
Terms of Service

Toggle navigation Neighbor.Report<ul> <li> <ul> <li>Address </li> <li>People </li> <li>Phone </li> </ul> Go! &nbsp;Go! &nbsp;Go! </li> </ul> <ul> <li>SIGN IN</li> <li>REGISTER</li> </ul> <p>NR has complete discretion to change or modify these Terms at any time such as the addition of new provisions or the removal of previous provisions, except as hereby provided in these Terms. Any users of NR are subject to any revision or changes to the Terms. </p>THIS DOCUMENT IS A CONTRACT. ANY USERS USING THIS WEBSITE, INDICATE THEIR AGREEMENT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: <p>Last Updated: October 26, 2017</p> I. User Accounts and Login Information: <p>a. User warrants and represents that all information provided by user is accurate and true in relation to the creation of user’s NR Account (“Account”) and any content, links or media that user may publish under user’s NR Account. Furthermore, user agrees that any information changes to user’s NR Account must be updated by user and users are solely responsible for the maintenance of accurate information relating to users NR Account and any content, links or media that user may publish on NR.</p> <p>b. User warrants and represents that user will not share and/or distribute user Login Information associated with user’s NR Account to any person, including Login and Password information, and will not authorize and/or permit the use of user’s NR Account to any other person. Furthermore, user agrees not to transfer, sublicense, assign or sell the rights in user’s NR Account to any other person.</p> <p>c. In the event that user’s NR Account has been compromised by a third-party who has gained access, user expressly agrees to notify NR immediately at <strong></strong>. NR at its discretion reserves the right to terminate user’s NR Account for any reason and is not under any obligation to retain any data associated with user’s NR Account.</p> <p>d. All unauthorized use of user’s NR Account is subject to these Terms until user has notified NR and reported any unauthorized use.</p> <p>e. User may cancel user’s NR Account at any time by clicking the following link which will guide you through the process.</p> II. License Fully Revocable: <p>a. NR grants user a non-exclusive, revocable, limited, non-transferable license to use NR solely for personal, non-commercial purposes in strict accordance with the Terms of this Agreement. </p> <p>b. Any information obtained by user from NR is at all times for only personal and lawful purpose and is strictly prohibited from being used in any determination of consumer eligibility for any purpose as outlined and covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Any use of NR that exceeds the rights granted by NR to user is strictly prohibited. </p> <p>c. User are hereby strictly prohibited from attempting to access any of NR’s data servers. These unlawful attempts to gain access to NR servers include but are not limited to scraping, data mining, crawling, use of robot spiders or any other automatic device capable of sending queries to NR’s servers. You are strictly prohibited from using the website for any commercial entity or enterprise in compiling data or images that is in conflict with any part of the Terms. Your access to is limited to making a http request using a web browser and only for personal use. </p> <p>d. User warrants and represents that in using, user will not modify, disrupt or interfere with including any of its associated servers, software and hardware in any way. Furthermore, user agree not to obstruct or interfere with the use of by any other users. </p> <p>e. Users are strictly prohibited from using and/or any information obtained from (i) in participating in any activities even those not specifically covered in the Terms of this Agreement that would violate all applicable state, local, federal, international laws or regulations, including but not limited to the laws, regulations, ordinances and statutes of any jurisdiction from which the website is accessed by user. (ii) in making any form of communication including but not limited to phone calls, mobile calls, email, SMS and text messages that fail to comply with Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TEPA”), CAN-SPAM (“SPAM”), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“COPA”) and all other applicable state and federal laws. NR does not remove any phone numbers shown on via data scrubbing through the National Do-Not-Call Registry or any other similar registries. (iii) in assessing consumer worthiness for credit or insurance purposes primarily for family or household, personal, in evaluating eligibility for employment or volunteering, assessment of eligibility for government benefits or licensure, to qualify a person’s suitability as a renter for real property, or for any other purpose specifically detailed in the Fair Credit Reporting Act under 15 U.S.C.§1681b (“FCRA”), any Federal Trade Commission, Federal or State Court interpretations of the FCRA. (iv) by any means that could violate any local, state or federal privacy law to which user may be subject to on the basis of user’s location or in connection with the person searched. </p>III. Non-Assignment Clause for Account Holder: <p>NR Account holders are prohibited from assigning this Term to any party. Any attempt to assign this Agreement shall be null and void. </p>IV. Assignment Clause for NR: <p>NR may assign this agreement in its entirety without notice to any user of </p>V. Public Information: <p>a. NR combines information which is publicly available from sources such as but not limited to: (i) social networks/social media. (ii) phone books, (iii) voting party affiliation. (iv)market surveys. (v) real estate listings. (vi) public court records. and (vii) additional public resources (“Public Information”). NR makes this Public Information available to users and NR Account holders through, the website. </p> <p>b. The Public Information available on, is not verified by NR, nor is the Public Information guaranteed to be accurate, legitimate, legal or most recently by NR. Both users and NR Account holders agree that no warranties, representations or guarantees have been made by NR concerning the information provided on Moreover, both users and NR Account holders agree that any reliance on the information provided on is at the sole risk of the users and NR Account holders. </p> <p>c. The previously mentioned public court records are provided for informational purposes only. Although NR strives to provide its users and NR Account holders with complete and accurate information, inaccuracies and omissions of certain records still prevail. </p> <p>d. <strong>NR is not liable for any errors and omissions on the website.</strong> </p> <p>e. Any user or NR Account holder who utilizes any information provided on in order to commit a crime or harass any individual in any capacity, may be subject to both criminal and civil liability. </p> <p>f. NR will assist any law enforcement or government agency against any user or NR Account holder using information provided on the website in order to commit a crime or harass any individual in any capacity. </p>VI. Communications from NR Regarding Users Account: <p>a. Registered NR Account subscribers, may occasionally receive e-mails from NR about new features that have been implemented on Any user wishing to opt out of the email communications from NR, must simply follow the link in the email communication which will provide instructions how to enable this feature. </p>VII. Privacy Policy: <p>a. NR provides a Privacy Policy which describes how the information about the users of is retained, collected and used. The Privacy Policy can be found here. </p>VIII. User Created Links to External Sites on NR: <p>a. On occasion, there may be external links on which may have been placed by users of the website. Some of these links may lead users of to third party sites who offer goods, content or services. NR shall not be responsible or liable either directly or indirectly for any user placed links on the website to any external websites or resources. NR is not affiliated in anyway with any links to any external websites or resources that users of have placed on the website. NR shall not be liable or responsible for the accessibility of any external sites that arise from links created by users of including but not limited to: (i) content, products, advertisements or other resources made available on such external sites. (ii) any loss, damage, claim or complaint caused by whether directly or indirectly, in connection with or arising from any users use of such external sites and/or the users reliance on any products, content or services made available on or through any external site or resource. </p>IX. Terms of Use for Third Party Partners: <p>a. NR may from time to time provide particular sourced content from third party websites. The rightful authors of such content will be found on the source site. Any users of who use this third-party content may be subject to additional terms and conditions including but not limited to terms such as the Creative Commons Attribution Share-A-Like License. </p>X. Intellectual Property of NR: <p>a. NR is the exclusive owner of any of its trademarks and rights in the software and/or website technology used on under U.S. intellectual property laws. </p> <p>b. Unless with the exception of explicitly stated herein, nothing in these Terms shall be interpreted as the granting of any license to any intellectual property rights, either by implication, estoppel or otherwise. </p> <p>c. Users of agree not use any of NR’s trademark or marks that could cause consumer confusion based on being similar to NR’s mark. Users of agree not to distribute, reproduce or create derivative works of any part of or any information presented herein through, in whole or in part. This includes any unauthorized copying, duplication or distribution of any content that displayed on in whole or in part. </p> <p>d. NR may use trademarks from third-parties on in order to show the owners of the trademarks and their services. Any use of trademarks from third-parties is not intended to suggest or indicate any association between the third-party and NR. </p>XI. User Submission of Content and Confidential Information: <p>a. Users of may submit content through the user’s respective registered account, which are then visible public posts to all users of NR does not treat any user content submissions as confidential information. It is the sole responsibility and decision of the user as to what information is considered confidential that the user may publish on the website. </p> <p>b. User created content that is submitted to, must be appropriate material. User content may include but is not limited to any information that is uploaded to, including posts, comments. NR is simply hosting and/or providing access to user submitted content to users of NR shall not accept any liability regarding user posted material which includes the materials accuracy. Although content that is submitted by users to cannot be monitored in real time, NR may delete any user submitted content without notice that it believes violates any part of this Agreement. NR reserves the right without obligation to act quickly in the removal of any user submitted content which NR believes violates this Agreement. </p> <p>c. Users who submit content to, grant NR a transferable, perpetual, royalty-free, license giving NR the right to store, host, copy, distribute, publish, access to create derivative works of, or otherwise use all the user created content submitted to, to the extent and/or in context and form NR consider appropriate on or through any media or technology now known or hereafter developed or discovered. Users who submit content to, release NR from any and all claims, liens, demands, causes of action or lawsuits, and any or all liability associated with any use or non-use of user created content submitted to, including but not limited to claims or suits for defamation, invasion of privacy, appropriation, intrusion of seclusion, emotional distress, negligent emotionally inflicted distress and economic loss. The license granted to NR, becomes effective at the time that any user created content is submitted and published on and continues indefinitely whether the user has stopped using, still has a registered user account or has closed his account on NR may at its discretion, scan or create and index from the user created content submitted to, wherefore NR owns the digital versions of all documents created and/or indexed by NR. With the exception of rights granted to NR by this Agreement, NR does not acquire any ownership or title rights in any user created content that is submitted to, and nothing in this Agreement conveys or seeks to convey any such ownership rights from user created content submitted to the website. </p> <p>d. All users of, acknowledge and agree that NR may in its discretion preserve any user created content submitted to and shall disclose any user created content submitted to and/or its origin in the event that NR reasonably believes that such disclosure is required by law and/or that the aforementioned preservation and/or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any legal process or government requests. (ii) the enforcement of this Agreement. (iii) a response to claims if any content violates or infringes on any third-party rights. or (iv) protect the rights, property, or safety of other users of, the public or NR. </p>XII. Intellectual Property Infringement: <p>a. For any copyright infringement on the website, provide the following information to (i) physical or electronic signature of any person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that is allegedly infringed. (ii) a representative list identifying the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed (multiple copyright issues can all be submitted on one list). (iii) identification of the material allegedly claimed to be infringed upon and any information necessary and/or reasonably sufficient to permit NR to locate such material on (iv) contact information including address, contact number and e-mail address so that NR may contact you regarding this matter. (v) good faith statement that material being used in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent(s) or law. (vi) a statement affirming that under the penalty of perjury, that the notice of the alleged infringement is accurate and the person making the statement has authorization to act on behalf of the copyright owner. </p>XIII. Notice: <p>a. All notices directed to and NR relating to these Terms shall be in writing to </p> <p>b. As a user of, user agrees that NR can send you any electronic notices to the e-mail address provided by user in creating his or her account on Additionally, user agrees that all disclosures, agreements, notices and any other communications from NR satisfy any and all legal requirements that the aforementioned communications be in writing. </p>XIV. Warranty <p>a. USERS OF NEIGHBOR.REPORT, DO SO SOLELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO ANY DAMAGE TO THE USERS COMPUTER SYSTEM, HARDWARE, LOSS OF DATA, ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM ANY RELIANCE ON INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON NEIGHBOR.REPORT, OR ANY ADDITIONAL DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM OBTAINING ANY CONTENT FROM NEIGHBOR.REPORT WHICH INCLUDES COMPUTER VIRUSES, MALWARE OR ANY OTHER. SOFTWARE INTENDED TO DAMAGE OR DISABLE COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS EVEN IF NR HAS BEEN INFORMED AND OR AWARE THAT SUCH RISK MAY CAUSE DAMAGE. MOREOVER, TO THE DEGREE AS PERMITTED BY LAW, NR PROVIDES THE NEIGHBOR.REPORT WEBSITE, THE SERVICES, THE INFORMATION AND THE CONTENT <strong>AS IS, AS AVAILABLE, AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS</strong>, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AND FURTHERMORE, NR INTENTIONALLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. </p> <p>b. ANY INFORMATION OR RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED BY NEIGHBOR.REPORT, NR OR ANY OF NR’S AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT CREATE ANY WARRANTY. </p> <p>c. NR AND THRU NEIGHBOR.REPORT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, GUARANTEE, COVENANT OR WARRANTY AS TO ANY: (i) VALUE, USEFULNESS, RELIABILITY, SECURITY, TRUTHFULNESS OR COMPLETENESS ON THE NEIGHBOR.REPORT WEBSITE, THE SERVICES AND ANY INFORMATION AND/OR CONTENT. (ii) THAT NEIGHBOR.REPORT WILL FUNCTION ERROR FREE. OR (iii) THAT NEIGHBOR.REPORT, THE SERVICES, INFORMATION AND/OR CONTENT WILL MEET THE NEEDS OR EXPECTATIONS OF ITS USERS. (iv) AS IT PERTAINS TO ANY SERVICES PROVIDED BY NR ON NEIGHBOR.REPORT OR (v) THAT ANY ERRORS ON NEIGHBOR.REPORT WILL BE CORRECTED. </p>XV. Liability Limitations <p>a. NR shall have no liability, as to the limit permissible by law, relating to any users use of, for the following but not limited to: actual, consequential, punitive or special damages despite being informed of the likelihood of lost profits, interruption of business, breach of business information and/or any pecuniary loss including but not limited to any direct damages. This limitation on liability shall be enforceable even in the event that the limitation causes the failure of an exclusive remedy to fail for its essential purpose. </p> <p>b. NR reserves the right at any time in its sole and exclusive discretion, to amend, modify, terminate or suspend, any connected services, content and/or information or any part thereof, including any users access and use of any services of or relating to without notice. NR shall not have any liability to any users and/or any person or entity for any loss of information, modification, suspension or termination. </p>XVI. Indemnity of NR <p>a. Users of, consent to indemnify and hold harmless. NR, its agents, employees, officers, directors, licensors, service providers, from and against any actions, claims, demands and liabilities including, but without limitation, all reasonable legal expenses and related fees that may result from or allege to result from any user’s violation of the Terms and/or any users use of </p> <p>b. NR reserves its right to undertake exclusive control to its defense in any matter subject to or related to any user’s indemnification and shall not exempt or limit users of obligation to indemnify NR. Users of shall not settle any dispute that is subject to user’s indemnification under these Terms without the explicit written consent from NR. </p>XVI. Choice of Law <p>a. The laws of the state of Florida shall govern this contract and any and all claims or disputes that users of may have against NR, exclusive of Florida’s rules for the conflict of laws, to the degree that federal law does not preempt such state law. </p>XVII. Arbitration Clause <p>a. All disputes are subject to Arbitration as the only forum for dispute resolution. NR and all users of, agree and accept to arbitrate all disputes and claims that may arise between any user and NR, but are not limited to: (i) claims arising from or related to any aspect of affiliation between user and NR, whether based in contract, fraud, misrepresentation, statute, tort and/or any other legal theory. (ii) claims arising from or related to the disclosures of this agreement. and (iii) claims arising after the termination of this agreement. </p> <p>b. Despite the forgoing, either party may bring an individual action, provided that the relief sought does not affect other users of </p> <p>c. The aforementioned Terms contained in this agreement evidence and relate to interstate commerce transactions, wherefore, the Federal Arbitration Act shall govern the enforcement and interpretation of this clause. In the event of the termination of this agreement between user of and NR, this Arbitration Clause shall survive. </p> <p>d. Initiation of the process for dispute resolution shall begin by the party seeking arbitration to send written Notice of Dispute (“Notice”) notice by certified mail to the opposing party. The Notice to NR shall be addressed to: Need mailing address to be placed here to receive mail. The Notice must contain: (i) users account name and actual name. (ii) mailing address. (iii) phone number. (iv) a description of the nature and basis of the dispute. and (v) set forth the relief sought. In the event that user and NR fail to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute within 45 days of receipt of the Notice, either party may initiate arbitration proceedings. </p> <p>e. Arbitration costs shall be the responsibility of any party initiating the action. In the event that the arbitrator finds the users claim and/or the relief sought to be frivolous or initiated for an improper purpose, then the user shall be responsible in reimbursing NR for any legal costs and fees associated with defending itself in such a proceeding. </p> <p>f. Any class or representative actions and non-individualized relief is prohibited by this agreement. USERS OF NEIGHBOR.REPORT AGREE AND CONSENT TO ONLY BRINGING CLAIMS AGAINST NR IN USERS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A MEMBER OF A CLASS, PLAINTIFF OR PARTICIPANT IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS, REPRESENTATIVE OR PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL PROCEEDING. Moreover, unless otherwise agreed by NR and user, an arbitrator may consolidate only one parties claims and shall not preside over any class or class form, representative or private attorney general proceeding. Any award for relief granted by the arbitrator shall be individualized to the claimant and will not effect on any other users of User seeking agree to not seek any non-individualized relief that would affect any other users of </p> <p>g. In the event that a court decides that the applicable law prohibits the enforcement of any of this paragraph’s aforementioned limitations for a particular claim for relief, then only that claim shall be severed from the arbitration and may be brought in court. </p> <p>h. Aside from any provision contrary to these Terms, any users of, agree that in the event NR makes future changes to the Arbitration Clause, any such changes will not affect disputes which arose subsequent to the effective date of change. </p>XVIII. Entirety of Agreement <p>a. All users of agree that these Terms and any policies of NR posted on constitute the entire agreement and a writing signed by all users of and NR, superseding any and all prior agreements and representations between users of and NR, that no discrepancy of these Terms will be enforceable against NR, that these Terms are subject to change and shall be effective immediately, and users of waive the right to assert, claim or contest that these Terms were modified, canceled, changed, or superseded by any oral agreement, e-mail, notice, other writing, course of conduct, waiver, implication or estoppel. </p> <p>b. Except as provided in paragraph <strong>XVII (g)</strong>, if in the event that any part of these Terms is held invalid or unenforceable in a court of law, the original intentions of the parties and all remaining portions shall remain enforceable and in full effect. </p> <p>c. Any failure by NR to enforce any Terms contained in this agreement shall not affect NR’s right to require performance at any successive time, nor shall any waiver by NR of any breach by any users of of any provision contained in this agreement be taken as a waiver of the provision or provisions themselves. </p> <p>d. These Terms shall not be amended, altered, canceled or modified either by custom, usage of trade, or course of dealing except as provided in these Terms. </p> <p>e. All spamming, including repetitive, threatening, harassing, intrusive, vulgar, profane, abusive, impolite, untruthful, disparaging, and/or off topic messages or other communications to NR or concerning the website are all prohibited. </p> <i> </i>Neighbor.ReportABOUTLEGALFINDNeighbor.Report collects publicly available data about addresses, residents, and phone numbers. Neighbor.Report is not a consumer reporting agency. Neighbor.Report records cannot be used to make decisions about employment (including background checks), insurance, housing or tenant screening, or any purpose covered by the <abbr>FCRA</abbr>About<br>Content Guidelines<br>Privacy Policy<br>Policy Violation<br> <strong>Opt Out / Report a Violation</strong> <br>Terms and Conditions<br>Find People<br>Find Address<br>Browse by Person A&nbsp;·&nbsp. B&nbsp;·&nbsp. C&nbsp;·&nbsp. D&nbsp;·&nbsp. E&nbsp;·&nbsp. F&nbsp;·&nbsp. G&nbsp;·&nbsp. H&nbsp;·&nbsp. I&nbsp;·&nbsp. J&nbsp;·&nbsp. K&nbsp;·&nbsp. L&nbsp;·&nbsp. M&nbsp;·&nbsp. N&nbsp;·&nbsp. O&nbsp;·&nbsp. P&nbsp;·&nbsp. Q&nbsp;·&nbsp. R&nbsp;·&nbsp. S&nbsp;·&nbsp. T&nbsp;·&nbsp. U&nbsp;·&nbsp. V&nbsp;·&nbsp. W&nbsp;·&nbsp. X&nbsp;·&nbsp. Y&nbsp;·&nbsp. Z&nbsp;·&nbsp. Browse by State AK&nbsp;&nbsp. AL&nbsp;&nbsp. AR&nbsp;&nbsp. AZ&nbsp;&nbsp. CA&nbsp;&nbsp. CO&nbsp;&nbsp. CT&nbsp;&nbsp. DC&nbsp;&nbsp. DE&nbsp;&nbsp. FL&nbsp;&nbsp. GA&nbsp;&nbsp. HI&nbsp;&nbsp. IA&nbsp;&nbsp. ID&nbsp;&nbsp. IL&nbsp;&nbsp. IN&nbsp;&nbsp. KS&nbsp;&nbsp. KY&nbsp;&nbsp. LA&nbsp;&nbsp. MA&nbsp;&nbsp. MD&nbsp;&nbsp. ME&nbsp;&nbsp. MI&nbsp;&nbsp. MN&nbsp;&nbsp. MO&nbsp;&nbsp. MS&nbsp;&nbsp. MT&nbsp;&nbsp. NC&nbsp;&nbsp. ND&nbsp;&nbsp. NE&nbsp;&nbsp. NH&nbsp;&nbsp. NJ&nbsp;&nbsp. NM&nbsp;&nbsp. NV&nbsp;&nbsp. NY&nbsp;&nbsp. OH&nbsp;&nbsp. OK&nbsp;&nbsp. OR&nbsp;&nbsp. PA&nbsp;&nbsp. RI&nbsp;&nbsp. SC&nbsp;&nbsp. SD&nbsp;&nbsp. TN&nbsp;&nbsp. TX&nbsp;&nbsp. UT&nbsp;&nbsp. VA&nbsp;&nbsp. VT&nbsp;&nbsp. WA&nbsp;&nbsp. WI&nbsp;&nbsp. WV&nbsp;&nbsp. WY&nbsp;&nbsp.

On 2024-07-17 08:04:53 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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