Other Things in General

Privacy Policy

Other things&nbsp;<em>in</em>&nbsp;general Other things&nbsp;<em>in</em>&nbsp;general Privacy policy and other ethical considerations Privacy policy:&nbsp;I don’t know who you are <ul> <li>I don’t use browser cookies. I also don’t use any other means to collect information about visitors to the website. This means I don’t know who you are. I don’t know that you’ve been here. I don’t know what you did here. And I don’t know where you’ll go next. In other words I don’t have any information about you that I can ponder or that I can sell or give to anybody else. I fantasize that you are intelligent and beautiful and kind and funny, but I have no data to support the fantasy.</li> <li>Other than&nbsp;the company who charge me for server space, I don’t use any third-party services to engineer this website. This way I don’t give access — advertently or inadvertently &nbsp;— to other companies so that they can gather information about visitors to the web site. I don’t use Google Fonts, I don’t use Google Analytics, I don’t embed videos from YouTube, I don’t add Facebook buttons for you to “share” or “like.”</li> <li>Here is one thing I can <em>not</em> control: You choose yourself how you visit this web site, and I’m guessing you’re using a web browser. Your browser likely stores information about your visit to this website, and how you behave on it, how long you stay, which pages you look at, and so on. This information is then sent to the company who gave you the browser for “free,” and they then sell that information to whoever pays. You are insignificant, but added up — all information on all internet users — is big business. Somebody’s rolling in the money they make from these types of things. I’m not.</li> </ul>Other ethical considerations: I’ll keep it light <ul> <li>I try to keep the pages light: I try to keep code light, images light, everything light. If pages are too heavy, it means they need more fuel than they ought to in order to reach you. If we all try to make our footprints smaller (at least those of us whose footprints are too big), we — humankind, that is — will use less resources than we do now. This would be better.</li> </ul> <p>I’m putting my shoulder to the wheel.</p> <p>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p> <p>Privacy policy and other ethical considerations | Bibliography </p>

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