
Terms of Service

PRODUCT Autonomous SOC Platform AI automation for triage, investigation, remediation, and escalation of serious threats Integrations Easily connect your security tools with Intezer autonomous triage For Reported Phishing For Endpoint Alerts For SIEM Alerts NEW For SOAR Playbooks FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS Intezer for MSSP Discover how Intezer's AI-powered solution helps MSSPs scale Want to see Intezer in action? Take a Product Tour LEARN Blog Read threat analyses from Intezer’s research team, step-by-step technical tutorials, and the latest product news Documentation Dig into documentation about setup, integrations, and working with Intezer’s API Resources Check out case studies, whitepapers, and featured videos Featured Case Studies DPD Automates SOC Tier 1 Tasks with Intezer Legato Security Scales Up with Intezer Autonomous SOC <ul> <li>Product <ul> <li>Autonomous SOC Platform</li> <li>Integrations</li> <li>For Reported Phishing</li> <li>For Endpoint Alerts</li> <li>For SIEM Alerts</li> <li>For SOAR Playbooks</li> <li>Intezer for MSSP</li> </ul> </li> <li>Learn <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>Resources</li> <li>Docs</li> </ul> </li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Pricing</li> <li>&nbsp;<i> </i> </li> <li>Log in</li> <li>&nbsp;Get a Demo</li> <li>&nbsp;Get a Demo</li> </ul> Terms of Use <p>Intezer Labs Ltd. and Intezer Labs Inc. (collectively “<strong>Intezer</strong>“, “<strong>we</strong>“, “<strong>our</strong>“, <strong>“Company”</strong>) welcome you (the <strong>“</strong> <strong>User(s</strong> <strong>)”</strong>, or <strong>“</strong> <strong>you</strong> <strong>“</strong>) to our website at (the “<strong>Site</strong>”). Our Site offers basic information on our company and technology. Each of the Site’s Users may use the Site in accordance with the terms and conditions hereunder.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Acceptance of the Terms</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>By entering to, connecting to, accessing or using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the following terms of use, including the terms of our <strong> <u>Privacy Policy</u> </strong> (collectively, the “<strong>Terms</strong>“), and you agree to be bound by them and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding your use of the Site. You acknowledge that these Terms constitute a binding and enforceable legal contract between Intezer and you.</p> <p> <strong>IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER TO, CONNECT TO, ACCESS OR USE THE SITE IN ANY MANNER</strong>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Use </u> </strong> <strong> <u>Restrictions</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>There are certain conducts that are strictly prohibited on and/or with respect to the Site. Please read the following restrictions carefully. Your failure to comply with the provisions set forth may result herein (at Intezer’s sole discretion) in the termination of your access to the Site and may also expose you to civil and/or criminal liability.</p> <p> <strong>You may not, whether by yourself or anyone on your behalf: </strong> </p> <ul> <li>copy, modify, create derivative works of, adapt, emulate, translate, reverse engineer, compile, decompile or disassemble any portion of the content on the Site and any other information, documents, material and data available on the Site (collectively, the “<strong>Content</strong>”) in any way, or publicly display, perform, or distribute the Content, without Intezer’s prior written consent;</li> <li>make any use of the Content on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose, or replicate or copy the Content without Intezer’s prior written consent;</li> <li>create a browser or border environment around the Site and/or Content, link, including in-line linking, to elements on the Site, such as images, posters and videos, and/or frame or mirror any part of the Site, unless as expressly permitted hereunder;</li> <li>transmit, distribute, display or otherwise make available through or in connection with the Site any content, which may infringe third party rights, including Intellectual Property rights and privacy rights, or which may contain any unlawful content;</li> <li>transmit or otherwise make available in connection with the Site, and/or use the Site to distribute and/or otherwise transmit any virus, worm, Trojan Horse, time bomb, web bug, spyware, or any other computer code, file, or program that may or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of any hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment, or any other actually or potentially harmful, disruptive, or invasive code or component;</li> <li>interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Site, or the servers or networks that host the Site or make the Site available, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of such servers or networks;</li> <li>sell, license, or exploit for any commercial purposes any use of or access to the Content and/or Site;</li> <li>use the Site for and/or in connection with any form of spam, unsolicited mail or similar conduct;</li> <li>bypass any measures which may be used to prevent or restrict access to the Site and/or certain functionalities therein;</li> <li>use the Content and/or the Site for any illegal, immoral or unauthorized purpose;</li> <li>provide Content that is or may reasonably be believed to be illegal, fraudulent, or unauthorized or in furtherance of any illegal, counterfeiting, fraudulent, pirating, unauthorized, or violent activity, or that involves or you reasonably believe or should reasonably believe to involve any stolen, illegal, counterfeit, fraudulent, pirated, or unauthorized material;</li> <li>provide Content that does not comply with all applicable laws, rules, or regulations, including obtaining all necessary permits, licenses, registrations;</li> <li>infringe or violate any of these Terms.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Privacy Policy</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>We respect the privacy of our Users and are committed to protecting the information you share with us in connection with the Site. Our policy and practices and the type of information collected are described in our Privacy Policy.If you intend to connect to, access or use the Site you must first read and agree to the Privacy Policy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Intellectual Property</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>“<strong>Intellectual Property</strong>” means proprietary and intellectual property rights, including the Site, its logos, graphics, icons, images, as well as the selection, assembly and arrangement thereof, Intezer’s proprietary software, algorithms and any and all intellectual property rights pertaining thereto, including, without limitation, inventions, patents and patent applications, trademarks, trade names, logos, copyrightable materials, graphics, text, images, designs (including the “look and feel” of the Site and any part thereof), specifications, methods, procedures, information, know-how, data, technical data, interactive features, source and object code, files, interface, GUI and trade secrets, whether or not registered and/or capable of being registered.</p> <p>The Intellectual Property is owned and/or licensed to Intezer, and is subject to copyright and other applicable intellectual property rights under Israeli laws, foreign laws and international conventions. You may not copy, distribute, display, execute publicly, make available to the public, emulate, reduce to human readable form, decompile, disassemble, adapt, sublicense, make any commercial use, sell, rent, lend, process, compile, reverse engineer, combine with other software, translate, modify or create derivative works of any material that is subject to Intezer’s proprietary rights, including Intezer’s Intellectual Property, either by yourself or by anyone on your behalf, in any way or by any means, unless expressly permitted in the Terms.</p> <p>Intezer hereby grants you, and you accept, a personal, non-exclusive, non-commercial, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, fully revocable, limited license to use the Site and Content, solely for the limited purpose of using the Site for your personal, non-commercial needs in accordance with the Terms.</p> <p>“Intezer” and all logos and other proprietary identifiers used by Intezer in connection with the Site, (“<strong>Intezer</strong> <strong> Trademarks</strong>”) are all trademarks and/or trade names of Intezer, whether or not registered. All other trademarks, Site marks, trade names and logos which may appear on or with respect to the Site belong to their respective owners (“<strong>Third Party Marks</strong>”). No right, license, or interest to Intezer Trademarks and/or to the Third Party Marks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to Intezer Trademarks or the Third Party Marks and therefore you will avoid using any of those marks, unless expressly permitted herein.</p> <p>You are hereby prohibited from removing or deleting any and all copyright notices, restrictions and signs indicating proprietary rights of Intezer and/or its licensors, including copyright mark [©] or trademark [® or ™] contained in or accompanying the Site, and you represent and warrant that you will abide by all applicable laws in this respect. You are further prohibited from using, diluting or staining any name, mark or logo that is identical or confusingly similar to any of Intezer marks and logos, whether registered or not.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Minors</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>You may use the Site only if you are at least thirteen (13) years old.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Third Party Components</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>The Site may use or include third party software, files and components that are subject to open source and third party license terms (“<strong>Third Party Components</strong>”). Your right to use such Third Party Components as part of, or in connection with, the Site is subject to any applicable acknowledgements and license terms accompanying such Third Party Components, contained therein or related thereto. If there is a conflict between the licensing terms of such Third Party Components and these Terms, the licensing terms of the Third Party Components shall prevail only in connection with the related Third Party Components. These Terms do not apply to any Third Party Components accompanying or contained in the Site and Intezer disclaims all liability related thereto. You acknowledge that Intezer is not the author, owner or licensor of any Third Party Components, and that Intezer makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the quality, capabilities, operations, performance or suitability of Third Party Components. Under no circumstances shall the Site or any portion thereof (except for the Third Party Components contained therein) be deemed to be “open source” or “publicly available” software.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Availability</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>The Site’s availability and functionality depend on various factors, such as communication networks, software, hardware, and Intezer’s Site providers and contractors. Intezer does not warrant or guarantee that the Site will operate and/or be available at all times without disruption or interruption, or that it will be immune from unauthorized access error-free.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Changes to the Site</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>Intezer reserves the right to modify, correct, amend, enhance, improve, make any other changes to, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site (or any part thereof) without notice, at any time. In addition, you hereby acknowledge that the Content available through the Site may be changed, modified, edited or extended in terms of content and form or removed at any time without any notice to you. You agree that Intezer shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, error, malfunction or discontinuance of the Site (or any part thereof).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Disclaimer and Warranties</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>INTEZER DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, THE INABILITY TO USE OR OPERATE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OR OPERATION OF THE SITE (OR ANY PART THEREOF).</p> <p>THE SITE (AND ANY PART THEREOF), INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CONTENT, DATA AND INFORMATION RELATED THERETO, ARE PROVIDED ON AN “<strong>AS IS</strong>” AND “<strong>AS AVAILABLE</strong>” BASIS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF USE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.</p> <p>INTEZER AND ITS AFFILIATES, INCLUDING ANY OF THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES, SUB-CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, PARENT COMPANIES, SUBSIDIARIES AND OTHER AFFILIATES (COLLECTIVELY, “<strong>INTEZER</strong> <strong> AFFILIATES</strong>”), JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, DISCLAIM AND MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE USABILITY, ACCURACY, QUALITY, AVAILABILITY, RELIABILITY, SUITABILITY, COMPLETENESS, TRUTHFULNESS, USEFULNESS, OR EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY CONTENT, DATA, RESULTS, OR OTHER INFORMATION OBTAINED OR GENERATED IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR OR ANY USER’S USE OF THE SITE.</p> <p>INTEZER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SITE IS OR WILL BE SECURE, ACCURATE, COMPLETE, UNINTERRUPTED, WITHOUT ERROR, OR FREE OF VIRUSES, WORMS, OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS, OR OTHER PROGRAM LIMITATIONS. INTEZER MAY, AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION AND WITHOUT AN OBLIGATION TO DO SO, CORRECT, MODIFY, AMEND, ENHANCE, IMPROVE AND MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES TO THE SITE AT ANY TIME, OR DISCONTINUE DISPLAYING OR PROVIDING ANY CONTENT OR FEATURES WITHOUT ANY NOTICE TO YOU.</p> <p> <strong>YOU AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE USE OF THE SITE, INCLUDING USE OF AND/OR RELIANCE ON ANY CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE, IS ENTIRELY, OR OTHERWISE TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AT YOUR OWN RISK</strong>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Limitation of Liability</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEZER AND/OR ANY OF THE INTEZER AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, RESULTING FROM OR ARISING OUT OF THE SITE, USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SITE, FAILURE OF THE SITE TO PERFORM AS REPRESENTED OR EXPECTED, LOSS OF GOODWILL, DATA OR PROFITS, THE PERFORMANCE OR FAILURE OF BELONG TO PERFORM UNDER THESE TERMS, AND ANY OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF BELONG OR BY ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE CONDUCT OF ANY USERS AND/OR THIRD PARTY SITES.</p> <p>NO ACTION MAY BE BROUGHT BY YOU FOR ANY BREACH OF THESE TERMS MORE THAN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE ACCRUAL OF SUCH CAUSE OF ACTION. AS SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THEN SUCH LIMITATIONS ONLY MAY NOT APPLY TO A USER RESIDING IN SUCH STATES.</p> <p>SUCH LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS SHALL APPLY TO ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, OR OTHERWISE. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THESE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE AGREED ALLOCATIONS OF RISK CONSTITUTING IN PART THE CONSIDERATION FOR INTEZER’S SITE TO YOU, AND SUCH LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY, AND EVEN IF INTEZER AND/OR ANY INTEZER AFFILIATES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LIABILITIES AND/OR DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW IN THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION AND IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEZER’S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY TO YOU EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY YOU TO INTEZER FOR USE OF THE SITE. IF YOU HAVE NOT MADE ANY PAYMENTS TO INTEZER FOR THE USE OF THE SITE, THEN INTEZER SHALL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY TOWARDS YOU.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Indemnification</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Intezer and any Intezer Affiliates from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs, debts, fines, late fees, cancellation fees and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising directly or indirectly from: (i) your use of the Site (or any part thereof). (ii) breach of any term of these Terms by you or anyone on your behalf. (iii) any damage of any sort, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, you may cause to any third party which relates to your use&nbsp. of (or inability to use) the Site. (iv) your violation of the Privacy Policy, any third party intellectual property rights, privacy rights or other rights through your use of the Site or provision of information. and (v) your violation of any applicable law or regulation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Amendments to the Terms </u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>Intezer may change the Terms from time to time, at its sole discretion and without any notice, including the <strong>Privacy Policy. </strong>Substantial changes of these Terms will be first notified on the Site and/or by sending you an e-mail regarding such changes to the e-mail address that is registered under your name you choose to provide Intezer. Such substantial changes will take effect seven (7) days after such notice was provided on any of the abovementioned methods. Otherwise, all other changes to these Terms are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date and your continued use of the Site after the Last Revised date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes. Please note that in the event that the Terms should be amended to comply with any legal requirements, such amendments may take effect immediately and without any prior notice, as may be required by law.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>General</u> </strong> <ul> <li>1. Any heading, caption or section title contained herein is inserted only as a matter of convenience, and in no way defines or explains any section or provision hereof.</li> <li>2. These Terms do not, and shall not be construed to create any relationship, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship between Intezer and you.</li> <li>3. These Terms, and the rights and remedies provided hereunder, and any and all claims, disputes and controversies arising hereunder or related hereto and/or to the Site, their interpretation, or the breach, termination or validity thereof, the relationships which result from these Terms, or any related transaction shall be governed by, construed under and enforced in all respects solely and exclusively in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel without reference to its conflict-of-laws principles, and shall be brought in, and you hereby consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in, the competent courts in Tel Aviv, Israel.</li> <li>4. Intezer may assign its rights and obligations hereunder and/or transfer ownership rights and title in the Site to a third party without your consent or prior notice to you. Your rights and obligations under the Terms are not assignable. Any attempted or actual assignment thereof without Intezer’s prior explicit and written consent will be null and void.</li> <li>5. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.</li> <li>6. No waiver by either party of any breach or default hereunder will be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default.</li> <li>7. These Terms constitute the entire terms and conditions between you and Intezer relating to the subject matter herein and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, promises, conditions, negotiations, covenants or representations, whether written or oral, between Intezer and you, including, without limitation, those made by or between any of our respective representatives, with respect to the Site. You agree that you will make no claim at any time or place that these Terms have been orally altered or modified or otherwise changed by oral communication of any kind or character. You further agree that you are not relying upon any promise, inducement, representation, statement, disclosure or duty of disclosure of Intezer in entering into these Terms.</li> <li>8. The provisions of Section ‎2 (Use Restrictions), Section 3 (Privacy Policy, including the Privacy Policy referred to therein), Section 4 (Intellectual Property), Section 5 (Minors), Section 6 (Third Party Components), Section 7 (Availability), Section 9 (Disclaimer and Warranties), Section 10 (Limitation of Liability), Section 11 (Indemnification) and Section 13 (General Sections), will survive the termination or expiration of these Terms including any provision meant to survive such termination or expiration or any rights accrued prior thereto.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li> <strong> <u>Contact</u> </strong> </li> </ol> <p>If you have any questions (or comments) concerning the Terms or the Site, you are welcome to send us an email to the following address, and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe: <u></u>.</p> <p>By contacting us, you represent that you are free and authorized to do so and that you will not knowingly provide Intezer with information that infringes upon third parties’ rights, including any intellectual property rights nor will you provide us with any non-authorized information. You further acknowledge that notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any and all rights, including intellectual property rights in such information provided, shall belong exclusively to Intezer, and Intezer may use or refrain from using any such information at its sole discretion.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Youtube Linkedin Rss <p>Count on Intezer’s Autonomous SOC solution to handle your Level 1 SOC. Leave the SOC grunt work to Intezer.</p> Log In Product <ul> <li>Autonomous SOC Platform</li> <li>Pricing</li> <li>Intezer for MSSPs</li> <li>Integrations</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Autonomous SOC Platform</li> <li>Pricing</li> <li>Intezer for MSSPs</li> <li>Integrations</li> </ul> Solutions <ul> <li>Reported Phishing</li> <li>Endpoint Triage</li> <li>SIEM Triage</li> <li>SOAR Playbooks</li> <li>Malware Analysis</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Reported Phishing</li> <li>Endpoint Triage</li> <li>SIEM Triage</li> <li>SOAR Playbooks</li> <li>Malware Analysis</li> </ul> Company <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Contact Us</li> <li>Security</li> <li>Partners</li> <li>News</li> <li>Careers</li> </ul> <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Contact Us</li> <li>Security</li> <li>Partners</li> <li>News</li> <li>Careers</li> </ul> Learn <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Documentation</li> <li>Resources</li> <li>YouTube Channel</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Documentation</li> <li>Resources</li> <li>YouTube Channel</li> </ul> Featured Resources <ul> <li>How Intezer’s AI-Powered Autonomous SOC Platform Works</li> <li>Maximizing Incident Response Automation for Investigations</li> <li>Supercharge These 3 Top Incident Response SOAR Playbooks</li> <li>How Artificial Intelligence Powers the Autonomous SOC Platform</li> </ul> <ul> <li>How Intezer’s AI-Powered Autonomous SOC Platform Works</li> <li>Maximizing Incident Response Automation for Investigations</li> <li>Supercharge These 3 Top Incident Response SOAR Playbooks</li> <li>How Artificial Intelligence Powers the Autonomous SOC Platform</li> </ul> © 2024 All rights reserved&nbsp. |&nbsp. 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On 2024-07-01 04:23:19 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

Attempted to Crawl Document
Error Message: The source document has not been updated. No changes made.
Stacktrace: SourceDocument

On 2024-07-01 04:24:01 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

Attempted to Crawl Document
Error Message:
Crawler: us-east-2