
Data Processing Agreement

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Definitions </p> <p>1.a Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meaning ascribed to them in the </p> <p>Agreement. </p> <p>1.b In this DPA : </p> <p>(a) “Agreement” has the meaning ascribed to such term in the Terms of Service. </p> <p>(b) “Botpress Group” means Botpress and any affiliates thereof. </p> <p>(c) “California Personal Information” means Personal Data that is subject to the </p> <p>protection of the CCPA. </p> <p>(d) “Canadian Data Protection Laws” means the Personal Information Protection and </p> <p>Electronic Documents Act, SC 2000, c 5 and the Act respecting the protection of </p> <p>personal information in the private sector, CQLR c P-39.1 as may be amended, </p> <p>superseded or replaced. </p> <p>(e) “CCPA” means California Civil Code Sec. 1798.100 et seq. (also known as the </p> <p>California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018). </p> <p>(f) “Consumer”, “Business”, “Sell” and “Service Provider” will have the meanings given </p> <p>to them in the CCPA. </p> <p>(g) “Controller” means any Person which, alone or jointly with others, determines the </p> <p>purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data. </p> <p>(h) “Data Protection Laws” means all applicable worldwide legislation relating to data </p> <p>protection and privacy which applies to a party to this DPA, including without limitation </p> <p>European Data Protection Laws, Canadian Data Protection Laws and the CCPA in </p> <p>each case as amended, repealed, consolidated or replaced from time to time. </p> <p>(i) “Data Subject” means the individual to whom Personal Data relates. </p> <p>(j) “Europe” means the European Union, the European Economic Area and/or their </p> <p>member states, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. </p> <p>(k) “European Data Protection Laws” means data protection laws applicable in Europe, </p> <p>as may be amended, superseded or replaced. </p> <p>(l) “European Data” means Personal Data that is subject to the protection of European </p> <p>Data Protection Laws. </p> <p>(m) “Permitted Affiliates” means any Customer Affiliates that (i) are permitted to use the </p> <p>Software Services pursuant to the Agreement, (ii) qualify as a Controller of Personal </p> <p>Data Processed by Botpress, and (iii) are subject to European Data Protection Laws. </p>Page 2 of 15<p>(n) “Person” is to be interpreted broadly and includes any individual, corporation, limited </p> <p>liability company, limited partnership, company, association, partnership, trust or estate, </p> <p>joint venture, governmental entity or political subdivision thereof, or any other entity. </p> <p>(o) “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable </p> <p>individual. </p> <p>(p) “Processing” or “Process” means any operation or set of operations which is </p> <p>performed by a Processor upon Personal Data, whether or not by automatic means. </p> <p>(q) “Processor” means a Person which Processes Personal Data on behalf of a Controller. </p> <p>(r) “Regulator” means, as applicable, any Person or law enforcement or other agency </p> <p>having regulatory, supervisory or governmental authority (whether under a statutory </p> <p>scheme or otherwise) over all or any part of the Processing of Personal Data in </p> <p>connection with the provision or receipt of the Services, including, without limitation, the </p> <p>European data protection supervisory authorities. </p> <p>(s) “Security Breach” means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful </p> <p>destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data </p> <p>transmitted, stored or otherwise Processed by Botpress and/or Sub-Processors in </p> <p>connection with the provision of the Services, not including events that do not </p> <p>compromise the security of Personal Data, including unsuccessful log-in attempts, </p> <p>pings, port scans, denial of service attacks, and other network attacks on firewalls or </p> <p>networked systems. </p> <p>(t) “Services” means the Software Services or Professional Services provided by any </p> <p>entity of the Botpress Group to the Customer or to its Affiliates. </p> <p>(u) “Standard Contractual Clauses” means the standard contractual clauses annexed to </p> <p>the European Commission’s Decision (EU) 2021/914 of 4 June 2021. as may be </p> <p>amended, superseded or replaced. </p> <p>(v) “Sub-Processor” means any Processor engaged by Botpress or Botpress Affiliates to </p> <p>assist in fulfilling Botpress obligations with respect to the provision of the Services </p> <p>under the Agreement. Sub-Processors may include third parties or Botpress Affiliates </p> <p>but will not include individuals employed or engaged by Botpress. </p> <p>(w) “Third-Country” means a jurisdiction or recipient: (i) not recognized by the European </p> <p>Commission as providing an adequate level of protection for personal data. and (ii) not </p> <p>covered by a suitable framework recognized by the relevant authorities or courts as </p> <p>providing an adequate level of protection for personal data. </p> <p>(x) “Usage Data” means data pertaining to the Authorized Users’ Use of the Software, </p> <p>which may contain Personal Data where identifying individual users is necessary but </p> <p>excluding any Conversation Data. Usage Data may include Personal Data about the </p> <p>employees and contractors of the Customer but not about end-users interacting with </p> <p>Customer Bots. </p>Page 3 of 15<p>2. Role of the parties </p> <p>2.a In Processing Conversation Data through the Services, the parties acknowledge and </p> <p>agree that the Customer acts as the Controller and that Botpress acts as a Processor. </p> <p>2.b If Customer acts as a Processor on behalf of a Controller, Botpress shall be deemed a </p> <p>sub-processor of Customer. </p> <p>2.c Botpress shall be a Controller with respect to Usage Data. </p> <p>3. Compliance with Data Protection Laws </p> <p>3.a Each party shall carry out any processing of Personal Data in compliance with all </p> <p>applicable Data Protection Laws. </p> <p>3.b Botpress is not responsible for compliance with any Data Protection Laws applicable to </p> <p>the Customer or to the Customer’s industry that are not generally applicable to Botpress. </p> <p>3.c If Botpress becomes aware that it cannot Process Personal Data in accordance with </p> <p>Customer’s instructions due to a legal requirement under any applicable law, Botpress will (i) </p> <p>promptly notify the Customer of that legal requirement to the extent permitted by applicable law. </p> <p>and (ii) where necessary, stop all Processing (other than merely storing and maintaining the </p> <p>security of the affected Personal Data) until such time as the Customer issues new instructions </p> <p>in compliance with applicable law. If this provision is invoked, Botpress will not be liable to </p> <p>Customer under the Agreement for any failure to perform the applicable Software Services or </p> <p>Professional Services until such time Botpress reasonable determines that Customer’s </p> <p>instruction are lawful. </p> <p>4. Botpress Obligations </p> <p>4.a Botpress will only Process Personal Data for the purposes described in this DPA or as </p> <p>otherwise agreed within the scope of lawful instructions received from the Customer, except </p> <p>where and to the extent otherwise required by applicable law. </p> <p>4.b Botpress shall implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational </p> <p>measures to protect Personal Data from Security Incidents, including as described under </p> <p>Schedule 2 to this DPA (“Security Measures”). Botpress may modify or update the Security </p> <p>Measures at its discretion provided that such modification or update does not result in a material </p> <p>degradation in the protection offered by the Security Measures. </p> <p>4.c Botpress shall treat Personal Data as Customer’s confidential information and will </p> <p>ensure that any of its employees or contactors authorized to access or Process Personal Data </p> <p>is subject to appropriate confidentiality obligations (whether contractual or statutory) with </p> <p>respect to that Personal Data. </p> <p>4.d Botpress will delete or return all Personal Data Processed pursuant to this DPA, on </p> <p>termination or expiration of the Agreement. Botpress may retain copies of Personal Data where </p> <p>required by applicable law, or where Personal Data has been archived on back-up systems, </p> <p>which data will be securely isolated and protected from any further Processing and deleted in </p> <p>accordance with applicable deletion practices. </p>Page 4 of 15<p>5. Customer’s Obligations </p> <p>5.a The Customer is responsible to ensure that its use of the Software Services or the </p> <p>Software is in accordance with all applicable Data Protection Laws, including by ensuring that (i) </p> <p>it is authorized to appoint Botpress to Process Personal Data on its behalf in accordance with </p> <p>this DPA, (ii) it has the right to transfer, or provide access to, the Personal Data to Botpress for </p> <p>Processing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement (including this DPA), (iii) ensuring </p> <p>that Customer’s instructions with respect to the Processing of Personal Data comply with </p> <p>applicable laws, including Data Protection Laws. </p> <p>5.b Customer shall promptly notify Botpress in writing if it has reason to believe or if it has </p> <p>been notified that the Processing of Personal Data effected by Customer through the Services is </p> <p>or may be in violation of applicable law, including Data Protection Laws. </p> <p>5.c Customer is responsible for determining whether the security measures implemented by </p> <p>Botpress adequately meets Customer’s obligations under applicable Data Protection Laws. </p> <p>Customer is also responsible to ensure that its access to the Software Services is secured and </p> <p>reserved to authorized personnel. </p> <p>6. Security Breach </p> <p>6.a Botpress will promptly notify Customer if it becomes aware of any Security Breach and </p> <p>will provide timely information relating to such Security Breach as it becomes known or </p> <p>reasonably requested by Customer. </p> <p>6.b Upon request, Botpress will promptly provide reasonable assistance to Customer as </p> <p>necessary to allow Customer to notify a Security Breach to Regulators and/or affected Data </p> <p>Subjects, if such notification is required under Data Protection Laws. </p> <p>7. Sub-Processors </p> <p>7.a Botpress may engage Sub-Processors to Process Personal Data. Current </p> <p>Sub-Processors are listed at Schedule 3, any change to Sub-Processors will be notified to </p> <p>Customer. </p> <p>7.b Botpress selects Sub-Processors who offer data protection undertakings that provide at </p> <p>least the same level of protection for Personal Data as those in this DPA (including, where </p> <p>appropriate, the Standard Contractual Clauses), to the extent applicable to the nature of the </p> <p>services provided by such Sub-Processors. Botpress remains responsible for each </p> <p>Sub-Processor’s compliance with the obligations of this DPA and for any acts or omissions of </p> <p>such Sub-Processor causing a breach any of Botpress’ obligations under this DPA. </p> <p>7.c If Botpress Processes European Data on behalf of Customer, Customer may object to a </p> <p>new Sub-Processor, for reasonable reasons based on data protection. If notified of such an </p> <p>objection, Botpress agrees to discuss the matter in good faith to achieve a commercially </p> <p>reasonable resolution. If no such resolution can be reached, Botpress may either elect to forgo </p> <p>the appointment of the new Sub-Processor, or allow the Customer to terminate its subscription </p> <p>to the portion of the Software Services relying on such new Sub-Processor without liability to </p> <p>either party (but without prejudice to any fees incurred prior to termination). </p>Loading…Loading Botpress –&nbsp;Data Processing Agreement.pdf. Page 1 of 15CopyAdd a comment

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