
Privacy Policy

<p> Updated March 27, 2021. </p> <p> This Privacy Statement applies to the Websites (defined below) provided by Budsies PR, LLC (“Budsies”, “we”, “our”, or “us”). This Privacy Statement governs your use of our Websites, regardless of how you access or use them. By “Websites”, we mean any website or URL of ours that we have linked to this Privacy Statement and all features, applications, content, and downloads that are operated by us and that are available through the Websites. Each time you access and/or use the Websites, you agree to be bound by and comply with all of the terms of this Privacy Statement. Therefore, do not use the Websites if you do not agree to all of the terms of this Privacy Statement. If you are visiting the Websites, please also review the Websites'&nbsp. Terms and Conditions of Website Use . </p> <p> We want you to have fun surfing all our Websites, and urge you to follow common sense whenever disclosing personal information - on this Website or anywhere else. </p> <p> We encourage you to review our complete Privacy Statement in detail, as it includes important information, but provided is a short summary for convenience. You can also link to specific topics by using our Table of Contents. </p> <p> WHAT WE COLLECT </p> <p> We collect information from you to serve your needs, manage our content and advertising, operate efficiently, and improve our products and services. </p> <ul> <li> <p> We collect personal contact information, like e-mail address or phone number, from consumers when voluntarily submitted, including when needed to fulfill transactions. Registration may be required to use some Websites. </p> </li> <li> <p> We may obtain information from commercial sources and combine it with information we have collected. </p> </li> <li> <p> Certain information may be collected automatically at our Websites, like your IP address, UDID, browser setting, operating system, referring domain, language preferences, mobile carrier if you are using a mobile device, general location (e.g., zip code, but not specific address without consent) and other information. </p> </li> <li> <p> Third parties may also collect certain information via our Websites. </p> </li> </ul> <p> USER-GENERATED CONTENT </p> <ul> <li> <p> You may be able to post or upload content, like comments, reviews, photos, etc. Registration may be required. </p> </li> </ul> <p> COOKIES AND TECHNOLOGY </p> <ul> <li> <p> Our Websites use technology, like cookies and web beacons, to manage registrations or access to certain features, store your settings and preferences, conduct age-screening, offer you personalized content, shop, help us understand the features that appeal to visitors, and manage advertising, among other things. </p> </li> <li> <p> We also work with third parties who offer analytics or deliver targeted ads online. They use technology and collect device identifiers, such as your IP address or mobile UDID, and information on your activities, to do so. </p> </li> </ul> <p> USE OF INFORMATION </p> <p> We use all information we collect to provide and improve our products and services, understand our consumers, and manage content and advertising. </p> <p> CHOICES </p> <p> We respect your choices about receiving promotional offers and updates from us. </p> <p> APP CONTROLS </p> <p> Your device may allow you to block or manage push notifications, location information, in-app purchases, or ability to access the web. </p> <p> SHARING </p> <p> We may share information: </p> <ul> <li> <p> Within our family of companies, and with our agents and service providers. </p> </li> <li> <p> With third parties for marketing purposes, with your consent. </p> </li> <li> <p> As necessary to satisfy a legal request, protect property or personal safety, when a business is bought or sold, or as otherwise allowed or required by law. </p> </li> </ul> <p> LINKS </p> <p> Our Websites may link to or use other content from the Internet, including content offered by third parties that we do not control and whose privacy and data collection practices may differ from ours. Your computer or mobile device settings may allow you to block or partially block web access, but those settings may not be effective in all cases. </p> <p> OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION </p> <ul> <li> <p> SECURITY We strive to maintain the security of information but cannot guarantee that information security measures are fail-safe </p> </li> <li> <p> OUR LOCATION. DATA TRANSFERS This Website and the servers that make this Website available may not be located in your country of residence and are governed by U.S. law. By using this Website, you agree to the transfer, collection, processing and use of data by this Website and us. </p> </li> <li> <p> UPDATES We will update this Privacy Statement from time to time by posting the updated Privacy Statement online. We will not change how we handle previously collected information without providing notice. </p> </li> <li> <p> CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS If you are a resident of California, you have certain rights. </p> </li> </ul> <p> QUESTIONS </p> <p> We strive always to be transparent and clear about our policies. Please contact us if you have questions. </p> <p> Table of Contents </p> <ul> <li> <p> What Are Budsies' Privacy Practices for Consumers? </p> <p> a. What Personal Contact Information Is Collected from Consumers? </p> <p> b. What Information Is Collected When I Shop Online? </p> </li> <li> <p> Can I Post or Upload Content at Budsies Websites? </p> </li> <li> <p> What Information is Collected through Technology, Like Cookies and Pixel Tags, and What Choices Do I Have? </p> </li> <li> <p> What Does Budsies Do With The Information It Collects? </p> </li> <li> <p> How Can I Update or Change My Preferences About How Budsies Contacts Me? </p> </li> <li> <p> Does Budsies Share Information About Me With Others? </p> </li> <li> <p> Can I Link to the Internet from Your Websites? </p> </li> <li> <p> What Security Measures Does Budsies Take to Safeguard Personal Information? </p> </li> <li> <p> Will My Information Be Transferred to Another Country? </p> </li> <li> <p> How Will I Know If You’ve Updated Your Privacy Statement? </p> </li> <li> <p> What are My California Privacy Rights? </p> </li> <li> <p> Who Can I Contact with Questions? </p> </li> </ul> <p> 1. What Are Budsies' Privacy Practices for Consumers? </p> <p> You do not have to share any personal information (like full name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number, etc.) to view our Websites, but some portions of our Websites, like our e-commerce Websites, contain special sections and privileges for members who register. App stores are run by third parties and may require that you register to download or purchase an App. We may also collect information from you offline. We may obtain customer lists, demographic and other information about you from commercial sources. We also use technology to collect certain information automatically, like your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address (which is the automatic number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider when you surf the Web, or unique device identifier (“UDID”), international mobile equipment identity (“IMEI”), mobile equipment identifier (“MEID”) or media access control “MAC”) address. computer operating system (e.g., Microsoft Windows, Mac OS). your browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox). websites visited before or after you visit our Website. pages viewed and activities at our Website. and advertisements shown or clicked on.&nbsp. We may combine all information we have collected to better understand your needs, improve our Websites, products and services, manage content and advertising, send you offers and information, and better serve you. </p> <p> a. What Personal Contact Information Does Budsies Collect from Consumers? </p> <p> We do not collect any personal contact information from you when you visit our Websites unless it is voluntarily provided, for instance when signing a guest book, registering for contests, sweepstakes, community areas, downloads, or free demos, completing our online customer surveys or purchasing products. The personal information we ask for is usually first and last name, mailing address, phone number and an e-mail address. We may offer you the ability to receive information via SMS. by providing your mobile phone or similar number, you agree to receive information on your mobile device. Please note that your service provider may impose fees to send or receive messages. We may also ask you to help us understand your interests by providing demographic information, like age, gender, or ZIP code, or information on hobbies and interests. You may be able to submit a resume and apply for a job. </p> <p> b. What Information Does Budsies Collect When I Shop Online? </p> <p> Budsies Online Stores. </p> <p> We may offer opportunities to purchase products in our e-stores or through other media or business partners. Customers must be over the age of 18 with a valid credit card to purchase. </p> <p> When a customer puts an item in a shopping cart or places an order online, we collect information associated with the transaction, including the customer's name, e-mail address, mailing address, products ordered, shipping address, and credit card information, as well as ship-to information if products are intended for someone other than the purchasing customer. Customers have the option of registering certain information for future orders with our Website while completing their online order. For customers who choose to register, we also collect a password. </p> <p> When registered customers return to the Website to place subsequent orders, they can identify themselves with their e-mail address and password. </p> <p> When a customer places an order online, we will send a confirming e-mail message. We may also send an occasional e-mail featuring a special promotion or product that may be of interest to customers. Any customer who prefers not to receive an online order confirmation or promotional e-mail may contact us at&nbsp. &nbsp;or simply follow the “unsubscribe” instructions included in each message. </p> <p> c. Individuals Under the Age of 13 </p> <p> We do not intentionally seek to gather information directly from individuals under the age of 13.&nbsp. Use of our services is limited to individuals over the age of 18.&nbsp. We do not target the website or our services to minor customers, and would not expect them to be engaging directly with our services.&nbsp. If you provide us with personal information of children under the age of 13 (i.e. images, names, descriptions), you warrant and represent that you have all lawful and requisite consent and authorization to share that personal information with us.&nbsp. We encourage parents and guardians to provide adequate protection measures to prevent minors from providing information unwillingly on the internet.&nbsp. If we are aware of any personal information that we have collected about minors without lawful consent and authorization, we will take steps to securely remove it from our systems. </p> <p> Third-party Vendors. </p> <p> When a visitor places an order or registers on a site where transactions are handled by a third party vendor, those transactions are conducted through the vendor's website. You should be sure to review the third party's website terms and conditions and privacy policy before submitting any personal information or engaging in any transactions through the third party site, as we are not responsible for any transactions made with third parties, or for any content, terms and conditions, or privacy policies of such third parties. </p> <p> 2. Can I Post or Upload Content at Budsies Websites? </p> <p> Some of our Websites offer the opportunity for visitors to post or upload reviews, comments, videos or pictures, or engage in interactive features. Registration may be required. Special rules may apply to social networking activities, so be sure to carefully review any additional posted rules, as well as our&nbsp. Terms and Conditions . </p> <p> 3. What Information is Collected through Technology, Like Cookies and Pixel Tags, and What Choices Do I Have? </p> <p> Budsies and its agents or service providers or business partners may receive and store certain information automatically when you visit our Websites, use an online service or download or use a mobile App. This may include information on your browser type and operating system, the pages that you view, referring sites (sites you visited before you came to our site and sites you go to after you visit our site), IP addresses, or unique device identifiers associated with mobile devices, smart phones, etc. This information allows us to count the total number of “hits” on our Websites. We collect certain information using technology, like cookies and pixel tags. </p> <p> Third party analytics and advertising networks also use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, clear GIFs and other technology to collect certain information automatically. Advertising networks may use this information to serve you targeted ads for products and services that, based on your activities, are likely to be of interest to you (“interest-based advertising”). </p> <p> Other business partners, like social media sites, may also use cookies and similar technology to collect certain information about your visits to our Websites through social media plug-ins. You may have the option to log in to one of our websites using your social media user name and password. if so, the social media operator (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) may be able to link your activities at our Website to your registration information. </p> <p> Find out more about these technologies and how you can control their use below. </p> <p> Cookies </p> <p> A “cookie” is a small file that does not contain personally identifiable information and is saved on your computer or mobile device. Cookies help improve your user experience, and allow us to analyze our Websites and manage our advertising. </p> <p> Our cookies help to give you faster access to pages you have already visited. they allow you to personalize your pages and us to customize our offerings. and they help you to participate in some activities or events on our Websites. Cookies can also keep track of items in your shopping cart and wish list in our online stores, and may be used to help you engage in other activities, like comparison shopping. </p> <p> We also use cookies to help us figure out how many people visit our Websites, which of our Web pages they go to and how long they stay there. This information helps us figure out which of our Web features are successes and what Websites might need improvement. For administrative purposes, we collect IP addresses. Certain Internet service providers may assign the same IP address to many users. The IP address allows us to count the total number of “hits” on our sites. Your IP address and cookies are not connected to any personally identifiable or online contact information, like a name or email address, unless you register or order at our online stores. however, if you register at our online stores, all information we collect will be associated with your customer file. </p> <p> You can set your computer to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or turn off all cookies through your Internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Safari). Check your browser's Help menu or your built-in mobile device settings to find out how. Some mobile devices store cookies not only in areas connected to the browser, but also in areas that are app-specific so these cookies cannot be controlled by the browser settings. Check your app settings options on your mobile device to find out how to manage or delete cookies that may be stored in these other areas. </p> <p> Please note that if you do not accept cookies, some features or activities may not be available to you. </p> <p> Web Beacons, Pixel tags or clear GIFs </p> <p> We also use other technology, called web beacons, pixel tags or clear GIFs, to provide us with other important anonymous information, such as when an e-mail has been opened. Companies that advertise on our Websites may also place web beacons in their ads to help develop statistics on the effectiveness of advertising at our Websites. We do not control web beacons in third party ads. </p> <p> Social Media Platforms and Plugins </p> <p> If you are a member of a social media network, like Facebook, a cookie may be sent to that network when you access a page of our Website that links to their website through a plugin (such as Facebook’s “Like” or Google “+1” buttons), register or log into your account at their platform, or use your social media user name and password to log into our Website where you have the option to do so. That may enable them and us to link your activities with your personal registration information at their site, and may include notifying your friends or connections about your activities at our Website, and using tracking technologies to monitor your online activities in order to serve targeted ads. The social media networks' privacy policy and terms apply to your use of their platforms. Your browser or device may allow you to block these technologies but you should visit the third party website and review their privacy policy and your registration profile or account to find out your options. </p> <p> 4. What Does Budsies Do With The Information It Collects? </p> <p> We use the personal information we collect for the purposes indicated at the time it is provided. For instance, we use contest registration information to notify contest winners. if you purchase a product, we use the information to fulfill your order. Occasionally, we might also send e-mail or postal mail about upcoming Budsies products, Website updates, or promotions. We may also share information with other Budsies brands and Budsies family companies so that they can let you and your family know about products that might be of interest. Information that we or our agents or service providers collect using technology is used to help us understand our visitors, improve our products and services, manage our content and advertising, fulfill requests, measure the effectiveness or our advertising, maintain Website security, and protect intellectual property. </p> <p> 5. How Can I Update or Change My Preferences About How Budsies Contacts Me? </p> <p> If you want to stop receiving promotional updates or product information at any time, or would like to update your contact information, just contact us at&nbsp. . Our mailings and e-mail will also include information on how to opt-out in the future. E-mail opt-out requests will be processed in 10 business days. Postal mailing opt-out requests may take longer. </p> <p> 6. Does Budsies Share Information About Me With Others? </p> <p> We may share information within our family of companies, and with our agents and service providers. With your consent, Budsies shares e-mail addresses with outside companies that offer products or services that may interest you. We will remove your name from the list we provide to outside companies if you contact us at&nbsp. . </p> <p> </p> <p> Third parties that provide database or server maintenance or security, manage transactions, help us process and fulfill orders or requests, assist us in analyzing our offerings, or provide other similar services to Budsies may access certain information. If we do provide access, we require those other companies to keep secret any information they see. If Budsies believes that anyone's behavior on our Websites may damage us, our Websites, or any person or property, we may disclose the relevant personal information to prevent such harm. In that case, we might try to identify the wrongdoer, contact them or bring legal action against them. We may also disclose personal information if we believe that the disclosure is required by law, or in response to a legal request. </p> <p> 7. Can I Link to the Internet from Your Websites? </p> <p> Budsies Websites may allow you to link to, access or use other content from the Internet, including content offered by third parties that we do not control. Some sites, services or apps may use cookies to personally identify you or link information to registration at their site, including some social networking sites. We encourage you to carefully review the privacy policy and terms of use of any website, online service or app that you visit, as Budsies is not responsible for the actions of these third parties. Your computer or mobile device settings may allow you to block or partially block web access, but such settings may not be effective in all cases. </p> <p> 8. What Security Measures Does Budsies Take to Safeguard Personal Information? </p> <p> We and our agents and affiliates use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to protect credit card data during transmission to our Websites, and adopt internal procedures to safeguard this information in our systems. We require our service providers and vendors to adhere to industry-accepted best practices to safeguard personal information they handle. However, no method is 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information through commercially reasonable means, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. </p> <p> </p> <p> When you create a password and log-in name, we recommend that you combine letters and numbers that will be difficult for others to duplicate or guess. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your personal information and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished, especially when using a shared computer. </p> <p> 9. Will My Information Be Transferred to Another Country? </p> <p> This Website, the servers that make this Website available, and databases where we house information may not be located in your country of residence, and applicable privacy laws may differ. However, we take reasonable steps to safeguard personal information as outlined in this Privacy Statement. By using this Website, you agree to the transfer, collection, processing and use of data as set forth in this Privacy Statement, our&nbsp. Terms and Conditions , and any other terms provided at the time of collection. </p> <p> 10. How Will I Know If You've Updated Your Privacy Statement? </p> <p> Please remember that we may update our Privacy Statement from time to time. When this happens, we will notify you of the new provisions by posting them on our Websites. Our Privacy Statement provides examples of data we collect, how we use it, and choices you can exercise. these examples may not be exhaustive or exclusive. We will not make a material change in how we handle personal information previously collected without notice. </p> <p> 11. What Are My California Privacy Rights? </p> <p> Under California Civil Code § 1798.83, California residents have the right to receive, once a year, information about third parties with whom we have shared information about you for their marketing purposes during the previous calendar year, and a description of the categories of personal information shared. To make such a request, contact us at&nbsp. . We will respond to you within 30 days of receiving such a request. </p> <p> 12. Who Can I Contact With Questions? </p> <p> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us! </p> <p> </p> <p> Thanks for reading our Privacy Statement. We hope you have a better understanding of the many activities we offer and the ways in which we are working to protect your privacy when you visit our Websites. </p> <p> © 2013 Budsies PR, LLC All Rights Reserved. </p>

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