
Acceptable Use Policy

<p> Kyun requires Javascript. We have no third-party scripts, ads, trackers, analytics, miners, fingerprinting or any spyware on our website, we only use Javascript for fetching data from our API and rendering the UI. </p> all systems operationalhomeservicesdocsdashboardDocs <em>&gt;</em> Acceptable Use PolicyUser-Generated ContentResource UsageI2P/TorPublic Proxies/VPNsFurther ReferencesAcceptable Use Policy<br> <em>Last updated 30 Mar 2024</em> <p>We do our best to provide the least restrictive rules while keeping the integrity, reliability and legality of our services. Therefore, we ask you to abide by the following general ruleset:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>No IRL pornography involving minors/CSAM. This includes videos, images and audio, AI generated or not. We have a 0 tolerance policy for this and will remove your account and terminate your service if we receive verified complaints from NCMEC or any other similar organization.</strong> 2D drawings (loli/shota) and clearly stylized (non-realistic) 3D renders are allowed*. At first glance, does it look like a real child in a sexual situation? If the answer to that question is yes, it’s not legal, and therefore not allowed.</li> <li> <strong>Do not perform DoS/DDoS (Denial-of-Service/Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks, aka flooding, from our servers.</strong> </li> <li> <strong>Do not send mass unsolicited outgoing mail, host phishing pages, mass port/vulnerability scan, or anything else that can get our IPs blocked by Spamhaus.</strong> </li> </ul> <p>Outside of these policies, you must also follow the laws of the country your service is physically hosted in, as well as the laws of Romania. We expect you to do your research on any unknown terms or laws beforehand. While we usually <em>(see rule #1)</em> won’t nuke you at the first complaint, ignorance is not an excuse for severe policy or law violation.</p> <p> <em>* The official translation of article 374, paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Code states: “Child pornography means any material that shows a juvenile displaying a sexually explicit behavior or that,</em> <strong>even if not presenting a real person</strong>, simulate a juvenile with such behavior <strong>in a credible manner</strong>.” <em>Like many Romanian laws, it is flawed, and “in a credible manner” is up to the judge’s interpretation. We allow loli/shota because we believe drawings and other artistic works, as long as no one was harmed during their creation, should always be legal.</em> </p>User-Generated Content<p>If you plan on hosting user-generated content, we expect you to moderate it in a way that ensures illegal content is removed before any complaints reach us.</p> <p>The best way of doing that, besides monitoring the content manually, is having a functional contact form or email address, with a link to it on every page displaying the content. If you make it clear that you host user-generated content, law enforcement and child protection organizations will usually contact you first before contacting us.</p>Resource Usage<p>You can use 100% of the CPU, RAM and disk space allocated to your service 100% of the time, with the exception of disk and network I/O.</p> <p>The current suggested daily I/O fair use limits are:</p> <ul> <li>Disk: 20 MB/s (mega<strong>bytes</strong> per second) average</li> <li>Network: 20 Mb/s (mega<strong>bits</strong> per second) average</li> </ul> <p>These limits are not set in stone, but, as per our TOS, if we find that you are using up too much I/O, we may set a hard limit on our side for your VM.</p>I2P/Tor<p>I2P and Tor nodes, including exit nodes, are allowed.</p> <p>In the case of Tor exit nodes, we will treat abuse reports with more leniency, one of the important exceptions being email spam (default Tor exit policy blocks email ports).</p> <p> <strong>Don’t use exit nodes as a free pass to abuse, reports from exit nodes are still manually analyzed.</strong> </p> <p>If you run a popular node, keep an eye on your bandwidth usage, and if necessary, set a bandwidth limit on your side.</p>Public Proxies/VPNs<p>Unlike Tor exits, there is no accurate list of public proxies and VPNs that network admins can block if they’re concerned about incoming abuse.</p> <p>Because of this, running public proxies/VPNs is not allowed on Kyun, and because of the bandwidth fair use policy, it’s not a good idea either way.</p>Further References<ul> <li>Romanian Penal Code (official English translation): pdf / plaintext</li> </ul> <p> <em>If you are an active customer, you will receive at least 7 days of notice before any significant changes to this document go into effect.</em> </p> <p>view source and history</p>Terms of Service<i> </i>Acceptable Use Policy<i> </i>Privacy Policy<br>Frequently Asked Questions<i> </i>Canary<i> </i>PGP<i> </i>Tor<p>Aokigahara SRL / 48489042 / J40/13075/2023 / 256 RON<br>Pitar Mos 27, Floor 5, Apartment 15, Bucharest, Romania</p> <p>"Deeez Nuuuts"</p>

On 2024-06-13 01:01:10 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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On 2024-06-13 01:02:10 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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