
Privacy policy

Menu <ul> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>GDPR</li> <li>Cookies</li> </ul> 2018-04-29 Privacy Policy <p>In this section we will explain what happens with your data if you use/sign up on IsThereAnyDeal, what we store, whether we share it and how you can manage your data.</p> When you visit, sign up or otherwise use the site <p>We may collect neccessary personally identifiable information (PII). Take a look at GDPR section for a detailed break down of what data do we collect and why do we need them.</p> Cookies <p>We use cookies. You can read what cookies we use and what for in Cookies section.</p> Sharing data <p>We are not sharing any PII to anyone. We are not selling away your emails nor any other data that could identify you. We may share aggregate data though, like how many users have Waitlisted given game (which are currently also accessible for everyone on game info pages) or statistical data about website such as number of registered users or how many visits we get.</p> Deleting data <p>You may decide that you no longer want to use IsThereAnyDeal and that's totally fine. You can remove your account at any time unless you have created an app. If you have an app, you have to delete apps first. For more info about what happens with your data after you delete your account and about your right to erasure, please read GDPR section</p>

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