Photo Editor and Search

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <p> (“we,” “us,” or “our”) offer a product called Photo Editor &amp. Search. </p> <p> This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) regulates our data management and collection practices related to Photo Editor &amp. Search. This Policy encompasses all relevant information pertaining to your rights and choices in connection with our data management and collection practices. </p> <p> We provide our users products and services (this includes feature-focused websites, browser Add-Ons &amp. applications) with a customized browsing experience. Our objective is to offer products that deliver specific functionality that the user can access from the browser’s start page, new tab, and/or from the omnibox. </p> <p> Our goal is to safeguard the privacy of our user(s) who visit Photo Editor &amp. Search and/or install (the "Add-on") on their computers. </p> <p> By using Photo Editor &amp. Search, you agree and acknowledge that you have read and understood the provisions outlined in this Privacy Policy, which apply to you in totality. Furthermore, you consent to be bound by this Policy. </p> Data Collection <p> <b> Summary: Please note that this section describes all data elements including Personal Data (defined below) and any other similar data that we collect when you use our website and/or the Add-On. Some of these data elements have been collected automatically while some have been provided by you either (i) in acknowledgment to or in form of response to the fields requiring such data elements to enable the smooth functioning of the website and the Add-On. or (ii) when you contact us in connection with the website or the Add-on. Personal Data is any information (data elements) that either directly or when combined with any other non-identifying data elements are capable of identifying an individual. Examples for: </b> </p> <ol> <li>Directly identifiable data elements: Name, Email Address etc.</li> <li>Indirectly identifying data elements: Device location, IP Address, etc.</li> </ol> <p>While you are installing and using our product, we capture the following:</p> a)Information you share with us: <p> We may gather other types of information that you decidedly provide to us when you visit our website and/or use the Add-On, and any other data element provided by you including your name, email address (categorized as 'Identifiers' under CCPA) and/or telephone/mobile number if submitted by you as part of a crash report, feedback form, enhancement suggestion or any other communication made by you to us. We do not share, use or disclose any Personal Data for purpose(s) other than to (i) provide the services offered by us. (ii) provide response to you and where possible, resolve your doubt or fulfill your requests. or (iii) comply with any statutory or legal obligation(s). </p> b) Data automatically captured: <p> Apart from the types of data elements listed above, we may also automatically collect information from you in order to enhance the functionality of the associated Add-On. When you interact with or use Photo Editor &amp. Search and the Add-on associated with it, we collect certain data regarding that interaction. This data includes your IP address, geolocation derived from IP address, browser information/user agent, and your clicks. We also collect device information such as your operating system, type and version, your preferred browser language, the source of your download, its referring URL, your download date and other such information regarding your use of the website and associated Add-On. </p> <p> Additionally, we may collect some information which is anonymous in nature including the version of extension you have, screen size, source version, type tags and device, and time/date of certain metrics and events. </p> <p>In order to provide our services, we or our associated partners collect certain IDs, such as:</p> <p> <b>Click IDs:</b> To help us understand the number of people who click on our advertisements, how they interact with our services and how effective we/our advertisers are in providing you the services and advertisements, we may place such IDs on your web browser. </p> <p> <b>Device IDs/Cookie IDs:</b> We place unique device IDs, Cookie IDs or other identifiers that help us identify your device or the web browser if you visit our website. These identifiers cannot be used to directly identify you. Additionally, our advertising partners and other third parties may use these IDs to understand when you visit their websites or to ensure that they are not showing you repetitive advertisements. Further, we may also use such data about your interactions with our web pages to improve our services. To find out more about cookies, please click here. </p> Legal grounds for processing data collected: <p> <b>Summary: This section describes the legal and compliant basis for processing the data elements that we gather including but not limited to your explicit consent, interpretation of a contract between us and you, compliance with legal obligations, protection of important interests of any individual, and for our lawful right and those of any third party(ies) with whom it may be necessary to disclose this data. We aim to process your information that we gather in such a way that it cannot be assigned to a specific person. Data that can be used to directly identify you is held independently and securely to make sure that you are not identified.</b> </p> <p> Your Personal Data processing is subject to your interaction with and/or use of Photo Editor &amp. Search, your location at the time of such use/interaction, and the following as and where applicable: </p> <p> <b>Consent:</b> We may process your Personal Data when you grant us your prior clear consent for one or more specific purpose(s). this, however, won't apply, where such processing is subject to our legal obligations or other relevant requirements . </p> <p> <b>Contract:</b> We may process your Personal Data if required for the performance of any pre-contractual and/or contractual obligations thereof. </p> <p> <b>Legal obligations:</b> We may process your Personal Data for compliance with all legal, statutory, regulatory obligations;</p> <p> <b>Legitimate interests:</b> We may process your Personal Data where we have a lawful interest to pursue our business purpose(s) (including sharing such Personal Data with any third party(ies)) and where such legitimate interest is not overridden by your fundamental freedom, rights or interests. Please do not send any other person’s Personal Data to us, unless we prompt you to do so and you have permission from that person. </p> <p> Certain legislations also allow the data processing of Personal Data until you protest to such processing (by opting out or any other available methods), without depending on your consent or any other lawful basis. To know more about whether or not our processing of your Personal Data falls under this exemption, please write to us at the contact details mentioned under section 'Contact Us' below. </p> Why we process your information <p> <b>Summary: This section describes the purpose(s) for which we use the data we collect when you use the website. In order to make the website available to you, or to meet a legal obligation, we may need to collect and use specific Personal Data. Some of the service offerings may be partially or completely unavailable if you choose not to share the requested information.</b> </p> <p> <b>The data we collect may be used for the following purpose(s): </b> </p> <ol> <li>To develop engaging product experiences that prioritize user experience;</li> <li> To perform important functions to be able to support relevant products like manage, monitor, and improve websites, browser Add-Ons. </li> <li>To deliver functionalities and features offered by the website and associated Add-On</li> <li>To run data-based experiments to be able to deliver associated add-ons with better usability and functionality;</li> <li>To respond to user queries and offer support;</li> <li>To impose our terms and conditions, legal rights and other policies;</li> <li>To release our contractual &amp. legal obligations;</li> <li>To detect, investigate and avoid abusive, spam, fraudulent and other malicious activities;</li> <li>To respond to queries or requests from regulatory/governmental authorities;</li> <li>To smoothly run and operate the associated Add-On;</li> <li>To run internal analysis and reporting</li> </ol> Your information that is provided to others. <p> <b>Summary: This section describes when and with whom we may disclose your data that we gather. We may share your data with our service providers, law enforcement agencies, affiliates, governmental &amp. regulatory authorities, parties involved in the associated Add-On business restructuring, and other third party(ies) described below. </b> </p> <ol> <li> <b>Business Partners and Affiliates-</b> We may share your data with the entities that are owned and/or operated by us (“Affiliates”) and our business partners who are acting on behalf of or working with the website or associated Add-On in a legitimate manner. Such business partners and affiliates who may be located in a country that is other than the country of your residence, may use your data for their internal processing purpose(s) in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. For more information on transfer of your data, please refer to Section 'Retention, Deletion, Security, and Transfer of data'. </li> <li> <b>Service Providers -</b> For the smooth functioning of our website, we use services offered by third party(ies) including, but not limited to,advertising and marketing, analytics and performance screening, cloud storage, or other services, and we may disclose your data to service providers to the extent such disclosure is required for them to deliver their services in connection with the website . Few of our service providers may place their own tracking technologies including web beacons and cookies on the website to collect data which may include your Personal Data for their own research, analysis, and reporting purpose(s).The website does not in any way manage, govern, or monitor the data collection and processing practices of such service providers and are responsible/liable for any such collection and processing practices including any data breach. </li> <li> <b>Law enforcement agencies. Governmental &amp. Regulatory authorities -</b> We may also share your data to governmental &amp. regulatory authorities or law enforcement agencies to comply with a warrant, subpoena, court order or other legal requirements and appropriate law(s). We may also disclose your data to (i) secure the safety of our users and other person in situations involving possible risks to physical safety. (ii) initiate and exercise our rights &amp. interests and defend legal claims. and/or (iii) investigate any illegal or fraudulent activities, in accordance with the applicable laws. </li> <li> <b>Business restructuring related entities -</b> Additionally, we may relocate the data we collect, including any Personal Data, to any entity or person in the event of a business restructuring transaction including but not limited to, transactions related to reorganization, merger, or acquisition of our business, assets or stock. </li> <li> <b>Our employees -</b> We may provide access to your data to our employees in the following cases (i) to comply with required and applicable state, federal or other regulations (ii) to respond to any queries/feedback/complaints/issues or other suggestion you may have provided us with. Please note that we may use any such information shared only to address the situation you shared your data for. (iii) to detect and remedy any fraudulent, abusive or unlawful activities. (iv) to make reports or otherwise analyze the use of the website (this shall be attained by using aggregated or anonymized data) and (v) any other required purpose(s). </li> <li> <b>Others -</b> We may disclose your data to third parties wherein such disclosures are necessary for the protection and security of the website user data. We may also disclose your data to any relevant third party in order to detect, investigate and prevent abusive, spam, fraudulent, and other malicious activities. Please note, we may be required to disclose your information where such disclosures are necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or in order to protect your necessary interests or the necessary interests of another natural person. We may also disclose your information where such reporting is necessary for the foundation, exercise or protection of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure. Additionally, please note our Add-On does not record or log any data pertaining to your search queries. However, these queries are sent to Yahoo, in order for it to display search results specific to your search query. As mentioned on Yahoo’s Privacy Policy any data generated from your interaction with their services may be collected by them. Please note to help us monitor any fraudulent/abusive activities on the Add-On, Yahoo may provide us the information in aggregated form. Please note we receive this data in an anonymized form. We do not take any responsibility for the collection of information or processing practices of Yahoo or any search provider and such practices do not fall within the purview of this privacy policy. </li> </ol> Retention, Deletion, Security, and Transfer of data <p> <b>Summary: This section provides details regarding policies and procedures for data retention, its security, and international transfers, where applicable. The section also explains about the deletion of Personal Data whenever applicable. We may retain your data as long as is obligatory for the purpose(s) listed in Section 'Why we process your information' above, such data is secured using appropriate technical and organizational safeguards and may be transferred to a different country other than yours where our or our business partners', Affiliates', and service providers' servers are located. Please note the data protection laws of such countries may be different from those of your country. </b> </p> <ol> <li> <b>Data Retention &amp. Deletion -</b> Information that we process for any purpose (s) shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose (s). In spite of the other provisions of this Section, we may retain your information where retention of such data is obligatory for compliance with a legal requirement to which we are subject, or in order to protect your crucial interests or the crucial interests of another natural person. </li> <li> <b>Data Security -</b> We will ensure to take suitable organizational and technical precautions to secure your information and to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your information. Notwithstanding where you are located, we will ensure to store all your information on personal computers, secure servers and mobile devices </li> <li> <b>Data Transfer -</b> We may transfer your Personal Data from a country other than yours to where our or our business partners’, Affiliates’, and service providers’ servers are located. By using the website, you (i) acknowledge and accept that the data protection laws of the countries where any Personal Data is transferred may vary from data protection laws in your country. and (ii) grant us your clear consent for such transfer. </li> </ol> Regarding Your Rights <p> <b>Summary: This section describes your rights regarding your Personal Data and their applicability in connection with the website, accorded to you under several data protection laws, and how you can make use of these rights. Few of these rights are complex, and we have not included details of all in our summaries. Accordingly, we request you to read the relevant laws and guidance from the regulatory authorities for a full explanation of these rights. Your principal rights under data protection law are: (i) the right to access. (ii) the right to withdraw consent. (iii) the right to data portability. (iv) the right to restrict processing. (v) the right to object to processing. (vi) the right to erasure. (vii) the right to complain to a supervisory authority. and (viii) the right to rectification. and (ix) the right to lodge complaints with Data Protection Authorities. We may need to authenticate your identity before we process any of your requests in relation to these rights. </b> </p> <ol> <li> You reserve the right to confirm whether or not we can process your information and, where we do, access to the information, details of the purpose(s) of the data processing, the concerned information categories and the recipients of the information. </li> <li> In a few circumstances you reserve the right to request to delete your information without undue delay. Circumstances of this kind include: (i) if the information is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose(s) for which they were collected/otherwise processed. (ii) if you withdraw consent to consent-based data processing. (iii) if you object to the data processing under certain appropriate rules of applicable data protection laws. (iv) if the data processing is for direct marketing purpose(s). and (v) if your information has been unlawfully processed. However, there are certain exclusions on the right to delete. The general exceptions include where processing is necessary: (a) for exercising the right of freedom of information and expression. (b) for compliance with a legal obligation. or (c) for the foundation, exercise or protection of legal claims. </li> <li> In certain circumstances you reserve the right to limit the processing of your information. Such circumstances are: (i) data processing is unlawful but you oppose the deletion. (ii) we no longer require your information for the purpose(s) of our processing, but you require your information for the foundation, exercise or protection of legal claims.. and (iii) you have opposed to processing, pending the verification of that disapproval. Where processing has been restricted on this basis, we may continue to retain your information. However, we will only otherwise process it: (a) with your prior consent. (b) for the foundation, exercise or protection of legal claims. (c) for the protection of the rights of another legal or natural person. or (d) for reasons of important public interest. </li> <li> You also reserve the right to disagree to our processing of your information on certain grounds relating to your particular situation, only if the legal basis for processing the data is that the processing is required for: (i) the execution of the task that is performed in the public interest or in the exercise of any official authority rooted in us. or (ii) the purpose(s) of the legal interests pursued by us or by a third party. If you make such an objection, we will terminate the processing of the Personal Data unless we can demonstrate convincing legitimate grounds for the processing which override your rights, interests, and freedoms, or the processing is for the foundation, exercise or protection of legal claims. </li> <li> You reserve the right to object to our data processing for direct marketing purpose(s) (including profiling for direct marketing purpose(s)). If you make such an objection, we will discontinue processing your information for this purpose. </li> <li> You reserve the right to object to our processing of your information for historical or scientific research purpose(s) or statistical purpose(s) on grounds relating to your specific situation, unless the processing is necessary for the execution of a task carried out for reasons of public interest. </li> <li> Given that the legal basis for our processing of your information is: (i) consent. or (ii) that the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at your request prior to getting into a contract, and such processing is carried out by automated means, you reserve the right to receive your information from us in a organized, commonly used and machine-readable format. However, this right does not apply where it would adversely affect the freedom and rights of others. </li> <li> If at any point of time, you consider that our data processing procedure of your Personal Data infringes data protection laws, you have a legal right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority who is responsible for the data protection laws. </li> <li> Given that the legal basis for our data processing of your Personal Data is your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please note that the withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal. </li> </ol> <p> <b>Additional notice to Colorado, Virginia and Connecticut Residents </b> </p> <p>If you are a Colorado, Virginia and Connecticut consumer, you reserve the right to</p> <ol> <li>request us to not sell/share your Personal Data;</li> <li>request us to provide you with a copy of all the Personal Data know that we have gathered from you;</li> <li>request us to remove your personal data from our record;</li> <li>request us to rectify your Personal Data incase it is incorrect/inaccurate;</li> <li> request us to not use your Personal data for purpose(s) of targeted advertising and profiling that may be used for any important decisions about you. </li> To avail of any of your rights please reach out to us here or write to us at the contact details mentioned under section 'Contact Us' below. </ol> <p> <b>Additional notice to and rights of residents of California </b> </p> <p> <b>Shine the Light:</b> <br> Please note we do not sell your Personal Data to third parties. Section 1798.83 of California’s Civil Code permits you—if you are a California resident—to request further information about our disclosure of Personal Data to third parties for their direct marketing purpose(s), where applicable. To make such a request, please send an email to . Please note that we are only required to respond to one request per user each year, and we are not enforced to respond to requests made by any other means other than this email address. </p> <p> <b>California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):</b> <br> If you are a California resident, please go through the following section to understand the type of information we gather the information, how we use this information and your rights under the CCPA </p> <p> <b>Types and Sources of Information Collected by the website </b> </p> <p> We collect information (“Personal Data”) that identifies, references, is capable of being identified, associated or could be reasonably linked to, describes, relates to, references, directly or indirectly, a particular device or person (“user”). The categories of Personal Data include the following: </p> Category Examples Sources 1.Identifiers Email address, Internet Protocol address, Device ID Directly from the user or (in the case of Internet Protocol address) indirectly from the user’s activity 2. Internet / other network activity User agent, Domain name, browser and OS information, extension version, extension name, visited URLs, referring URLs, user activity on landing page(eg. impressions, clicks, installs, uninstalls, search), date and time for these interactions, install date, etc Directly from the user and/or indirectly from the user’s activity 3. Geolocation Derived from Internet Protocol Address Indirectly from the user’s activity <p> <b>Use of Personal Data </b> </p> <p> Besides, set forth at the time we collect your Personal Data, we may disclose or use the above-listed types of Personal Data for one or more of the following business purpose(s) (the “purpose(s)”): </p> <ol> <li>To comply with the website’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy</li> <li>To improve and make enhancements to the website and associated Add-On, our products and/or services</li> <li>To the extent necessary to evaluate a proposed reorganization or dissolution of the Company and/or a sale of its assets</li> <li>To deliver and market relevant content to you and measure the effectiveness of such efforts;</li> <li> To the extent necessary to respond to a crash report, feedback form, enhancement suggestion or other communication from you to us </li> <li>To provide you with responsive information that you request about our products/services</li> <li> To contact you about any third-party products and/or services that may be of your interest, to tailor and better display information to you, and to respond to your queries (e.g., opt out requests) </li> <li>To provide the product/service wherein you expressly provide your Personal Data</li> <li>As required or appropriate to protect your rights, our rights, and the rights of our clients</li> <li>To respond to legal process including court orders, law enforcements requests and applicable law</li> </ol> <p> Apart from Personal Data that you explicitly provide, Personal Data that is automatically processed for any purpose, shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose (s). Please note, we will update this notice if we would need to collect other types of Personal Data or use the Personal Data we do collect for materially different reasons. </p> <p> <b>Sharing Personal Data</b> </p> <p> Absent a request from you to the contrary, we may share your Personal Data with third party(ies) (including our affiliates, our service providers, and other third party(ies) with whom we share your Personal Data subject to your authorization) for the purpose(s). Prior doing so, we will execute an agreement with each such third party(s) that (a) would describe the purpose(s), (b) would require the third party to keep the Personal Data confidential, and (c) would prohibit the use of the Personal Data it for any purpose other than the purpose(s), as you permit or as required to perform the third party’s services. If any such third party wishes to share your Personal Data with anyone else, they are required to provide you with a prior notice and an opportunity to opt-out. To the extent we are aware, we will not share or sell Personal Data of a user who is less than sixteen (16) years of age. </p> <p> <b>Rights under CCPA </b> </p> <p>If you are a California consumer, you reserve the right to:</p> <ol> <li>request us to not sell/share your Personal Data;</li> <li>request us to provide you with a copy of all the Personal Data know that we have gathered from you;</li> <li>request us to remove your personal data from our record;</li> <li>request us to rectify your Personal Data incase it is incorrect/inaccurate. and</li> <li>exercise any of the rights mentioned above without facing any discrimination from us.</li> </ol> <p> To avail of any of your rights please reach out to us here or write to us at the contact details mentioned under section 'Contact Us' below. </p> <p> Certain requests may require you to provide us with proof for your identity. For such requests we may email you requesting you to provide us with the required details for identity verification as well as certain additional details regarding your request. Please note that you are only permitted to make such requests twice within a twelve (12) -month period and these requests can only be made by you or an agent acting on your behalf who is registered with the California Secretary of State. Please note that account creation is not required for placing a verifiable request and any information you provide in this process shall only be used to address your request. </p> <p> We aim to respond to all verifiable requests within forty five (45) days, though we may take forty five (45) additional days to respond, in such a case we will inform you of the reason and add on period in writing </p> <p> <b>Additional data for GDPR Compliance (EU/UK). </b> </p> <ol> <li> <p>Data Controller / Data Processor</p> <p>The GDPR classifies organizations that handle Personal Data into two groups:</p> <p> <b>Data controllers:</b> The ones who process Personal Data for their own purpose(s))</p> <p> <b>Data processors:</b> The ones who process Personal Data on behalf of other organizations.</p> <p> a Data Controller situated at the address mentioned in our Contact Us section. </p> </li> <li> <p>Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data</p> <p> We will only collect and make use of your data in a fair and transparent manner, when we have a legal right to do so.Please note that the Add-On and its associated services are only intended for individuals over the age of 16. If you are under 16 years of age please refrain from using the Add-On. We do not knowingly collect the data of individuals below 16 years. If you are or your child is under the age of 16 and you have reason to believe that we may have any of your Personal Data, please reach out to us using the details provided in the Contact Us section below and we shall promptly delete such data </p> <p>Following are the legal bases, subject to the services utilized by you, under which we collect and use your Personal Data:</p> <ol> <li> <b>User’s consent:</b> Where you consent to our collection and usage of your Personal Data for a specific reason, you can opt out at any time. Please be aware that any Personal Data we processed prior to your request shall remain unaffected. Further you understand and agree that when you reach out to us regarding a data request you provide us with consent to use your contact details for the purposes of responding to your request. You can request to delete your contact details at any time. Please also be aware that this request shall not affect prior communication we had with you. For further queries please reach out to us using the details provided in the “Contact Us” section. </li> <li> <p> <b>Execution/ Fulfillment of a contract or transaction:</b> You can choose to enter into a transaction/contract with us. Or, where we need to take specific preliminary steps before we can do so. </p> <p>For eg: if you contact us, we may require your name and contact details to respond to your query.</p> </li> <li> <b>Legitimate interests:</b> We believe it is necessary in order to provide, enhance and communicate our products and services. Our lawful interests include development, research, marketing, and analysis related to our business, along with necessary steps taken to prevent our legal rights and operate efficiently. </li> <li> <b>Compliance with the law:</b> At times, we may be legally compelled to use/ retain your data. Please note these obligations include (but are not limited to) government requests, court orders, regulatory obligations, and criminal investigations. For more information on how we retain Personal Data to comply with the law, please contact us using the details provided in the “Contact Us” section. </li> </ol> </li> <li> <p>Data Transfers to regions outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)</p> <p> In the event that we transfer any Personal Data to any region outside of the EEA we place all required industry accepted and required safeguards and processes in place to ensure the security of your Personal Data. This may include but is not limited to the use of standard data protection provisions or corporate policies as approved by the European Commission. For example, we may use European Commission-approved standard data protection clauses or binding corporate rules. </p> <p>Your Rights and Control Over Personal Data</p> <ol> <li> <b>Restriction:</b> You can raise a query to regulate the way we use your Personal Data if (i) you have concerns about the correctness of your Personal Data. (ii) you think that we have processed your data unlawfully. (iii) you need your Personal Data to be retained solely for the purpose(s) of a legal claim. or (iv) if we are currently reviewing a request placed by you earlier objecting to the processing of your information based on legitimate interests. </li> <li> <b>Objection to processing:</b> You have the right to object to processing your data based on our legitimate/ public interests. In the event that you object to such processing we shall not be able to proceed with any further processing unless we demonstrate that our legitimate grounds for the processing overrule your rights, interests, and freedoms. </li> <li> <b>Data portability:</b> You may request a copy of your Personal Data or ask us to transfer a copy of your Personal Data to another party. </li> <li> <b>Deletion:</b> You may request us to delete your data at any time, and we will take appropriate steps to delete all such data. If you ask for the deletion of your data, we will let you know that this will have a negative effect on your ability to use our products and services. If applicable, we will inform you in our response to your request about any exceptions to this right. Note that search engines and other third party(ies) may continue to store copies of your publicly available information, even after you delete it or choose to deactivate your account. </li> <li> <b>Access:</b> You can raise a request to provide you with a copy of the Personal Data of yours that we have. Additionally, you also have the right to ask us to disclose your Personal Data which we have shared with any third party(ies). </li> <li> <b>Rectification:</b> You have the right to request that we rectify your Personal Data if you believe that it is incomplete or incorrect. </li> </ol> <p> If you have any complaints or concerns regarding our data privacy practices please contact us using the details provided in the section titled ‘Contact Us’ or you could also write to the United Kingdom Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. You could also visit their website at: </p> </li> </ol> Third-party websites/APIs and service providers. <ol> <li> <p> Please be aware that our website may include information about and hyperlinks to third-party website(s), and software (this includes, but is not restricted to, widgets and APIs). Please find a compilation of the third-party APIs used by us below. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies outlined by these third-party (ies) to gain an understanding of their data collection/processing practices: </p> <p> Cloudflare : <br> Mixpanel : <br> : <br> Google Analytics : <br> Google Cloud : </p> <p> Additionally, the photo editing functionality provided within the service has been sourced from the following third party software which are licensed under MIT: </p> <p> CropperJS and Camen JS: <br> Image Editor: <br> CamenJS Image Editor: <br> Create an Image Resizer with JavaScript &amp. HTML5 Canvas: </p> </li> <li>Also, please note we have no command over, and are not liable for the privacy policies and practices of these third parties.</li> </ol> About cookies. <p> <b>Summary: A cookie is a small text file containing an identifier (a string of numbers and letters) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the web browser. The identifier is then sent back to the web server every time the web browser appeals to a page from the server. </b> </p> <p> <b>Cookies can be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: </b> </p> <ol> <li> A persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain justifiable until its set expiration date, unless removed by the user before the expiration date </li> <li>A session cookie will expire at the end of the user’s session, i.e. when the web browser is closed.</li> </ol> <p> <b>Cookies used by us </b> </p> <ol> <li> In general, cookies do not have any data that can be used to personally identify a user, but our users’ Personal Data stored by us may be linked to the data stored and obtained from cookies. </li> <li> We use cookies for the following objective(s): (i) to help us to understand if the website is being used by you. ii) to analyze the performance and utilization of the website. (iii) to detect fraudulent and spam activities associated with our website. and (iv) for storing your preferences regarding the overall use of cookies </li> </ol> <p> <b>Cookies that our service providers use. </b> </p> <ol> <li>When you initially visit our website, cookies utilized by our service providers might be stored on your computer.</li> <li> We use Google Analytics and Mixpanel to understand and analyze the usage of our website. These service providers use cookies to collect information about online activity. The information gathered regarding the website is utilized to generate anonymous reports on its usage. You can find their privacy policies below:<br> Google:<br> Mixpanel: </li> <li> We do not oversee or have any control over the data collection and processing methods employed by these service providers and the privacy practices of these service providers does not fall within the purview of this policy. We are not liable for the tracking technologies utilized by these service providers. We suggest thoroughly reviewing the Privacy Statements of such third parties to gain a comprehensive understanding of their data collection and processing practices. </li> </ol> <p> <b>Managing cookies. </b> </p> <ol> <p> Most web browsers let you deny and delete the cookies. The procedure for doing this will depend on the web browser and the version that you are using. You can access the following links to obtain the most recent information on how to delete and block cookies: </p> <ol> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> (Internet Explorer). </li> <li> and </li> <li> </li> </ol> <li>Blocking all cookies will negatively affect the functionality of numerous websites.</li> <li>By blocking cookies, you will not be able to access all the features of the website.</li> </ol> Children's Privacy. <ol> <li>The Add On is targeted at an individual above 16 years of age.</li> <li> In any scenario if we have a reason to believe that we hold Personal Data of an individual under 16 years in our databases, we will delete such Personal Data. </li> </ol> Amendments to Policy. <p> We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website voluntarily, without any prior notice. You are required to check this page frequently to ensure that you agree and accept any changes made to this Privacy Policy. </p> Contact Us. <p> You may receive any further information regarding our privacy implementations and/or exercise any of your rights in relation to your Personal Data by written notice to </p> <p> For any additional information pertaining to our privacy implementations or to exercise your rights concerning your Personal Data, please submit a written notice to: </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <ul> <li> Privacy Policy </li> <li> Terms of Service </li> <li> Contact Us </li> <li> Uninstall </li> <li> Do Not Share My Personal Information </li> </ul>

On 2024-07-17 08:48:46 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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