Tizen Project

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. <p>We require that you provide some personal information, to allow us to provide the services we do to the users of Tizen.org, and to improve Tizen.org. The type of information we collect, how we use it, and what choices you have, are detailed in this policy.</p> Information Collection and Use <p>We collect the information you provide when you register for an account or complete an information request form.</p> <p>We use this information to satisfy your requests for further information, to customize our responses and our future communication with you, and to contact you, regarding development and events in the projects or areas of Tizen.org that you have expressed interest in, or in Tizen.org, in general.</p> <p>We make every effort to allow you to opt-in and opt-out of receiving messages from Tizen.org. However, if you are receiving messages from us and cannot find a way to unsubscribe, please contact us at info@Tizen.org.</p> Information Sharing <p>We will not release your personal information to anyone by any method, including selling, renting, or sharing, unless:</p> <ul> <li>you grant us permission</li> <li>we are required to do so by law</li> </ul> <p>We will not share personal identification information data, either for single individuals or groups, with any parties, including those affiliated with Tizen.org, such as members or sponsors.</p> How We Use Cookies <p>This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small amount of text data, sent from our webserver to your browser, and stored on your device. The cookie is sent back to the webserver each time the browser connects to this site. We use cookies to personalize the site and to streamline your interaction with the site.</p> <p>It may be possible to configure your browser to refuse cookies, or to ask you to accept each time a cookie is offered. If you choose to not&nbsp;accept cookies, areas of this site may have reduced functionality or performance.</p> <p>Software on our servers, or third party web statics services, may store your IP address&nbsp;and other information passed on by your browser (such as browser version, operating system, screen size, language, etc). Tizen.org and/or third party services will aggregate this information to provide usage&nbsp;statistics for this website. We use this information to optimize the design, structure, and performance of this site. In particular, we use Google Analytics to provide usage statistics. For more information, read the Google Analytics Privacy Policy.</p> Data Security <p>Tizen.org is committed to the security of your personal information. We train those who work on Tizen.org on this privacy policy. On our site, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to protect your personal information&nbsp;by encrypting your information when you send it to Tizen.org.</p> Public Forum Content <p>Tizen.org makes&nbsp;communication forums&nbsp;available to its users such as mail lists, blogs, and others. Be aware that any information or messages you share in these forums becomes public information immediately. Exercise caution in determining whether to disclose any of your personal information. Tizen.org is an open source web site, intended to encourage creative thinking and free expression. However, Tizen.org reserves the right to act as necessary to preserve the integrity of the site and its forums, including removing any and all posts deemed vulgar or inappropriate.</p> Children's Online Privacy <p>Regarding children under the age of 13, Tizen.org does not knowingly:</p> <ul> <li>accept personal information from them</li> <li>allow them to become registered members of our web site</li> </ul> Updates to this Privacy Policy <p>We may update this policy. We will contact you if we make any substantial changes in how we use your personal information.</p> <p>This privacy policy was last updated on September 27, 2011.</p> Contact Information <p>If you have any questions about this privacy policy itself&nbsp;or on how we use personal information on Tizen.org, please contact us at info@Tizen.org.</p> <ul> <li>Print</li> </ul>

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