
Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY,United Communications and its affiliates (“United”) are dedicated to providing you with a broad spectrum of services ,such asdigital TV, high-speed internet, long distance, and local service, as well as a superior customer experience. We ,are committed to protecting customer privacy, and abide by the privacy rules mandated by the Federal Communications ,Commission (FCC) and other federal and state oversight agencies. The protection of your personal information is ,important to us and we takethis responsibility seriously as a key to earning and maintaining yourtrust. ,Collection of Information–At the time that a customer like you orders or changes service, United will collect certain ,information that enables us to identify you correctly, provide you with the desired service, and bill and collect our ,charges for the services you take. This information includes, but is not limited to, your name, address, social security ,number, employer, day time contact number, credit card or bank account numbers, credit information, and email ,addresses. If we provide local or long distance telecommunications services to you, we collect certain call and service ,information known as Consumer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) which is defined separatelybelow and which is ,regulated extensively by the FCC. Finally, if you use our high-speed internetor information services (such as our Internet ,access services) or visit our websites, we may collect certain information such as your IP addresses, click information, ,and domain, and may use “cookies” or other technologies to allow us to customize our offerings to you. By subscribing ,to our service and/or using our website, you agree to our collection of your personal information.,Use of your Information–United will provide any of your information to a law enforcement or national security agency ,if it is requested from us by an appropriate court order, warrant, subpoena, or other lawful device.,United will also use your relevant information to provide youwith the services that you have requested, communicate ,with you when necessary or useful to maintain the desired quality of your services, respond to your inquiries and ,complaints, and locate and repair any problems or outages with respect to your servicethat come to our attention.,United is entitled to, and will, use any of your information to bill and collect for our services (including collection by ,agents), to investigate and resolve billing disputes, to enforce our Terms and Conditions of Service andour Acceptable ,Use Policy, and to prevent or fight fraud against our company, our customers and other carriers. ,United may aggregate your information with that of some or all of its other customers to manage and improve our ,network. In such cases, your information will be combined with the information of many other customers, and would be ,used in a manner that does not identify you.,United understands that certain personal information such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers and bank ,account information is susceptible to identity theft. United uses that information only for service, billing and collection ,purposes, does not share it with any third parties (other than collection agents), and employs its best efforts to ,safeguard it from theft. ,United will use CPNI in the manner set forth separately below.,Accessing your Confidential Personal Information–If you or your Authorized User contacts us by phone, you will be ,asked your name and Personal Identification Number (PIN) (if PIN protected, otherwise you will be asked for other ,information to verify your identity). In the business office, a photo id will validate a person’s identity when requesting ,account information.,Customer Propriety Network Information (CPNI) –CPNI is defined by federal statute to mean: (1) information that ,relates to the quantity, technical configuration, type, destination, location , and amount of use of a telecommunications ,service subscribed to by any customer of a telecommunications carrier, and that is made available to the carrier by the ,customer solely by virtue of the carrier customer relationship. and (2) information contained in the bills pertaining to ,telephone exchange service or telephone toll service received by a customer of a carrier. Use of CPNI ismandated by ,federal law and United is required to comply.,United may use CPNI without your consent in a manner consistent with applicable law to: (1) initiate, render, bill, and ,collect for our service. (2) market services among the categories of service to which you already subscribe. (3) provide ,inside wiring services. (4) provide maintenance, help desk, and technical support services. (5) protect our rights and ,enforce our Acceptable Use Policy and General Terms and Conditions. and (6) provide inbound marketing and customer ,services during customer calls.,Further, after providing you with the required notice and opportunity to “opt-out”, we may use your CPNI, in a manner ,consistent with applicable law.,United takes reasonable precautions to safeguard and protect against risks of loss and unauthorized access, destruction, ,use, modification and disclosure of Confidential Personal Information.,Contact Us –United welcomes any questions our customers may have regarding Confidential Personal Information. It is ,our intent to protect our customer’s information as well as keep them well informed of the services and new ,technologies that we offer. ,If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, please make them in writing to United Communications c/o Confidential ,Personal Information, P.O. Box 38, Chapel Hill, TN 37034 or call 1-800-779-2227.,Other –United reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time.If we make material changes, we ,will use reasonable effort to notify you via a bill message or other communication approximately 30 days prior to the ,effective date of the changes. Changes to the Privacy Policyare considered effective immediately andwill be posted on ,the website. It is the user’s responsibility to stay current.,Last Updated –May 1, 2013

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