
Terms of Service

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After downloading or using the app, these terms automatically apply to you. You must ensure that you read them carefully before using the app. You may not copy, modify, extract the source code, or translate the app. The app and its trademarks, copyrights, database rights, and other intellectual properties belong to VeeeVPN.2. Privacy PolicyWe are committed to protecting your privacy and do not collect or browse your historical browsing records, visited addresses, DNS queries, or any content related to our services. During your registration, we collect your email address and payment information, only gathering the information necessary to provide you with the service. Please refer to the Privacy Policy page for details.3. Amendments to TermsWe may update these policies in real-time without prior notice. If you continue to use the service, website, or application after these changes take effect, you agree to the revised terms. You understand and agree that you are obligated to periodically review these terms to stay informed of current rules and obligations. Changes to core terms will be notified in advance through the application or website.4. Refund PolicySVIP and Enterprise package services are non-refundable. VIP packages that comply with the refund policy criteria can apply for a refund, with services immediately suspended upon approval. Typically, refunds will be processed within 3-5 business days. 4.1 Full refunds are available within 15 days of purchasing the service, if the service is unavailable due to our reasons and cannot be solved through technical support, you can apply for a full refund. 4.2 Partial refunds are available if you apply for a refund due to personal reasons. 30% of the original payment amount will be deducted and the remainder will be refunded. 4.3 Services purchased or subscribed in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store are subject to the refund policy of the particular App Store, and you need to contact the App Store to apply to cancel the subscription. The following situations do not qualify for refund services: 4.4 Service purchase exceeding 15 natural days. 4.5 VeeeVPN determines that you’re abusing the refund policy. 4.6 Suspension or termination of services due to violations of Terms of Service.5. Acceptable Use PolicyWhile complying with applicable laws and regulations, and to ensure service quality and fairness to all users, VeeeVPN has established a series of fair use rules: 5.1 Prohibition of using services and products for illegal purposes. 5.2 Prohibition of actions and activities violating the laws of the server's location. 5.3 Prohibition of any unauthorized resale. 5.4 Prohibition of malicious activities such as network attacks, system intrusions, spamming, and infringement of third-party intellectual property. 5.5 Prohibition of resource abuse such as excessive use of shared resources like bandwidth, affecting other users' service quality. (Exception for those who have purchased dedicated bandwidth) 5.6 Providing false or misleading information for account registration or service use. Users must adhere to the fair use policy while using VeeeVPN services or products. VeeeVPN may take immediate actions such as warnings, rectification notices, service suspension, service termination, and may hold violators accountable based on the severity of the violation.6. DisclaimerWe endeavor to avoid interruptions to the services. However, these are provided based on their current availability,, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of any information about the services, or their suitability for any particular purpose. To the fullest extent permitted under the applicable laws, we expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We cannot guarantee that the services will fully meet your needs, or that the services will be continuous, timely, secure, or error-free. You acknowledge and agree that you bear all risks associated with accessing and using our services, and you are responsible for making your own informed decisions regarding their use. The range, speed, server locations, and quality of VPN services may vary. VeeeVPN strives to provide stable and accessible services. However, service availability can be affected by various factors beyond our control, including but not limited to emergencies, failures of third-party services, and issues with transmission lines, equipment, or networks. We may decide to implement service limits, suspend services, terminate accounts, or restrict certain types of usage at our discretion to protect VeeeVPN. Some features of VeeeVPN require an active Internet connection. This can be provided by your Wi-Fi or mobile network provider, but we are not responsible for the app not functioning properly if there is no access to Wi-Fi or any data traffic. Our services and applications may have unknown threats or vulnerabilities, and we will do our best to continuously update them to ensure the security, availability and user experience of our services. Please keep the app updated for the best experience. Users should be responsible for their own information security, such as updating passwords regularly and avoiding sharing sensitive information. We are not legally responsible for any third-party harm or loss that may be caused by the users’ use of the services. When using this service, users shall bear full responsibility if their behavior violates applicable laws or causes damage to any third party. In addition, we are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by users’ violation of the Terms of Service or improper use of the services. 7. Reserved RightsVeeeVPN reserves the right to the final interpretation of this agreement.Last updated on: 27-11-2023About Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us Download Android iPhone/iPad Windows macOS Extensions Router Help FAQ Customer support email: support@veee.clubEnterprise VeeeVPN for Enterprise ©️ 2023 VeeeVPN. All rights reserved. English<i> </i> <ul> <li> 简体中文 </li> <li> 繁體中文 </li> <li> English </li> </ul>

On 2024-05-11 23:51:43 UTC, pederdm000 (2130) Staff wrote:

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