
Service Level Agreement

AnmeldenPrüfung beantragenWeitere InformationenE-Signatur steht ausUnterschreibenAblehnenDetails ansehenLabel prüfenKein SpamEndgültig entfernenKein SpamSeite/3Wird geladen…{"id": "15FqUOTkG_HsyOfzTBz_R_Yxv5SqZosEE", "title": "Botpress – Service Level Agreement.pdf", "mimeType": "application\/pdf"}Seite 1 von 3<p>Botpress Service Level Agreement (SLA) </p> <p>Last updated: 2023-07-19 </p> <p>This Service Level Agreement is only applicable to Botpress Customers who have </p> <p>subscribed to an Enterprise Plan. To subscribe to an Enterprise Plan, contact our Sales Team. </p> <p>1. Support Availability </p> <p>Technical Support is available by email and through Botpress Customer Support Portal </p> <p>during Business Hours. No technical support is available by telephone. </p> <p>a) Support request received out of office hours will be handled the next </p> <p>business day </p> <p>b) Email support is monitored during Business Hours. </p> <p>c) Emails received outside of Business Hours will be collected, but may not be </p> <p>acted upon until the next Business Day. </p> <p>2. Technical Support </p> <p>Development Support </p> <p>Support for bot development and bots not currently in a production setting or being used </p> <p>by end users. It covers bugs and issues faced by Authorized Users when using the </p> <p>product with the goal of creating, modifying or deploying a bot. </p> <p>Production Support </p> <p>Support for bots that are currently being used by end users in a production setting. It </p> <p>covers bugs and issues impacting the availability or good usage of a deployed </p> <p>production bot by End Chat Users. </p> <p>Development Support </p> <p>Response Time </p> <p>Production Support </p> <p>Response Time </p> <p>Standard Support — SLA </p> <p>Level 3 Incident 4 Business Days 8 Business Hours </p> <p>Level 2 Incident 3 Business Days 4 Business Hours </p> <p>Level 1 Incident 2 Business Days 2 Business Hours </p> <p>Available by email from 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) </p>Seite 2 von 3<p>Premium Support — SLA </p> <p>Level 3 Incident 3 Business Days 8 Hours </p> <p>Level 2 Incident 2 Business Days 4 Hours </p> <p>Level 1 Incident 1 Business Day 2 Hours </p> <p>Available by email and customer support portal 24/7 </p> <p>Level 3 Incident: Incident that degrades usage of the product </p> <p>Level 2 Incident: Incident that prevents non-critical usage of the product </p> <p>Level 1 Incident: Incident that completely prevents product usage </p> <p>Botpress cannot guarantee a resolution time for any type of incident. </p> <p>3. Uptime Targets </p> <p>Uptime target: 99.8% </p> <p>Uptime is evaluated over monthly periods. Any downtime (other than Excused </p> <p>Downtime) over 1h28min during a given month means the uptime target was not </p> <p>reached. </p> <p>4. Service Credits </p> <p>If Botpress fails to satisfy the foregoing SLA in any month with respect to the Software </p> <p>Services for reasons other than an “Excused Downtime” as listed below, Customer will </p> <p>be entitled to receive, as its sole and exclusive remedy and Botpress’ sole and entire </p> <p>aggregate liability, a service credit based on the fees for the affected Service equal to the </p> <p>amount outlined below: </p> <p>Availability Percentage Service Credit </p> <p>Above Target N/A </p> <p>Between 99.8% and </p> <p>99.5% </p> <p>5% </p> <p>Between 99.5% and </p> <p>99.0% </p> <p>10% </p>Seite 3 von 3<p>Between 99.0% and </p> <p>98.0% </p> <p>20% </p> <p>Less than 98.0% 25% </p> <p>For each time during a given month where Botpress fails to meet the target response </p> <p>time, Customer shall be entitled to a service Credit of 5%, up to a maximum of 25%. </p> <p>Service Credit will be applied to future Usage Fees. To request a service credit, </p> <p>Customer must deliver a written request to Botpress within 30 days of the end of the </p> <p>calendar month in which the SLA event occurs, failing which the Customer forgoes its </p> <p>right to claim the credit. In no event shall Customer’s total credit in a month exceed 50% </p> <p>of the monthly charges for the affected services. </p> <p>No credit will be deemed to accrue for any failure to satisfy this SLA relating to any of the </p> <p>following “Excused Downtime” events (as reasonably determined by Botpress): </p> <p>a) Customer-initiated changes affecting the Software Services, whether </p> <p>implemented by Customer or Botpress on behalf of Customer. </p> <p>b) Unavailability of the OpenAI API or another third-party service. </p> <p>c) a violation of the Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policies by the </p> <p>Customer. </p> <p>d) a force majeure event. </p> <p>e) Malicious Code. </p> <p>f) any scheduled maintenance announced at least 48 hours in advance, up to </p> <p>an accumulated total of 4 hours per month. </p> <p>g) any emergency maintenance announced at least 60 minutes in advance, up </p> <p>to an accumulated total of 2 hours per month. </p>Wird geladen…"Botpress – Service Level Agreement.pdf" wird geladen. 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