
Privacy policy

Jestes w: Home1 - Privacy policyPrivacy policy<p> <strong>Revas Sp. z o.o. [limited liability company] (hereafter: Revas)</strong> as a service provider in the education sector, considers protection of personal data to be one of the most important aspects of its activity. Therefore, our goal is to duly inform our Users about matters related to the protection of personal data and its processing.</p> <u>The personal data Controller</u> <p>Revas Spółka z o.o. with a registered office in Rzeszów<br> at Wrzesława Romańczuka 3,<br> 35-302 Rzeszów.<br> KRS: 0000638640, NIP: 5170376971, REGON: 365460300<br> e-mail:</p>What does personal data actually mean?<p>Personal data – it means any information allowing to identify a natural person. It may contain data such as: name and surname, identification number, location data, online identification number, but also one or several specific factors determining the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person.</p> <p>The processing of personal data is any activity related to it, e.g. collection, storage, recording, dissemination or otherwise making available, use, erasure or destruction of personal data.</p>Purposes and legal basis for personal data processing<p>Your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:</p> <strong>If you…</strong> <strong>Personal data</strong> <strong>Source of data</strong> <strong>Legal basis</strong> <strong>visit our website</strong>Visiting the website starts an automatic collection of the technical data about the User’s visit, e.g. IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system, etc.We process personal data collected by cookies. More information about cookies and the data they collect can be found at the bottom of the website.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR – legitimate interest of the controller<strong>subscribed to our newsletter</strong>The newsletter service requires providing data such as: name, e-mail address. We can also use the function of checking if the correspondence sent to you was opened, as well as the function of collecting information about the messages you click, both to match in order to best match the content to your interests.We collect the data directly from you when you fill out the newsletter form and use cookies.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR – zgoda na przetwarzanie danych<strong>want to contact us through the contact form</strong>The data contained in the contact form: name, surname, e-mail address will be processed in order to answer the question or price inquiry.We obtain data directly from you when you contact us through e-mail, telephone or traditional post.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR – legitimate interest of the controller<strong>want to know the price of our simulations</strong>The data contained in the contact form: name, surname, e-mail address, institution will be processed in order to answer the price inquiry.We obtain the data directly from you when you contact us through the website.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR –<strong>Follow or comment our Facebook/Instagram/ LinkedIn/Twitter fanpage</strong>We process the data contained on social media if you: follow, comment or react to the content on our fanpage.Facebook and Instagram (Meta Platform Ireland Ltd) is the joint controller of the personal data of the portal users, the data is obtained directly from the portal.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR – legitimate interest of the controller<strong>use our training services</strong>We collect data of trainees, persons representing entities and concluding contracts in order to organize training, issue certificates and perform the concluded contract.In order to provide our services, we conclude a contract which authorizes us to process the data.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR – performance of the contract<strong>use our Business Simulation Games</strong>We process personal data, e-mail address, place of work/school of the student, telephone number.We process the data provided by users in the registration form in order to perform the contract concluded with the entity / school/institution that purchased a license for the software from us.article 6 sec. 1 of the GDPR – performance of the contractRecipients of personal data<p>Personal data may be shared with entities providing services to us – that is legal services, accounting services, IT services, marketing services, advertising services, logistics and postal services – to the extent necessary to provide services.</p>The right of access to data and User rights<p>According to the GDPR, every User, depending on the purposes and legal basis on which the personal data was collected, has the following rights:</p> <ol> <li>Right of access to data (Article 15 of the GDPR)</li> <li>Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR)</li> <li>Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 of the GDPR)</li> <li>Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)</li> <li>Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR)</li> </ol> <p>In regard to services provided in social media, you can also exercise your rights directly against:</p> <ul> <li>Facebook’a (Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.)</li> <li>Instagram (Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.)</li> <li>Twitter (Twitter, Inc.)</li> <li>LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company)</li> </ul> <p>If you believe that the processing of personal data violates the law, you have also the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.</p>How long do we process personal data ?<ul> <li>for the duration of the license’s contract– in relation to personal data of Business Simulation Games’ users;</li> <li>for the period required by tax law – in relation to personal data associated with the fulfilment of obligations under tax law;</li> <li>until an effective objection has been lodged – in relation to personal data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Controller or for marketing purposes;</li> <li>until the consent is withdrawn or the purpose of processing is achieved – in relation to personal data processed on the basis of consent;</li> <li>until they become outdated or lose their usefulness – in relation to personal data processed mainly for analytical and statistical purposes, the use of cookies and administration of the Controller’s pages.</li> </ul>Safeguards<p>Our website employs safety measures in order to protect all personal data remaining under control of our Controller against loss, unauthorised processing and alteration. The Controller has also implemented an internal Personal Data Protection Policy in order to ensure the personal data are adequately protected in accordance with the applicable rules and norms and in particular:</p> <ol> <li>Only authorized employees or associates of the Controller have direct access to personal data collected by the Controller,</li> <li>The Controller represents that by commissioning other entities to provide services, he/she requires maintenance of adequately high standards for the protection of personal data, signing of relevant entrustment contracts, in which the partners confirm the application of the standards and the right to audit the compliance of their activities with these standards,</li> <li>The Controller applies a high level of security, including cryptographic protection for the transmission of personal data (the SSL protocol),</li> <li>Due to the public nature of the Internet, the use of services provided by electronic means may entail certain risks, regardless of due diligence exercised by the Controller.</li> </ol>How do we use the information obtained?Providing, improving and developing our services.<p>The availability of this information allows us to maintain the Services, personalize the content and suggest various solutions to Users, because our understanding of how users use elements of the services and resources that are of interest to them is contingent upon the information collected. We also use the information we collect to offer various types of facilitations and suggestions.</p>Display and monitoring of ads and services<p>We use the information we have available to improve our advertising and measuring systems which, in turn, is intended to display ads that are of interest to the User, both within and outside the website, as well as to measure the effectiveness and scope – of both ads and services.</p>Cookies (and other similar technologies) Policy<p>Cookies are small text files stored on the User’s computer or other mobile device when they use the websites. These files are used, among others, for various functions provided on the website or to confirm whether the User has seen a specific content from the given website.</p> <ol> <li>In relation to providing the content of websites, we use the so-called cookies.</li> <li>When entering the Website for the first time, you may consent to our cookies or take other actions indicated in the message in order to be able to continue using the Website. By using the Website, you consent, if you do not consent – leave the Website.</li> <li>You can change your browser’s settings, disable or delete cookies. In the “help” tab in your browser you will find instructions about how to do this.</li> <li>Disabling or changing cookie settings may affect some of the functionalities of the website.</li> <li>Lack of changes in the settings means you consent to the use of cookies.</li> </ol> <p>We use two cookies types:</p> <ol> <li>performance cookies (they collect information such as the way visitors use the website, the most visited pages, error messages, etc.),</li> <li>functional cookies (save user settings, language, consents, etc.), such as:<ul> <li>Google Analytics – they are used to analyze and measure how users use our services. You will find more information about the Google Analytics service here:,</li> <li>Facebook – they are used to analyze and measure how users use our services. You will find more information about the Facebook service here:,</li> <li>Session cookies – these are temporary pieces of information stored in the browser’s memory until the end of the session, i.e. closing it.</li> </ul> </li> </ol>Information contained in access logs<p>Similarly to most of Internet services publishers, we collect information about the use of the websites by users and their IP addresses, based on the analysis of access logs. This information is used for technical purposes related to the administration of the servers of our websites, as well as for statistical purposes, for the demographic analysis of users.</p>How to contact us?<p>If you have any questions or concerns about how we process personal data, you can contact us through:<br> e-mail:<br> by post: Revas sp. z o.o.<br> ul. Wrzesława Romańczuka 3<br> 35-302 Rzeszów<br> Poland</p>Amendments to the Privacy Policy<p>The Privacy Policy can be amended. The most current version of the Policy will govern our use of information and such version will always be available at.<br></p>

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