Clever Cloud

Cookie Policy

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Questions? <ul> <li> Contact </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Pricing </li> <li> Request a Demo </li> </ul> <p>Well, if you need some logos, we provide these:</p> svg png svg png svg png svg png svg&nbsp. &nbsp. png Home | Cookie Policy <p>Legal Information</p> Cookie Policy Last updated on: 2022-05-25 Legal Notice General Terms and Conditions of Use Acceptable Use Policy Clever Cloud Premium Services Policy Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Data Processing Agreement (DPA) Security What is a cookie? <p>A cookie is a small file stored by a server in the terminal (computer, telephone, etc.) of a user and associated by your browser with a web domain (i.e. in most cases with all the pages of a single website). This file is automatically sent back during ulterior contacts with the same domain (as defined by the french national authority). They can be used to store useful information during your navigation, so you don’t have to log in at each new page, or to memorize the content of a shopping cart for example. On some websites, cookies can also record information related to the visitor’s behavior such as the language chosen, the number of pages visited, or the duration of the visit.&nbsp;</p> Cookies on Clever Cloud’s website <p>Clever Cloud may place cookies on your browser, either directly when they are technically necessary for the Platform to work properly or with regard to the legitimate interests of Clever Cloud to analyze the performance of the Platform, or with your consent for its marketing interests. The list of cookies that may be used is detailed below.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong> <em>The different categories of cookies used on Clever Cloud’s website</em> </strong> </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Strictly necessary or essential cookies</strong> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and services. For example, they allow us to keep track of the language used on all the pages of the site. The visitor’s consent is not required for these cookies.&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Feature cookies</strong> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies are used to optimize the navigation on the website or to turn on certain features of the website. For technical and commercial support purposes, Clever Cloud uses an external messaging tool integrated to its platform. Thus, Crisp places cookies that can restore the chat session between the customer and the technical team. These are third-party cookies and are therefore subject to Crisp’s own privacy policy, available at;</p> <strong>Name of the cookie</strong> <strong>Purpose of the cookie</strong> <strong>Description of the cookie</strong> <strong>Data retention period</strong> <strong>First-party or third-party cookies</strong> <strong>Need for the visitor’s consent</strong> <em>wp-wpml_current_language</em>Functional (language)It keeps track of the language chosen by the visitor.The duration of the browsing sessionFirst-partyNo<em>Crisp</em>Functional (messaging)It keeps track of the conversation between the client and the technical support team, in order to maintain the exchange throughout the navigation on the website.&nbsp;6 monthsThird-party (Crisp)NoDetails of essential and/or feature cookies used on Clever Cloud’s website <ul> <li> <strong>Performance analysis cookies</strong> </li> </ul> <p>In order to analyze the traffic on its website, Clever Cloud hosts on its servers the Matomo Analytics tool (formerly Piwik), which keeps and processes the relevant data. The cookies collected and processed allow us to make audience measurements and pseudonymous statistics on the behavior of the visitors of the website. No data that could identify a visitor is collected and this data is used only by Clever Cloud for its own website, in the legitimate interest of Clever Cloud to count its users and analyze their use of the site.&nbsp;</p> <strong>Name of the cookie</strong> <strong>Purpose of the cookie</strong> <strong>Description of the cookie</strong> <strong>Data retention period</strong> <strong>First-party or third-party cookies</strong> <strong>Need for the visitor’s consent</strong> <em>_pk_id.1.1191</em>Statistical analysisAnalysis of website visits13 monthsFirst-partyNo<em>_pk_ref.1.1191</em>Statistical analysisAnalysis of website visits6 monthsFirst-partyNo<em>_pk_ses.1.1191</em>Statistical analysisAnalysis of website visits30 minutesFirst-partyNoDetails of the performance analysis cookies used on Clever Cloud’s <ul> <li> <strong>Cookies for targeted advertising or “social media”</strong> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies and pixels are used to offer personalized and more relevant advertisements for the visitor. They are third-party cookies. Therefore, they fall under the cookie policy of the third party that places them. Twitter’s cookie policy is available at Moreover, they are only placed with the visitor’s consent.&nbsp;</p> <strong>Name of the cookie</strong> <strong>Purpose of the cookie</strong> <strong>Description of the cookie</strong> <strong>Data retention period</strong> <strong>First-party or third-party cookies</strong> <strong>Need for the visitor’s consent</strong> <em>muc_ads</em>AdvertisingIt stores information about the visitor in order to provide more relevant ads.2 yearsThird-party (Twitter)Yes<em>personalization_id</em>AdvertisingThrough its content sharing button, Twitter collects information about user behavior and preferences to better target its advertising.2 yearsThird-party (Twitter)YesDetails of the marketing cookies used on Clever Cloud’s website Managing cookies <p>If you still wish to prevent the placement of feature or performance analysis cookies, you can delete or block them. However, this will make navigation on the website more difficult and some services won’t be offered.&nbsp;</p> <p>In order to maintain an optimal experience on Clever Cloud’s website, you can delete the cookies placed on your browser at the end of your browsing session.</p> Exercising your rights <p>In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have, among other rights, the right to access your personal data, the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data and the right to erase your data.&nbsp;</p> <p>To exercise these rights or to learn more about it, please consult the Privacy Policy.&nbsp;</p> Manage Cookies Preferences DateComments2022-05-25n/a <p>Deploy with the <br> <b>Utmost Tools</b> </p> Ask for a demo Try for free Cultivate developer efficiency. Safeguard every stage. Transform the way teams collaborate.<br> <b>Get in touch with our sales teams or try Clever Cloud today.</b> <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Offers and Pricing <ul> <li> Solutions </li> <li> Pricing </li> <li> Products </li> </ul> </li> <li> Legal <ul> <li> Legal Notice </li> <li> General Terms and Conditions of Use </li> <li> Privacy Policy </li> <li> Acceptable Use Policy </li> <li> Premium Services Policy </li> <li> Cookie Policy </li> <li> Clever Cloud Data Processing Agreement </li> </ul> </li> <li> Clever Cloud <ul> <li> Contact </li> <li> Status </li> <li> Blog </li> <li> Documentation </li> <li> About Clever Cloud </li> <li> Jobs </li> <li> GitHub </li> </ul> </li> <li> Social Media <ul> <li> Twitter </li> <li> Linkedin </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Offers and Pricing </li> <li> Legal </li> <li> Clever Cloud </li> <li> Social Media </li> </ul>

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