80,000 Hours

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Toggle navigation Search for: <i> </i> <ul> <li> Start here</li> <li> Career guide <b> </b> <ul> <li> <strong>The 80,000 Hours Career Guide</strong> </li> <li> Introduction: Why read this guide?</li> <li> Part 1: What makes for a dream job?</li> <li> Part 2: Can one person make a difference?</li> <li> Part 3: Three ways anyone can have an impact</li> <li> Part 4: Scale, neglectedness, and solvability</li> <li> Part 5: The world's most pressing problems</li> <li> Part 6: Which jobs help people the most?</li> <li> Part 7: Career capital</li> <li> Part 8: Personal fit</li> <li> Part 9: How to be successful</li> <li> Part 10: How to make your career plan</li> <li> Part 11: How to get a job</li> <li> Part 12: Community</li> <li> Summary: Just the bottom lines</li> </ul> </li> <li> Research <b> </b> <ul> <li> <strong>Problem profiles <b> </b> </strong> Find out about the world's biggest and most neglected problems.<strong>See all →</strong> <strong>Top areas to work on</strong> <ul> <li>Preventing an AI-related catastrophe</li> <li>Catastrophic pandemics</li> <li>Nuclear war</li> <li>Great power war</li> <li>Climate change</li> </ul> <strong>Capacity building</strong> <ul> <li>Building effective altruism</li> <li>Global priorities research</li> <li>Improving decision making</li> </ul> <strong>Other promising areas</strong> <ul> <li>Civilisation resilience</li> <li>Artificial sentience</li> <li>Promoting positive values</li> <li>Space governance</li> <li>Risks of stable totalitarianism</li> <li>Factory farming</li> <li>Global health</li> <li>Wild animal suffering</li> </ul> <strong>See all problem profiles →</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Skills <b> </b> </strong> The most useful skills for making a difference.<strong>See all →</strong> <strong>Top skills to build early in your career</strong> <ul> <li>Policy and politics</li> <li>Organisation-building</li> <li>Research</li> <li>Communicating ideas</li> <li>Software and tech</li> <li>Engineering</li> <li>Experience with an emerging power</li> <li>Expertise relevant to a top problem</li> </ul> <strong>See all our skills pages →</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Career reviews <b> </b> </strong> Learn about high-impact career paths.<strong>See all →</strong> <strong>Our list of top high-impact career paths</strong> <ul> <li>AI safety technical research</li> <li>AI governance and policy</li> <li>Biorisk research, strategy, and policy</li> <li>Information security in high-impact areas</li> <li>Expert in AI hardware</li> <li>Helping build the effective altruism community</li> <li>China-related AI safety and governance</li> <li>Grantmaker</li> <li>Nuclear weapons safety and security</li> <li>Operations in high-impact organisations</li> <li>Research into global priorities</li> </ul> <strong>More promising paths</strong> <ul> <li>Be a founder</li> <li>Software engineering</li> <li>Journalism</li> <li>See more →</li> </ul> <strong>How to build great career capital</strong> <ul> <li>See our top recommendations →</li> </ul> <strong>See all career reviews →</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Advanced series <b> </b> </strong> Our most important research findings.<strong>Read the full series →</strong> <strong>Introduction</strong> <ul> <li>Your most important decision</li> </ul> <strong>Foundations</strong> <ul> <li>A definition of impact</li> <li>Longtermism</li> <li>Harmful jobs</li> </ul> <strong>Global priorities</strong> <ul> <li>Problem selection</li> <li>Existential risks</li> <li>Top problems list</li> </ul> <strong>Contribution</strong> <ul> <li>How to think about your contribution</li> <li>Effective solutions</li> <li>List of high-impact careers</li> </ul> <strong>Personal fit</strong> <ul> <li>Gut instinct</li> <li>Differences in productivity</li> <li>Comparative advantage</li> </ul> <strong>Strategy</strong> <ul> <li>Ambition</li> <li>Coordination</li> <li>Exploration</li> <li>Impact and satisfaction</li> <li>Accidental harm</li> </ul> <strong>Read the full series →</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Browse all our content <b> </b> </strong> Pick a topic to explore or check out our most popular pieces. <strong>Career planning and decision making</strong> <ul> <li>How to make your career plan</li> <li>All our other planning resources</li> </ul> <strong>Selected topics</strong> <ul> <li>Moral philosophy</li> <li>Career capital</li> <li>Job satisfaction</li> <li>Anonymous advice</li> <li>Unconventional advice</li> <li>Advocacy</li> <li>Existential risk</li> <li>Top-recommended careers</li> </ul> <strong>See all topics →</strong> <strong>Top articles from outside our guides</strong> <ul> <li>Best charities to donate to</li> <li>Misconceptions about effective altruism</li> <li>High-impact research questions</li> <li>What are your chances of getting elected to Congress, if you try?</li> <li>How many lives does a doctor save?</li> <li>What's the impact of voting?</li> <li>Advice for undergraduates</li> </ul> <strong>All articles →</strong> </li> </ul> <strong>See all →</strong> <strong>Top areas to work on</strong> <ul> <li>Preventing an AI-related catastrophe</li> <li>Catastrophic pandemics</li> <li>Nuclear war</li> <li>Great power war</li> <li>Climate change</li> </ul> <strong>Capacity building</strong> <ul> <li>Building effective altruism</li> <li>Global priorities research</li> <li>Improving decision making</li> </ul> <strong>Other promising areas</strong> <ul> <li>Civilisation resilience</li> <li>Artificial sentience</li> <li>Promoting positive values</li> <li>Space governance</li> <li>Risks of stable totalitarianism</li> <li>Factory farming</li> <li>Global health</li> <li>Wild animal suffering</li> </ul> <strong>See all problem profiles →</strong> <strong>See all →</strong> <strong>Top skills to build early in your career</strong> <ul> <li>Policy and politics</li> <li>Organisation-building</li> <li>Research</li> <li>Communicating ideas</li> <li>Software and tech</li> <li>Engineering</li> <li>Experience with an emerging power</li> <li>Expertise relevant to a top problem</li> </ul> <strong>See all our skills pages →</strong> <strong>See all →</strong> <strong>Our list of top high-impact career paths</strong> <ul> <li>AI safety technical research</li> <li>AI governance and policy</li> <li>Biorisk research, strategy, and policy</li> <li>Information security in high-impact areas</li> <li>Expert in AI hardware</li> <li>Helping build the effective altruism community</li> <li>China-related AI safety and governance</li> <li>Grantmaker</li> <li>Nuclear weapons safety and security</li> <li>Operations in high-impact organisations</li> <li>Research into global priorities</li> </ul> <strong>More promising paths</strong> <ul> <li>Be a founder</li> <li>Software engineering</li> <li>Journalism</li> <li>See more →</li> </ul> <strong>How to build great career capital</strong> <ul> <li>See our top recommendations →</li> </ul> <strong>See all career reviews →</strong> <strong>Read the full series →</strong> <strong>Introduction</strong> <ul> <li>Your most important decision</li> </ul> <strong>Foundations</strong> <ul> <li>A definition of impact</li> <li>Longtermism</li> <li>Harmful jobs</li> </ul> <strong>Global priorities</strong> <ul> <li>Problem selection</li> <li>Existential risks</li> <li>Top problems list</li> </ul> <strong>Contribution</strong> <ul> <li>How to think about your contribution</li> <li>Effective solutions</li> <li>List of high-impact careers</li> </ul> <strong>Personal fit</strong> <ul> <li>Gut instinct</li> <li>Differences in productivity</li> <li>Comparative advantage</li> </ul> <strong>Strategy</strong> <ul> <li>Ambition</li> <li>Coordination</li> <li>Exploration</li> <li>Impact and satisfaction</li> <li>Accidental harm</li> </ul> <strong>Read the full series →</strong> <strong>Career planning and decision making</strong> <ul> <li>How to make your career plan</li> <li>All our other planning resources</li> </ul> <strong>Selected topics</strong> <ul> <li>Moral philosophy</li> <li>Career capital</li> <li>Job satisfaction</li> <li>Anonymous advice</li> <li>Unconventional advice</li> <li>Advocacy</li> <li>Existential risk</li> <li>Top-recommended careers</li> </ul> <strong>See all topics →</strong> <strong>Top articles from outside our guides</strong> <ul> <li>Best charities to donate to</li> <li>Misconceptions about effective altruism</li> <li>High-impact research questions</li> <li>What are your chances of getting elected to Congress, if you try?</li> <li>How many lives does a doctor save?</li> <li>What's the impact of voting?</li> <li>Advice for undergraduates</li> </ul> <strong>All articles →</strong> </li> <li> Job board</li> <li> Podcasts <b> </b> <ul>Our podcasts<li> The 80,000 Hours Podcast</li> <li> 80k After Hours</li>Curated series<li> The 80,000 Hours Career Guide</li> <li> Effective Altruism: An Introduction</li> <li> Effective Altruism: Ten Global Problems</li> <li> On Artificial Intelligence</li> </ul> </li> <li> Get 1-1 advice</li> <li> Newsletter</li> </ul> <ul> 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