
Terms of Service

<i> </i> <ul> <li> <i> </i> 0 Shopping Cart </li> <li> </li> </ul> <i> </i> <ul> <li> Home </li> <li> Store <ul> <li> Browse All </li> <li> Shared Hosting </li> <li> Hetzner VPS </li> <li> Hetzner VDS </li> <li> Hetzner ARM64 </li> <li> Contabo VPS </li> <li> Contabo VDS </li> <li> Contabo Storage VPS </li> <li> DigitalOcean Droplets </li> <li> Dedicated Servers </li> <li> Register a New Domain </li> <li> Transfer Domains to Us </li> </ul> </li> <li> News </li> <li> Knowledgebase </li> <li> Affiliates </li> <li> Contact Us </li> <li> More <ul> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Account <ul> <li> Login </li> <li> Register </li> <li> Forgot Password? </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ol> <li> Portal Home </li> <li> Knowledgebase </li> <li> Legal Information </li> <li> Terms of Service (TOS) </li> </ol> <i> </i>&nbsp. Categories <i> </i> Domain 9 Legal Information 3 Network and Technical 2 Security 1 Shared Hosting 2 Useful Information 8 VPS Server 1 <i> </i>&nbsp. Categories Domain (9) Legal Information (3) Network and Technical (2) Security (1) Shared Hosting (2) Useful Information (8) VPS Server (1) <i> </i>&nbsp. Support <i> </i> <i> </i> My Support Tickets <i> </i> News <i> </i> Knowledgebase <i> </i> Downloads <i> </i> Network Status <i> </i> Open Ticket Terms of Service (TOS) <i> </i> Print <ul> <li> <i> </i>1</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Terms of Service (TOS)</strong> <br> <br>The use of services from ITNetConsult Inc [hereafter referred to as "Mynymbox"] constitutes agreement to these terms. By accepting these Terms of Service (TOS) you also accept our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Privacy Policy. All services provided by Mynymbox may only be used for lawful activities and we comply with the local laws of the countries we do business with.</p> <ol> <li> <strong>Account Setup / Email on file<br> <br> </strong>We will setup your account after we have received payment and we have screened the order(s) in case of fraud. It is your responsibility to provide us with an email address which is not the domain(s) you are signing up under. If there is ever an abuse issue or we need to contact you, the primary email address on file will be used for this purpose. It is your responsibility to ensure the email address on file is current or up to date at all times. If you have a domain name registered with Mynymbox, it is your responsibility to ensure that the contact information for your domain account and your actual domain name(s) is correct and up-to-date. Mynymbox is not responsible for a lapsed registration due to outdated contact information being associated with the domain. If you need to verify or change this information, you should contact us via email. Providing false contact information of any kind may result in the termination of your account.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Changes<br> </strong> <br>Mynymbox has no right to change this Terms of Service Agreement without prior notification. When changes which significantly affect the function or content of the service, the Customer shall be given the opportunity to prematurely cancel the contract without any charges. Changes will be affect on month after notice.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Disclaimers and Warranties<br> <br> </strong>Mynymbox shall not be liable to the Customer for harm caused by or related to the Customer’s services or inability to utilize the services unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. <p>Mynymbox shall not be liable to the Customer for lost profits, indirect, special, or incidental consequential or punitive damages. Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, the maximum aggregate liability of&nbsp;Mynymbox and any of its employees, agents, or affiliates, under any theory of law, shall not exceed the amount paid by the Customer for hosting services for the three months prior to the occurrence of the event(s) giving rise to the claim.</p> </li> <li> <strong>Payment Information</strong> <strong> <br> </strong> <br>We accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero directly with our self hosted BTCPayServer and other cryptos via TrocadorApp. All services are <strong>prepaid. </strong>We will send you an invoice for your service renewal 10 days before its renewal date. Any Shared Hosting or VPS hosting account more than 5 days overdue will be suspended.&nbsp. Any account with an overdue more than 15 days will simply be terminated. All data will be removed. Mynymbox will not activate new orders or activate new packages for customers who have an outstanding balance with Mynymbox. For a new order to be setup or a new package to be activated, you must have a balance of 0.00 EUR, unless otherwise stated by Mynymbox in writing.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong> <strong>Cancellation and</strong> </strong> <strong>Refunds<br> </strong> <br>Mynymbox reserves the right to cancel, suspend, or otherwise restrict access to the account at any time with or without notice. Any abuse of our staff in any medium or format will result in the suspension or termination of your services without refund. Customers may cancel the service at any time via the client area management panel.<strong> <strong> <br> <br> </strong> </strong>Many of our services incur actual costs to provision. therefore, this is why all service payments or fund deposits are final. We intend to work with every one of our clients fairly. In some cases of non-functional services, a refund in the form of credit that can be used for future purchases or offering replacements is possible. Depending on the circumstances, we may issue a refund to the payment wallet. The staff decides all cases, and You must report any problems via tickets or email.<br> </li> <li> <p> <strong>Account Credits</strong> </p> <p>Account credits will be issued to your Customer account and shall be used to offset future billable services. Account credits shall not be issued as cash back to the Customer, nor shall the service credits be transferable to other account holders. Account credits shall expire if the Customer's account is fully terminated.&nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <strong>Bandwidth Usage<br> <br> </strong>The Customer are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance varies depending on the hosting package. Should the account of the Customer pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to suspend the account until the start of the next allocation, suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee, suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package, terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages. Unused transfer in one month cannot be carried over to the next month.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Price Change<br> </strong> <br>We reserve the right to change prices listed on, and the right to increase the amount of resources given to plans at any time.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Web service and Mail service</strong> <strong> <br> </strong> <br>If Mynymbox determine that a Customer's account is utilizing an unacceptable amount of system resources, we may temporarily deactivate the account in question. If we deem it necessary, an eviction notice may be sent to the customer of an offending account providing them with five (5) days in which to locate a new provider.This only occurs in extreme cases.<br>Customers are not permitted to run programs in the background on shared hosting servers. This tends to use a lot of system resources, and can impair service to other customers on that server.<br> <br> <strong>The Customer is ultimately responsible for the backup of their information.<br>Mynymbox is not responsible for any kind of data loss.<br> <br> </strong>The Mail service is not to be used to send mass mailings (regardless if it's SPAM or not). Using SPAM to advertise a site hosted on Mynymbox also constitutes as a violation of this provision.<br> <br>If the customer loose his account login and could not be verified to regain access to his account the account will be closed for security reasons.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>For VPS Servers<br> </strong> <p>Mynymbox resells services from a selection of providers. You also must abide by the terms and conditions imposed by our hosts:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Hetzner</p> </li> <li> <p>Contabo</p> </li> <li> <p>DigitalOcean</p> <strong> <br> </strong> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <strong>Country restrictions</strong> <br> <br>Citizens and companies incorporated within Seychelles are prohibited from using Mynymbox.<br> &nbsp. &nbsp. </li> <li> <strong>Service Provisioning</strong> <br> <br>Shared Hosting, VPS Servers and Dedicated Servers are configured to be setup automatically after a successful payment.&nbsp;<br> <br>Domain Names orders are screened and processed manually within 24 hours. There is no auto-completion process and reqiure manual action on our behalf to complete for some reasons like fraud protection.<br> <br>Placed but unpaid orders for more than 24 hours may be deleted from our system.&nbsp;<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Support<br> <br> </strong>All services of Mynymbox are unmanaged unless otherwise specified on the product information. Support tickets are usually answered within 24 hours. Sales related tickets have a lower priority and therefore the answer can take longer. We always prioritize existing customers and services over incoming tickets.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> Was this answer helpful? <i> </i> Yes <i> </i> No <i> </i> Related Articles <i> </i> Privacy Policy <small>What information do we collect? When you placing an order or registering on our site, you will...</small> <i> </i> Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) <small>The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the provision of Services to the Customer by Mynymbox,...</small> <i> </i> Back <i> </i>&nbsp. Support <i> </i> <i> </i> My Support Tickets <i> </i> News <i> </i> Knowledgebase <i> </i> Downloads <i> </i> Network Status <i> </i> Open Ticket <ul> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> English / € EUR </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Contact Us </li> <li> Terms of Service </li> </ul> <p> Copyright © 2024 Mynymbox. All Rights Reserved. </p> <br> × Close Loading... <i> </i> Loading... 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On 2024-06-13 00:56:00 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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