
Third party subcontractors

Annex 4 to DPA Third party subcontractors <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The following list contains all of the subcontractors that WeVideo uses which collects user data.</p> <p>At minimum, policies/DPAs with our subcontractors must be reviewed annually to ensure they continue to meet our privacy requirements.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Name Purpose Collected Data Contains Student Data? Amazon Web Services <p>Infrastructure and functionality for WeVideo. App server, file storage, database, delivery and more. </p> <p>Name, email address, device metadata (ip address), user generated content </p> <p>Yes </p> Hubspot <p>CRM &amp. Email campaigns (including incident response) </p> <p>Name, email address, marketing related usage tracking. </p> <p>No, students are opted out. </p> Mixpanel <p>Analytics </p> <p>Email address (if not student), user activity within application (features used, etc) </p> <p>No, anonymized data. </p> Zendesk <p>Customer Support </p> <p>Email address, and anything the user opts into </p> <p>No, unless student opts in. </p> Google Analytics <p>Analytics </p> <p>Device metadata (ip address) </p> <p>No </p> Google Tag Manager (facebook, bing, linkedin, pinterest, twitter, yandex, disqus, addthis, doubleclick.net) <p>Managing cookies </p> <p>Device metadata (ip address) </p> <p>No </p> Fullstory <p>Analytics </p> <p>User session activity </p> <p>No </p> PayPal <p>Handling self service (non purchase order) subscriptions. </p> <p>PCI compliant data for processing payment and managing subscription (email address, payment info) </p> <p>No (unless user signs up for non EDU personal plan) </p> Stripe <p>Handling self service (non purchase order) subscriptions. Credit card payments for POs. </p> <p>PCI compliant data for processing payment and managing subscription (email address, payment info) </p> <p>No (unless user signs up for non EDU personal plan) </p> Baremetrics <p>Payment analysis, expired card notification </p> <p>Email address </p> <p>No (unless user signs up for non EDU personal plan) </p> Salesforce <p>CRM software </p> <p>Information on leads, quotes </p> <p>No </p> TrackJS <p>Error tracking </p> <p>Error logs (anonymized) </p> <p>No </p> sentry.io <p>Error tracking </p> <p>Error logs (anonymized) </p> <p>No </p> Google Play Store <p>Handling self service (non purchase order) Android subscriptions. </p> <p>PCI compliant data for processing payment and managing subscription (email address, payment info)</p> <p>No (unless user signs up for non EDU personal plan) </p> Apple App store <p>Handling self service (non purchase order) iOS subscriptions. </p> <p>PCI compliant data for processing payment and managing subscription </p> <p>No (unless user signs up for non EDU personal plan) </p> Storyblocks <p>Stock media library </p> <p>Media usage </p> <p>No </p> Impact <p>Affiliate program </p> &nbsp. <p>No </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Non user facing (user will never be subject to this via any cookie, visit or app etc, but could contain data for example if it was breached) </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Name <p>Purpose </p> <p>Collected Data </p> <p>Google Workplace (Alphabet) </p> <p>Enterprise solution (email, etc) </p> <p>Potentially PII is stored here from email communication or perhaps forms/documents in Drive </p> <p>Atlassian </p> <p>Development and issue tracker </p> <p>Generally userid’s are used here instead of PII, but there are cases where it is relevant and could be exposed in a breach. </p> <p>Slack </p> <p>Company communication </p> <p>Potentially PII is stored here from chat communication. </p> <p>Github </p> <p>Code hosting platform for version control and collaboration </p> <p>Very unlikely there is any PII here but it’s good to mention. </p> <p>Tableu </p> <p>Data visualization and data analytics tool </p> <p>BI </p> <p>Intacct </p> <p>Accounting software </p> <p>Invoice information, accounts receivable/payable contact (email address) </p> <p>Groove </p> <p>Salesforce email add on that holds customer and lead information </p> <p>PII like names, emails etc </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Change Notification Request</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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