
Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY(Last Updated: October 10, 2023)We are Limited Liability Company “Boosteroid Games S.R.L.”. and US company Boosteroid Inc.This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains what data we collect from you when you use ourproducts, services, and properties, why we collect it, and how you can access, manage, export anddelete your data.This Policy is based on and our legal relationships with you are governed by the General DataProtection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other applicable data protection laws. If you do not agree toour use of your data, please cease using our products, services, and properties.If any provision of this Policy is unclear for you or you need any clarification, make sure youcontact us at before you star t using our products, services, andproperties.1. Who We Are and What this Policy GovernsThe data controller of your Personal Data is Limited Liability Company “Boosteroid Games S.R.L.”,duly incorporated under the laws of Romania, located at România, Bucharest, Sector 1, Avionuluistr. 26, office B, Romania, registration number: 31715471, andBoosteroid Inc., duly registered under the laws of Texas, USA, located at 5900 Balcones Drive, STE100, Austin TX 78731This Policy applies to and websites, Boosteroid useraccount. any application and software used in connection with user account (web clients, nativeand mobile apps, Smart TV apps). videos, texts, other content you use, get, purchase via ourwebsite, products, services. our available payment methods. internal chats, blogs, forums;customer support. other services/products we provide to you with regard to remote cloud-basedaccess to third-party video games (the “Product”). The Policy applies to Personal Data and otherinformation we collect from you when you access/use the Product.The Policy DOES NOT APPLY to your Personal Data collected by third-party software that youaccess through the Product. This means the collection and use of your data by Steam, Epic, anyother video game launcher, digital distribution platform, video game client, as well as video gameavailable for access through the Product is governed by the respective privacy policies and termsof such third-party software, while this Policy does not apply in this case.2. What is Personal DataWe receive/store any information you enter on the Product or give us in any other way, as well ascollect information from you. Some of this information is Personal Data, as defined in GDPR.‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. anidentifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular byreference to a name, an id, location, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to physical,physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, social identity of that person. Personal Data isthe information that can be used to identify you personally.3. Our Data Protection PrinciplesWe comply with data protection laws, which state that personal data shall be:• used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way, applying the data minimization principle;• collected for valid purposes that we clearly explain to you and not used for other purposes. • relevant to the purposes we reveal to you and limited only to those purposes;• accurate and kept up to date, kept as long as necessary for the purposes we reveal to you;• kept securely, on a hashed/anonymized basis wherever possible.4. Protecting Children and Vulnerable PersonsChildren merit specific protection with regard to their Personal Data. We will never knowinglycollect Personal Data from any child under 14. If we decide to knowingly do that, we will ask forconsent by the holder of parental responsibility over the child. If you are a parent or guardian andare concerned about the use of Personal Data of your child (whether he/she is under 14, 16, 18,other legal age in your jurisdiction), contact us at you are a parent or guardian and are concerned about the use of Personal Data of a partiallyincapacitated person or any other person who regardless of their age and for whatever reasonexercise all or part of their rights through a parent or guardian, contact us Why Do We Collect Your Personal Data?We collect Personal Data and other information to provide the services for you as our client. YourPersonal Data processing is necessary to perform our services to you as requested by you whenyou choose to use the Product, and to maintain the proper operation of the Product (a “legitimateinterest” under GDPR), or where you explicitly consent to such collection. You may withdraw yourconsent at any time.Here’s why we collect your Personal Data and other information:• to ensure network and information security (prevent breaches, attacks, thefts, fraud, spam);• to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and your device;• to share information about the Product, other ser vices and products that we provide;• to notify you about changes and updates to the Product;• to conduct statistical analysis necessary to evaluate and improve the Product;• to develop and improve our Product, fix bugs and errors, introduce updates;• to send confirmations for sign up and confirmation of other actions you make on the Product;• to respond to your questions, assist you with issues you experience while using the Product.Check the next Section 6, where we explain what data we collect, mention collection cases andpurposes.6. WHAT DATA WE COLLECTWe will collect the following Personal Data and other information from you if you choose to use theProduct:● Your email.We need your email to provide you with your user account. Your email should be active and valid.We use it to identify you as our user. We use your email to send you a confirmation to sign up,restore your password, other confirmations. We use it to communicate with you, provide support,reply to your inquiries and requests, inform you about updates of the Product. We can also contactyou by email for marketing (including direct marketing) and advertising, ask you to evaluate theProduct/provide feedback, send you the content related to the Product, our company, business orthe industry. You can easily unsubscribe from receiving emails at any time by clicking the“Unsubscribe” button available in our emails or by contacting us at● Your username. You will obtain a random username by default when you create your account. You can change it ifyou want. You don’t have to use your real name as a username. If you choose an abusive usernamewe can ask you to change it or we can deactivate your account without prior notice. If that's thecase we won’t be responsible for any loss or damage to you.● Your account password.It is stored encrypted in our database, we do not know it. The information available in your accountis protected by your password. We require you to set at least 8-characters’ password. You shouldkeep your password safe. If you fail to keep your password secure, we won’t be liable for any lossor damage to you.● Your account avatar.You have one by default upon the creation of your account. You can change it by uploading apicture if you want. It will be stored on our servers as long as you have your account or till youchange the avatar. When you change your avatar, the previous one is deleted. You may upload anypicture you want, including a photo of yourself. Your photo will not be considered biometric data,as we do not process it through specific technical means allowing the unique identification of youas a natural person. We won’t use your photo for any purpose.It may be possible for you to upload your social network account avatar to your Boosteroidaccount. When you proceed, you’ll see the form or page generated by a social network offering youto share your account avatar. If you agree to that and click the corresponding button, your avatarwill be automatically uploaded to your Boosteroid account.● Your date of birth.You can provide this information in your Account. This is optional. We will use your year of birth toevaluate the age group of our clients for marketing and business development purposes. Theinformation will be securely stored on our servers together with other information related to you asour user. We will not share this information with any third party, unless it is shared on a completelyanonymized basis without any references to other information related to you as a user orotherwise.● Your real name.We don’t aim to collect your real name. We’ll automatically collect it if you choose to set your realname as a username, provide your real name in the “Contact Us” form or other contact form. It’soptional for you to provide your name, or if it’s not optional, you don’t have to provide your realname. We don’t identify our users by their names. If we happen to collect your real name, we willstore it together and not use it for any purpose.● Limited payment processing information.You may make purchases and transactions within the Product, for e.g. to pay for your subscription.You do that using third-party payment operators like Adyen, SelfPay, Netopia SMS. They will be incharge of most of your data. We don’t collect any information related to your actual paymentdetails. We process only limited payment processing information on a hashed/anonymized basis.This includes the data on whether the transaction happened, it’s status, type and amount, as wellas what payment scheme or operator you’ve used. The payment system is in charge of all otherinformation. Such payment systems may require you to provide your phone number, bank cardnumber, real name, physical address, etc. We don’t collect and/or access information. Check theprivacy statement of the payment system you use to be aware of how it collects and uses yourdata. We DO NOT collect information about your bank card number, bank account number, cardholder’s name, but we can see some of such data in our merchant accounts on paymentsystem’s websites.In case of a chargeback or dispute initiated by you or us, we will ask you to provide us withadditional information, such as your postal address and phone number if requested by a paymentoperator, according to the payment operator’s policies or Visa/Mastercard regulations. We willstore such information only for the purposes of chargeback or dispute resolution and will delete itas soon as the chargeback or dispute is resolved.● Your IP-address.Your Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to your device when it is connected tothe Internet. We get this information automatically when you interact with our website, services orother software available online. We either collect your IP-address by ourselves, or it is provided tous by your browser.● Your location.We will collect data related to the location (country and city) from where you access our product toevaluate the geography of our product, design business development and scaling plans, improveour functionality, add new language profiles, evaluate the performance of our software, hardwareand network in a particular area, fix technical issues you and other users in your area users mayface while using the Product. These data are securely stored in our database on a completelyanonymised basis, we don’t share these data with any third party.We can also ask you about your location in our communication with you, if you address our supportwith a problem or a question and we will need to know what country (and/or city) you are based into answer your question or fix your problem.● Technical data about the device you use to access the Product.This includes your Internet and/or network connection (Internet speed, IP address). mobile deviceidentifiers. operating system, browser type. your hardware details. technical details provided byyour browser.We will process this data to ensure that our Product interacts with your device in the most efficientway. This data helps us collect statistics about the devices our users use so we can improve theProduct. We also need it in case of an error or issue, so that we can understand what kind of deviceor software experienced a problem and what we can do about that.When you start using the Product we connect you to the closest Boosteroid server to ensure thebest experience and low latency. This may be a server located in your country or in other countries,areas or even continents. The closer you are to the ser vers the better experience you have. Here’show we identify which server we should connect you to: we evaluate the quality of the Internetconnection between you and all the locations where we have our ser vers and choose the locationthat shows the best connection.● Details of your use of the Product.This includes metrics data about when and how you use the Product. web traffic. purchase history;your preferences and choices like subscription type, preferred language or currency.For e.g., we collect and analyze data about your visits to our website to optimize design andfunctionality. We collect technical logs, information about games you play (including games you play viathird-party platforms or launchers like Steam, Epic,, etc.) date and time of your play,duration of your gaming sessions, your multiplayer sessions, what games are added to yourBoosteroid account, activities you are engaged in on other platforms that are connected to yourBoosteroid account.● Bug and error reports, crash logs.Our software automatically generates bug/crash reports to get information about software orhardware problems that may occur while you use the Product. This data includes your device type,operating system and browser type, network connection and how our software interacts with yourdevice. We use such data to fix problems on the Product. We need it to identify the type of error orbug, where and why it occurs and how we can fix it. We use such data to provide you support.We may integrate third-party software to generate, collect, manage bug reports/crash logs. Suchthird-party software will not receive any of your data, accept bug and crash-related data mentionedabove. It will deal only with the software issues that occur while you use the Product. We’ll alwaysmaintain the necessary level of data security when using third-party software.● Data collected using cookies.We collect Personal Data and other information from you by using cookies and other trackingtechnologies. Our use of these technologies is described in the Cookie Policy that you shouldcheck before using the Product. If you don’t agree to our use of cookies, cease using the Product.● Your communication.We receive your communication with us via email and support chat, your messages and commentsin internal blogs/forums. We also have access to your in-game chats to provide you with theopportunity to use them while you play games through the Product.We may intercept, record and/or monitor any communication between you and us. We can do so toresolve queries in the future, for the purposes of security, staff training, complying with our legalresponsibilities.Please note that:● We will NEVER ask you to send us any of your personal documents (passport, other ID,social security number, taxpayer number, birth/marriage certificate, driving license, healthinsurance, etc.). If somebody asks you to provide these documents on behalf of us, never do thatand contact us at as soon as possible.● If we need any other data not specified here, we will ask you to provide such data, explainwhy we need it and what we will do with it. We will ask for your consent or explain other legitimategrounds of our collection and use of such data.● Even if you only access our website and do not create the account, we will automaticallygather information from your computer such as your IP address, browser type, referring/exit pages,and operating system.7. Audio and our use of your microphone.It may be possible for you to use microphone functionality on the Product so that you cancommunicate with other gamers in in-game chats. All we do here is the transmission of the audiofrom your device to the in-game environment. We do not save and store any audio files with your communication. It’s just real-time transmission of an audio signal from you to the in-gameenvironment and vice-versa.Our software accesses your microphone through your browser. Then our software maintains thetransmission of the sound from your device through your browser to the in-game environment.All audio (as well as video) signals, including your communication in in-game chats, that comefrom/to your device are cryptographically secure.8. Sensitive Personal Data and information.Never send us, and never disclose or make available any sensitive Personal Data and informationincluding social security numbers, ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, political opinions,sex life and orientation, trade union membership, health-related information, biologicalcharacteristics, genetic data, biometrics, social background, family, criminal history, and/or anyother information that you personally consider sensitive, as well as any other information that canbe reasonably considered as sensitive.If you disclose any sensitive Personal Data/information when uploading/posting user content tothe Product, you are responsible for the consequences of such disclosure. This data will becollected by us and stored on our servers (as any user content you upload/post) and its processingwill be considered as processing that relates to personal data which are manifestly made public bythe data subject (you). We won’t process such data for profiling, marketing, etc. We will share itwith competent authorities if we are requested.9. Social Network AccountsYou may log into the Product using social network accounts, such as Google, Facebook. Theseservices will authenticate your identity and provide you with the option to share certain PersonalData with us such as your username, first name, last name, email address. On Facebook, you mayuse the dev console to manually manage the information that Facebook will provide to us whenyou log into the Product. On Google you may manually manage the information Google will provideto us in the settings of your Google Account. Anyway, whichever information Google will provide uswhen you log in using Google, we will collect only your email. We do not need and will not use otherinformation, like the first and last name specified on your Google Account.When you sign up for the Product, you may add a link to your Facebook account. This is optional.We will not check your Facebook page and collect any information from it. This link will not bevisible for other users on the Product or anywhere else on the Internet.10. Connecting your YouTube account for gameplay streamingOn Boosteroid you can stream your gameplay to your personal YouTube channel.For this purpose, you need to link your personal YouTube account to your Boosteroid account. Wewill need rights to see, edit, and delete your YouTube videos, ratings, comments, and captions. Thislist of scopes goes in one piece and, unfortunately, we cannot request a lesser amount of rights.We will not collect any information related to ratings, comments, and captions of your videos. Wewill not watch, edit or delete any of your videos.In our turn, we undertake to use the rights you have granted to us only for providing you thefunctionality for live streaming of your gameplay. The generated video file will contain the name of the game and mention that it’s a live broadcast ofgameplay. But of course, you can change it any time directly at your YouTube channel.You do not transfer your YouTube account to us, but only grant some rights related to it. Youraccount will remain your property, and you can revoke the permissions granted to us at any time,but in this case, you will not be able to stream your gameplay on Boosteroid to your personalYouTube channel.11. Third-par ty websites and platformsThe Product contains links to and from the websites or services of third parties, e.g. to platformslike Steam,, etc., or developers/publishers whose games are available on theProduct. Such third parties also collect personal data (like your email or name). This may includesaving information to your account on the Product that is related to such third party websites andplatforms (for e.g. saving game progress). This Policy does not apply to external websites,companies or providers, so please check their privacy notices.12. Your Steam, Epic,, etc. account information.To access games through the Product you will be asked to log in to your account on a third-partygaming platform or game launcher. You will be redirected to the login page of such a platform orlauncher where you will enter your login and password. We do not request, process and store yourdigital distribution platform or launcher account information. It is stored and processed by thedigital distribution platform or launcher.For example, to play Fortnite you’ll have to log in to your Epic Games account. When you launchFortnite on Boosteroid, you’ll be redirected to the Epic Games launcher page where you’ll log in toyour Epic Games account. Then you’ll access the game. We will not receive or store data related toyour Epic Games login or password.Here’s another example. Darwin Project is a free-to-play game, so you only need to log in to Steamaccount to play it. But if the game is paid, e.g. Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince, you should have itpurchased before playing it through Boosteroid. You buy games from an owner or an officialdistributor, so if it’s Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince, you’ll be redirected to Steam, where you’ll have tobuy the game. We won’t get any details of such a purchase. If you already have the gamepurchased, you simply log to Steam and play it under your own Steam account.If you agree by ticking the box, we can save your gaming platform/launcher account login andpassword, so you don’t have to enter them each time you log in. These data will be securely storedin our database on our servers. Each time you launch a gaming session and see a gamingplatform/launcher login page, our software will access this data and you’ll be able to log inautomatically. We will never share this data with any third party and will not use this data in anyway, other than making it easier and faster for you to log in to your gaming platform or launcheraccount. These data (as any other user data in our database) are stored encrypted. It means, wedo not store your gaming platform password, but a hashed (encrypted) data that helps oursoftware automatically provide your login and password when you log in to a gaming platform/launcher.If you do not want us to save your Steam, Epic,, etc. account login and password,please, do not tick the box.13. Use of Your Personal Data We will strive to collect only the data required for the purposes mentioned in this Policy (dataminimization principle) and store it until it serves the purpose of its collection. If you think we donot comply with the data minimization principle, please contact us and report your concern.We use the Personal Data and other information that we collect for the following purposes:• to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, transaction recording, other complianceresponsibilities, reporting to regulators and competent authorities when applicable;• to ensure the security of our network and software infrastructure;• to conduct know your client and anti-money laundering checks on you, and associated financialcrime and fraud monitoring if requested by competent authorities or required by law;• to carry out our obligations under our contracts with you or others;• to protect you from unauthorized use of your account;We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that the Product operates effectively, and to do this wemay use your Personal Data:• to monitor, improve and administer the Product;• to contact you to ensure customer satisfaction with respect to our role as a platform and serviceprovider and assist you in getting the best value from our services;• to respond to customer support or other inquiries requesting information.We also have an interest in communicating with you and others, publicizing our business, andmaking sure that our marketing, advertising, and content is effective, so we will use your PersonalData and other information we collect from you:• for direct marketing (you have the right to object to direct marketing at any time for free);• to conduct surveys, analysis;• to evaluate the popularity and performance of the Product;• to advertise, publicize, promote the Product and our business, and to measure, understand, orimprove the effectiveness of advertising we provide to you and others;• to create and share informative content about our business or the industry in which we operate;• to provide you with news, updates about the Product, our business and industry;• in certain circumstances, we may seek your consent to use your Personal Data for any specificpurpose. We will ask you to confirm a separate consent to your Personal Data being processed fora specific purpose, either through the Product or by other means.We can create anonymous data records from Personal Data by excluding information that canidentify you personally. Such anonymous data derives from personal data rendered anonymous insuch a manner that the data subject (you) is not or no longer identifiable. So, it will be impossiblefor anyone to use such anonymous data to identify you. We will use such anonymous data toanalyze request and usage patterns so that we can enhance the content, improve the Product andits navigation. We may use such anonymous data for any purpose and disclose it to third parties.14. Storage and Transfer of your Personal Data, SecurityYour Personal Data and other information related to you and your account will be stored as long asyou have your account. When your account is deleted, all your data will be deleted too. Erasure ofyour data and stop of its processing upon your request may lead to the inability to use the Product.We will carefully explain to you all the consequences of the erasure or stop of the processing in eachpar ticular case. We will retain technical information related to your account and your use of theProduct after your account is deleted, provided that such information contains no Personal Data.The Personal Data collected by us will be normally used by us. We share the Personal Data with ouraffiliates and trusted partners within our corporate family, third parties with which we have par tnered to allow you to integrate their services into the Product, and with trusted third-partyservice providers as necessary for them to perform services on our behalf. We only share yourPersonal Data when necessary for any third party to provide the services as requested or neededon our behalf. These third parties are subject to all applicable data processing terms and areprohibited from utilizing, sharing or retaining your Personal Data for any purpose other than as theyare specifically contracted for or without your consent.The data we collect from you may be transferred to and stored on our servers located outside yourcountry of residence, the EU, or the European Economic Area ("EEA") and Switzerland. It may alsobe processed by staff operating outside the EEA and working for us or one of our suppliers. Suchstaff may be engaged in the processing of your data, maintaining servers where it is stored, andcustomer support. Any potential transfer of Personal Data outside the EEA will be done inaccordance with GDPR. By consenting to this Policy, you agree to this transfer, storing orprocessing. We will take all steps necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and inaccordance with this Policy and GDPR. We will ensure that your rights will remain enforceable andeffective legal remedies will be available to you following the transfer.We endeavor to take all reasonable steps to protect your data. We also require that our employeesand agents undergo mandatory data protection training. However, we cannot guarantee thesecurity of any data you disclose online. In using the Product, you agree that you will not hold usresponsible for any breach of security unless we fail to fulfill our obligations.15. Transfer of Personal Data and Other Information outside the EEAThe EEA means European Economic Area. It includes all EU member states and three countries ofthe European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. excludingSwitzerland). The UK remained a part of EEA until December 31, 2020.Way may transfer your Personal Data and other information we collect from you outside the EEA.By consenting to this Policy, you agree to this transfer.The GDPR, other relevant EU laws, rules and regulations, as well as rules and procedures set forthin this Policy will always apply to your Personal Data and other information we collect from youregardless of where your data is transferred.Your Personal Data and other information may be transferred outside the EEA only to ourrepresentatives and agents who provide services to us on to you on our behalf. Suchrepresentatives and agents will receive only the data necessary for the provision of their services.These services always constitute a part of the services you get when using the Product. Theseservices include technical support and maintenance and customer support.The GDPR, other relevant EU laws, as well as rules and procedures set forth in this Policy arebinding to all our representatives and agents who may access your Personal Data and otherinformation.All enforceable rights and effective legal remedies remain fully available for you with regard to thetransfer of your Personal Data and other information outside the EEA.16. Corporate Restructuring, M&A If any other company acquires our company, business, assets, this company will possess yourPersonal Data collected by us and will assume the rights and obligations regarding your PersonalData as described in this Policy.17. Your Data Protection and Privacy RightsYou have the right to access your data which means you can see what data we have collectedwhenever you want.You can request a copy of all your personal and other data we hold. We will provide such a copy forfree but we will charge a reasonable fee if you ask for more than one copy of the same data. In thatcopy, we’ll also explain how and why we use your data. You have the right to data portability thatassumes your data can be easily transferred to another organization.You can request rectification or erasure of Personal Data. We will rectify or delete your data free ofcharge upon your request unless keeping your data is required for our legal and regulatorycompliance. Even if you don’t ask us to delete your data, we will stop keeping it if we no longerneed it for the purposes described in this Policy.You can object to our processing of your data. We will stop processing it upon your request unlessthe processing is required for legal and regulatory compliance. We will carefully explain to you theconsequences you might face after we stop processing your data upon your request in eachpar ticular case.You can object to direct marketing or other kinds of communication we send to you at any timefree of charge. Simply click “Unsubscribe” or similar button where applicable, or contact us you have provided your consent to the processing of your data, you can withdraw yourconsent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing wedid prior to your withdrawal and will not affect the processing of your information conducted onlawful grounds other than consent.You have the right to contact the appropriate authority to protect your privacy. We kindly ask you tocontact us first, if you have any concerns about how we use your data, so we can try to resolve theissue. However, you can always report a complaint. To do that, contact The National SupervisoryAuthority for Personal Data Processing in Romania: +40318059211,,or a data protection authority in your region.You can stop all collection of your data by our mobile app or our web/desktop software byuninstalling the app or such software at any time. Use standard uninstall processes available inyour mobile device, PC or another device, the mobile app store or network.If we need or are required to confirm your identity to provide you with the opportunity to exerciseyour rights, we’ ll request additional information from you to confirm your identity.GDPR and other applicable data protection laws may provide you with other rights we have notexplicitly covered in this Policy.To send a request for a copy of your data, to tell us to delete/rectify your data, to withdraw theconsent, and to exercise any other rights, please contact us at 18. Changes to the PolicyWe update this Policy from time to time, so we encourage you to review it frequently. We won’tnotify you about the changes unless they are significant. “Last Updated” legend above indicateswhen the Policy was last changed. The changes will become effective after they are posted on ourwebsite. If you do not agree to the changes, please cease using the Product.19. Contact InformationIf you have any questions about the Product, the Policy, our use of your personal data and otherinformation, or should you require any clarifications or assistance, please contact us or via the support chat in the lower right corner of our website. Typically,you will have a reply in the support chat within 1-2 minutes.20. Third-par ty privacy statementsThe Product contains links from/to other websites, platforms, services. Your Boosteroid accountmay be connected to your accounts on other services, like Steam, Epic, etc. You make transactionsusing third-party payment systems. It all means that while you use the Product, your data will becollected by these third-party websites, platforms, services, and their privacy policies will apply toyou. Please, check the privacy statements of third-party services to get the full picture of yourprivacy. Here are some of the privacy statements that may be useful for you:21. Usage of YouTube APIOn the Boosteroid, you have access to the streaming functionality on YouTube. To do this, we areforced to use the YouTube API of your account. To access this functionality, you need to have yourYouTube account and link it to your Boosteroid account in your profile settings. Also, you will needto verify your YouTube account on the platform so that you can star t streaming. After that, insidethe gaming session, you can switch the slider and start broadcasting your gameplay to YouTube.After a broadcast ends, the recording is saved by default on your account and you have full controlover that broadcast, you can hide it, delete it, rename it, promote it, and more. If you no longer wantto use this functionality, you can unlink your YouTube account from your Boosteroid account at anytime, and all your videos and data on your YouTube account will be saved. Also, you will not loseaccess to the Boosteroid, if you decide to unlink your account. At any time, you can link youraccount again and get access to the functionality to stream gameplay to YouTube through to theBoosteroid.Visa Global Privacy Notice, Mastercard - Global Privacy NoticeSteam Privacy Policy Agreement (for Steam-based games), Epic Games Global Privacy Policy (forEpic games), Wargaming Privacy Policy (for Wargaming games).Boosteroid Games, S.R.L.România, Bucharest, Sector 1, Avionului str. 26, office B.Boosteroid Inc.5900 Balcones Drive, STE 100, Austin TX 78731support@boosteroid.com

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