
Student Privacy Notice

unifrog<i> </i> Toggle navigation <i> </i> <i> </i> <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>About</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Events</li> <li>Case studies</li> <li>Jobs</li> <li>Contact</li> <li>Sign in<i> </i> </li> </ul> Student Privacy Notice <p>Hi there, we’re Unifrog Education Limited and this is our privacy notice for you to read so you can see what we do with your information on our website and our platform. </p> <p>This is really important: if you are under 13, please check that your parent or guardian is happy for you to use our website and our platform.</p> <p>When you use our platform, just make sure you only upload information that you or your teachers need, don’t upload any other information about you or anyone else that isn’t relevant to your education or future plans for study or training. </p> <p>We are responsible for how your information is used on the Unifrog website and platform, so if you want to get in touch with us about this for any reason, you can contact us by email or you can write to us at:</p> <p>info@unifrog.org <br> Unifrog, Brickfields, Unit 215, 37 Cremer Street E2 8HD</p> <p>This privacy notice is only for Unifrog’s website and platform. If you click on any links on our website to another website, you will need to check their privacy notice to find out what they do with your information. </p> <p>You will be using our platform to help you with your education and your preparation for future jobs and applications. Your teachers will also be using the platform and they will be able to communicate with you and look at the information and comment on it. This privacy notice tells you how we collect and use the information we hold about you. </p> 1. Information we collect about you <p> <strong>1.1 The information we receive from you.</strong> </p> <p>When you use our platform you will give us the following information:</p> <ul> <li>your name, email address, date of birth, postcode and your username and password (gender is optional);</li> <li>the name of your school and the closest city to your school;</li> <li>information about your schoolwork;</li> <li>any information you put on the platform about your experiences and information you want to put into future applications;</li> <li>details of what and where you might want to study in the future. </li> <li>your essays, CV and personal statement for university applications;</li> <li>details of other people that you put on the platform, e.g. referees or people you send your CV to (you must get their consent before giving us that information). and</li> <li>any information you give us after you have left school (e.g. your further education or employment). </li> </ul> <p>You may also upload information about your interests, hobbies, activities, work experience placements and other information that is relevant to your use of the platform.</p> <p>We will also collect information about when and how you use the website and the platform, e.g. the pages you visit and any links you access and information about which town or village you are in when you use the platform, as well as other technical information e.g. about the type of device you use, your IP address and network information. Most of this information is then anonymised so it cannot be linked to you. </p> <p>We use cookies to get some of this information. Cookies are small files of data that operate on our website. If you would like more information about these, you can look at our Cookie Policy here</p> <p> <strong>1.2 Information we receive from your school. </strong> </p> <p>Your school will also upload information about you to our platform about your education, performance, further education and career opportunities.&nbsp. </p> <p>Your school might also include ethnic and disability information, whether you have any special educational needs and any other details that might affect the way you learn, for the school’s internal reporting.&nbsp. We might make this information anonymous (so that you can’t be identified) and add it to a statistical report about how different groups of students use our platform and what they go on to do after they leave school.&nbsp;&nbsp. </p> <p>Your school may tell us what course or job you do after you leave school.</p> 2. How we use your information <p> <strong>2.1 When we use your information.</strong> </p> <p>We use the information we have listed in the section above:</p> <ul> <li>when we have asked you, and you have agreed. or</li> <li>where we think it is fair for us to use it.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>2.2 Why we use your information.</strong> </p> <p>We use your information to:</p> <ul> <li>help you use our website and our platform securely and send information to you so that you can use the platform. </li> <li>work out how students use our website and platform (including different student groups) so that we can improve our service;</li> <li>make suggestions to you about what you might like to see and what might interest you;</li> <li>enable your teachers to see your progress, and to communicate with you, and so your school can decide how the platform can work better for future students;</li> <li>to reply to any questions you might have and to obtain your views. and</li> <li>make sure that we run our website and platform properly and lawfully.</li> </ul> 3. Sharing your information <p>We share your information with:</p> <ul> <li>other companies who help us run our business and operate our website and our platform;</li> <li>your teachers and your school so that you can talk to each other on the platform about your schoolwork, your experiences and interests.&nbsp. If you agree, your school might see information you give us after you have left school. </li> <li>other teachers, e.g. your school might put information on the platform that only other teachers can see (but if you want to see it you can ask us - we talk about that more under Your rights below);</li> <li>companies who help us run surveys about your use of our platform.</li> </ul> 4. Where we keep your information <p>We are based in England.&nbsp. If your school is in the UK or Europe, we will keep all of your information in the UK or Europe. If your school is outside Europe, we will transfer your information safely when we send it back to you or your school. </p> <p> If you choose to complete a survey on our platform where we use the third party SurveyMonkey, SurveyMonkey will transfer your information to the US and store it there.&nbsp. Information is not protected in the US in the same way as it is in the UK/EU, so SurveyMonkey have agreed that they will increase the protection for your information. </p> <p> We make sure your information is safe and secure and keep your account open for as long as you use the platform. If you don’t use the platform for 4 years we will delete your account.</p> 5. Who else may collect my information? <p>When using our platform, you may come across links to other websites that are not controlled by Unifrog e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox which let you upload items to our platform, and SurveyMonkey, mentioned above. </p> <p> If you choose to use these websites or apps, they may use their own cookies to collect information about your use of our platform and their website. They might also use cookies to find out your device’s location and send you marketing information. You should check their privacy notices and cookie policies to find out more. <strong> </strong> </p> 6. Your rights <p>You normally have these rights:</p> <ul> <li>to ask us to delete your information, to correct it if it’s wrong, to transfer it, or to ask us to stop doing something with the information we hold about you;</li> <li>to ask us not to send things to you, or change your mind if you have agreed that we can do something with your information (e.g. sending you our newsletters). and</li> <li>to make a complaint to the office that protects these rights in the UK (or where you live if you’re somewhere else in Europe). In the UK it is the Information Commissioner’s Office (www.ico.org.uk). </li> </ul> <p>If you decide you no longer want to receive our newsletters or notifications you can contact us (see below) or you can change your settings on the platform. </p> <p>info@unifrog.org<br> Brickfields, Unit 215, 37 Cremer Street E2 8HD</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We might update this privacy notice from time to time. </p> <ul> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> </ul> <p>© Unifrog 2024 | Company number: 08231699 | VAT number: 160 4858 06 | uA </p>

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