Refund Policy

Toggle navigation <i> </i> <ul> <li> <i> </i> Login</li> </ul> <i> </i> Refund Policy<p>You agree with this terms when making a payment to us.</p> Please take a moment to review these terms detailed below. Only if you agree with them you may proceed with making a payment. <br> <br> <i>Definitions</i> <br> <br> <b> <i> </i> Credit Points / CP(s) </b> <br> A virtual currency used to activate advertising services and premium membership. One Credit Point (CP) is equivalent of one USD.<br> <br> <b> <i> </i> Banner Rotator / Banner(s) / Ad(s) </b> <br> A banner that randomly rotates and it is seen by visitors and users of website so that each time the site is visited or refreshed a different banner ad will appear on the screen.You can choose different places (spots) we offer on our advertising page.<br> <br> <b> <i> </i> Premium Membership / Premium </b> <br> Your custom uploaded image of 468x60 pixels, your listing title and listing description will be framed in a custom color background. On the purchase time and at beginning of each month, if your Premium is active, you will receive bonus voting points:<br> <br> - for 30 days Premium you will get +100 bonus votes on purchase and +100 at beginning of the next month if premium is still active. <br> - for 90 days Premium you will get +200 bonus votes on purchase and +200 at beginning of the next 2 months. <br> - for 180 days Premium you will get +300 bonus votes on purchase and +300 at beginning of the next 5 months. <br> - for 360 days Premium you will get +400 bonus votes on purchase and +400 at beginning of the next 11 months. <br> <br> <b> <i> </i> Auction Rank</b> <br> Every month we organize auctions to sell rank 1 to 3 on some of our gaming categories. All credits used to pay for a bid, a rank won in any auction, are not refundable.<br> <br> <b>Grace period</b> (free testing)<br> You get 24 hours (one free day) of testing for any banners and/or premium. Within this period you may request a full refund. We may extend this period or your ad expiration date if there was any technical issue. <br> <br> <b>1.Requesting a Refund</b> <br> We wish to resolve all issues regarding payments with customers directly. <i> </i> Contact Us and we will try to find the best solution to your issue.<br> <br> <i>All customers get 24 hours (one day defined as grace period) free testing time for ad(s) and/or premium. This testing time does not apply for Auction Ranks.</i>.<br> <b>1.1</b> If you are unsatisfied with our services you may ask for a full refund ONLY during the grace period.<br> <b>1.2</b> After the grace period has expired you may only ask for partial refund of your remaining days of ad(s)/premium membership.<br> <b>1.3</b> In case your ad(s)/premium was never activated you may request a full refund within thirty (30) days from payment date.<br> <b>1.4</b> You may no longer request a refund after 180 days from payment date even if you did not used any of the Credit points.<br> <br> <u> <b>Once you request a refund we will block any future payments from you.</b> </u> <br> It may take up to 72 hours (3 working days) for our team that is managing the site to process your refund.<br> If the refund is requested in terms of section 1.2 you will be charged 10% as fee for processing.<br> <br> <b>2.Suspension</b> <br> Our company reserves the right to suspend your Ads/Premium/Auction Rank indefinitely, without notification, in case of pending or suspicious fraudulent payments.<br> <br> <b>3.Termination</b> <br> Our company reserves the right to terminate your account and Ad(s)/Premium/Auction Rank services and to block future payments in case you request a refund.<br> <br> Our refund terms are subject to change without notice. Please read the terms before each payment. <br> <br> <br> Support <ul> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> Terms <ul> <li>Terms of Use</li> <li>Privacy</li> <li>Refund</li> </ul> Content <p>Trademarks are the property of their respective owners, all sites and servers are added by users.</p> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> <p> <i> </i> TOPG.ORG 2022 - 2023</p> <i> </i>

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