
Terms of Service

<ul> <li> Free Download </li> <li> Features </li> <li> Support </li> </ul> PixelSee Terms of Service <p> The following Terms of PixelSee Service are a legal contract between you as an individual subscriber, a client, a member or a user over 18 years old or Users in case of collective usage and PixelSee concerning your usage of PixelSee. Please, read the following Terms of Service carefully. </p> <p> By registering, accessing, watching, downloading or using PixelSee (including the PixelSee application) you thereby confirm that you have read, understood and agreed with the following terms including any additional rules and subsequent changes. If you don't agree with these terms please stop using PixelSee. </p> <ul> <li> 1. Usage right <p> PixelSee is not available for persons under 18 years old, persons previously removed from usage or persons who received an official refusal from using PixelSee. </p> <p> By pressing 'I agree' or downloading, installing or using PixelSee in any way you confirm that you are 18 years old or older and you haven't been removed nor received an official refusal from using PixelSee. </p> <p> Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista or Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10. </p> <p> Software: Windows Media Player 10 or higher. </p> <p> Technical requirements: Processor – more than 1 GHz, 256 Mb of RAM memory, corresponding DirectX 9.0 video and audio parameters. </p> </li> <li> 2. Copyright Law in the Digital age. <p> These are rules regulating the order of PixelSee response to the claims about assumed infringement of copyright which is in the accordance with the Copyright Law in the Digital age </p> <p> PixelSee acquires a right to temporally stop any User access to PixelSee Platform without any prior notice in case the User is considered a ‘repeat infringer’ by the PixelSee Company. </p> <p> Also, PixelSee doesn’t use the known technical measures used by copyright owners to protect it’s materials. </p> </li> <li> 3. Granting a license for PixelSee Platform. <ul> <li> 3.1. Granting a license for download. <p> You agree with the terms denoted in these Terms of Service according to which PixelSee hereby grants to you a personal limited non-exclusive non-transferable free to cancel license for using PixelSee for downloading internet content. </p> </li> <li> 3.2. Reservation of Rights <p> PixelSee reserves all rights indirectly granted in these Terms of Service. </p> </li> <li> 3.3. Operating Platform <p> To increase the usage quality for you and other users along with more effective content distribution when you are online, PixelSee application may transfer content from your computer to other PixelSee users requesting the content you have. </p> <p> You can change the parameters concerning this kind of content transfer by PixelSee application. Please, see more details here. </p> <p> PixelSee uses commercially acquitted means for avoiding the possibility of fraudulent usage or interference into your system and network resources. </p> <p> Herewith you confirm and agree to download the content in the way described above and don’t object if PixelSee sends commands to your computer to provide other end users of this applications with your content. </p> <p> Also, hereby you allow PixelSee application to use the processor and pass bands of your computer in an effort to provide the exchange or transfer of content from user to user via PixelSee in the order of assisting in PixelSee functioning. </p> </li> <li> 3.4. Control and usage of your computer <p> You claim and guarantee PixelSee that you own the computer you install PixelSee application to or that you have a legal right to control the usage of this computer. </p> <p> You agree to guarantee that any other person you allow to use any part of PixelSee will follow these Terms of Service. </p> <p> You should delete any copies of PixelSee application if you are selling this computer or if your legal right to control the usage of this computer expired. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 4. By using the PixelSee platform you agree: <ul> <li> <p> 4.1. Not to use PixelSee for any purposes except for distribution or downloading the original or correspondingly licensed content or for accessing the services offered by PixelSee. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.2. Not to rent, to lend, to sell, to resell, to distribute nor to transfer the hereby granted license or any Materials (as defined in Paragraph 4.12, below). </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.3. Not to delete signs or mentions concerning copyright or other rights of property of PixelSee and the content of third parties. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.4. Not to impose, to promote, to make any commercial offers nor send advertisement messages or spam to other users of PixelSee. This rule concerns but not confines itself to obtrusive promotion, distribution of promotional materials, mass commercial advertisement mails, informational notifications, requests for donations and other information or requests of this kind. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.5. Not to use PixelSee for any illegal purposes or for violating any local, regional, federal, national or international laws including without limitations laws concerning intellectual property and other rights of property, protection and privacy of information. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.6. Not to blame, to pursuit, to insult, to threaten, to do any fraudulent deals regarding PixelSee users, not to collect nor try to collect personal information about PixelSee users or third parties without their agreement, not to use content received via PixelSee for any commercial purposes. You understand that content offered via PixelSee is intended for personal non-commercial usage only. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.7. Not to use PixelSee if you are under 18 years old. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.8. Not to delete, to interfere, to stop, to do any harm nor to embed into PixelSee security components, components which prevent or restrict the usage or copying of any content available with PixelSee or components restricting the usage of PixelSee in any other way. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.9. Not to change back, to relay back, to split nor to try to find out the source code of PixelSee or any part of it except for cases and to an extent when these actions are restricted by the legal norm despite this restriction. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.10. Not to take any actions that can undermine our system restricting access and copying (display, import, export of information from PixelSee, negative influence or usage of systems restricting access and comments). </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.11. Not to influence a price of any item and not to interfere with display of prices of other Users. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.12. Not to take any actions that influence or can provide (according to own discretion of PixelSee) groundless or disproportionately large loading to the PixelSee infrastructure. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.13. Not to interfere nor try to interfere with essential works of PixelSee or any other actions of PixelSee. </p> </li> <li> <p> 4.14. Not to avoid HTTP-heads for blocking bots or other means PixelSee may be using for protection from unauthorized access to PixelSee. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> 5. Accounts <p> You may be offered to create an account with a request to create a password for it for using some of PixelSee components. </p> <p> You are solely responsible for keeping your account and it's password private and for limiting the access to your computer. You agree to bear responsibility for all actions taken under your account and password. You agree that you provide PixelSee with valid, correct, up-to-date and full information during the registration and after it. </p> <p> You also agree that this information is up-to-date and stored in an up-to-date form. </p> <p> If you have any reason to suspect that your account is no longer secured enough (for example, in case of loss, larceny or unsanctioned disclosure or usage of your account, password, number of debit, credit or payment card if it is applicable to the case), you agree to inform PixelSee about it without delay. You can be responsible for any material losses born by PixelSee or other parties because of unsanctioned use of your account in PixelSee. </p> </li> <li> 6. Third parties, Products and Services, Links. <p> PixelSee may contain links to the sources of other websites (Websites-sources). </p> <p> PixelSee doesn't bear responsibility for information, materials, products or services provided or available via these Websites-sources. Also, your correspondence, business negotiations or taking part in programs of advertisers of promotional campaigns found in PixelSee network or via it is at your own risk and concerns only you and this kind of advertisers. Access and usage of this kind of Websites-sources including information, materials, products and services provided or available via these websites are at your own risk. </p> </li> <li> 7. Right to derive advertisements. <p> From time to time, PixelSee may offer services or advertisements in the blocks built-in the PixelSee application. These advertisements may be in the form of banners or pop up windows showing 3rd party information and links to 3rd party web-sites. These advertisements are not based on context search or any other information collected from user. </p> </li> <li> 8. Terms of Termination of Service. <p> You agree that PixelSee can terminate the operation of any account (and any part of it) that belongs to you in PixelSee or your usage of PixelSee, delete and block all parts or some of the parts of your account, User's profile and any permission for download at any time without explaining the reasons, without recovering fines to it's own discretion. Also, PixelSee can terminate access to PixelSee or to any part of it to it's own discretion anytime with notice or without it. You agree that any termination of your access to PixelSee, to any your account or to a part of it can be performed without prior notice. You also agree that PixelSee doesn't bear responsibly to you or to any other third party for this kind of termination of Service. Information about any potentially fraudulent insulting or illegal actions can be passed over to law-enforcement agencies. These measures for protection of the rights are used in addition to other measures PixelSee can take when fighting for assertion of legality and justice. </p> </li> <li> 9. Other <p> In return for some of the premium features of PixelSee, you may choose to be a peer on the Bright Data network. By doing so, you agree to have read and accepted the Terms of Service of the Bright SDK SLA: https://brightdata.com/legal/sdk-sla . You may opt-out of the Bright Data network by unchecking "Hide ads in PixelSee and share device resources" in the settings menu. </p> <p> PixelSee includes components of open-source software. </p> License information about 3rd party software is available at the following links: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/lgpl.html https://ffmpeg.org/legal.html https://www.videolan.org/legal.html <p> The PixelSee files are installed into your home user directory to ensure your app always stays up to date and receives critical updates without requesting extra permissions. </p> </li> </ul> to up Try. You'll like it. Free Download © 2022 All rights reserved. <ul> <li> License Agreement </li> <li> Ask a question </li> <li> Privacy Policy </li> </ul> Run the file Run the file Run the file Run the file We use cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our website. By using our website, you agree to be bound by this technology and our privacy policy. Disagree Agree

On 2024-07-01 03:41:08 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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