
Privacy Policy

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn moreGOT IT! SIGN UP GET APP <ul> <li>MOBILE APP</li> <li>ADD TO BROWSER</li> <li>SIGN UP</li> <li> </li> <li> EN ENITDERUFRPT </li> </ul> CB.click Privacy Policy <p>Welcome to CB.click. This Privacy Policy describes the policies and procedures of CB.click , (“CB.click ”, “we” or “us”) on the collection, use, security and disclosure of personal information about you on&nbsp;CB.click&nbsp;(the “Site”) and the services, features, content or applications offered by CB.click&nbsp. (collectively with the Site, the “Services”).</p> Information We Collect <p>CB.click&nbsp. may collect personal information about you as described in this Privacy Policy when you access CB.click Services (your “Account”), view or interact with a CB.click&nbsp. link. We collect the following types of information from you, some of which might be considered personal information under applicable law.</p> Choice and Access <p>You don’t need an Account to create CB.click&nbsp. Links, and you can use many of the features of the Services without signing in to CryptoTab, thereby limiting the type of information that is collected about you individually.</p> When You Sign in <p>If you sign in with your CryptoTab Account, we may use your contact information to send you information about our Services and communicate with you about your Account, your activities on our Site and Services and policy changes. You may unsubscribe from receiving certain types of these messages through your Account settings, although CB.click&nbsp. reserves the right to contact you when we believe it is necessary, such as for administrative and account management purposes.</p> When You Create a CB.click&nbsp. Link <p>One feature of the Services is the ability to create shortened uniform resource locators (URLs) of websites (“CB.click&nbsp. Link”). Users can create CB.click&nbsp. Links without registering for an account. &nbsp;When you create a CB.click&nbsp. Link, CB.click&nbsp. collects and stores both the original URL and the shortened URL and, if you are logged in to your Account, we will associate that information with your Account. CB.click&nbsp. also collects and stores your IP address, your location, which we derive from your IP address, the time and date on which you shortened the original URL.</p> When You Interact With a CB.click&nbsp. Link <p>CB.click&nbsp. automatically collects personal information about the interaction (such as clicks or views) with every CB.click&nbsp. Link created through the Services (either our bit.ly links or one of our branded domains) on a third-party website. This information includes, but is not limited to: (i) the IP address and location derived from the IP address. (ii) the referring websites or services. (iii) the time and date of each access. (iv) device settings, such as browser type, operating system, and language. (v) cookies, as described below, and mobile advertising identifiers. As described in this policy, we use CB.click&nbsp. Link Metrics to provide the Services, to understand and analyze how our Services are used and to identify trends, and to detect, deter and prevent malicious, fraudulent or unlawful activity.</p> Other Information We Automatically Collect <p>When you visit the Site, we automatically collect (i) your IP address and location derived from the IP address. (ii) the referring websites or services. (iii) the time and date of each access. (iv) device settings, such as browser type, operating system, and language. and (v) cookie information. This type of data enables us and third parties authorized by us to figure out how often individuals use parts of the Site so that we can analyze and improve them.</p> Third Party Services <p>Some features of the Services allow you to share your content and CB.click&nbsp. Links through your accounts with other companies such as Facebook and Twitter. If you choose to connect CB.click&nbsp. to such Third Party Services, we may collect information related to your use of those Third Party Services, such as authentication tokens that allow us to connect to your Third Party Service accounts. We will ask you for permission before you authorize our collection of this information. We will only use that information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us. We may also collect information about how you are using the Services to interact with those connected Third Party Services. Note that Third Party Services may have the ability to restrict the information that is provided to us based on your privacy settings of that account.</p> Cookies and Other Similar Technologies <p>CB.click&nbsp. and its partners use cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movements around the website, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.</p> <p>Cookies are pieces of text that may be provided to your computer through your web browser when you access a website. Your browser stores cookies in a manner associated with each website you visit. We use cookies to enable our servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you visit our Site and use the Services through the web.</p> <p>CB.click&nbsp. cookies also allow CB.click&nbsp. to track when you have clicked on a CB.click&nbsp. Link. Each click of a CB.click&nbsp. Link is tracked using a unique identifier assigned to you in one or more cookies stored by your web browser and associated with CB.click . We may associate the unique identifier in our cookies with the other information we automatically collect when you use the Services, as described above, including your IP address, CB.click&nbsp. Links you click, CB.click&nbsp. Links you create, and information with your Account if you have one.</p> <p>Most browsers have an option for turning off the cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allowing you to decide on acceptance of each new cookie in a variety of ways. If you disable cookies, you will not be able to use some features of the Services.</p> How We Use Information <p>We use the personal information we collect for a variety of administrative and business purposes to:</p> <ul> <li>operate our Site and provide the Services,</li> <li>process and complete any transactions,</li> <li>verify individual identity,</li> <li>respond to inquiries, questions and comments and provide customer and technical support,</li> <li>provide access to certain functionalities of our Services,</li> <li>personalize and improve the Services and develop new products and services,</li> <li>to communicate with our current and prospective customers concerning our services,</li> <li>measure interest and engagement in our Site and Services,</li> <li>monitor and analyze usage and trends of the Site and Services,</li> <li>provide services to our customers to allow them to understand how you interact with our Services and to help detect, deter and prevent malicious, fraudulent or unlawful activity,</li> <li>comply with any legal obligations, and</li> <li>enforce our terms and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.</li> </ul> Other Legitimate Interests <p>We also may use personal information to pursue legitimate interests, such as direct marketing, research (including marketing research), network and information security, prevention of fraudulent, malicious and unlawful activities, or any other purpose disclosed to you at the time you provide personal information or allowed by law.</p> Information We Share <p>The Services are designed to help you share information with others. In addition, we provide Services to our Customers that use CB.click&nbsp. Link Metrics. &nbsp;As a result, some of the personal information generated through your use of the Services is shared publicly or with third parties as described below.</p> CB.click&nbsp. Links You Create <p>Much of your activity on and through the Services is public by default. For example, when you create a CB.click&nbsp. Link, the original URLs you have shortened and the corresponding CB.click&nbsp. Links are publicly available.</p> Information You Elect to Share <p>When creating a CB.click&nbsp. Link, you can share that CB.click&nbsp. Link through Third Party Services. Any information that you elect to distribute through Third Party Services, such as a social network post you create, may then become accessible to users of those services. You can also access other Third Party Services through the Services, for example by clicking on links in the Statistics page for a CB.click&nbsp. Link. We recommend that you review the terms of services and privacy policies of such Third Party Services that you access through the Services since CB.click&nbsp. does not control and is not responsible for the privacy practices of these Third Party Services.</p> Information Disclosed Pursuant to Business Transfers <p>We may transfer and/or provide information about our users in connection with an acquisition, sale of company assets, or other situation where user information would be transferred as one of our business assets. You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website.</p> Retention <p>We retain the personal information we receive as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our Services or as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws.</p> Information Security <p>CB.click&nbsp. endeavors to protect the information it collects about its users using industry-standard security processes and controls, however, despite these efforts, no security measure is perfect or impenetrable and CB.click&nbsp. does not guarantee or warrant that such measures will prevent unauthorized access to the information about you that is stored by CB.click . In the event we experience a breach of security, we will promptly notify you if your personal information has been compromised, in accordance with applicable law.</p> Changes to This Privacy Policy <p>CB.click&nbsp. may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make material changes in the way we collect or use information, we will notify you by posting an announcement on the Services or sending you an email, and we will indicate when those changes will become effective. You are agreeing to be bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when you use the Services after those changes become effective.</p> Questions <p>If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy using the Services, please send us a detailed message to: support@cb.click.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Target interested users.</p> Extension for your browser <p>Our product lets your target your users to better understand their behavior and provide them a better overall experience through smart re-targeting. We provide you many powerful tools to reach them better.</p> Get it on Chrome Web Store <p>Compatible with Chrome, CryptoTab, Yandex, Opera etc. browsers.</p> <ul> <li>General</li> <li> Overview </li> <li> Browser Extension </li> <li> Mobile App </li> <li> Sign Up </li> <li> Support </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Additional</li> <li> Terms of Use </li> <li> Privacy Policy </li> <li> Advertise </li> </ul> <ul> <li>CryptoTab Family</li> <li> CryptoTab Browser </li> <li> CryptoTab NFT </li> <li> CryptoTab NFT for Android NEW </li> <li> CryptoTab NFT Mining </li> <li> CryptoTab for Android MAX </li> <li> CryptoTab for Android PRO </li> <li> CryptoTab for Android LITE </li> <li> CryptoTab for iOS </li> <li> Cryptotab Farm NEW </li> <li> CryptoTab START BONUS </li> <li> CT VPN </li> <li> CTabs BONUS </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Stay Connected</li> <li> – join us </li> <li> Contact Support Here </li> <li> Other Inquiries: contactus@cryptobrowser.site </li> </ul> © 2024. All rights reserved. EN ENITDERUFRPT

On 2024-07-02 04:29:10 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

Attempted to Crawl Document
Error Message: The source document has not been updated. No changes made.
Stacktrace: SourceDocument

On 2024-07-02 04:29:50 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

Attempted to Crawl Document
Error Message:
Crawler: us-east-2