Crypton Exchange

Terms of Service

You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.BTC / USDTbtccrpuusdusdtAll (6)symbolpricevolumechangeBTC / USDT66188.542.91523 btc-0.7 %66188.54 USDTLast price-0.7 %24 hour changeSign InRegistrationTerms of usePLEASE READ CAREFULLY THESE TERMS OF USE AS THEY DIRECTLY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS.<br> <br>IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS DOCUMENT AND / OR IT`S INTEGRAL PARTS, YOU MUST NOT ACCESS OR USE THE WEBSITE AVAILABLE IN THE INTERNET VIA HTTP://CRP (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "THE WEBSITE" and "COMPANY"). BEFORE INVESTING, PLEASE CONSIDER THAT CRYPTOCURRENCIES ARE A VERY SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT AND INVOLVES A HIGH DEGREE OF RISK.<br> <br>CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADING ALSO HAS SPECIAL RISKS NOT GENERALLY SHARED WITH OFFICIAL CURRENCIES OR GOODS OR COMMODITIES IN A MARKET. UNLIKE MOST CURRENCIES, WHICH ARE BACKED BY GOVERNMENTS OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITIES, OR BY COMMODITIES SUCH AS GOLD OR SILVER, CRYPTOCURRENCIES ARE UNIQUE TYPE OF "FIAT" CURRENCY, BACKED BY TECHNOLOGY AND TRUST. THERE IS NO CENTRAL BANK THAT CAN ISSUE MORE CURRENCY OR TAKE CORRECTIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT THE VALUE OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES IN A CRISIS.<br> <br>INSTEAD, CRYPTOCURRENCIES ARE AN AS-YET AUTONOMOUS AND LARGELY UNREGULATED GLOBAL SYSTEM OF CURRENCY FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS. TRADERS PUT THEIR TRUST IN A DIGITAL, DECENTRALISED AND PARTIALLY ANONYMOUS SYSTEM THAT RELIES ON PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND CRYPTOGRAPHY TO MAINTAIN ITS INTEGRITY. INVESTORS MUST HAVE THE FINANCIAL ABILITY, SOPHISTICATION / EXPERIENCE AND WILLINGNESS TO BEAR THE RISKS OF AN INVESTMENT, AND A POTENTIAL TOTAL LOSS OF THEIR INVESTMENT.<br> <br>DEFINITIONSAccount The contractual arrangement wherein a Customer has accepted the Company`s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and received the Company`s approval to use the Services, including the purchase and sale of Cryptocurrencies and to perform associated Transactions.<br> <br>Cryptocurrency (-ies) A digital asset, including USDT, and CRP designed to work as a medium of exchange.<br> <br>Tether (USDT)The Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency further described at (CRP)The Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency further described at http://crpCustomer(-s)You, Your Any natural person, sole proprietor, legal entity that uses the Website and Services offered by holding an Account.Purchaser(-s)Customer(-s) that are submitting an offer to buy CRP, USDT through the Service.CommissionThe fee which is payable to the Company on each Transaction, such as a Purchase Transaction.PriceThe 'price per coin' for which Purchasers are willing to purchase or sell USDT and CRP using the Service. The Price may be expressed in any of the currencies deposited by Customer in their Account and supported by the Service. For more information, please go through the Website for a full list of currencies.Seller (-s)Customer (-s) that submit an offer to sell USDT and CRP using the Website and the Services offered.Service (-s)The technological platform, functional rules and market managed by Company. to provide Sellers and Purchasers to buy and sell Cryptocurrencies.Transactions<ul> <li>The agreement between the Purchaser and the Seller to exchange Cryptocurrencies through the Service for other Cryptocurrencies at a commonly agreed rate ("Purchase Transaction");</li> <li>The transfer of Cryptocurrencies among Customers ("Transfer Transaction");</li> </ul>The Company may not offer all the transaction aforesaid at this time or in all locations.Transaction PriceThe total price paid by the Purchaser for each Transaction performed through the Service.WebsiteA website owned and operated by Company, available in the Internet via address: http://CRP and special application based on blockchain technology.1. INTRODUCTION<p>1.1 Company is pleased to provide Customers with the information, content, tools, and Services on the Website. These Terms of Use also include some important disclosures and information related to certain products and services offered by the Company. Your use of the Website is subject to these Terms of Use ("Terms").</p> <p>1.2. These Terms are a binding agreement between You and the Company. By using or accessing the Website, You confirm that:</p> <ul> <li>You have fully read, understood and irrevocably accepted and agreed to be bound by these Terms;</li> <li>You are at least 18 years of age to use the Website;</li> <li>You have the right, power and authority to enter into these Terms on behalf of legal entity and bind it to these Terms in case if the Customer is a legal entity;</li> <li>You have understood that cryptocurrencies are a very speculative investment and involves a high degree of risk;</li> <li>You have the financial ability, sophistication / experience and willingness to bear the risks of an investment, and a potential total loss of their investment;</li> <li>You are not citizens or permanent / temporary residents of the United States of America;</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>1.3. The Company may modify these Terms without prior notice at any time at its sole discretion. You shall review the most current version of these Terms by visiting the Website and clicking on the Terms of Use hyperlink located at the bottom of the page.</p> <p>1.4. In case if you do not agree with and accept all of the Terms and any additional documents that govern Your use of the Website. You are not eligible to participate in the Services and / or use the Website, and must refrain from doing so.</p>2. COPYRIGHT NOTICE<p>2.1. The Website, Services offered by the Company, including, but not limited to inventions, processes, marks, methods, compositions, formulae, techniques, data, text, graphics, logos, and charts, as well as any compilation thereof, and any software used on the Website, is the property of the Company and protected by applicable copyright laws. Accordingly, You may not copy, distribute, modify, post or frame-in the Website, including any text, graphics, video, audio, software code, user interface design or logos.</p> <p>2.2. Unless You and the Company have agreed otherwise, links from another web site to the Website must resolve to the top-level homepage of the Website domain (http://CRP).</p>3. USE OF THE WEBSITE<p>3.1 The Website is provided on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis without warranties of any kind.</p> <p>3.2 Certain parts of the Website are protected by passwords or require a login. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to such parts of the Website.</p> <p>3.3. Because all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people, You shall not use the Website in any manner that could damage or overburden the Company's server. In particular, You are not allowed to:</p> <ul> <li>Use the Website in any way or take any action that causes, or may cause, damage to the Company;</li> <li>Use the Website in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or any other harmful purpose or activity;</li> <li>Use the Website to store, host, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute any material that consists of (or is linked to) any spyware, computer virus, trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit, or any other malicious computer software, including mining software;</li> </ul> <p> </p>4. REGISTRATION AND ACCOUNT<p>4.1. To be eligible for an Account on the Website and receive access to products and / or services offered by the Company, You shall proceed with the registration procedure by completing and submitting the account registration form at http://crp/join. When You register at the Website, the Company asks You to provide us with:</p> <ul> <li>Your First/Last name;</li> <li>Your Utopia Public Key;</li> <li>Your password.</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>4.2. In order to complete the registration procedure You agree to provide the Company with true, accurate, current and complete information about Yourself.</p> <p>4.3. You shall not allow any person other than You to use Your Account to access the Website.</p> <p>4.4. You shall promptly notify the Company if You are aware of any unauthorized use of Your account.</p> <p>4.5. The creation or use of Accounts without obtaining prior express permission from the Company will result in the immediate suspension and termination of all said Accounts, as well as all pending purchase/sale offers.</p> <p>4.6. If there is suspicious activity related to Your Account, the Company is in its right to freeze any Transactions pending our review.</p> <p>4.7. Any Customer who violates these rules maybe subject to account termination with no prior notice.</p>5. LOGIN DETAILS<p>5.1. You strictly must keep Your password confidential and implement reasonable and appropriate measures to secure access to your password, and any other login or identifying credentials related to the Website.</p> <p>5.2. You shall promptly notify the Company if You are aware of any disclosure of Your password or other credentials and information that could lead to abuse of Your account.</p>5.3. The Company is entitled to, without prior notice:<li>Suspend and delete Your account subject to provisions of section 6. and / or edit Your account details.</li> <p>5.4. Illegal or unauthorized uses of the Website will be investigated and appropriate legal action will be taken.</p>6. ACCOUNT SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION<p>6.1. The suspension and termination of Your Account shall not affect the payment of commissions due for any past Transactions.</p> <p>6.2. Upon termination, You shall send details of a valid cryptocurrency wallet, that must be held by You, to allow for the transfer of any cryptocurrencies credited to Your account.</p> <p>6.3. The Company shall transfer the cryptocurrencies as soon as possible following Your request and within the time frames specified by the Company.</p> <p>6.4. The Company is entitled to, in appropriate circumstances and at Company's sole discretion, suspend or terminate Your account for any reason, including without limitation:</p> <p>6.4.1. Attempts to gain unauthorised access to the Website or another Customer's account or providing assistance to others' attempting to do so,</p> <p>6.4.2. Overcoming software security features limiting use of or protecting any content,</p> <p>6.4.3. Usage of the Website and offered services to perform criminal activities,</p> <p>6.4.4. Violations of these Terms,</p> <p>6.4.5. A failure to pay for Transactions,</p> <p>6.4.6. Unexpected operational difficulties.</p>7. NO FINANCIAL ADVISE<p>7.1. The Company does not provide any investment advices in connection with the Services and/or the Website. The Company may provide information on the price, range and volatility of Cryptocurrencies that are available on the Website and events that have affected the price of such Cryptocurrencies, but this must not be considered investment advice nor should it be construed as such.</p> <p>7.2. Any decision to purchase or sell USDT or CRP is solely Your decision and the Company shall not be liable for any loss suffered.</p>8. PRIVACY POLICY<p>8.1 Please refer to The Company's Privacy Policy for information about how the Company collects, uses and shares Your information.</p>9. THIRD PARTY CONTENT<p>9.1. The Website may include general news and information, commentary, interactive tools, quotes, research reports and data concerning the financial markets, cryptocurrency market, securities and other subjects. Some of this content is supplied by companies that are not affiliated with the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Content"). On the Website, the source of all Third Party Content is clearly and prominently identified. Third Party Content is available through framed areas, through hyperlinks to third party web sites, or is simply published on the Website.</p> <p>9.2. The Company has not been involved in the preparation, adoption or editing of Third Party Content but may approve or disapprove such content.</p> <p>9.3. While the Company makes every attempt to provide You with accurate and timely information to serve Your needs, the Company does not guarantee accuracy, timeliness, completeness or usefulness of Third Party Content, and is not responsible or liable for any such content, including any advertising, products, or other materials on or available from third party web sites. Third Party Content is provided for informational purposes only and the Company specifically disclaims any responsibility for Third Party Content available on the Website. You will use Third Party Content only at Your own risk.</p> <p>9.4. THE THIRD PARTY CONTENT IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS. THE COMPANY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.</p> <p>9.5. THE COMPANY'S AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, SERVICE PROVIDERS, LICENSORS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE THIRD PARTY CONTENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE DAMAGES.</p> <p>9.6. In order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, the Company reserves the right at times to exclude any content at the Company's sole discretion.</p>10. TIMELINESS OF CONTENT<p>11.1. All content on the Website is presented only as of the date published or indicated, and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for any other reasons at the Company's sole discretion. In addition, You are responsible for setting the cache settings on Your browser to ensure You are receiving the most recent data.</p>11. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES<p>11.1. THE COMPANY DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ABOUT THE WEBSITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE WEBSITE IS MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE".</p> <p>11.2. THE COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE WEBSITE WILL CERTAINLY OR IN ANY OTHER WAY MEET YOUR NEEDS, OR THAT IT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE AND / OR ERROR-FREE. THE COMPANY ALSO MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE WEBSITE WILL BE ACCURATE OR RELIABLE, OR THAT THE QUALITY OF ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, INFORMATION, OR OTHER MATERIAL PURCHASED BY YOU THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS.</p>12. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY<p>12.1. THE COMPANY WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, DIRECT, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, TRADING LOSSES OR DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM USE OR LOSS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE AND THIRD PARTY CONTENT, INCONVENIENCE OR DELAY).</p> <p>12.2. THE COMPANY WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM A CAUSE OVER WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT HAVE DIRECT CONTROL (FORCE MAJEURE). THIS INCLUDES ACTS OF WAR, TEMPEST, FIRE, EARTHQUAKE OR ANY OTHER NATURAL DISASTER OF OVERWHELMING PROPORTIONS, INSURRECTION, TERRORIST ACT, RIOT, COMMOTION, STRIKES, GO SLOWS, LOCK OUTS OR DISORDER, EMERGENCY OR ACTION OF GOVERNMENT, FAILURE OF ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR COMMUNICATIONS LINES (INCLUDING TELEPHONE, CABLE AND INTERNET).</p>13. INDEMNIFICATION<p>13.1. You consent to defend and indemnify the Company, its officers, directors, employees, and agents and to hold them harmless from and against any and all types of liabilities, claims, damages, losses, and/or expenses. This clause includes without limitation reasonable attorney's fees and costs that arises out of or which may be in any way connected with your access to the use of the Site or its Services or of the violation or breach of any of the terms in this Terms or any applicable laws or regulations.</p>14. CHANGES TO THE WEBSITE<p>14.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the Company may discontinue or modify the Company Sites at any time without prior notice to You, and You accept those modifications if You continue to use the Website.</p>15. DISPUTE RESOLUTION<p>15.1. If any claim or dispute arises out of or in regard to this Terms, the parties hereto will use their reasonable best efforts to resolve any dispute hereunder through good faith negotiations to come to an arrangement. If no agreement can be reached, the dispute will be resolved by community.</p>16. KYC<p>Regardless of the transaction’s amount and cryptocurrency used, we will never ask a client to go through the KYC process as the Crypton Exchange does not provide operations with FIAT.</p>Live ChatConnectedReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Jobs - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Karaze - 10 CRP reward<br>3. mai - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. XMR - 15 CRP reward<br>2. TCVN - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Saahil - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Quatar - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Trader-BTC - 10 CRP reward<br>3. vinson - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. zack - 15 CRP reward<br>2. XMR - 10 CRP reward<br>3. TRBTC - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Aquaman - 15 CRP reward<br>2. yasina - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Kingdom - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. yasina - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Chú Bé Đần - 10 CRP reward<br>3. zero - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Cr7 - 15 CRP reward<br>2. ryvius - 10 CRP reward<br>3. xavixavi - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. dingo - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Quatar - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Tradex - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Ulanni - 15 CRP reward<br>2. M10 - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Quatar - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Aurora - 15 CRP reward<br>2. e5moon - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Jobs - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Jaspon - 15 CRP reward<br>2. BUYSELL - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Aurora - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>PhamNhanGMThoalfegarسلامReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Queen - 15 CRP reward<br>2. icc - 10 CRP reward<br>3. TRBTC - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>jasponbuy more crpjasponto the moooonReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. icc - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Big Cat - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Aurora - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. icc - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Quatar - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Titan - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. BUYSELL - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Puttin - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MTP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>sblkEnjoy channel #UTRADINGReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Mr Tuấn - 15 CRP reward<br>2. WinX - 10 CRP reward<br>3. xavixavi - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. dingo - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Kingdom - 10 CRP reward<br>3. shinjico - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Queen - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Alex - 10 CRP reward<br>3. DeaD - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. hoshin - 15 CRP reward<br>2. 0lala - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Cậu Bé Hư - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>khanhcuteup upReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. TCVN - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Zata - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Eiffel - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Titan - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Kiwi - 10 CRP reward<br>3. WinX - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Will - 15 CRP reward<br>2. mai - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Byarn - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>sblkEnjoy #UTRADE👍Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. MTP - 15 CRP reward<br>2. - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Kingdom - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Yuk - 15 CRP reward<br>2. shinjico - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Mouse Dark - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Will - 15 CRP reward<br>2. fayfay - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MTP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. WinX - 15 CRP reward<br>2. buneku - 10 CRP reward<br>3. DeaD - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>ae30a331Please panic sell more so I can buy even lower thank you very muchReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Felix - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Chelsea - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MrDark - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Aurora - 15 CRP reward<br>2. IQ - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MistyMoon - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Tradex - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Cậu Bé Hà Lan - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Alex - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Kitaza - 10 CRP reward<br>3. invalid - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Cr7 - 15 CRP reward<br>2. TRDBT - 10 CRP reward<br>3. DeaD - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. TRDBT - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Cậu Bé Hà Lan - 10 CRP reward<br>3. icc - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Kaori - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Aurora - 10 CRP reward<br>3. CRP-SUPPORT - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Haland - 15 CRP reward<br>2. M10 - 10 CRP reward<br>3. TRBTC - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>PhamNhanGMPhamNhanTo $0.5Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Jobs - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Natra - 10 CRP reward<br>3. dingo - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Trader-BTC - 15 CRP reward<br>2. TCVN - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Bach Bu - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Cậu Bé Hà Lan - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Bach Bu - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MTP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Kitaza - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Asuka - 10 CRP reward<br>3. kaori - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Fazo - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Master - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Gundam - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Wiliam - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Asuka - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Saahil - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Tradex - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Mouse Dark - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Kitaza - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. DeaD - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Kaori - 10 CRP reward<br>3. master - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. DeaD - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Alex - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Felix - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Eiffel - 15 CRP reward<br>2. MrDark - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Trader-BTC - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Alex - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Master - 10 CRP reward<br>3. yasina - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. danver - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Karaze - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Rain - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. hoshin - 15 CRP reward<br>2. vinson - 10 CRP reward<br>3. IQ - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Kaori - 15 CRP reward<br>2. CRP-SUPPORT - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Asuka - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. bafa99 - 15 CRP reward<br>2. dingo - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Zata - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Kingdom - 15 CRP reward<br>2. kaori - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Will - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>PhamNhanGMPhamNhanto $0.5Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Rain - 15 CRP reward<br>2. yasina - 10 CRP reward<br>3. xavixavi - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Bach Bu - 15 CRP reward<br>2. vinson - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MTP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Aquaman - 15 CRP reward<br>2. sian - 10 CRP reward<br>3. phiphi - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. TRBTC - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Aurora - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Puttin - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. kaori - 15 CRP reward<br>2. - 10 CRP reward<br>3. TRDBT - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Rain - 15 CRP reward<br>2. DeaD - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Zata - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>PhamNhanGAReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Tony - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Cậu Bé Hư - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Haligor - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Miller - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Wiliam - 10 CRP reward<br>3. XMR - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>PhamNhanGMPhamNhanto 0.5$Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Kiwi - 15 CRP reward<br>2. TRDBT - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Big Cat - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Chelsea - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Tony - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Miller - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Cậu Bé Hà Lan - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Kiwi - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Trader-BTC - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. TRDBT - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Gundam - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Trader-BTC - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. dingo - 15 CRP reward<br>2. ronnier - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Rain - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. mai - 15 CRP reward<br>2. BUYSELL - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MTP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Gili - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Mr Tuấn - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Hectorr - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. TRBTC - 15 CRP reward<br>2. glory - 10 CRP reward<br>3. XMR - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>PhamNhangmReward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Master - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Bach Bu - 10 CRP reward<br>3. BitCRP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. TRDBT - 15 CRP reward<br>2. MrDark - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Alex - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. icc - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Chú Bé Đần - 10 CRP reward<br>3. PABLO - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Dmitriiкак пополнить счёт?Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Je sur - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Karaze - 10 CRP reward<br>3. zack - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. master - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Chelsea - 10 CRP reward<br>3. M10 - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. bafa99 - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Ulanni - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Kingdom - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Quatar - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Byarn - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Mouse Dark - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Kingdom - 15 CRP reward<br>2. brasshorn - 10 CRP reward<br>3. PABLO - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Cr7 - 15 CRP reward<br>2. zack - 10 CRP reward<br>3. ryvius - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Aurora - 15 CRP reward<br>2. zeta - 10 CRP reward<br>3. buneku - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. vinson - 15 CRP reward<br>2. master - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Asuka - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. shinjico - 15 CRP reward<br>2. dingo - 10 CRP reward<br>3. TRDBT - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. baby shark - 15 CRP reward<br>2. master - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Cr7 - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Cậu Bé Hư - 15 CRP reward<br>2. sian - 10 CRP reward<br>3. Puttin - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. yasina - 15 CRP reward<br>2. IQ - 10 CRP reward<br>3. MTP - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. shinjico - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Will - 10 CRP reward<br>3. PABLO - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>Reward BotCongratulations to the winners! The Airdrop is in full swing and we're rewarding our active traders every 3 hours. Check out the latest winners below:<br> <br>1. Quatar - 15 CRP reward<br>2. Mr Tuấn - 10 CRP reward<br>3. steve - 5 CRP reward<br> <br>Don't miss your chance to win in the next draw - simply trade a minimum of $100 during the 3 hour period to be eligible. Good luck!"<br>sign in to chat2024 Crypton Exchange (v.1.2.25) © All rights reservedTerms of use | Privacy policy | Forum | Community Channel | Merchants | Marketing | Fees | API for developers

On 2024-06-15 00:55:03 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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