Clever Cloud

Premium Services Policy

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Questions? <ul> <li> Contact </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Pricing </li> <li> Request a Demo </li> </ul> <p>Well, if you need some logos, we provide these:</p> svg png svg png svg png svg png svg&nbsp. &nbsp. png Home | Premium Services Policy <p>Legal Information</p> Premium Services Policy Last updated on: 2022-02-22 Legal Notice General Terms and Conditions of Use Acceptable Use Policy Clever Cloud Premium Services Policy Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Data Processing Agreement (DPA) Security <p>This Clever Cloud Premium Services Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Premium Policy” or “PSP”) sets forth the terms and conditions applicable exclusively to organizations for which you have specifically elected to subscribe to a “Premium” option. The subscription to such an option is necessarily subject to a specific pricing as specified in the Clever Cloud pricing listing or, failing that, on the purchase order signed by the Customer. The Customer acknowledges that he/she cannot claim to benefit from the conditions set out below for services for which he/she has not requested this specific pricing.</p> 1. Guarantee of Availability 99,99% (SLA) <p> <strong>1.1.</strong> For the services for which the Customer has subscribed to a Premium option, Clever Cloud guarantees the Customer an <strong>availability rate of 99.99% per year</strong> for the entire duration of the Contract, under the conditions set out in the General Terms and Conditions.</p> 2. Maintenance and Premium Support <p> <strong>2.1.</strong> If the Customer subscribes to a Premium Option, the Customer benefits from a telephone assistance service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (known as “Premium Support”) for the organization concerned.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>2.2.</strong> In case of subscription to a Premium option, the Guaranteed Intervention Time (GIT) between the reporting of the incident by the Customer and its handling by the Clever Cloud Support are as follows:</p> <strong>Incident type</strong> <strong>GIT (during working hours)</strong> <strong>GIT (any time)</strong> Critical Incident or Major Incident (1) ≤ 15 minutes ≤ 15 minutes Minor incident ≤ 1 hour n/a (1) The GIT for Critical Incident or Major Incident is only valid if the incident has been declared by phone by calling the dedicated hotline. <p> <strong>2.3.</strong> In case of subscription to a Premium option, and exclusively in this case, the Guaranteed Resolution Time (GRT) between the declaration of the incident by the Customer and its resolution by the Clever Cloud support are the following:</p> <strong>Type of incident</strong> <strong>GTR (during working hours)</strong> <strong>GTR (any time)</strong> Critical Incident or Major Incident ≤ 2 hours ≤ 2 hours Minor incident ≤ 4 hours n/a <p> <strong>2.4.</strong> In the event that Clever Cloud is unable to restore the Platform within the above-mentioned timeframe, the Customer with a Premium Option may request the application of a penalty of 50 times the billable amount (according to Clever Cloud’s price listing) for the services rendered unavailable, over the duration of the unavailability. In any case, these penalties are capped at the billable amount for one month of consumption. These penalties must be claimed to Clever Cloud at the latest 2 (two) months after the declaration of the incident to the Support.</p> <p> <strong>2.5.</strong> Requests to Support sent by email, when they are related to an organization benefiting from a Premium option, are, as far as possible, treated with priority. Therefore, the Customer agrees not to misuse the telephone support mentioned in Article 2.1.</p> Revision History DateComments2022-02-22n/a <p>Deploy with the <br> <b>Utmost Tools</b> </p> Ask for a demo Try for free Cultivate developer efficiency. Safeguard every stage. Transform the way teams collaborate.<br> <b>Get in touch with our sales teams or try Clever Cloud today.</b> <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Offers and Pricing <ul> <li> Solutions </li> <li> Pricing </li> <li> Products </li> </ul> </li> <li> Legal <ul> <li> Legal Notice </li> <li> General Terms and Conditions of Use </li> <li> Privacy Policy </li> <li> Acceptable Use Policy </li> <li> Premium Services Policy </li> <li> Cookie Policy </li> <li> Clever Cloud Data Processing Agreement </li> </ul> </li> <li> Clever Cloud <ul> <li> Contact </li> <li> Status </li> <li> Blog </li> <li> Documentation </li> <li> About Clever Cloud </li> <li> Jobs </li> <li> GitHub </li> </ul> </li> <li> Social Media <ul> <li> Twitter </li> <li> Linkedin </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Offers and Pricing </li> <li> Legal </li> <li> Clever Cloud </li> <li> Social Media </li> </ul>

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