
Terms of Service

AnmeldenPrüfung beantragenWeitere InformationenE-Signatur steht ausUnterschreibenAblehnenDetails ansehenLabel prüfenKein SpamEndgültig entfernenKein SpamSeite/19Wird geladen…{"id": "1cZ-nn5Qdyp6rYe26KrDCGHwRaVqINxry", "title": "Botpress – Terms of Service.pdf", "mimeType": "application\/pdf"}Seite 1 von 19<p>BOTPRESS TERMS OF SERVICE </p> <p>Last updated: 2023-07-19 </p> <p>These Terms of Service constitute a contract between the person or entity using services or content </p> <p>provided by Botpress (“Customer”) and the Botpress entity with which the Customer is contracting per </p> <p>the Terms of Service (“Botpress”). Before using any service or content provided by Botpress, you must </p> <p>agree to the Terms of Service. If you are not prepared to contractually agree to be bound by the Terms </p> <p>of Service, you may not use any service or content available through the Botpress Website or otherwise </p> <p>made available by Botpress. </p> <p>1. INTERPRETATION </p> <p>1.1 Contracting Entities </p> <p>a) If the Customer is located in Canada, the Agreement is contracted between Customer and </p> <p>Technologies Botpress Inc., a Canadian Corporation. </p> <p>b) If the Customer is located anywhere else in the world, the Agreement is contracted </p> <p>between the Customer and Botpress, Inc. a Delaware company. </p> <p>c) The Customer represents and warrants to Botpress that it is operating a business and that </p> <p>it is not accessing the Software Services or Botpress Content for personal or household </p> <p>purposes. </p> <p>1.2 Documents incorporated in the Agreement. </p> <p>The Terms of Service may reference external documents, such as a Data Protection Agreement or </p> <p>Service Level Agreement. All such documents and the details of the Customer’s subscription to the </p> <p>Software Services or access to Botpress Content (which may be indicated on the Botpress Website </p> <p>or in a separate proposal) are incorporated into the agreement between Botpress and the </p> <p>Customer. </p> <p>Some specific Botpress services or content may require that the Customer agrees to additional </p> <p>terms. </p> <p>1.3 Service Plans </p> <p>Botpress offers three types of subscription plans, some sections of the agreement are only </p> <p>applicable to certain service plans. </p> <p>a) Community (Free) Plan: means the free version of the Software Services. </p> <p>b) Self-Serve Plan: means the Customer subscribed to the paid version Software Services </p> <p>through the Botpress Website. </p> <p>c) Enterprise Plan: means the Customer subscribed to the paid version Software Services </p> <p>through a Botpress sales representative. </p> <p>1.4 Definitions </p> <p>In this Agreement: </p>Seite 2 von 19<p>“Acceptable Use Policies” means policies adopted from time to time by Botpress and its service </p> <p>providers to govern responsible and ethical use of the Software and its capabilities. </p> <p>“Affiliate” means any entity that directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by, or is under </p> <p>common control with, the party specified. For purposes of this definition, “control” means direct or </p> <p>indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting interests of the subject entity. </p> <p>“Agreement” means these Terms of Service, including the applicable Proposal(s) (for Enterprise </p> <p>Plans) and all schedules attached hereto and all documents incorporated therein, such as </p> <p>Botpress’ DPA or SLA (if applicable). </p> <p>“Analytics Data” means usage data, metadata and other data generated by the Software about </p> <p>the Use of the Software by Authorized Users and data not originating from Customer used in the </p> <p>performance of Software Services, excluding Customer Data. </p> <p>“Authentication ID” means a security mechanism by which an Authorized User identifies herself </p> <p>or himself to the Software and gains access thereto, which security mechanism may include user </p> <p>identification, passwords, digital certificates or any other similar process mechanism for </p> <p>authentication and recognition as determined by Botpress from time to time. </p> <p>“Authorized User” means an individual authorized by Customer and Botpress to access and Use </p> <p>the Software Services. </p> <p>“Botpress Content” means any documentation, materials, code, data, files and other information </p> <p>or materials made available to the Customer or Authorized Users by Botpress. </p> <p>“Botpress Infrastructure” means the servers and such devices and peripherals, including all </p> <p>computer hardware, software, network components, and electrical and telecommunications </p> <p>infrastructure operated or controlled by Botpress, either itself or through a service provider. </p> <p>“Business Day” means any calendar day except for Saturday or Sunday or any statutory holiday </p> <p>observed in Canada. </p> <p>“Business Hour” except if specified otherwise in the Proposal, means the hours between 9:00 AM </p> <p>and 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Business Days. </p> <p>“Confidential Information” means all information which is proprietary or confidential to either </p> <p>Party and that is not generally known to third parties, that is disclosed or otherwise brought to the </p> <p>attention or knowledge of the other Party whether in oral, written, electronic or any other form, </p> <p>which is designated as being confidential or proprietary or which, by reason of its nature or the </p> <p>circumstances of its disclosure, should be reasonably considered and treated as confidential </p> <p>including, without limitation, the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Customer Data, Analytics </p> <p>Data, Personal Data, details of technological infrastructure, customer lists, product development </p> <p>information and security measures. </p> <p>“Conversation Data” means content inputted by an end-user into a Customer Bot and content </p> <p>generated by the Customer Bot in a production environment. </p> <p>“Customer Bot” means a program designed to automate interactions with end-users of a service </p> <p>or website, including any configuration data or other associated data that is developed using the </p> <p>Software or the Software Services in accordance with this Agreement by Customer, by Persons </p> <p>engaged by Customer or by Botpress for the benefit of the Customer. </p>Seite 3 von 19<p>“Customer Data” means collectively any data, files, documentation or other information: (i) that </p> <p>Customer or any of its Authorized Users may upload to the Botpress Infrastructure when using the </p> <p>Software Services, (ii) any data derived or obtained from the transformation such data or </p> <p>information submitted by the Customer through the Software Services. </p> <p>“Documentation” means the human-readable documents, user manuals and guides with respect </p> <p>to the operation, Use and functions of the Software, which may be amended or updated by </p> <p>Botpress from time to time. </p> <p>“Usage Fees” means the fees payable by Customer for the Software Services. </p> <p>“Incident” means an unscheduled event or occurrence originating from Botpress, the Software or a </p> <p>third-party hosting provider that negatively and substantially affects the Customer’s Use of </p> <p>Software Services, subject to exceptions provided by this Agreement. </p> <p>“Intellectual Property Rights” means: (a) any and all proprietary rights anywhere in the world </p> <p>provided under: (i) patent law. (ii) copyright law, including moral rights. (iii) trademark law. (iv) </p> <p>design patent or industrial design law. (v) semiconductor chip or mask work law. (vi) trade secret </p> <p>law. or (vii) any other statutory provision or common law principle applicable to this Agreement </p> <p>which may provide a right in either: (A) Intellectual Property. or (B) the expression or use of </p> <p>Intellectual Property. and (b) any and all applications, registrations, licenses, sub-licenses, </p> <p>franchises, agreements or any other evidence of a right in any of the foregoing. </p> <p>“Intellectual Property” means any property, tangible or intangible, that may be subject to </p> <p>Intellectual Property Rights, including without limitation, ideas, formulae, algorithms, concepts, </p> <p>techniques, processes, procedures, approaches, methodologies, plans, systems, research, </p> <p>information, documentation, data, data compilations, specifications, requirements, designs, </p> <p>diagrams, programs, inventions, technologies, software (including its source code), tools, product </p> <p>knowledge, know-how, including without limitation, trade secrets, and other materials or things. </p> <p>“Malicious Code” means a piece of code usually (but not necessarily) disguised as something </p> <p>else that causes some unexpected and, for the victim, usually undesirable, event and which is </p> <p>designed so that it may automatically spread to other computer users, including, without limitations, </p> <p>viruses, worms, cancelbots, trojan horses, harmful contaminants (whether self-replicating or not) </p> <p>and nuisance-causing or otherwise harmful applets. </p> <p>“Objectionable Content” means content that infringes any applicable laws or third-party rights, </p> <p>and content which is obscene, indecent, pornographic, seditious, offensive, defamatory, </p> <p>threatening, liable to incite racial hatred, menacing, blasphemous, misleading, deceptive or in </p> <p>breach of any person’s Intellectual Property Rights. </p> <p>“Party” means either Botpress or Customer. and “Parties” means both of them. </p> <p>“Payment Method” means credit card information inputted by the Customer on the Software </p> <p>interface for the purpose of paying Usage Fees. </p> <p>“Person” means any individual, estate, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, unincorporated </p> <p>association, unincorporated syndicate, unincorporated organization, limited liability company, </p> <p>corporation, body corporate, trustee, trust, governmental authority or other entity or organization </p> <p>and includes any successor to any of the foregoing. </p>Seite 4 von 19<p>“Personal Data” means information about an identifiable individual or any information protected </p> <p>under applicable laws and regulations </p> <p>“Professional Services” means services provided by Botpress other than access to the </p> <p>processing capacities of the Software and technical support. Professional Services include, for </p> <p>illustrative purposes: training, new feature development and configuration. </p> <p>“Proposal” means the written document outlining the details of Customer’s subscription to an </p> <p>Enterprise Plan and accepted by Customer and Botpress. </p> <p>“Software Services” means Customer’s access and Use of the Software and support services </p> <p>included per the Agreement between Customer and Botpress, but excluding Professional Services. </p> <p>“Software” means the Botpress platform, including third-party software included thereto, which is </p> <p>accessible via a web application connected to the Botpress Infrastructure. </p> <p>“Specifications” means, with respect to the Software, the technical specifications for the </p> <p>performance, operation and Use of the Software, as set out in the Proposal. </p> <p>“Use” means to activate the processing capabilities of the Software, load, execute, access, employ </p> <p>the Software, or display information resulting from such capabilities. </p> <p>2. SOFTWARE SERVICES </p> <p>2.1 Access to Software </p> <p>Subject to the Customer’s and Authorized Users’ compliance with this Agreement, Botpress agrees </p> <p>to allow the Authorized Users to access and Use the Software Services through the Botpress </p> <p>Infrastructure. </p> <p>2.2 Usage Limitations </p> <p>The Software Services may be offered to the Customer in the form of a subscription plan </p> <p>comprising usage limitations. Where applicable, the Software Services are limited: </p> <p>a) To the features included in the subscription selected by the Customer, if applicable. </p> <p>a) By the usage limits imposed by the subscription selected by the Customer, if any, including </p> <p>(i) limits based on the number of messages processed monthly through the Software </p> <p>Services (ii) limits based on the maximum amount of Usage Fees authorized by the </p> <p>Customer. </p> <p>2.3 Roles and permissions </p> <p>Customer may attribute roles and permissions to Authorized Users through the Software interface. </p> <p>Customer is solely responsible for properly configuring the roles and permissions and to perform </p> <p>any required verifications. Botpress shall not be responsible for the accidental disclosure of certain </p> <p>information to Authorized Users due to an incorrect configuration of access permissions by the </p> <p>Customer. </p> <p>2.4 Updates </p> <p>The Software may be updated from time to time and new features may be added to the Software. </p> <p>Botpress will make such updates and new features available to the Customer at its sole discretion </p> <p>and makes no commitment regarding the development of future versions of the Software. The </p>Wird geladen…KopierenKommentar hinzufügen"Botpress – Terms of Service.pdf" wird geladen. Seite 1 von 19

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