
Privacy Statement

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("Botpress" or "us" or "we"), collect, use, share, store and otherwise process personal data about </p> <p>users of the Botpress Service (the "Service") and personal data processed through our website, which </p> <p>presents our products and services (the “Website”). </p> <p>Depending on the context, the use of the second person ("you" or "your") refers to a Customer, User, </p> <p>Visitor and/or End-User. </p> <p>In this Privacy Statement: </p> <p>● “Conversation Data” means content inputted by an End-User into a Customer Bot in a production </p> <p>environment and data generated by the Customer Bot in a conversation with an End-User. </p> <p>● “Customer” means the person or business who purchased a subscription to the Service or is </p> <p>using the free version of the Service. </p> <p>● “Customer Bot” means a program designed to automate interactions with End-Users of a service </p> <p>or website, including any configuration data or other associated data that is developed using </p> <p>Botpress software compatible with the Service by Customers, by Users on behalf of a Customer </p> <p>or by Botpress for the benefit of the Customer and that is hosted through the Service. </p> <p>● “End-User” means an individual interacting with a Customer Bot hosted through our Services. </p> <p>● “Personal data” refers to any information that identifies or could be reasonably associated with </p> <p>an individual. </p> <p>● “Visitor” means an individual browsing our Website. </p> <p>● “Usage Data” means data about the Users’ use of the Service, which may contain personal data </p> <p>where identifying individual users is necessary but excluding any Conversation Data. Usage Data </p> <p>may include personal data about the employees and contractors of the Customer but not about </p> <p>End-Users interacting with Customer Bots. </p> <p>● “User” means an individual using the Service on behalf of the Customer, such as an employee of </p> <p>the Customer. </p> <p>The contact details of the person responsible for data processing is the following: </p> <p>1. What Personal Data is Collected Through The Service </p> <p>● End-Users </p> <p>We collect analytics data, which includes: </p> <p>● The operating system and language of a device </p> <p>● The IP address from which a device accesses the Service </p> <p>● The country, state, city and postal code where the device is located </p> <p>● Navigation data, such as pages viewed, number of connections to the Service, </p> <p>duration of a session, and date of connections to the Service. </p>Page 2 of 12<p>We collect this data when an End-User interacts with a Customer Bot for the sole purpose of </p> <p>providing the Service to our Customers. This data is not personally linked to a specific End-User </p> <p>and is transmitted to us in aggregate form. </p> <p>We process personal data about End-Users on behalf of our Customers pursuant to their </p> <p>instructions. </p> <p>We do not use Conversation Data or other End-User personal data for any other purpose, </p> <p>which includes analytics and algorithms and model improvements or training. </p> <p>● Users and Customers </p> <p>We collect the following personal data: </p> <p>● Full name, email and password </p> <p>● Content of communications transmitted to us by Users, which could contain personal data </p> <p>● Content updated to the Customer Bot, which could contain personal data, including: </p> <p>■ Text response </p> <p>■ Images </p> <p>■ Prompts </p> <p>■ Knowledge bases </p> <p>■ Training utterances </p> <p>■ Documents </p> <p>■ Websites </p> <p>● Analytics data which may include: </p> <p>● The operating system and language of a device </p> <p>● The IP address from which a device accesses the Service </p> <p>● The country, state, city and postal code where the device is located </p> <p>● Navigation data, such as pages viewed, number of connections to the Service, </p> <p>duration of a session, and date of connections to the Service. </p> <p>o We use the content updated to the Customer Bot for the sole purpose of providing the </p> <p>Service to our Customers. </p> <p>o We do not use this content for any other purpose, including to perform analytics </p> <p>and model improvements, create algorithms or for training purposes. </p> <p>2. What Personal Data is Collected Through The Website </p> <p>● Visitors </p> <p>When a Visitor fills out a form on our Website, we collect the following personal data: </p> <p>● Full name </p> <p>● Phone number </p> <p>● Email address </p> <p>● Employment information (title, employer) </p> <p>● Any other information that Visitors voluntarily communicate to us </p>Page 3 of 12<p>When a Visitor browses our Website, we automatically collect the following analytics data, </p> <p>with the use of tools such as Google Analytics: </p> <p>● The operating system and language of a device </p> <p>● The IP address from which a device accesses the Website </p> <p>● The country, state, city and postal code where the device is located </p> <p>● Navigation data, such as pages viewed, number of connections to the Website, duration </p> <p>of a session, date of connections to the Website, page from which the Website is accessed </p> <p>● Gender </p> <p>● Age </p> <p>● Interests </p> <p>This information is recorded each time a Visitor interacts with the Website. This data is not </p> <p>personally linked to a specific Visitor and is transmitted to us in aggregate form. </p> <p>Google Analytics may be deactivated on a browser through an add-on available at this address: </p> <p> </p> <p>3. Why We Process Personal Data </p> <p>We process the personal data collected through the use of the Service or the Website for the following </p> <p>purposes: </p> <p>● Operation of the Service, Customer Service and Technical Support </p> <p>o We process the personal data collected through the Service to provide services to our </p> <p>Customers, including customer service and technical support, in accordance with their </p> <p>instructions. Conversation Data is processed only for this purpose. </p> <p>o As part of the Service, we will process the personal data of Users and Visitors to </p> <p>respond to their requests, including requests for assistance, payment processing, etc. </p> <p>● Communication with Users, Customers and Visitors </p> <p>We process personal data about Users and Customers to communicate with them about their use </p> <p>of the Service or the Website. We may also send marketing communications about us, our </p> <p>products and promotions, but only if Customers and Users have agreed to receive marketing </p> <p>communications from us. We comply with all applicable regulations regarding unsolicited </p> <p>electronic messages. If you no longer wish to receive electronic communications from us, you </p> <p>may unsubscribe at any time by writing to us at </p> <p>If a Visitor has provided personal data, we use it for communication purposes. </p> <p>● Identification and Authentification of Users and Customers </p> <p>To render the Service, we process personal data to identify and authenticate Users and </p> <p>Customers. </p>Page 4 of 12<p>● Product Improvement </p> <p>We process aggregated Usage Data to improve our products and services, identify trends in </p> <p>product use and develop new products and offerings. </p> <p>We also use browser cookies and other tracking technologies to improve our Website. </p> <p>● Personalization of our Service and Website </p> <p>We process the data collected through the Website to offer Visitors content that corresponds to </p> <p>their situation or interests. For example, the home page of the Website may be displayed </p> <p>according to language preferences, and the products and services displayed may be different </p> <p>depending on geographic location. </p> <p>We may also use personal data to customize our Customer's and Users' experience of the </p> <p>Service. </p> <p>● Maintenance and Security </p> <p>We process the data collected through the Website and the Service and data from analytics tools </p> <p>to monitor Users' and Customers' use of the Website and the Service, to prevent misuse of the </p> <p>Website or the Service, to identify problems or bugs with the Website or the Service, and to </p> <p>determine what features need to be improved. </p> <p>We may use data collected automatically to ensure the security of the Website, the Service and </p> <p>our computer systems (e.g. to prevent misuse or to deter, monitor and prevent fraud). </p> <p>● Personalized Marketing and Retargeting </p> <p>We process the data collected through the Website to provide marketing materials, and customize </p> <p>our Website and advertising campaigns based on data collected, such as a subscription to our </p> <p>newsletter, interest in our products and services and clickthrough data, including the pages visited </p> <p>or the products viewed on the Website. This data allows us to target audiences to partners offering </p> <p>advertising services. </p> <p>We use browser cookies and other tracking technologies to personalize Visitors’ experience on </p> <p>the Website and deliver advertisements to targeted audiences (based on Website traffic only). </p> <p>Data collected through the Service, including Conversation Data, is not used for this </p> <p>purpose. </p> <p>● Comply with legal obligations </p> <p>Where applicable, we process personal data to comply with laws and regulations that apply to our </p> <p>activities, including for dispute resolution, responding to lawful requests and cooperating with </p> <p>government entities or courts. </p> <p>4. How We Store and Transfer Personal Data </p> <p>We retain your personal data only as long as it's necessary for the intended processing purposes or, as </p> <p>the case may be, until you or our Customer request that we destroy it. The retention duration is </p> <p>determined by the reasons for collecting personal data and using the information and/or as mandated by </p> <p>relevant laws. </p>Loading…CopyAdd a commentLoading Botpress – Privacy Statement.pdf. Page 1 of 12

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