
Terms of Service

Terms of Use <p>These terms of use (the "terms of use") set out the legal duties of the parties with respect to the use of our services and of optionish.com (the "site"). Please read them carefully before using this website.</p> The Agreement <p>These terms of use are a legal agreement between you (referred to hereinafter as "you", "your," or "user") and optionish, including its parent company and all of its subsidiaries and affiliated entities (referred to hereinafter as "optionish.com", "we," "us", or "our"). These terms of use set forth the Terms and Conditions under which you may use our site and any services (i.e. search) that may be offered at our site now or in the future (the "services"). References to "our site" include, where applicable, the services.</p> <p>You should also review our Privacy Policy before using this site.</p> <p>By using our site you signify your agreement to these terms of use and to the Privacy Policy. We may amend these terms of use from time to time without notice to you, and you agree to be bound by any such amendments. Therefore, you should review these terms of use each time you use our site.</p> <p>If you do not agree to these terms of use or any amendment, you must not use our site.</p> <p>optionish.com only provides general information and nothing on the site should be taken as any form of advice, warranty or endorsement. The content, information, articles, links, pictures, graphics, and other information contained on this site is for information and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. To learn more, your should review our Privacy Policy which details important information that will help answer questions regarding personal privacy in relation to the use of our site..</p> 1. Use Restrictions <p>All information, content and materials contained or offered on our site are our copyrighted property or the copyrighted property of our content suppliers, licensors or licensees. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress are proprietary to us and/or our content suppliers, licensors or licensees. Nothing contained on our site confers any license, right, title, or interest in or to our intellectual property or any third-party's intellectual property (including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks) in any form by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. No content or material from our site may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way that violates these terms of use or applicable law.</p> <p>You agree that you will only use our site for your personal use. You must not use our site for commercial purposes or in any way that harms us or any other person or entity. You shall not use or attempt to use our site for any improper or unlawful purpose including, without limitation, to violate any of our policies, procedures, or requirements, or to interfere with, disrupt, or breach the security of our site or any of our servers or networks. You are further responsible for ensuring that your use of our site does not violate any applicable local, state, federal, international or other law, rule, or regulation.</p> <p>We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. You should be aware that this site is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 13. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is a child under the age of 13.</p> 2. Links to Third Party Websites <p>When you are on our site you could be directed, via hyperlink, to third party websites that are beyond our control. For example, our site may provide search results in response to user queries or other links from advertisers, sponsors or content partners that may or may not use ads or logo(s) to link to their own sites. You acknowledge that when you click on a link that leaves our site, the site you will land on may not be controlled by us and different terms of use and privacy policies shall apply. By clicking on such links you hereby acknowledge that optionish.com is not responsible for those websites or their associated content or services. We also reserve the right to disable links from any third-party sites, although we are under no obligation to do so.</p> 3. Electronic Communications <p>Should you send e-mails to us for any reason, you are communicating with us electronically. By doing so, you consent to receive communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on our site. You agree that all notices, disclosures, agreements and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.</p> 4. Policy Restrictions <p>You will not impair or cause damage to our site, or any connected network, or otherwise interfere with any person or entity's use or enjoyment of our site in any way, including without limitation, using or launching any automated system that accesses our site in a manner that sends more request messages to our servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional online web browser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, operators of public search engines may use spiders for the sole purpose of creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials and our site, but not for caching or archiving such materials.</p> <p>You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of our sites.</p> 5. DISCLAIMER <p>THE SERVICES, INFORMATION, CONTENT AND MATERIALS ON OUR SITE OR PROVIDED THROUGH OUR SITE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NON-INFRINGEMENT. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY RELATING TO COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE. AND ANY WARRANTY REGARDING THE SUITABILITY AND QUALITY OF OUR SITE FOR YOUR PURPOSES OR EXPECTATIONS. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN INFORMATION, CONTENT AND MATERIALS ON OUR SITE OR THROUGH OUR SITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT OUR SITE OR THE SERVERS THAT MAKE SUCH INFORMATION, CONTENT AND MATERIALS AVAILABLE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. MOREOVER, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL ASSOCIATED SERVICING, REPAIR OR NECESSARY CORRECTION DUE TO ANY SUCH HARM. WE DO NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF ANY INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES CONTAINED ON OR OFFERED, MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH, OR OTHERWISE RELATED IN ANY WAY TO OUR SITE OR ANY THIRD PARTY SITES OR SERVICES LINKED TO OR FROM OUR SITE IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, AVAILABILITY, RELIABILITY, SAFETY OR OTHERWISE.</p> <p>WE CANNOT ENSURE THAT YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES THAT YOU MAY PURCHASE FROM A THIRD PARTY WEBSITE THAT LINKS TO OR FROM OUR SITE OR THIRD PARTY INFORMATION, CONTENT OR MATERIALS CONTAINED ON OUR SITE. WE DO NOT ENDORSE ANY OF THE CONTENT, NOR HAVE WE TAKEN ANY STEPS TO CONFIRM THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR RELIABILITY OF, ANY OF THE INFORMATION, CONTENT OR MATERIALS CONTAINED ON ANY THIRD PARTY WEBSITE. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE SECURITY OF ANY INFORMATION, CONTENT OR MATERIALS YOU MIGHT BE REQUESTED TO GIVE TO ANY THIRD PARTY.</p> <p>YOU HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVE ANY CLAIM AGAINST US WITH RESPECT TO (A) INFORMATION, CONTENT AND MATERIALS CONTAINED ON OUR SITE OR PROVIDED THROUGH OUR SERVICES, (B) THIRD PARTY WEBSITES OR OFFERS PLACED THROUGH THE SITE IN RESPECT TO ANY INFORMATION, CONTENT AND MATERIALS YOU PROVIDE TO SUCH THIRD PARTIES.</p> <p>SOME JURISDICATIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO SOME OR ALL OF THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</p> 6. Indemnification <p>You hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us, our content providers, licensors, licensees, distributors, agents, representatives and other authorized users, and each of the foregoing entities' respective resellers, distributors, service providers and suppliers, and all of the foregoing entities' respective officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the "indemnified parties") harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities and costs (including, without limitation, settlement costs and any legal or other fees and expenses for investigating or defending any actions or threatened actions) incurred by the indemnified parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you of these terms of use or claims arising directly or indirectly from your use of our site.</p> <p>We reserve the right, at our own expense, to employ separate counsel and assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and you hereby agree to cooperate with us in the defense of any such claim.</p> 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY <p>IN NO EVENT SHALL WE OR ANY OF OUR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY CLAIM FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS), OR FOR DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HARM RESULTING FROM DOWNLOADING OR ACCESSING INFORMATION OR MATERIAL ON THE INTERNET), OR FOR FAILURE TO STORE OR DELIVER, IN A TIMELY OR UNTIMELY MANNER, ANY INFORMATION OR MATERIAL DISPLAYED, OR ANY CLAIM IN CONTRACT OR TORT (WHETHER OR NOT ARISING IN WHOLE OR PART OUT OF OUR ACT, OMISSION, FAULT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR PRODUCT LIABILITY) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH OUR SITE, THE CONTENT OF OUR SITE, OR FROM USERS OF OUR SITE (WHETHER OFFLINE OR ONLINE), EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE OR WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR HAVE CONSTRUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT NEITHER WE, NOR OUR CONTENT PROVIDERS, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, NOR ANY OF THE FOREGOING ENTITIES' RESPECTIVE RESELLERS, DISTRIBUTORS, SERVICE PROVIDERS OR SUPPLIERS ARE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN OUR SITE AND ANY OTHER WEBSITE, BROWSER, SERVICE, SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE. THE LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS IN THIS SECTION AND ELSEWHERE IN THESE TERMS OF USE APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, CERTAIN PARTS OF THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH OF THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</p> <p>FURTHERMORE, IN NO EVENT SHALL WE OR ANY OF OUR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR THE CONTENT, COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY OR LEGALITY OF INFORMATION OR MATERIAL DISPLAYED IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF OUR SITE OR ANY CESSATION, INTERRUPTION OR DELAY IN THE PERFORMANCE OF OUR SITE FOR ANY REASON INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, CAUSES BEYOND OUR REASONABLE CONTROL SUCH AS EARTHQUAKE, FLOOD, FIRE, STORM OR OTHER NATURAL DISASTER, ACT OF GOD, LABOR CONTROVERSY OR THREAT THEREOF, CIVIL DISTURBANCE OR COMMOTION, ACT OF TERRORISM, DISRUPTION OF THE PUBLIC MARKETS, WAR OR ARMED CONFLICT OR THE INABILITY TO OBTAIN SUFFICIENT MATERIAL, SUPPLIES, LABOR, TRANSPORTATION, POWER OR OTHER ESSENTIAL COMMODITY OR SERVICE REQUIRED IN THE CONDUCT OF BUSINESS INCLUDING INTERNET ACCESS, OR ANY CHANGE IN OR THE ADOPTION OF ANY LAW, ORDINANCE, RULE, REGULATION, ORDER, JUDGMENT OR DECREE. OUR TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED TO OUR SITE SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED $100.</p> 8. General Provisions <p>We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the site (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that we shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the service.</p> <p>If any provision of these terms of use, for any reason, be declared void, illegal, invalid, or unenforceable in whole or in part, such provision will be severable from all other provisions herein and will not affect or impair the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these terms of use. provided, however, that a court having jurisdiction may revise such provision to the extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.</p> <p>The laws of the State of Arkansas, U.S.A. govern all matters arising out of these terms of use, without giving effect to any conflicts or choice of laws principles that would require the application of the laws of a different jurisdiction. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these terms of use, or the interpretation, making, performance, breach or termination thereof, will be finally settled by the courts of Faulkner County, Arkansas, U.S.A. and of any federal court located in the eastern district of Arkansas.</p> <p>No waiver of any provision of these terms of use by us shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision, and our failure to assert any right or provision under these terms of use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any waiver of any provision of these terms of use will be effective only if in writing and signed by Inuvo.</p> <p>We may immediately terminate these terms of use with respect to you (including your access to our site, or any portion thereof) without cause and without notice to you in our sole discretion. Upon termination, you must cease use of our site.</p> <p>The provisions of these terms of use, which by their nature should survive the termination of these terms of use, shall so survive such termination.</p> <p>These terms of use along with any other notices, policies, procedures, agreements, and terms and conditions on our site contain the entire understanding with respect to your use of our site and our relationship with you and such shall supersede all prior understandings and agreements, whether written or oral, and all prior dealings.</p> <p>You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any cause of action against us arising out of or related to our site must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues or such cause of action shall be permanently barred.</p> 9. Questions or Comments <p>If you have any questions or comments regarding these terms of use, the practices of our site, or your dealings with our site, you may contact us at the following address:</p> <p>Inuvo, Inc. 500 President Clinton Ave., Suite 300, Little Rock, AR 72201</p> <p>Contact Us</p> <p>Please note that by sharing your ideas, you also grant us and third parties permission to use and/or incorporate your ideas or comments without further compensation.</p> <p>Last Updated: May 12, 2016</p> Welcome to optionishoptionish asks for your consent to use your personal data to:<ul> <li> <i>perm_identity</i>Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development </li> <li> <i>devices</i>Store and/or access information on a device</li> </ul> <i>expand_more</i> <i>remove</i>Learn more<ul> <li>How can I change my choice?</li> <li>What if I don't consent?</li> <li>How does legitimate interest work?</li> <li>Do I have to consent to everything?</li> </ul> <p>Your personal data will be processed and information from your device (cookies, unique identifiers, and other device data) may be stored by, accessed by and shared with 134 TCF vendor(s) and 64 ad partner(s), or used specifically by this site or app.</p> <p>Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the bottom of this page to manage or withdraw consent in privacy and cookie settings.</p> <p>Consent</p> <p>Manage options</p> <i>arrow_back</i> <p>Data preferences</p>Manage your data<p>You can choose how your personal data is used. Vendors want your permission to do the following:</p> <p>TCF vendors</p> <i>help_outline</i>Store and/or access information on a device<p>Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.</p>View detailsConsent (117 vendors)Use limited data to select advertising<p>Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).</p>View detailsConsent (69 vendors)Legitimate interest (31 vendors)<i>help_outline</i>Create profiles for personalised advertising<p>Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.</p>View detailsConsent (94 vendors)Use profiles to select personalised advertising<p>Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.</p>View detailsConsent (90 vendors)Create profiles to personalise content<p>Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.</p>View detailsConsent (28 vendors)Use profiles to select personalised content<p>Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.</p>View detailsConsent (23 vendors)Measure advertising performance<p>Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.</p>View detailsConsent (75 vendors)Legitimate interest (46 vendors)<i>help_outline</i>Measure content performance<p>Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you. </p>View detailsConsent (29 vendors)Legitimate interest (14 vendors)<i>help_outline</i>Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources<p>Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).</p>View detailsConsent (56 vendors)Legitimate interest (21 vendors)<i>help_outline</i>Develop and improve services<p>Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.</p>View detailsConsent (64 vendors)Legitimate interest (38 vendors)<i>help_outline</i>Use limited data to select content<p>Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).</p>View detailsConsent (11 vendors)Legitimate interest (2 vendors)<i>help_outline</i>Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors <i>help_outline</i> <p>Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.</p>View detailsDeliver and present advertising and content<i>help_outline</i> <p>Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.</p>View detailsMatch and combine data from other data sources<i>help_outline</i> <p>Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.</p>View detailsLink different devices<i>help_outline</i> <p>In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).</p>View detailsIdentify devices based on information transmitted automatically<i>help_outline</i> <p>Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.</p>View detailsUse precise geolocation data<p>With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.</p>View detailsConsent<p>Vendor preferences</p> <p>Accept all</p> <p>Confirm choices</p> <i>arrow_back</i> <p>Vendor preferences</p>Confirm our vendors<p>Vendors can use your data to provide services. Declining a vendor can stop them from using the data you shared.</p> <p>TCF vendors</p> <i>help_outline</i>Exponential Interactive, Inc d/b/a VDX.tv<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRoq.ad GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentIndex Exchange Inc. <p>Cookie duration: 395 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Quantcast<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>BeeswaxIO Corporation<p>Cookie duration: 395 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSovrn, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdikteev<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>RTB House S.A.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentThe UK Trade Desk Ltd<p>Cookie duration: 3629 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Nexxen Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 180 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Epsilon<p>Cookie duration: 184 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentYahoo EMEA Limited<p>Cookie duration: 397 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentADventori SAS<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTripleLift, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Xandr, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>NEORY GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNexxen Group LLC<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>NEURAL.ONE<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH)<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentActive Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH)<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTaboola Europe Limited<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentEquativ<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdform A/S<p>Cookie duration: 3650 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Magnite, Inc. <p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>RATEGAIN ADARA INC<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSift Media, Inc<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRakuten Marketing LLC<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Lumen Research Limited<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Amazon Ad Server<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>OpenX<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentYieldlab (Virtual Minds GmbH)<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRoku Advertising Services<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Nano Interactive Group Ltd.<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSimplifi Holdings LLC<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentPubMatic, Inc<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Comscore B.V.<p>Cookie duration: 720 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentFlashtalking<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentPulsePoint, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSmaato, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 21 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Semasio GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCrimtan Holdings Limited<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Genius Sports UK Limited<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCriteo SA<p>Cookie duration: 390 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdloox SA<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Blis Global Limited<p>Cookie duration: 400 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLotame Solutions, Inc<p>Cookie duration: 274 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLiveRamp<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentGroupM UK Limited<p>Cookie duration: 395 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>LoopMe Limited<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentDynata LLC<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAsk Locala<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAzira<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>DoubleVerify Inc.​<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>BIDSWITCH GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentIPONWEB GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNextRoll, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 183 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTeads France SAS<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP)<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>OS Data Solutions GmbH &amp. Co. KG<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Permodo GmbH<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentPlatform161 B.V.<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentBasis Global Technologies, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>SMADEX, S.L.U.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentBombora Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>EASYmedia GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRemerge GmbH<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>advanced store GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Magnite CTV, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Delta Projects AB<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>usemax advertisement (Emego GmbH)<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Consentemetriq GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentPublicis Media GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 1825 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentM.D. Primis Technologies Ltd.<p>Cookie duration: 25 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>OneTag Limited<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCloud Technologies S.A.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSmartology Limited<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Improve Digital<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Adobe Advertising Cloud<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Bannerflow AB<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>TabMo SAS<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentIntegral Ad Science (incorporating ADmantX)<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Wizaly<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentWeborama<p>Cookie duration: 393 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Jivox Corporation<p>Cookie duration: 30 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSage+Archer BV<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Non-precise location data</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentOn Device Research Limited<p>Cookie duration: 30 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRockabox Media Ltd<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Exactag GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 180 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCeltra Inc.<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentmainADV Srl<p>Cookie duration: 30 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentGemius SA<p>Cookie duration: 1825 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentThe Kantar Group Limited<p>Cookie duration: 914 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNielsen Media Research Ltd.<p>Cookie duration: 120 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Solocal SA<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Pixalate, Inc.<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentOracle Advertising<p>Cookie duration: 180 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNumberly<p>Cookie duration: 180 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAudienceProject A/S<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Demandbase, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentEffiliation / Effinity<p>Cookie duration: 30 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Device characteristics</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentArrivalist Co.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSeenthis AB<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Commanders Act<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Consenttravel audience GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 397 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentHUMAN<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Adludio Ltd.<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentBlendee srl<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentInnovid LLC<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Papirfly AS<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Verve Group Europe GmbH<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentOtto (GmbH &amp. Co KG)<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform<p>Cookie duration: 180 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLocalsensor B.V.<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentOnline Solution<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRelay42 Netherlands B.V.<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentGP One GmbH<p>Cookie duration: Uses session cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>The MediaGrid Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 365 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMindTake Research GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 180 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCint AB<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentGoogle Advertising Products<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>GfK GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, User-provided data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRevJet<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentProtected Media LTD<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Clinch Labs LTD<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Oracle Data Cloud - Moat<p>Doesn't use cookies.</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data</p>more<p> </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Hearts and Science München GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 60 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAmazon Advertising<p>Cookie duration: 396 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMoloco, Inc.<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.</p>View details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLegitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>Adtriba GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 730 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentObjective Partners BV<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentEnsighten<p>Cookie duration: 1825 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices, Device characteristics, Device identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Legitimate interest<i>help_outline</i>eBay Inc<p>Cookie duration: 90 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Privacy choices, Device characteristics</p>more<p> </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentHurra Communications GmbH<p>Cookie duration: 366 (days).</p> <p>Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Authentication-derived identifiers</p>more<p>Cookie duration resets each session. </p>View details | Storage details | Privacy policy<i>launch</i>Consent<p>Ad partners</p> <i>help_outline</i>AkamaiPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMetaPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAunicaPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentBooking.comPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentC3 MetricsPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentIBMPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentEvidonPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdacadoPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentintelliAdPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentDstilleryPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMediaMathPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentZMSPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentOmnicom Media GroupPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentResonatePrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSojernPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTradedoubler ABPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTrustArcPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTruEffectPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTravel Data CollectivePrivacy policy<i>launch</i>Consentadvolution.controlPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLifeStreetPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdMaximPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentBatch MediaPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentVodafone GmbHPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMagnitePrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentScenestealerPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNetquestPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentManage.comPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCloudflarePrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSalesforce DMPPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNetflixPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMacromill groupPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentebuildersPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAppLovin Corp.Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentFractional MediaPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentRackspacePrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentLiftoffPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMSI-ACIPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdmetricsPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentNaveggPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAdmedoPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentKochavaPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMobitransPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentADEXPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentImpactPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSpotadPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAarkiPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentSFRPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCablatoPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentWaystackPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentTreSensaPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentgskinnerPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentCUBEDPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentOptomatonPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentAnalightsPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentDentsu Aegis NetworkPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentDigisegPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentHaensel AMSPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentBDSK Handels GmbH &amp. Co. KGPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentMarketing Science Consulting Group, Inc.Privacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentDENTSUPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentKoblerPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentWidespacePrivacy policy<i>launch</i>ConsentVimeoPrivacy policy<i>launch</i>Consent<p>Accept all</p> <p>Confirm choices</p> <p>Close</p>

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