
Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY-CPANEL,1.OUR APPROACH TO PRIVACY,1.1WebPros International, LLC d/b/a cPanel (cPanel) is committed to providing information to its ,customers about how we usecertain information. This Privacy Policy describes the ways in ,cPanel (cPanel, we or our) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from ,our customers (collectively, you or your)through the use of the cPanel Product and visitors to ,our websites.,1.2Contacting us about privacy related questions and issues:,(a)General questions: privacy [at],(b)Requests to know the personal information we collect: click here,(c)Requests to delete personal information we have collected: click here,(d)To opt out of the sale of information: click here,(e)Our toll free number: 844-427-2635,(f)If you are using an agent to make a request under our privacy policy: click here,1.3Our Privacy Policy supplements, but does not replace, any other agreements or policies ,applicable to you including our Terms of Service (TOS), PartnerNOC Agreement and ,Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). You may find these policies useful in learning how we handle ,information.,1.4In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-,U.S. DPF, cPanelcommits to cooperate and comply respectively with the advice of the panel ,established by the EU data protection authorities (DPAs) and the UK Information ,Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information ,Commissioner (FDPIC) with regard to unresolved complaints concerning our handling of ,human resources data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the ,EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF in the context of the employmentrelationship.,1.5cPanel complies with the EU-U.S Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK ,Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. cPanel has ,certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy ,Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the proessing of personal data ,received from the European Union in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and from the United ,Kingdom (and Gibraltar) in reliance on the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. If there is any ,conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles the Principles ,2,govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) program, and to view our ,certification, please visit,2.WHAT OUR PRIVACY POLICY COVERS,2.1This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, store, process, transfer, share and use data that ,identifies or is associated with you (Personal Information) and information regarding our use ,of cookies and similar technologies.,2.2cPanel provides software and services which allowscustomers to manage their web hosting ,activities via hosting automation software (cPanel Product) made available via our website ,located at or through those licensed to distribute the cPanel ,Product, or those who are legally entitled to use the cPanel Product(Authorized Distributors).,2.3“WHMCS” means for the purposes of this Agreement only, WebPros International, LLC, and ,its parents and subsidiaries. However, when referring to the WHMCS EULA, WHMCS Service ,Level Agreement, or any agreements other than this Agreement or “WHMCS IP,” “WHMCS” ,shall mean WHMCS, Ltd.,2.4“WHMCS Offerings” collectively refers to the “WHMCS MarketConnect”and“WHMCS ,Marketplace”.For privacy policies regarding the WHMCS Product, see the applicable privacy ,policies and addendums on,2.5“WHMCS MarketConnect” is a platform offered by WHMCS Ltd. through which you may ,purchase, license or otherwise procure Products from Vendors.,2.6“WHMCS Marketplace” means the online portal provided by WHMCS where you can review ,and purchase offered Products.,2.7This Privacy Policy applies to the cPanel Product,our Website, and all Corporate Sites.This ,1,Privacy Policy also applies to the WHMCS Offerings.For privacy policies regarding the ,WHMCS Product, see the applicable privacy policies and addendums on,1,The term “Corporate Sites” refers to: , , , , ,,,3,2.8Before accessing our Website or using the cPanel Productor using the WHMCS Offering, ,please ensure that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy.,2.9With the exception of individuals whouse the cPanel Productor WHMCS Offeringsas ,customers of our AuthorizedDistributors (as described at 3.1below), cPanel is the controller ,responsible for the Personal Information we hold about you.,3.PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU AND HOW WE USE IT,3.1We process Personal Information about the following types of individuals: ,(a)individuals whoare our direct customers. ,(b)where our customer is a business or similar entity, individuals whoare our customers’,employees, agents and other representatives. and,(c)where the cPanel Product is licensed through an Authorized Distributor, individuals ,whoare customers of our Authorized Distributors.,Please note that we process information about individuals whoare customers of our ,Authorized Distributors in the same way as individuals whoare our direct customers. However, ,we are not the controller of that information. the relevant Authorized Distributor will have its,own privacy policy which will apply and any questions should be directed to that Authorized ,Distributor.,3.2We collect Personal Information about you when you voluntarily submit information directly to ,us when you access our Website, use the cPanelProductor use the WHMCS Offerings. This ,can include information you provide to us when you register for an account, fill in a form, ,correspond with us via the Website, phone, email or otherwise, subscribe to our mailing lists, ,newsletters or other forms of marketing communications, respond to surveys, agree to be a ,beta testeror use some other feature of the cPanel Productas available from time to time. ,3.3Schedule1 describes categories of Personal Information we collect and how we use that ,Personal Information. When we process Personal Information, the legal basis we rely on for ,this activity is also set out. If Personal Information is provided tothird parties, that fact is ,stated. Finally, Schedule 1 also sets out information as to how we determine applicable ,retention periods.This schedule contains categories of Personal Information that we have ,collected since April 2018.,3.4Regardless of whether you license the cPanel Productor the WHMCS Offeringsdirectly from ,us, or throughAuthorized Distributor, we automatically collect certain Personal Information ,indirectly about how you access and use the cPanel Productor the WHMCS Offeringsand ,information about the device you use to access the cPanel Productor WHMCS Offerings. ,4,3.5Schedule 2 sets out the categories of Personal Information we collect about you automatically ,and how we use that information. The schedule also lists the legal basis which we rely on to ,process the Personal Information, the categories of recipients of the Personal Information and ,information as to how we determine applicable retention periods. ,3.6We may link or combine the Personal Information we collect about you and the information we ,collect automatically. This allows us to provide you with a personalized experience regardless ,of how you interact with us. ,3.7We may anonymize and aggregate any of the Personal Information we collect (so that it does ,not directly identify you). We may use anonymized information for purposes that include testing ,our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving the cPanelProductor the WHMCS ,Offeringsand developing new products and features. We may also share such anonymized ,information with others. ,4.MARKETING AND ADVERTISING,4.1From time to time we may contact you with relevant information about the cPanel Productor ,the WHMCS Offerings. Most messages we send will be by email. For some messages, we ,may use Personal Information we collect about you to help us determine the most relevant ,information to share with you. ,4.2If you do not want to receive such messages from us, you will be able to tell us by selecting ,certain boxes on forms we use when we first collect your contact details. You can change your ,marketing preferences by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails, or,following the “update preferences” on these emails.,5.APPLYING FOR A JOB THROUGH OUR SITE,If you apply for a job through the Website, we, or a human resources company assisting us, ,may ask you to provide certain self-identifying informationin conjunction with laws and ,regulations enforced by federal,state,and local regulatory agencies. Providing self-identifying ,information is voluntary, but if you do provide us with that information, we may submit it to,federal,state,and local regulatory agencies, upon legal compulsion, for business-related ,purposes, responding to information requests, fulfilling regulatory reporting requirements and ,defending against employment related complaints.,6.STORING AND TRANSFERRING YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION,6.1Security. We implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ,protect your Personal Information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, change or ,damage. All Personal Information we collectfrom the cPanel Productor WHMCS Offerings,will be stored on secure serversand will be protected by SSL encryption technology. All ,5,electronic transactionsentered into via our Website will be protected by SSL encryption ,technology. ,Where you register for an account on the cPanel Productor WHMCS Offerings, you are ,responsible for maintaining your account’s security as explained in our TOS.If you are not a ,direct cPanel customer, information about your account’s security may be explained in the ,contract between you and the Authorized Distributor from whom you license the cPanel ,Productor WHMCS Product.,6.2International Transfers of your Personal Information. The Personal Information we collect ,may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the jurisdiction you are in where we ,and our third party service providers have operations. If you are located in the European Union ,(EU), your Personal Information will be processed outside of the EU,including in the United ,States. these international transfers of your Personal Information are made pursuant to ,appropriate safeguards, such as the EU-US Privacy Framework, or, if applicable, Standard , C ontractual C lauses. If you wish to inquire further about these safeguards used, please contact ,us using the details set out at the end of this Privacy Policy.,6.3Disclosure to Government Agencies and Law Enforcement. Our Transparency Report,discusses the standards we use to evaluate disclosures to governments and law enforcement ,agencies. It is incorporated into this Privacy Policy.,7.CERTAIN RIGHTS THAT APPLY IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN THE EU,7.1In accordance with applicable privacy law, you have the following rights regarding Personal ,Information covered by the GDPR that we hold:,(a)Right of access. The right to obtain access to your Personal Information.,(b)Right to rectification. The right to obtain rectification of your Personal Information ,without undue delay where that Personal Information is inaccurate or incomplete. ,(c)Right to erasure. The right to obtain the erasure of your Personal Information without ,undue delay in certain circumstances, such as where the Personal Information is no ,longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or processed.,(d)Right to restriction. The right to obtain the restriction of the processing undertaken ,by us on your Personal Information in certain circumstances, such as where the ,accuracy of the Personal Information is contested by you, for a period enabling us to ,verify the accuracy of that Personal Information.,7.2You also have the right to object to any processing based on our legitimate interests ,where there are grounds relating to your particular situation. There may be compelling ,reasons for continuing to process your personal information, and we will assess and,6,inform you if that is the case. You can object to marketing activities for any reason.,7.3If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details at the ,end of this Privacy Policy.,7.4For data that is received or transferred pursuant to the Privacy Framework, we have agreed ,to the Privacy Framework’s principles of Notice, Choice and Onward Transfer. Pursuant to ,Privacy Framework:,(a)Notice: Schedules 1 and 2 describe the Personal Information we collect about you, ,how we use it, and the types of third parties with whom we share it. ,(b)Choice: Disclosure to third parties of Personal Information covered by Privacy ,Frameworkis set out in Schedules 1 and 2. For Personal Information covered by ,Privacy Framework, and which is not required for the operation of the Product or ,Services, we will provide you with an opportunity to decline to have us disclose this ,Personal Information to thirdparties for a purpose that is different than the one for ,which it was originally collected. Email marketing is opt-in, lists are segmented by ,reason for collection, and recipients may remove their names from email lists by ,unsubscribing.,(c)Onward Transfer: When cPanel discloses information to third parties to provide ,functions on its behalf, cPanel will take appropriate measures to protect the privacy of ,the Personal Information it transfers. These measures are set out in paragraph 6.1. ,This Personal Information will only be shared with third parties to the extent reasonably ,necessary for them to perform the services contracted for, or when cPanel must ,comply with applicable law. Third parties will not be authorized by us to process ,Personal Information in any other way. cPanel is responsible for the processing of ,Personal Information that it transfers to third parties acting as an agent on its behalf. ,(d)If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details ,at the end of this Privacy Policy.,7.5Privacy FrameworkJurisdiction and Enforcement,(a)As part of our participation in the Privacy Framework, we are subject to the ,investigatory and enforcement powers of theU.S.Federal Trade Commission (FTC). ,(b)In compliance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework Principles, cPanel commits to ,resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal ,information transferred to the United States pursuant to the DPF Principles. European ,Union, Swiss and United Kingdom individuals with DPF inquiries or complaints should ,first contact cPanel using the contact information at the end of this Policy.,7,(c)cPanel has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the DPF ,Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, Data Privacy Framework ,Services, operated by BBB National Programs. If you do not receive timely ,acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, ,please visit,consumers/ProcessForConsumers for more information and to file a complaint. This ,service is provided free of charge to you.,(d)Finally,andas a last resort, if your DPF complaint cannot be resolved through the ,above channels, under certain conditions, you may invoke binding arbitration for some ,residual claims not resolved by other redress mechanisms. See ,,35584=2,,8.COOKIES AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES,8.1The cPanel Product, Corporate Sitesand WHMCS Offeringsuse cookies and similar ,technologies to distinguish you from others. This helps us to provide you with a good ,experience when youuse the cPanel Product, browseour Websiteor use the WHMCS ,Offeringsand also allows us to improvethe cPanel Product, CorporateSites, and WHMCS ,Offerings.,8.2These items allow for personalization ofyourexperience by saving your information such as ,user ID and other preferences. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your device's ,hard disk (such as your computer or smartphone) for record-keeping purposes. A list of the ,cookies we use and other relevant information is set out in Schedule 3.,8.3We use the following types of cookies:,(a)Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the essential ,operation of our Corporate Site and products such as to authenticate users and ,prevent fraudulent use. ,(b)Analytical/performance cookies. They allow us to recognize and count the number ,of visitors and to see how visitors move around our Corporate Site and productswhen ,they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our Corporate Site and products,work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.,(c)Functionality cookies. These are used to recognize you when you return to our ,Corporate Site and products. This enables us to personalize our content for you, greet ,8,you by name and remember your preferences(for example, your choice of language ,or region), and your username.,(d)Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our Website, the pages you ,have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our ,Website,and the advertising displayed on it,more relevant to your interests. We may ,also share this information with third parties for this purpose.,Please be aware that third parties (for example, advertising networks and providers of external ,services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no ,control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies.,8.4The items we use that are covered by this paragraphare designed to help you get the most ,from the Corporate Sitesand productsbut if you do not wish to receive them, most browsers ,allow you to change your settings.Please note that if you choose to refuse some of these ,technologiesyou may not be able to use the full functionality of our Websiteand Products. ,Should you configure your browser to block all cookies, you will not be able to access our ,products. These settings will typically be found in help sectionof your browser.,9.SELF SERVICE PORTALS,cPanel may provide blogs, chat features and moderated and unmoderated FAQs on the ,Website (Self Service Portal). When you interact with a Self Service Portal, the information ,you provide may be read by cPanel employees. In addition, if you provide information to a ,Self Service Portal, other than method of contactoperated by cPanel, any Personal ,Information you submit may be seen by third parties outside of cPanel’s control. ,10.BETA TESTING,Some products may be provided to you as “Beta” products. The term “Beta” is defined in our ,End User License Agreement. The license of Beta Products from cPanel may require ,providing us with additional Personal Information. The Personal Information we collect from ,the license of Beta Products is set out in Schedule 1. Should you choose not to provide ,Personal Information to us, do not license or install the Beta Products. ,11.LINKS TO THIRD PARTY SITES,The cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringsmay, from time to time, contain links to and from ,third party websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these ,websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability ,for their policies. Please check the individual policies before you submit any information to ,those websites.,9,12.OUR POLICY TOWARDS CHILDREN,The cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringsare not directed at persons under 16and we do ,not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 16. If you become aware that ,your child has provided us with Personal Information, without your consent, then please ,contact us using the details below so that we can take steps to remove such information and ,terminate any account your child has created with us.,13.HOW TO REQUEST DATAABOUT THE PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT,13.1Customers should fill out a request by logging in through their manage2or storeaccount. ,Customer’s identity will be verified based on authenticating through manage2or your store ,account.,(a)Customers should refer to the WHMCS Privacy Policy for instructions regarding how ,to fill out a request about personal information we collect as it pertains to WHMCS ,Offerings.,13.2Non-customers may fill out a request form by clicking on this link:,request. A non-customer’s identity will be verified based on information provided and ,transmitted to a credit bureau for verification. ,14.HOW TO REQUEST THAT WE DELETE PERSONALINFORMATION,14.1Customers should fill out a request by logging in through their manage2 or store account. ,Customer’s identity will be verified based on authenticating through manage2 or your store ,account. Your request to delete will be confirmed separately.,(a)Customers should refer to the WHMCS Privacy Policy for instructions regarding how ,to fill out a request about personal information we collect as it pertains to WHMCS ,Offerings.,14.2Non-customers may fill out a request form by clicking on this link:,requestor by calling our toll free number. A non-customer’s identity will be verified based on ,information provided and transmitted to a credit bureau for verification. Your request to delete ,will be confirmed separately.,14.3We may retain and continue to usePersonal Information as permitted by this Privacy Policy ,and applicable law, including, for example, as necessary to complete a transaction you have ,requested or fulfil our contractual obligations to you, and to detect security incidents, fraud, or ,illegal activity.,10,15.INTENTIONALLY RESERVED,16.USING AN AGENT TO MAKE A REQUEST UNDER OUR PRIVACY POLICY,If you seek to have an agent make a request under Paragraphs 12, 13, orand 14above click ,here: Note that customers are prohibited from sharing ,passwords to Manage2and all other cPanel operated products and services, and should ,create a separate account for verified agents to avoid compromising their accounts. ,17.CHANGES TO THIS POLICY,We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.If no updates have been made to this ,Privacy Policy for twelve months, it is automatically reviewed.When we change this Privacy ,Policy in a material way, we will update the "last modified" date at the end of this Privacy Policy ,and provide notice to you through the cPanelProductor WHMCS Offerings. Because the ,individual who accesses the cPanel Productor WHMCS Offeringsmay be different than the ,person who has authority to license the cPanel Productor WHMCS Offeringsfrom us, it is ,important that the person with licensing authority review this Privacy Policy regularly. Changes ,to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.,18.NOTICE TO YOU,If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing or ,other business related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact ,with you. We will usually do this by email, by placing a notice on our Website, as well as,contacting the email address provided to us by you, or the Authorized Distributor. The fact that ,we may send notices to you will not stop you from being able to opt out of certain types of ,contact as described in this Privacy Policy.,19.CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS –YOUR CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS,Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1798.83, residents of the State of California have the ,right to request from companies conducting business in California certain information relating ,to third parties to which the company has disclosed certain categories of Personal Information ,during the preceding year for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. Alternatively, the ,laws provides that a company may comply, as cPanel does, by disclosing in its Privacy Policy ,that it provides consumers choice (opt-out or opt-in) regarding sharing Personal Information ,with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes, and information on how to ,exercise that choice. As stated above in this Privacy Policy, cPanel provides you choice prior ,to sharing your Personal Information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. If ,you do not opt-in or if you choose to opt-out at the time cPanel offers that choice, cPanel does ,not share your information with that identified third party for its direct marketing purposes.,11,20.SWEEPSTAKES, CONTESTS AND PROMOTIONS,We may offer sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions (Promotion) that may require ,registration. By participating in a Promotion, you are agreeing to the official rules that govern ,that Promotion, which may contain specific requirements of youby, except where prohibited ,by law, allowing the sponsor(s) of the Promotion to use your name, voice, likeness or other ,indicia of persona in advertising or marketing associated with the Promotion. If you choose to ,enter a Promotion, your Personal Information maybe disclosed to third parties or the public in ,connection with the administration of such Promotion in connection with winner selection, prize ,fulfilment, and as required by law or permitted by the Promotion’s official rules, such as on a ,winners list.,21.CONTACTING US,21.1Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcome and should be ,addressed to the General Counselat privacy[at],21.2This Privacy Policy was last modified on 22 May 2024.It was last reviewed on22 May 2024.,22.ANALYTICS IN GENERAL,22.1The cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringscontains a number of analytical tools. This Privacy ,Policy covers tools that apply to Personal Information. ,22.2If you are a customer, you may view all of the analytical tools used by the cPanel Product here,(The Data We Use Description):,(a)Analytics that record the configuration of the server on which the cPanelProductis ,used are required to be enabled. Licensees of cPanel software, and their users may ,not disable this feature. In “The Data We Use Description” this is referred to as ,“Configuration Analytics.”,(b)Analytics that record the use of the cPanel Interfaceare optional –but are enabled by ,default. They may be disabled by the licensee of cPanel software and the end user. ,In “The Data We Use Description” this is referred to as “InterfaceAnalytics.” ,Information about how to disable InterfaceAnalytics may be found here ,,(i)InterfaceAnalytics collects the “company ID” used by the cPanel Software. ,cPanelmay analyze this data to determine how a company uses the cPanel ,interface.,22.3Analytics Tools and Marketing Services In Use,12,(a)cPanel &amp. WHM,all Corporate Sitesand the WHMCS OfferingsuseAnalytics tools and ,Marketing servicesto understand the performance of our products and sites.Your ,participation in these tools and services are based on your consent, which you may ,update at any time.,(b)Google Analytics is enabled based on end user participation consent. Information ,collected by cPanel using Google Analytics is retained for up to 26 monthsafter your ,most recent activity.,(i)To understand the information collected by Google Analytics, please follow this ,link.,(c)Mixpanel is enabled based on end user participation consent. Information collected by ,cPanel using Mixpanel is retained for 5 yearsin the case of event tracking, and ,indefinitely in the case of user profile information.,(i)To understand the information collected by Mixpanel, please follow this link.,(d)The following information is collected by cPanel, retained by cPanel and transmitted ,to Google Analytics and Mixpanel:,(i)cPanel &amp. WHM,(A)Audience information -This includes de-identifiedinformation about ,you, including your geographic location, preferred interface languages, ,how often you return, and what devices you use to access cPanel &amp. ,WHM.,(B)Acquisition information -This includes information about the path you ,took to arrive at your cPanel &amp. WHM account, if you performed a ,search in order to find your account, if you clicked an advertisement ,which took you to your account, or if you participated in any social ,media or marketing campaigns which enabled you to arrive at your ,account.,(C)Behavior information -This includes information about what features ,of your cPanel &amp. WHM you use regularly and which paths through ,cPanel &amp. WHM you took.,(D)Conversion information -This includes information about what goals ,you have achieved using cPanel &amp. WHM.,(ii)Corporate Sites,13,(A)Audience information -This includes anonymized information about ,you, including your geographic location, preferred interface languages, ,how often you return, and what devices you use to access the ,corporate sites.,(B)Acquisition information -This includes information about the path you ,took to arrive at the corporate sites, if you performed a search in order ,to find the corporate sites, if you clicked an advertisement which took ,you the corporate sites, or if you participated in any social media or ,marketing campaigns which enabled you to arrive the corporate sites.,(C)Behavior information -This includes information about what features ,of the corporate sites you use regularly and which paths through the ,corporate sites you took.,(D)Conversion information -This includes information about what goals ,you have achieved using the corporate sites.,(iii)WHMCS Offerings,(A)Audience information -This includes anonymized information about ,you, including your geographic location, preferred interface languages, ,how often you return, and what devices you use to access the ,corporate sites.,(B)Acquisition information -This includes information about the path you ,took to arrive at the WHMCS Offerings, if you performed a search in ,order to find the WHMCS Offerings, if you clicked an advertisement ,which took you the WHMCS Offerings, or if you participated in any ,social media or marketing campaigns which enabled you to arrive the ,WHMCS Offerings.,(C)Behavior information -This includes information about what features ,you use regularly and which paths through the WHMCS Offeringsyou ,took.,(D)Conversion information -This includes information about what goals ,you have achieved using the WHMCS Offerings.,(E),(iv)Google Remarketing,(A)The corporate sites use Google Remarketing, or re-engagement, tools. ,14,These tools use cookies or other similar technologies (Remarketing ,Cookies) to serve cPanel’s advertising on websites not owned by ,cPanel. To do that,cPanel and third parties not affiliated with cPanel ,use Remarketing Cookies to track you across multiple websites and ,serve you with advertising based on your past visits to our corporate ,sites.,(B)You can opt-out of Remarketing Cookies by:,(1)visiting Google’s “ad settings” here: ,,(2)Visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s “opt out page:” ,here:,(3)Or changing your device settings to block Remarketing ,Cookies,22.4Disabling your participation in Analytics Tools and Marketing Services,(a)In cPanel &WHM,(i)In cPanel &amp. WHM, you control your participation in Interface Analyticstools ,and services. To find instructions for how to manage your participation, please ,click here -,analytics/,(b)In Corporate Sites,(i)When using our corporate sites, you control your participation in analytics tools ,and servicesby locating the "Manage Cookies" preference and allowing or ,declining cookies. Declining cookies will disable your participation.,(c)In WHMCS Offerings,(i)When using the WHMCS Offerings, you control your participation in analytics ,tools and services by locating the "Manage Cookies" preference and allowing ,or declining cookies. Declining cookies will disable your participation.,22.5Requesting Deletion of Information Transmitted to Google by Google Analyticsand to ,Mixpanel, Inc by Mixpanel,15,(a)To request the disclosure of your information, deletion of your information, or exercise ,any other rights afforded to you by the relevant statutes listed in other areas of this ,Privacy Policy, please refer to Section 1.2.,(b)For the Google Analytics deletion API, please use this link ,,(c)For the Mixpanel deletion API, please use this link ,,Version22-05-2024,Schedule 1-1,SCHEDULE1 –PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT,Your personal information may be collected when you use the cPanel &amp. WHM or WP Squared products, beta products, the storeor ,Manage2 partner portal, our ticketing systemor the WHMCS Offerings. It may also be collected when registering for an event or for general ,inquiries.,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,Contact information and We use this information to:The processing is As required in For no longer Domain ,basic personal details. Such necessary for: accordance with how than name, or ,as your name, phone number, •communicate with you, we use it, we will share necessary related IP ,address, domain name, e-mail sending statements and •the performance of a your Personal for the resource,,address, relationship to cPanelinvoices, communications, contract and to take Information with the purposes set may be ,or WHMCS, web hosting news, alerts and marketing steps prior to entering following:out and in shared with ,products used, country, server communications;into a contract. andaccordance third parties ,count, industry, and, where with our legal to administer ,applicable, employment •deal with inquiries and •our legitimate interests, obligations functions ,information such as name of complaints made by or about namely administering the and associated ,your company and the nature of you relating to the cPanel cPanel Productand legitimate with those ,your role.Product;WHMCS Offerings, business items.,•operate, maintain and provide ticketing and abuse Email ,to you the features and systems for marketing address will ,functionality of the cPanel purposes, for processing be shared ,Productand any third party job applications and for with email ,products chosen by you;communicating with delivery ,•authenticate users to our •deliver both ,products and systems;mandatory ,•process applications where and opt-in ,you have applied for a job email. ,with us;andMandatory ,•Enter you into sweepstakes, restricted to ,contests and promotions at product ,your request.operation.,administering our interests., to ,Service providers and ,advisors. Third party ,vendors and other ,service providers that ,perform services for us, ,on our behalf, which ,may include providing ,mailing or email ,services, HR services, ,tax and accounting ,services, payments ,processing, data ,enhancement services, ,fraud prevention, web ,hosting, third parties ,who provide items ,directly to customers, or ,providing analytic ,services. ,email is ,Schedule 1-2,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,•Purchasers and third ,parties in connection Contact ,with a business information ,transaction. Personal will be ,Information may be shared with ,disclosed to third third party ,parties in connection vendors ,with a transaction, such when a ,as a merger, sale of customer ,assets or shares, purchases ,reorganization, third party ,financing, change of products ,control or acquisition of offered by ,all or a portion of our cPanel.,business.,Other third parties ,using the Self Service ,Portal. Where you ,provide information to a ,Self ServicePortal your ,comments and any ,other Personal ,Information you submit ,may be seen by other ,third parties,Law enforcement, ,regulators and other ,parties for legal ,reasons. Third parties ,as required by law or if ,we reasonably believe ,that such action is ,All ,information in ,this category ,will be ,shared with ,third party ,survey ,providers ,including ,Survey ,Monkey / ,Alchemer, ,Retentlyand ,Typeform. ,The ,information ,shared is ,voluntary and ,will vary ,based on the ,Schedule 1-3,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,necessary to (a) comply nature of the ,with the law and the survey.,reasonable requests of ,law enforcement and All ,regulators. (b) enforce information in ,our Terms of Use or to this category,protect the security or may be ,integrity of our Website. shared with ,and/or (c) exercise or third party ,protect the rights, ticketing ,property, or personal systems, and ,safetyof cPanel, our ZenDesk ,customers or others.(“ticketing ,integration ,providers”),,to provide ,support.,These ,ticketing ,integration ,providers ,may use third ,parties to ,provide ,computing ,power and ,store ,information.,Payment information. Details We use this information to The processing is Payment ,such as your bank account facilitate payment for use of the necessary for the information. ,number, credit card number,or cPanel Productand WHMCS performance of our Details such ,PayPal account and related Offerings, any third party contract with you and our as your bank ,information.products chosen,and to detect legitimate interests, account ,and prevent fraud.namely the detection and number or ,prevention of fraud and to PayPal ,Schedule 1-4,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,ensure our users get paid account and ,for the resources they any,have provided.information,requested by ,our payment ,processors, ,or those of ,third parties ,whose ,products we ,provide,to ,receive ,payment for ,services.,Technical and server We use this information to:The processing is Domain ,information. Information necessary for the name may be ,required for ongoing web-•operate, maintain and provide performance of our shared with ,hosting activitiessuch as: to you the features and contract with you. and third parties ,server address/hostname, IP functionality of the cPanel administering our ticketing to administer ,address, domain name. log Productand WHMCS and abuse systems.domain ,files. configuration files. service Offerings. resolve your functions.,reports. and server-related technical issues at your Where we collect and use ,information which we retrieve request. and facilitate our your Personal Information Domain ,from your server where you customer interaction activities for the purposes of name will be ,have requested technical and customer forums;improving the cPanel shared with ,support which may also include Productand WHMCS Google in ,usernames,root directory, •where you have had a Offerings, we will first Google ,affected accounts such as email technical issue, we obtain your consent.Analyticsand ,accounts.sometimes use the Mixpanel Inc ,Unless volunteered to us, we do issue in order toidentify Domain ,not collect usernames and weaknesses and make name may be ,passwords over the course of improvements to the cPanel shared with ,performing technical support.Productand WHMCS customer’s ,information to replicate the in Mixpanel.,Schedule 1-5,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,Offerings. Normally, we will server ,use an anonymized copy of administrator.,this information though ,sometimes this is not Technical ,possible. andand server ,•authenticate users to our may be ,products and systemsand shared with ,those third party products and third party ,systems who authenticate ticketing ,using this, and ,•ticketing ,information ,integration ,providers,to ,provide ,support.,These ,ticketing ,integration ,providers ,may use third ,parties to ,provide ,computing ,power and ,store ,information.,HTTP request of the user. Third party code included in the The processing is Disclosed in ,information about the browser, cPanel Productand WHMCS necessary for our conjunction ,host name, cPanelcompany ID, Offeringsretrieves data from legitimate interests, with our use ,browser type and language. HTTP requests of the user and namely: to tailor the cPanel of Google ,reads first party cookies and via first party cookies. This Productand WHMCS Analyticsand ,number of visits to site.enables a third party to perform Offeringsto the user and Mixpanel.,analytics and provide to improve the cPanel ,Productand WHMCS ,Schedule 1-6,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,aggregated analytical Offeringsgenerally. to ,information to cPanel.monitor and resolve ,issues. and for marketing ,purposes.,Correspondence and To address your questions, The processing is ,comments.When you contact issues and concerns and necessary for our ,us directly, e.g.,by email, improve the cPanel Productand legitimate interests, ,phone, mail, via the Self Service WHMCS Offerings, to namely communicating ,Portal, when you post on determine products and with users and for ,message boards, blogs or services that may be of interest marketing purposes.,complete an online form, we will to you and to send you news, ,record your comments and alerts and marketing ,opinions.communications in accordance ,with your marketing ,preferences.,Self-identifyinginformation. We use this information for The processing is Self-,Where you have applied for a regulatory purposes, fulfilling necessary for: identifying,job with us, you may voluntarily regulatory reporting information ,provide us with certain self-requirements, responding to the compliance with legal may be ,identifying information.information requests and and regulatory obligations. processed by ,defending against employment andour legitimate third party ,related complaints.interests, namely HRIS ,defending against systems.,employment related ,complaints.,•,All Personal Information set We will use all the Personal The processing is ,out above.Information we collect to necessary for our ,operate, maintain and provide legitimate interest, namely ,to you the features and to administer and improve ,functionality of the cPanel the cPanel Productand ,Productand WHMCS Offerings, WHMCS Offerings, our ,to communicate with you, to ,Schedule 1-7,Category of Personal Legal basis for the Categories of Retention ,Informationprocessingrecipientsperiod,How we use itshared with ,Categories ,third parties,monitor and improve the cPanel Website, our business and ,Productand WHMCS Offerings, develop new services.,our Website and business, and ,to help us develop new ,products and services.,Images and Audio To evaluate the features, The processing is Until the None,Recordings.Beta Program functionality of Beta Products.necessary for our conclusion of ,participants may have screen legitimate interest, namely the Beta ,images of their use of the to administer and improve program ,product captured for analysis. the cPanel Productand associated ,participants may also have WHMCS Offerings, our with the Beta ,audio recordings of their Website, our business and Product.,interaction with the product, and develop new services.,comments regarding the ,product captured by cPanel. ,Video recordings of such ,interaction and/or comments ,are optional at the participant’s ,discretion. While participating ,in a video or audio recording, ,written submissions may also ,be collected.,Schedule 2-1,SCHEDULE2–PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTED AUTOMATICALLY,Your personal information may beautomaticallycollected when you use the cPanel &amp. WHM or WP Squared products, beta products, the ,store, our ticketing system. It may also be collected when registering for an event or for general inquiries.,Category of Categories ,Personal How we use itLegal basis for the processingshared with ,Informationthird parties,Categories of Retention ,recipientsperiod,Information about We use this information The processing is necessary for our As required in For no Information ,how you access and to:legitimate interests, namely: to tailor the accordance with longer than may be ,use the cPanel cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringsto the how we use it, necessary shared with ,Productand user and to improve the cPanel Product and we will share for the Google in,WHMCS Offerings. WHMCS Offeringsgenerally. to monitor and your Personal purposes Google ,For example, the resolve issues. for marketing purposes. to Information with set out and Analytics,website from which communicate with users. to contact users. the following:inand ,you came and the and for the detection and prevention of fraud.accordanceMixpanel Inc ,website to which you with our in Mixpanel.,are going when you legal ,leave our Website, obligations ,how frequently you and ,access the cPanel legitimate ,Productand WHMCS business ,Offerings, the time interests.,you access the ,cPanel Productand ,WHMCS Offerings,and how long you use ,them for, whether you ,open emails or click ,the links contained in ,emails, whether you ,access the cPanel ,Productand WHMCS ,Offeringsfrom ,multiple devices, and ,other actions you ,•present the cPanel ,Productand WHMCS ,Offeringsto you on ,your device;,•determine news, ,alerts and other ,products and ,services that may be ,of interest to you for ,marketing purposes. ,•monitor and improve ,the cPanel Product ,and WHMCS ,Offeringsand our ,business, and to help ,us develop new ,products and ,services. and,•Validate our software ,and license status.,•,Service ,providers and ,advisors. Third ,party vendors ,and other service ,providers that ,perform services ,for us, on our ,behalf, which ,may include ,providing mailing ,or email services, ,tax and ,accounting ,services, ,payments ,processing, data ,enhancement ,services, fraud ,prevention, web ,hosting, or ,Schedule 2-2,take on the cPanel providing analytic , ,Purchasers and ,third parties in ,connection with ,a business ,transaction. ,Personal ,Information may ,be disclosed to ,third parties in ,connection with a ,transaction, such ,as a merger, sale ,of assets or ,shares, ,reorganization, ,financing, change ,of control or ,acquisition of all ,or a portion of ,our business.,Law through the device, ,enforcement, information about the ,regulators and server upon which ,other parties for the cPanel Product ,legal reasons. software log files, ,Third parties as configurative files, ,required by law server reports, your ,or if we Internet service ,reasonably provider or mobile ,believe that such network, your IP ,action is address.,necessary to (a) ,comply with the ,law and the ,Information about We use this information The processing is necessary for our For no Information ,your device. We also to:legitimate interests, namely: to tailor the longer than may be ,collect information cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringsto the necessary shared with ,about the computer, user and to improve the cPanel Product and for the Google in ,tablet, smartphone or WHMCS Offeringsgenerally. to monitor and purposes Google ,other electronic resolve issues. for marketing purposes. to set out and Analytics,device you use to communicate with users. to contact users. in and ,connect to the cPanel and for the detection and prevention of fraud.accordance Mixpanel Inc ,Productand WHMCS with our in Mixpanel.,Offerings. This legal ,information can obligations ,include details about and ,the type of device, legitimate ,unique device business ,identifying numbers, interests.,operating systems, ,browsers and ,applications ,connected to the ,cPanel Product and ,WHMCS Offerings,•enable the cPanel ,Productand WHMCS ,Offeringsto be ,presented to you on ,your device;,•operate, maintain ,and provide to you ,the features and ,functionality of the ,cPanel Productand ,WHMCS Offerings;,•monitor and improve ,the cPanel Product,and WHMCS ,Offeringsand ,business, and to help ,us develop new ,products and ,services;,•Validate our software ,and license status;,and,•Facilitate our ,customers interaction ,activities and ,customer forums.,Schedule 2-3,•reasonable ,requests of law ,enforcement. (b) ,enforce our ,Terms of Use or ,to protect the ,security or ,integrity of our ,Website. and/or ,(c) exercise or ,protect the rights, ,property, or ,personal safety ,of cPanel, our ,customers or ,others.,Demographic We use this information The processing is necessary for our Purchasers and For no Information ,Information. to:legitimate interests, namely: to tailor the third parties in longer than may be ,Information about the cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringsto the connection with necessary shared with ,geographic location, user, to improve the cPanel Productand a business for the Google in ,total order cost, cost WHMCS Offeringsand cPanel Store transaction. purposes Google ,breakdown of a generally. and for marketing purposes.Personal set out and Analytics.,customer order, the Information may in ,order details, and the Additional information about theusein be disclosed to accordance ,invoice identification Google Analyticsis here:third parties in with our Information ,of users of the cPanel connection with a legal may be ,Store., such obligations shared with ,•Determine the ,general location of ,direct orders for the ,cPanel Product,and WHMCS ,Offerings. and,•Correlate it with ,purchases of the ,cPanel Product,and WHMCS ,Offerings.,2799357?hl=enas a merger, sale and Survey ,Additional information about the use in shares, business Alchemer, ,Mixpanel is here:reorganization, interests.Retently or , control or ,tos/user-profilesacquisition of all ,of assets or legitimate Monkey / ,financing, change Typeform.,or a portion of ,our business.,Schedule 2-4,Company ID.cPanel We use this information The processing is necessary for our cPanel account For no Information ,Configuration to determine how a legitimate interests, namely: to tailor the management, longer than may be ,Analytics and cPanel particular company cPanel Productand WHMCS Offeringsto the customer service necessary uploaded to ,Interface Analytics uses the cPanel user, to improve the cPanel Productand and marketing.for the a Salesforce ,collect the Company interfaceand WHMCS WHMCS Offeringsand cPanel Store purposes database. It ,ID associated with a Offerings.generally. and for marketing purposes.set out and is not shared ,particular installation in with ,of cPanel. Additional information about this useis here:accordance Salesforce ,Company ID is base/cpanel-product/cpanel-analytics-the-legal ,collected on de-data-we-use/#interface-analyticsobligations ,identified user profiles and ,and is governed by ,end user participation base/cpanel-product/cpanel-analytics-the-business ,consent. data-we-use/#configuration-analyticsinterests., our for their use.,Technical Information We use this information The processing is necessary for our Information is For no Information ,when you visit to better understand legitimate interests, namely: to tailor the sent to third longer than may be ,Corporate sitesand our users’ needs and to Corporate Siteand WHMCS Offeringsto the parties to assist necessary shared with ,and WHMCS optimize our Corporate user and to improve the Corporate site and with website for the Hotjar Ltd,Offerings.sitesand WHMCS WHMCS It may purposes (HotJar), ,IP address Offeringsand user’s also be sent to set out and Google Inc,(processed during experience on them. In corporate in (Google ,your session and particular:affiliates and accordance Fonts, ,stored in a de-contracted data with our Google Tag ,identified form), analytics firms for legal Manager, ,device screen size, review.obligations Google Ads, ,device type (unique and Google ,device identifiers), legitimate Analytics, ,browser information, business Doubleclick, ,geographic location interests.Youtube, ,(country only), and Google ,the preferred Play), ,language used to AccessiBe,display the particular Inc,•how much time a ,user spends on ,which pages;,•which links they ,choose to click;,and ,•what users do and ,donotlike on a ,Schedule 2-5,Corporateand particular (AccessiBe), ,WHMCS OfferingsCorporate siteand Splitrock ,site.WHMCS Offerings.Studio Pty ,Ltd ,(BugHerd), ,UserCentrics ,(Cookiebot), ,HubspotInc ,(Hubspot), ,Microsoft,Corporation,(LinkedIn, ,Clarity, ,Bing), ,Reddit Inc ,(Reddit), ,Meta ,Platforms ,Inc ,(Facebook,Connect), ,Retently,Schedule 3-1,SCHEDULE 3 –INFORMATION REGARDING COOKIESAND OTHER ACTIVITY MONITORING,Information Categories of Information ,collected recipientsabout item,How we use itRetention periodCreator product ,Website and ,uses,Google analytics: C PanelandThe cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie Googlehttps://developerProduct and ,HTTP request of the Googlefrom HTTP requests of the remains on visiting corporate ,user: information user and via first party computer until deleted by alytics/resourcessitesand ,about the browser, cookies. This enables visitor. cPanel retains /concepts/gaConWHMCS ,host name, browser Google to perform analytics aggregate information ceptsTrackingOvOfferings.,type and language.and provide aggregatedfrom Google analytics erview,analytical information to perpetually. No personal , is conveyed by ,Google to cPanel.,1,Google analytics:cPanelandPersistent: cookie Googlehttps://developerProduct and ,Reads first party Googleremains on visiting corporate , until deleted by alytics/resourcessitesand ,visitor. cPanel retains /concepts/gaConWHMCS ,aggregate information ceptsTrackingOvOfferings.,from Google analytics erview,perpetually. No personal ,data is conveyed by ,Google to cPanel.,Google Tag cPanel, Google Manages tags placed on Googlehttps://support.gAll corporate ,Manager.and other third interfacesby ,parties whose anager/answer/6WHMCS ,tags are 102821?hl=enOfferings,shipped.,Google AdscPanel, Google To place advertising on Persistent: cookie Googlehttps://adssettingAll corporate ,and other third third parties sites.remains on visiting ,parties who use computer until deleted by thenticatedWHMCS ,visitor. Offerings,1,The term “corporate sites” means those sites identified in the main text of the privacy policy.,Schedule 3-2,Information Categories of Information ,collected recipientsabout item,How we use itRetention periodCreator product ,Website and ,uses,Google ,Remarketing,IP address cPanel and We use this information to Persistent: cookie Hotjar Ltd.https://help.hotjaAll Corporate ,(processed during Hotjarbetter understand our remains on visiting ,your session and users’ needs and to computer until deleted by us/articles/11501WHMCS ,stored in a de-optimize our Corporate visitor. 1789248-Hotjar-Offerings.,identified form), sites and user’s experience Cookies,device screen size, on them. In particular:,device type (unique ,device identifiers), ,browser information, ,geographic location ,(country only), and ,the preferred ,language used to ,display the particular , C orporate site.,•how much time a user ,spends on which ,pages, ,•which links they choose ,to click, and ,•what users do and do ,notlike on a particular ,Corporate site.,Reddit Tracking PixelcPanel and We use this information to Up to two yearsReddithttps://www.reddAll corporate ,Redditunderstand how our users ,interact with our sites and ation/WHMCS ,the Reddit site. In Offerings,particular:to track site ,engagement and response ,to ads, personalize product ,marketing based on ,website activity and ,interests.,Twitter Tracking cPanel and We use this information to 18 monthsTwitterhttps://help.twitteAll corporate ,PixelTwitterunderstand how our users,interact with our sites and and-,Schedule 3-3,Information Categories of Information ,collected recipientsabout item,How we use itRetention periodCreator product ,Website and ,uses,Twitter. In particular:to security/privacy-,track site engagement and controls-for-,response to ads, tailored-ads,personalize product ,marketing based on ,website activity and ,interests.,Facebook Tracking cPanel and We use this information to Until account is deletedFacebookhttps://www.faceAll corporate ,PixelFacebookunderstand how our users ,interact with our sites and s/cookies/WHMCS ,Facebook. In particular:(i) Offerings,to track site engagement ,and response to ads, ,personalize product ,marketing based on ,website activity and ,interests. and (ii) target jobs ,ads to people who have ,interacted with a corporate ,site respond to that ad.,LinkedIN Tracking cPanel and We use this information to Until account is closedLinkedINhttps://www.linkeAll corporate ,PixelLinkedINunderstand how our users ,interact with our sites and okie-policyWHMCS ,LinkedIN. In particular:(i) Offerings,to track site engagement ,and response to ads, ,personalize product ,marketing based on ,website activity and ,interests. and (ii) target jobs ,ads to people who have ,Schedule 3-4,Information Categories of Information ,collected recipientsabout item,How we use itRetention periodCreator product ,Website and ,uses,interacted with a corporate ,site respond to that ad.,TypeformcPanel and We use this information to Up to two years following TypeformAll corporate ,Typeformcollect surveys and account closuresitesand ,associate survey responses WHMCS ,with individual customersOfferings,https://admin.ty,,and,https://www.typ,,a/what-other-,companies-do-,we-share-data-,with-,360029617191/,RetentlycPanel and We use this information to Persistent: cookie RetentlyProduct and ,Retentlycollect surveys and remains on visiting WHMCS ,associate survey responses computer until deleted by Offerings,with individual customersvisitor. Cookie is used to ,identify the survey ,respondent andto ,implement the configured ,survey recurrence,schedule.,https://www.rete,,compliance/#:~:,text=Personal%,20Data%20is%,20retained%20,during,their%20,activity%20in%,20the%20accou,nt.,Mixpanel: HTTP Cpanel and The cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie MixpanelProductand ,request of the user: Mixpanelfrom HTTP requests of the remains on visiting WHMCS ,information about the user and via first party computer until deleted by Offerings,browser, host name, cookies. This enables visitor. cPanel retains ,browser type and Mixpanelto perform aggregate information , and provide from Mixpanelanalytics ,aggregated analytical perpetually. ,information to cPanel.,https://mixpanel,.com/legal/priva,cy-,policy#:~:text=C,ookies%20and,%20Tracking%,20Technologies,Schedule 3-5,Information Categories of Information ,collected recipientsabout item,How we use itRetention periodCreator product ,Website and ,uses,AccessiBe: HTTP cPanel and The cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie AccessiBeAll corporate ,request of the user: AccessiBefrom HTTP requests of the remains on visiting sitesand ,information about the user and via first party computer until deleted by WHMCS ,browser, host name, cookies.This enables visitor.Offerings,browser type and AccessiBe to perform,language, device remediationsof the site to ,type, operating make it more accessible,system and version, ,screen resolution,https://accessib,,dget/security,BugHerdcPanel and The cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie SplitRock All corporate ,BugHerdfrom HTTP requests of the remains on visiting Studio Pty sitesand ,user and via first party computer until the end of LtdWHMCS ,cookies.This enables the browser session, Offerings,BugHerd to identify website either by logging out or ,bugs and gather feedback closing your browser.,from you when you choose ,to participate.,https://bugherd.,com/privacy,CookieBotcPanel and The cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie UserCentricAll corporate ,Cookiebotfrom HTTP requests of the remains on visiting sSitesand ,user and via first party computer until deleted by WHMCS ,cookies.This enables visitor.Offerings,Cookiebot to seek your ,consent preferencesfor ,various cookies.,https://www.coo,,rivacy-policy/,HubspotcPanel and The cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie Hubspot, All corporate ,Hubspotfrom HTTP requests of the remains on visiting Incsitesand ,user and via first party computer until deleted by WHMCS ,cookies. This enables visitor.Offerings,Hubspot to perform ,analyticsand provide ,aggregated analytics to ,cPanel.,https://legal.hub,,y-policy,Schedule 3-6,Information Categories of Information ,collected recipientsabout item,How we use itRetention periodCreator product ,Website and ,uses,Microsoft: Microsoft cPanel and The cookie retrieves data Persistent: cookie Microsoft All corporate ,Clarity, Microsoft Microsoft from HTTP requests of the remains on visiting Corporationsitesand ,BingAdsCorporationuser and via first party computer until deleted by WHMCS ,cookies. This enables visitor.Offerings,Microsoft to perform ,analytics and provide ,aggregated analytics to ,cPanel.,https://privacy.,,n-,us/privacystate,ment

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