Personal Data for the purposes referred,to in Section 8(ii) is required to use services that imply the creation of an account on the JivoSite ,Service.FailuretoprovidethePersonalDatawillmakeitimpossibleforyoutoaccessoruse,theseservices.TheprocessingofPersonalDataforthepurposesreferredtoinSection8(iii)is,optional.FailuretoprovidetheconsentdoesnotaffectyouruseoftheJivoSite Service bythe,User,butwillresultin theinability ofthe Companyto sendyou the informationthat maybeof,interest toyou.,10.CHANGEOFPURPOSE,We will only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it unless we,reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with,the original purpose. If you wish to receive an explanation as to how the processing for the new,purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact us at privacy@JivoSite.com. If,weneedtouseyourPersonalDataforanunrelatedpurpose,wewillnotifyyouandwewill,explainthe legal basis which allows us to do so. Please note that we may process your Personal ,Datawithout your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is ,required orpermittedby law.,11.OPTIN G OUT,You may opt-out of communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in an,email or by sending a request to privacy@JivoSite.com. Where you opt-out of receiving these,marketingmessages,thisdoesnotmeanthatwewillstopprocessingyourPersonalData,providedtous as aresult of any services weprovideto you.,12.DISCLOSURES,SHARING,&amp. ONWARDTRANSFERSOF PERSONALDATA,DisclosuresofPersonal Datafora BusinessPurpose,We disclose your Personal Data to service providers and other parties for the following business,purposes: In the achievement of internal business operations and in order to best serve you, we,may disclose Personal Data to Third Parties who reasonably need to know such Personal Data in,the accomplishment of a contracted task or the Company’s business purpose, such as payment,processingofSubscribers’payments fortheJivoSite Service throughThirdParty providers.,WemayalsodiscloseyourPersonalDatato thirdpartiesinthefollowingcircumstances:,(i)As required by law to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process. To the extent we,are legally permitted to do so, we will take commercially reasonable steps to notify you in ,theevent that we are required to provide your Personal Data, customer or business ,information toThird Parties as part of a legal process. We may also be required to disclose ,Personal Data inresponse to lawful requests by public authorities, including requests from ,national security or lawenforcementauthorities.,(ii)When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect,yoursafetyor thesafety ofothers,investigate fraudor respondto awrittengovernment ,request.,(iii)IftheCompanybecomesinvolvedinamerger,acquisition,oranyformofsaleofsome,orallof its assets.,(iv)ToanyotherThirdPartywithyourprior consent.,(v)When detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or,illegalactivity, and prosecuting thoseresponsible forthat activity.,(vi)Performingservicesonourbehalf,includingmaintainingorservicingaccounts,,providingcustomerservice,processingorfulfillingordersandtransactions,verifying,customerinformation,providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services, ,providing analytic services, orprovidingsimilarservices on behalf ofthe businessor ,serviceprovider.,WediscloseyourPersonalDatatothe followingcategoriesofserviceprovidersandother,parties,including:,⎯,Paymentprocessors;,⎯,Marketingserviceproviders;,⎯,Hostingandothertechnologyandcommunicationsproviders;,⎯,Analyticsproviders;,⎯,OurAffiliates;,⎯,Otherpartiesatyourdirection;,⎯,Otherusers(whereyoupostinformationpubliclyorasotherwisenecessarytoeffect,atransactioninitiated orauthorized by you throughtheServices);,⎯,Socialmediaservices(ifyouintentionallyinteractwiththemthroughyouruseof,theServices);,⎯,Third-partybusinesspartnerswhoyouaccessthroughtheJivoSite Service;,⎯,Otherpartiesauthorizedbyyou.,At the time of the latest update to the Policy, the specific Third-Party providers that we disclose,yourPersonal Datato includeZingaya,Inc.Amazon WebServices, andGoogle Group.,We may provide an option to access or register for the JivoSite Service through the use of your,username and passwords for certain services provided by third parties, such as through the use ,ofyourFacebook, LinkedIn, or Google account.,13.DATATRANSFEROUTSIDETHEUNITEDSTATES,TheCompanyisaglobalcompany,basedintheBrazil.ThepersonaldataofEEAresidentsis,stored in EEA area.,14.JIVOSITE WEBSITES,Links,Our websites contain links to other sites. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections,mayallowThirdParties tocollect orsharedataaboutyou.Pleasebeawarethatwedonot,controlthese sites and are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. ,Weencourage our users to be aware when they leave our websites and to read the privacy ,policies ofanyotherwebsitethey visit.ThisPolicyapplies solelytoinformationcollected bythe,Company.,Cookies,Cookiesaretextfilesputonyourcomputertocollectstandardinternetloginformationand,visitorbehaviorinformation.Thisinformationisthenusedtotrackvisitoruseofthewebsiteandto,createstatistical reports on website activity. The detailed description of cookies used on our site ,can befoundhere: http://JivoSite.com/cookies.,You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove,cookiesfromyourbrowser.PleasenoteinafewcasessometheJivoSite Service featuresmaynot,functionbecauseof this.,BY ACCESSING OR USING THE JIVOSITE SERVICE OR ENTERING YOUR LOGIN,DETAILS TO ACCESS AREAS RESERVED FOR REGISTERED USERS, YOU AGREE,THATWE,ORATHIRDPARTYACTINGONOURBEHALF,CANPLACETHESE,COOKIESONYOUR COMPUTER OR INTERNETENABLEDDEVICE.,UsageAnalytics,We use several third-party usage analytics tools including Google Analytics. More information,abouthowGoogleAnalyticsisusedbytheCompanycanbefoundhere:http://www.google.com/,analytics/learn/privacy.html.Toprovidewebsitevisitorswithmorechoice on how their data is ,collected by Google Analytics, Google has developed the GoogleAnalyticsOpt-outBrowser,Add-on.Theadd-oncommunicateswiththeGoogleAnalyticsJavaScript(ga.js)toindicatethat,informationaboutthewebsitevisitshouldnotbesenttoGoogle Analytics.TheGoogleAnalytics,OptoutBrowserAdd-ondoesnotpreventinformationfrombeingsentto the OnlineServices or to ,otherweb analytics services.,Webbeacons,A web beacon is a small image file on a web page that can be used to collect certain information,from your computer, such as an IP address, the time the content was viewed, a browser type, and,theexistenceofcookiespreviouslysetbythesameserver.Weonlyusewebbeaconsinaccordance,with applicable laws. The Company or its service providers may use web beacons to track the,effectivenessof third-party web sites that provideus with.,15.SECURITY,The security of your Personal Data is important to us. We follow generally accepted standards to,protectthepersonalinformationsubmittedtous,bothduringtransmissionandonceitis,received.If we learn of a security systems breach, we will inform you and the authorities of the ,occurrenceofthebreach in accordancewith applicablelaw.,16.RETENTIONOFYOURPERSONALDATA,WewillonlyretainyourPersonalDataforaslongasreasonablynecessarytoprovideour,servicesor to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any ,legal,regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting requirements. We may retain your Personal Data ,for alongerperiodintheeventofacomplaintorifwereasonablybelievethereisaprospectof,litigationinrespecttoourrelationshipwithyou.Afterwards,weretainsomeinformationina,depersonalizedor aggregated form but not in a way that would identify you personally. To ,determine theappropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the amount, nature and ,sensitivity ofthePersonalData,thepotentialriskofharmfromunauthorizeduseordisclosureof,yourPersonalData, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data and whether we can ,achieve thosepurposes through other means, and the applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting ,or otherrequirements.,17.PERSONALDATAOF CHILDREN,This website is not intended for children under 16 years of age and we do not knowingly collect,data relating to children. If you are a child under 16, please do not attempt to register for or,otherwise use the Services or send us any Personal Data. If we learn we have collected Personal,Data from a child under 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe,thatachildunder16mayhaveprovidedusPersonalData,pleasecontactusat,privacy@JivoSite.com.,18.YOUR RIGHTS IN RELATION TO PERSONAL DATA,CaliforniaResident Rights,IfyouareaCaliforniaresident,youhavetherightsoutlinedinthissectionasdefinedinthe,CaliforniaConsumerProtectionAct(the“CCPA”).Pleaseseethe“ExercisingYourRights” ,section below for instructions regarding how to exercise these rights. If there are any conflicts,between this section and any other provision of this Privacy Policy and you are a California,resident, the portion that is more protective of Personal Data shall control to the extent of such,conflict. If you have any questions about this section or whether any of the following applies to,you,pleasecontact us atprivacy@JivoSite.com.,(i)Access. You have the right to request certain information about our collection and use of,yourPersonalDataoverthepast12months.Wewillprovideyouwiththefollowing,information:,⎯,ThecategoriesofPersonalDatathatwehave collectedabout you.,⎯,ThecategoriesofsourcesfromwhichthatPersonalDatawascollected.,⎯,Thebusinessorcommercial purposeforcollectingor sellingyourPersonalData.,⎯,Thecategories ofthird partieswith whomwehaveshared yourPersonal Data.,⎯,ThespecificpiecesofPersonal Datathat wehavecollectedabout you.,If we have disclosed your Personal Data for a business purpose over the past 12 months, we will,identifythecategories of Personal Datashared witheachcategoryof third-partyrecipient.,(ii)Deletion. You have the right to request that we delete the Personal Data that we have,collected from you. Under the CCPA, this right is subject to certain exceptions: for ,example, wemay need to retain your Personal Data to provide you with the Services or ,complete a transactionor other action you have requested. If your deletion request is ,subject to one of these exceptions,wemay deny your deletion request.,(iii)Exercising Your Rights. To exercise the rights described above, you must send us a,request that (1) provides sufficient information to allow us to verify that you are the person ,aboutwhomwehavecollectedPersonalData,and(2)describesyourrequestinsufficient,detailtoallowustounderstand,evaluate,andrespondtoit.Eachrequestthatmeetsbothof,thesecriteriawillbeconsidereda“ValidRequest”.Wemaynotrespondtorequeststhatdo,notmeetthesecriteria.Wewill only use Personal Data provided in a Valid Request to ,verify you and complete your request.You do not need an account to submit a Valid ,Request. We will work to respond to your ValidRequestwithin45daysofreceipt.Wewill,notchargeyouafeeformakingaValidRequestunlessyourValidRequest(s)isexcessive,,repetitive,ormanifestlyunfounded.IfwedeterminethatyourValid Request warrants a fee, ,we will notify you of the fee and explain that decision beforecompletingyourrequest.,YoumaysubmitaValidRequestbyemailingusatprivacy@JivoSite.com.,(iv)NoDiscrimination.Wewillnotdiscriminateagainstyouforexercisingyourrights,underthe CCPA. We will not deny you our goods or services, charge you different prices or ,rates, orprovide you a lower quality of goods and services if you exercise your rights ,under the CCPA.However, we may have different tiers of Services as allowed by ,applicable data privacy laws(including the CCPA) with varying prices, rates, or levels of ,quality of the goods or services youreceiverelated to the valueofPersonal Data thatwe,receive from you.,EUandSwitzerlandResidentRights,Section7–the“PersonalDataCollection”sectionabove,detailsthePersonalDatathatwe,collectfromyou.Section8—the“PersonalDataUse”sectionaboveexplainshowweuseyour,PersonalData.WewillonlyuseyourPersonalDatawhentheapplicablelawallowsusto.Most,commonly,wewill use yourPersonal Data in thefollowing circumstances:,(i)whereweneedtoperformthecontractweareabouttoenterintoorhaveenteredinto,withyou;,(ii)where it is necessary for our legitimate interests and your interests and fundamental ,rightsdonot overridethose interests. or,(iii)whereweneedtocomply withlegalorregulatoryobligations.,If you are an EU data subject (as such term is defined under the GDPR), you have certain rights,with respect to your Personal Data, including those set forth below. For more information about,these rights, or to submit a request, please email privacy@JivoSite.com.You, as a data subject,,havethe right to:,(i)The right to access information held about you. The data subject shall have the right to,obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not Personal Data concerning him ,or herarebeingprocessed,and,wherethatisthecase,accesstothePersonalDataandother,information.,(ii)The right to rectify your Personal Data.You shall have the right to rectify your Personal,Data without undue delay, if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date. After Personal Data,rectificationwewill notify you.,(iii)Therighttoerasure(deletionorremoving)yourPersonalData.Thedatasubjectshall,havethe right to obtain from the controller the erasure of Personal Data concerning him or ,her withoutundue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase Personal Data ,without unduedelay. If we cannot erase your Personal Data, we will anonymize your ,Personal Data so that itcannot be determined. After the erasure or anonymization of your ,Personal Data, we will notifyyou aboutit.,(iv)The right to restrict (block) the processing. When processing is restricted, we will store,your Personal Data, but not further process it, until the restrictions will be removed. You can,removetherestrictions (block)of processing at any time viarequest.,(v)The right to data portability.You have the right to receive the Personal Data which you,have given to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right ,totransmitthatdatatoanothercontrollerfromthecurrentcontroller,ifitistechnically,possible.Youmay exercise this right, if your data is processed on the basis of your consent ,or a contract signedwithyou and thedata are processedelectronically.,(vi)Right to object. You have the right at any time, on the basis of your specific position, to,objectto the processing of yourPersonal Data, which is necessaryfor:,(i)for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise ,ofofficialauthority vested in the controller;,(ii)for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third,party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental,rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of Personal ,Data.We shall no longer process the Personal Data unless we demonstrate ,compellinglegitimategroundsfortheprocessingofyourPersonalData.Youhave,therightatanytimetoobjecttotheprocessingofyourPersonalDatafor,marketing,includingprofilingformarketing purposes.,(vii)Automated individual decision-making, including profiling.You have the right not to be,subjecttoadecisionbasedsolelyonautomatedprocessing,includingprofiling,which,produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects on you. As of the ,latest version ofthePolicy, wedo not perform theautomated decision-making.,(viii)The right to withdraw your consent.If your Personal Data are processed by consent, you,havethe right to withdraw it.,(ix)The right to make a complaint with a supervisory authority.You have the right to make a,complaintwithasupervisoryauthorityoftheircountryifyouhaveaconcernabouthowwe,processyourdata,protectandfulfillyourrights.Pleasefindthecontactsofasupervisory,authorityoftheircountryon thewebsiteofthe EuropeanData Protection Council.,To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity, before,granting access to your Personal Data. For example, we may need to request specific ,informationfrom you in order to verify your identity. This is a security measure to ensure that ,Personal Datais not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact ,you to ask youforfurther information inrelation to yourrequest to speed up ourresponse.,YouwillnothavetopayafeetoaccessyourPersonalData(ortoexerciseanyoftheother,rights).However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive ,orexcessive or if additional copies of your Personal Data are requested. Alternatively, we may ,limitaccesstoyourPersonalData orrefusetocomplywith yourrequest inthesecircumstances.,We will endeavor to respond to all legitimate requests of individuals to exercise their rights in,relation to their Personal Data within 30 days of the original request or as otherwise required by,law. Occasionally it could take us longer than 30 days if your request is particularly complex or,youhavemadeanumberof requests.In thiscase,wewill notifyyou andkeep you updated.,19.CHANGESTOTHISPRIVACYPOLICYANDYOURDUTYTOINFORMUSOF,CHANGES,ThisPrivacyPolicymaybeamendedfromtimetotime. Updates to this Privacy Policy will be,posted on our site and will be effective upon posting. Your continued use the JivoSite Service ,constitutes your acceptance of all such changes and amendments. Your sole remedy is to cease,usingtheJivoSite Service.UseofinformationwecollectissubjecttothePrivacyPolicyineffect,atthetime such information is collected.,It is important that the Personal Data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us,informedifyourPersonalDatachangesduringyourrelationshipwithus.Todoso,please,contactusat privacy@JivoSite.com.

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