
Privacy Policy

<ul> <li>Home</li> <li>For Windows</li> <li>For Mac</li> <li>Contacts</li> </ul> Airy Home / Policies / Airy Team INC. PRIVACY POLICY Airy Team INC. PRIVACY POLICY<p> <b>PLEASE READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY CAREFULLY AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE USING THE Airy Team INC. WEBSITE AND/OR SERVICES. BY ACCESSING AND USING THE Airy Team INC. WEBSITE AND/OR SERVICES, YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE WHOLLY </b> <b>ACCEPTED</b> <b> Airy Team INC.’S PRIVACY POLICY.</b> </p> <p>Your use of the Airy Team Inc. and its affiliates (“<b> <i>Airy Team</i> </b>”), if and as applicable, Website and Services, including any dispute concerning Your online privacy therewith, is subject to Airy Team’s Privacy Policy (“<strong> <i>Privacy Policy</i> </strong>”) and Airy Team’s Terms of Service (“<strong> <i>Terms of Service</i> </strong>”), located at By using the Airy Team Website and/or Services, You <strong> <u>ACCEPT</u> </strong> the practices set forth in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. For this reason, please frequently refer to this Privacy Policy to ensure Your continued <strong> <u>ACCEPTANCE</u> </strong> of all Airy Team practices relating to Your personal and user information. Your continued use of any portion of the Website and/or Services following the posting of an updated Privacy Policy will constitute Your full <strong> <u>ACCEPTANCE</u> </strong> of any changes.</p> <p>Airy Team has created this privacy statement in order to fully disclose its information gathering and dissemination practices for the Airy Team Website (“<strong> <i>Website</i> </strong>”), and the Services offered and provided through the Website (“<strong> <i>Services</i> </strong>”).</p> <p> <strong> <u>Changes in Privacy Policy</u> </strong> </p> <p>Airy Team reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time and will notify You as to any changes via the Website, by email, or as outlined in the Terms of Service. Airy Team wants You to always be aware of what personal and other information it collects, how Airy Team uses that information, and under what circumstances Airy Team may disclose such information. All personal information that Airy Team collects will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time the information is collected. If the Privacy Policy changes in any significant respect in the meantime, Airy Team will not (without Your permission) use Your personal data in a manner that is inconsistent with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time Your information was collected.</p> <p> <strong>Table of Contents</strong> </p> <ul> <li>A. A Word from Airy Team</li> <li>B. Information Airy Team Collects<ul> <li>Information Airy Team Collects Through the Website</li> <li>Providing Your Information to Airy Team</li> <li>Third-Party Websites and Service Providers</li> <li>Third-Party Applications</li> <li>Information Relating to Children (COPPA)</li> <li>Cookies and Web Beacons</li> <li>Targeting Cookies</li> </ul> <p> <strong>A. A WORD FROM AIRY TEAM</strong> </p> <p>Airy Team has a strong commitment to providing superior service to all of its customers, users, and visitors, particularly with respect to their concerns about privacy. Airy Team understands that You may have questions about how the Website and Services collect and use Your information. Accordingly, Airy Team prepared this statement to best inform You of the privacy principles that govern the Website and Services. Airy Team will not sell or rent Your personally identifiable information or a list of its customers and/or users to third parties. However, as described in more detail below, there are limited circumstances in which some of Your information may be shared with third parties—under strict restrictions—so it is important for You to carefully review this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy contains numerous general and technical details about the steps Airy Team takes to respect Your privacy. Airy Team has organized this Privacy Policy by major processes and areas so that You can quickly find the information of most interest to You. The bottom line is that meeting Your needs and expectations forms the foundation of everything Airy Team does, including the protection of Your privacy.</p> <p> <strong>B. INFORMATION AIRY TEAM COLLECTS</strong> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Information <b>Airy Team</b>&nbsp;Collects Through the Website</u> </strong> </p> <p>The Website does not collect personally identifiable information from Your computer when You browse the Website and request pages from Airy Team servers. This means that, unless You voluntarily and knowingly provide Airy Team with personally identifiable information, Airy Team will not know Your name, email address, or any other personally identifiable information.</p> <p>When You request a page from the Airy Team Website, Airy Team’s servers log the information provided in the HTTP request header, JavaScript or similar technical tools, including the IP address, the time of the request, the URL of the request, and other technical information. Airy Team collects this information in order to make its Website function correctly and to provide You the functionality that You see on the Website, as Airy Team’s servers use this information to deliver the internet pages You request. Airy Team also uses this information to better understand how visitors use the Website and how Airy Team can better tune its Website, contents, and functionality to best meet Your needs. However, this information is not associated with any personally identifiable information of persons browsing the Website.</p> <p>When You use the Website, Airy Team, or trusted authorized third parties, may also collect certain technical and routing information about Your computer (also known as environmental variables) to facilitate Your use of the Website and the Services enabled thereby. When You browse the Internet, Your Internet browser (such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Internet Explorer) automatically transmits some information to Airy Team every time You access content on one of Airy Team’s internet domains. Examples of such information include the URL of the particular web page You visited, the IP address of the computer You are using, or the browser version that You are using to access the Website. All of this information may be collected by Airy Team and used to help improve its offerings to You.</p> <p> <strong> <u>Providing Your Information to <b> Airy Team</b> </u> </strong> </p> <p>You never have to provide personally identifiable information to Airy Team. However, should You choose to withhold certain required information, Airy Team may not be able to provide You with some or all of the Services. Some of the information Airy Team asks You to provide may be identified as mandatory or optional. If You do not provide the mandatory information with respect to a particular activity, You may not be able to engage in that activity or make such a purchase. Airy Team will inform You of the mandatory or optional nature of the requested or required information.</p> <p>Airy Team is the sole owner of the information it gathers on the Website and Services. Airy Team will only share Your information with outside parties in ways that are described in this Privacy Policy if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law, to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, to comply with a legal process served on Airy Team, or to otherwise comply with any current or future laws and regulations applicable to Airy Team.</p> <p>You may be provided an opportunity on the Website to allow Airy Team to contact You from time to time regarding Airy Team news and product or Services updates. In order to do so, You may be required to provide certain personally identifiable information to Airy Team. Airy Team will treat this information in accordance with the policies set forth in this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>When You submit personal information to Airy Team through the Website, You understand and <b>AGREE</b> that this information may be transferred across national boundaries and may be stored and processed in any of the countries in which Airy Team and its affiliates and subsidiaries maintain offices. You also acknowledge that in certain countries or with respect to certain activities, the collection, transferring, storage, and processing of Your information may be undertaken by trusted vendors of Airy Team. Airy Team may use vendors to aid in the facilitation of technical support services that may potentially receive limited access to Your personal information.</p> <p>Airy Team may establish relationships with various service providers whose services may become available to You from the Website or from other websites linked therewith. Typically, these providers would offer services that Airy Team customers might find useful, such as those that can be used in conjunction with the Website or Services. In order to use these other-website services, You may be required to provide personal information to such services providers. Unless expressly provided to the contrary, personal information that You provide while You are visiting a provider’s website will be subject to the privacy policy posted on such website. however, personal information that You provide while on the Airy Team Website in conjunction with a provider’s service will be subject to Airy Team’s Privacy Policy. For instance, credit card information entered in populating a purchase form or registration process is collected by the third-party registration services and subject to their respective privacy policies. You should be aware that Airy Team’s agreements with these service providers often provide that they will share with Airy Team personal information collected from You. In such instances, Airy Team may use this information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>FastSpring, Payoneer, PayPal, Tipalti, 2Checkout, Paddle and any other third-party payment service providers designated by Airy Team are responsible for payment information You provide through the Website, which will be subject to their respective privacy policies, such as:</p> <ul> <li>FastSpring Privacy Policy</li> <li>Payoneer Privacy Policy</li> <li>PayPal Privacy Policy</li> <li>Tipalti Privacy Policy</li> <li>2Checkout Privacy Policy</li> <li>Paddle Privacy Policy</li> </ul> <p>Airy Team may also use third-party platforms to sell its Services, such as Amazon, cleverbridge and other third-party platforms authorized by Airy Team to offer its products and Services. These third-party platforms may change from time to time, however, regardless of the platform Airy Team chooses to offer its products and Services through, the safety of Your personal information will be paramount and handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong> <u>Third-Party Websites and Service Providers</u> </strong> </p> <p>The Website may contain links to websites owned and operated by third parties. These links are presented for Your convenience and information. Airy Team does not control these third-party websites and is not responsible for their privacy practices or content. Airy Team does not control the information collection and distribution policies on such websites other than those that are under the control of Airy Team itself. Content on third-party websites may not reflect products, services, and/or information provided by Airy Team. Third parties may also set their own cookies and/or use web beacons, which may be used to identify some of Your preferences or to recognize You if You have previously had contact with these third parties. Airy Team does not control the use of such technology by third parties, the information they collect, or how they use such information. You should direct all concerns regarding any third-party website directly or to the site administrator or webmaster.</p> <p>The Website includes social media features which are either hosted by a third-party social media provider, such as Facebook, or hosted directly on the Website. Your interactions with any third-party social media feature(s) is governed by the privacy policy of the third-party provider. Third-party providers, including Facebook, may collect or receive information from Your app and other apps and use that information to provide measurement services and targeted ads. To find instructions on how You can opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting from Facebook, visit the Facebook Help Center.</p> <p>Airy Team also uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads when You visit the Website. These companies may use general information about Your visits to the Website as well as other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to You. If You would like more information about this practice and Your choices as to not having Your information used by these companies, please direct such concerns to the respective company’s administrator or webmaster, as detailed below under the subheading “Targeting Cookies.”</p> <p> <strong> <u>Third-Party Applications</u> </strong> </p> <p>Airy Team may make third party applications available to You through the Website or Services. The information collected by Airy Team when You enable a third-party application is processed under this Privacy Policy. Information collected by the third-party application provider is governed by the provider’s privacy policy(ies).</p> <p> <strong> <u>Information Relating to Children (COPPA)</u> </strong> </p> <p>The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) was passed by the U.S. Congress in November 1998. COPPA provides parents with specific rights regarding their children’s privacy. For additional information and resources on COPPA, please visit the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website. The Airy Team&nbsp;Website and any Software or Services available thereon are not directed at children under 13 years of age and, therefore, COPPA does not apply. However, Airy Team recognizes that children under the age of 13 may potentially access the Website and subscribe to the newsletter, purchase Software and Services, or download software programs. Parents and Legal Guardians may request Airy Team&nbsp;to review, delete or stop the collection of any personally identifiable information of their child(ren). You may do so by contacting Airy Team by email at</p> <p> <strong> <u>Cookies and Web Beacons</u> </strong> </p> <p>The Website uses “cookie” and “web beacon” technology. “Cookies” are short pieces of data generated by a web server that a website stores on a user’s computer. Certain pages on Airy Team’s Website may require the use of a cookie for purposes of keeping information You enter on multiple pages together. Cookies also enable Airy Team to customize the Website and offerings to Your needs and provide You with a better online experience with Airy Team. In addition, cookies are used to:</p> <ul> <li>Measure usage of various pages on Airy Team’s Website to help make Airy Team’s information more pertinent to Your needs and easier for You to access;</li> <li>Identify and categorize the internet webpages from which a visitor came to the Website and in order to observe browsing patterns. and</li> <li>Provide functionality such as online orders, Airy Team Services, and other functionalities that Airy Team believes would be of interest and value to You.</li> </ul> <p>The types of cookies that Airy Team uses are referred to as “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies. Session cookies are temporary and are automatically deleted once You leave the Website. Persistent cookies remain on Your computer hard drive until You delete them. Airy Team does not use cookies to gather information concerning Your visits to other websites, nor ascertain any personally identifiable information about You apart from what You voluntarily provide in your dealings with Airy Team. Cookies do not, under ordinary circumstances, corrupt or damage Your computer, programs, or computer files.</p> <p>In addition, the service providers Airy Team uses to serve and host its advertisements may use session or persistent cookies to track the number of times the Website is accessed and whether the Website was accessed via an advertisement. There are no automatically-placed cookies within these advertisements, a cookie is placed on Your computer only if and when You click on an advertisement. The cookie generated from the advertisement does not contain any personally identifiable information and will remain on Your hard drive until You delete it. Furthermore, Airy Team may use email tracking services in order to receive read receipts and related information when sending emails, however, these services are used by Airy Team for these reasons and not to collect any personal information about You.</p> <p>You may set your browser to block cookies (consult the instructions for Your particular browser on how to do this), although doing so may adversely affect Your ability to perform certain transactions, use certain functionality, and access certain content on Airy Team’s Website.</p> <p>Web beacons are used in combination with cookies to help website operators understand how visitors interact with their websites. A web beacon is typically a transparent graphic image (usually 1-pixel x 1-pixel) that is placed on a website. As opposed to cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, web beacons are embedded invisibly on web pages and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. These web beacons are not tied to personally identifiable information. The use of web beacons allows a website to measure the actions of the visitor opening the page that contains the web beacon. It makes it easier to follow and record the activities of a recognized browser, such as the path of pages visited on a website. Airy Team uses the information provided by web beacons to develop a better understanding of how the Website’s visitors use the Website, and to facilitate those visitors’ interactions with the Website. Airy Team may make the aggregate data obtained from web analytics (including from its third-party analytics providers, if applicable) publicly available. If this data is made available, none of the information will be personally identifying information or potentially-personally identifying information.</p> <p> <strong> <u>Targeting Cookies</u> </strong> </p> <p>Unless You are a Qualified Individual, Airy Team uses targeting cookies to record Your Website visits, the pages You viewed and the hyperlinks You followed. Airy Team may use this information and share it with third parties to make the Website and advertising more relevant to You.</p> <p>Airy Team’s trusted partners, such as Google, help Airy Team to place advertisements on and off the Website, and perform analytics. Please read Airy Team’s trusted partners’ privacy and cookies policies below:</p> <ul> <li>Facebook Privacy Policy</li> <li>Types of Cookies used by Facebook</li> <li>Facebook Ads</li> <li>Google Privacy Policy</li> <li>Types of Cookies used by Google</li> <li>Google Ads (AdSense and AdWords)</li> <li>CJ Affiliate Privacy Policy </li> <li>StackCommerce Privacy Policy </li> </ul> <p>Airy Team uses Google Analytics to analyze Website usage, with a performance cookie, which collects standard internet log and visitor information in an anonymized form. The information collected is transmitted to Google and then used to compile aggregate information on Website use. Airy Team&nbsp;also uses Google Ads to oversee online advertisements and to determine with which advertisements users most frequently click and respond. These cookies remain on Your device even after You have logged out or quit a session. To opt out of being tracked by Google Ads visit Google Ads Help.</p> <p>Airy Team may partner with third-party advertisers to provide information about its goods and services that may be of interest to You. These third-party advertisers may use cookies alone and/or web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect information about You when You use the Website. They may collect information about Your online activities over time and across different websites and other online services. They may use this information to provide You with relevant advertising or other targeted content. These advertising partners do not have access to or use of Your name, address, email address, telephone number or other personally identifiable information from Airy Team, without Your <b>CONSENT</b>. However, said advertising partners may use persistent identifiers to anonymously track Your Internet usage across other websites in their networks beyond the Website. While Airy Team restricts these partners further use of such information, these third parties may, with sufficient data from other sources, be able to personally identify You, unknown to Airy Team. Airy Team may add or change the list of trusted ad partners from time to time and Airy Team encourages You to regularly check this Section for changes. To learn more about how online advertising works visit and read the article “Understanding Online Advertising.”</p> <p>You will be given an opportunity to “opt-in” and select Your preference choices for any items that are optional and which are not prerequisite for Airy Team rendering of Services.</p> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> <i> </i>Licenses The complete list of licenses governing the use or redistribution of our products.Read more</li> <li> <i> </i>Information Upgrade instructions Sales FAQ Activation FAQ</li> <li> <i> </i>Policies Privacy Policy Upgrade Policy Support Policy Refund Policy</li> </ul>© 2000–2023 Airy Team<ul> <li>Terms</li> <li>Privacy</li> <li>Contacts</li> </ul>

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