Hodder Education

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy <p>When you visit our website or use our apps we may send your browser a cookie. A cookie is a small file placed on your computer or mobile phone's browser that helps us recognise you when you return to our website or to the app and can tell us whether or not you've visited the site before. Your browser will tell us if you have these cookies, and if you don't, we may generate new ones. Cookies contain information which is transferred to your computer’s hard drive.<br> <br> You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies or to alert you when a website sets or uses cookies. You can disable cookies from our site at any time - all modern browsers allow you to change your cookies settings, and these settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser. Please note, this may prevent areas of a website from working as intended.<br> <br> The cookies we use are:<br> <br> <strong>Essential cookies: </strong>these are required for us to operate the website. They include cookies that permit you to store items in an online shopping cart. allow you to log into secure parts of our site or make use of e-payment services.<br> <br> <strong>Analytical/performance cookies</strong>: They allow us to recognise you and to count the number of visitors to our website and to &nbsp;see how visitors move around our website. It improves the performance of our website &nbsp;by ensuring that visitors can find what they are searching for easily and to speed up your searches.<br> <br> <strong>Analytics &amp. data collection cookies</strong>: Our website uses third party technologies to help us gather aggregate information about the user experience. The Site uses analytics tools (Google Analytics). Because of this, the web browsers used by our visitors automatically send certain information to Google. This includes, for example, the web address of the page that you’re visiting and your IP address. Google may also set cookies on your browser or read cookies that are already there. We do not share any of this information with any other third parties.<br> <br> The information we collect allows us to better tailor our web experience to the interests of our visitors. This information may be used in aggregate form by Hachette to assess general user interest in our Site and the content on it. No personally identifying information is included in this type of reporting.<br> <br> <strong>Functionality cookies</strong>: these allow us to recognise you when you return to the website after your first visit. It helps us to personalise content, to greet you by name and remember your preferences (such as language or country). They are used for statistical purposes.&nbsp;<br> <br> <strong>Targeting advertisements cookies</strong>: These cookies record your visit to the website, links you have followed and pages you have visited. We will use this information to target information on our website and advertisements displayed on the website more relevant to your interests. We may share this information with third parties and other social media such as Facebook, Instagram for this purpose. Cookie profiling, also called web profiling, is the use of persistent or permanent cookies to track a user’s overall activity online.&nbsp;<br> When used in conjunction with our advertising services, such as those using the DoubleClick cookie, Google Analytics information is linked, by the Google Analytics customer or by Google, using Google technology, with information about visits to multiple sites.<br> <br> The following table explains which cookies we may use and why:</p> &nbsp. Cookie Name Function Description Duration anonymousbasketid Required (Functionality/ Ecommerce) Tracks the current shopping cart that a user is populating to ensure that the site can continue to process an order throughout many different page loads. 30000 days ASP.NET_SessionId Required (Functionality) Stores the unique session ID provided to the user by the website. Session .ASPXFORMSAUTH Required (Functionality) Stores the user's encrypted authentication ticket when using forms authentication. Session BIGipServer* Required<br> (Functionality/<br> Environment) Persistence cookie that tracks the IP addresses used by the client machine in order to maintain server state. Load balancer cookie. Session CMSCsrfCookie Required (Functionality/ Security) Stores a security token that the system uses to validate all form data submitted via POST requests. Helps protect against CSRF (cross site request forgery). Session CMSPreferredCulture Functionality/ Content Tracks which culture a user has stated as their preference for functional content (for products and location specific functionality). 1 year CMSPreferredUICulture Functionality/ Content Tracks which culture a user has stated as their preference for text content (for languages and translations). 1 year cookieconsent_dismissed Cookie Policy Stores a value to indicate that the user has acknowledged and dismissed the cookie consent bar, so that they are not shown it again. 3 months _ga* Analytics Google analytics cookies: keep track of the current user and their activity on the site. Various (2 days - 2 years) JSESSIONID Analytics Used by a New Relic analytics script to track the user’s session. Session Rising Stars Only _hjIncludedInSample Analytics Hotjar cookie that indicates that a user is being tracked as part of a sample of the websites audience. Session NodePreferences Analytics Stores a value tracking how many times a user has visited any given page on the site. 1 month fr Analytics Facebook tracking cookie, contains session data for the Facebook analytics used on the site. 1 month &nbsp. Our website may include links to third party websites, plug-ins and applications. By clicking on those links or enabling these connections you may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these websites and are not responsible for their privacy policies. Please ensure that you read the privacy policies on any such external websites.<br> <br> To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been placed on our web site and how to manage and delete them, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org.<br> <br> If you do not agree with the described use of the cookies on this website or app and do not wish to disable cookies, we respectfully ask that you do not use this website or app.<br> &nbsp. <br> The Hodder Education, Hodder Education Singapore, Rising Stars and Galore Park websites store&nbsp;tiny amounts of data on your hard disk, which is set automatically by our Content Management System or Google Analytics or by clicking on our 'send to a friend' button. &nbsp. Our cookies do not collect personally identifiable data or track your web-browsing beyond our websites, and they cannot read data from your hard disk or cookies from other sites. &nbsp. In accordance with the UK's implementation of Article 5(3) of the EU's e-Privacy Directive on cookies, details of which can be found here, please find below a list of cookies used by the Hodder Education site, and their purpose. &nbsp. &nbsp. <strong>Digital Platform Cookies</strong> &nbsp. Click on the links below for information on the&nbsp;cookies used on each of our digital platforms. &nbsp. <ul> <li>MARK Cookies</li> <li>OpenPage Cookies</li> <li>Rising Stars Question Bank Cookies</li> <li>OCR Exam Bank Cookies</li> <li>Eastern Caribbean Assessment Bank Cookies</li> <li>SNAP Cookies</li> <li>Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning: Surveys and Strategies Cookies</li> <li>Passport Cookies</li> </ul> &nbsp. <strong>Content Management System Cookies</strong> <br> &nbsp. <p>The Content Management System, Kentico tracks all visitors to the website (users) by placing a cookie with a unique identifier into the user’s browser. Kentico can track a number of activities that a user performs on the site including page visits, purchasing activity, searches and participation in community features such as discussion boards. Users are typically tracked anonymously, but the EMS has the ability to associate personal data with the tracking data as and when personal data is supplied by the user. Tracking data for anonymous users is typically deleted if the user ceases to interact with the website for a period of time.<br> &nbsp;</p> <strong>Names</strong> <ul> <li>CMSPreferredCulture</li> <li>CurrentVisitStatus</li> <li>ViewMode</li> <li>VisitorStatus</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Description</strong> </p> &nbsp. These cookies are automatically set by our content-management system and most are not actually used. CMSPreferredCulture refers to the language of the site (British English). ViewMode tells us that you are on the live site. VisitorStatus describes whether this is your first visit to the site. &nbsp. More information regarding Google Analytics cookies <strong>Names</strong> &nbsp. <ul> <li>_utma</li> <li>_utmb</li> <li>_utmc</li> <li>_utmz</li> </ul> <strong>Description</strong> &nbsp. These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from, and the pages they visited. &nbsp. Send to a friend button <strong>Name</strong> <ul> <li>_atuvc</li> </ul> <strong>Description</strong> &nbsp. The __atuvc cookie is created and read by the AddThis social sharing site JavaScript on the client side in order to make sure the user sees the updated count if they share a page and return to it before our share count cache is updated. No data from that cookie is sent back to AddThis and removing it when disabling cookies would cause unexpected behavior for users.<br> &nbsp.

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