AdLock Media

Privacy Policy

AdLock Media LLC Privacy Policy <br> <br> The AdLock Media website at (the "Website") is provided to You by AdLock Media, LLC and/or any of its related, affiliated and/or subsidiary companies (individually and collectively, "AdLock Media", "We" or "Us"), and the following Privacy Policy applies to all of the services offered by AdLock Media in connection with the Website. For convenience, the words "User," "You" and "Your" as used in this Privacy Policy refer to users of the Website. <br> <br> AdLock Media recognizes that Your privacy and the protection of Your Personal Information is important to you, and therefore, has adopted this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes AdLock Media's privacy practices and how AdLock Media treats the Personal Information that it collects from You when You use the use the Website, including any Personal Information You provide when You conduct business with AdLock Media on or through the Website or use AdLock Media's services that are provided on or through the Website. <br> <br> For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Personal Information" is information that (i) You provide to AdLock Media and (ii) personally identifies You. Personal Information includes Your name, email and postal address, billing, banking and payment information, telephone number and other data that can be used to personally identify or contact You. <br> <br> HOW WE OBTAIN THE PERSONAL INFORMATION <br> <br> AdLock Media may obtain, collect, retain, store or otherwise maintain Your Personal Information from the following sources: <br> <br> Your AdLock Media Application: In order for You to use any of the services provided by AdLock Media, including becoming an AdLock Media publisher (collectively, the "AdLock Media Services"), you will be required to submit an application to AdLock Media ("Your Application"). Your Application will require You to provide Personal Information to AdLock Media. If Your Application is rejected, AdLock Media may retain Your Personal Information at its discretion.<br> <br> Your Creation and Maintenance of Your AdLock Media Account: If Your Application is accepted, You will be required to provide Personal Information to AdLock Media in order to create and maintain as current an account with AdLock Media ("Your Account").<br> Your Responses to Communications form AdLock Media: From time to time, AdLock Media, may communicate with You through email, postal mail or other forms of electronic communications regarding the Your Account, the AdLock Media, the and Website. If You respond to these communications, Your responses may contain Personal Information. <br> <br> You can decline to provide Your Personal Information to AdLock Media by not engaging in the activities described above. If You decline to submit Personal Information, AdLock Media may not be able to or may choose not to provide to You some or all of the AdLock Media Services. <br> <br> AdLock Media also collects non-personally identifiable server-log information relating to users of the Website. This information, may include information such as, but not limited to: (i) Your account activity, including storage usage, number of log-ins, data displayed or selected, including user interface elements, links, etc.. and (ii) Your web request, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of Your request, date and time of access, one or more cookies that may uniquely identify Your browser and referrer Uniform Resource Locator. None of this information enables AdLock Media to personally identify or contact You. <br> <br> HOW WE USE PERSONAL INFORMATION <br> <br> AdLock Media only uses Personal Information for the purposes and in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. Specifically, AdLock Media only uses Your Personal Information for: <br> <br> Evaluating and verifying Your Application and communicating with You regarding Your Application. Doing business with You, including processing payments and communicating with you regarding Your business activities relating to the AdLock Media Services;<br> <br> Processing, formatting and displaying customized content on the Website for You;<br> <br> Communicating with You regarding changes to: AdLock Media's Terms of Service, this Privacy Policy or any other policies or terms relating to the AdLock Media Services or Your relationship with AdLock Media.<br> Auditing, research and analysis in order to maintain, protect and improve the AdLock Media Services and the Website;<br> <br> Communicating with You, with Your consent, regarding new and additional AdLock Media Services and changes to the Website. and/or<br> <br> Ensuring the technical functioning of the Website, including creating and maintaining back-ups or other archival copies of Personal Information and other related data.<br> <br> AdLock Media restricts access to Personal Information to those employees, contractors and agents of AdLock Media who need to access Personal Information for the purposes specified above. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination, if they fail to meet these obligations. <br> <br> HOW ADLOCK MEDIA USES PERSONAL INFORMATION <br> <br> Except as otherwise set forth herein, AdLock Media does not share Your Personal Information with third parties without Your consent, except when We believe that it is reasonably necessary to do so in order to comply with a subpoena or other judicial order or process, as otherwise required by law or in order to enforce AdLock Media's Terms of Service. In such circumstances, Your Personal Information may also be disclosed to AdLock Media's attorneys. <br> <br> If AdLock Media desires to use Your Personal Information for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy, AdLock Media will request Your consent prior to such use and offer You an effective way to opt out of the use of Personal Information for those other purposes. If You opt out or otherwise decline to submit Personal Information in response to such a request, AdLock Media may not be able to provide to You some or all of the AdLock Media Services or some or all of the features available on the Website. <br> <br> THIRD PARTY INFORMATION <br> <br> AdLock Media may collect or purchase information from third parties regarding persons who provided such information to those third parties. Information provided by the third party may include, but not limited to, individual names, email and postal addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, genders, and any other information provided by the Third Party. AdLock Media uses its reasonable best efforts to ensure that (i) the third party possesses the right to transfer the information to AdLock Media and (ii) AdLock Media has received the right to communicate with the persons who provided the information. <br> <br> COOKIES AND WEB BEACONS PLACED BY ADLOCKMEDIA <br> <br> When You visit the Website, We send to Your computer one or more "cookies" (i.e., a small file containing a string of characters) that, among other things, uniquely identifies Your browser and allows the Website to "remember" Your computer and Your activities on the Website. AdLock Media uses cookies to uniquely and anonymously identify its users. No Personal Information is collected or stored in these cookies. These cookies cannot damage a user's files and cannot read information from a user's hard drive. Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please note that some of the Website's features may not function properly and You may not be able to use the AdLock Media Services if Your cookies are disabled. <br> <br> AdLock Media uses cookies for tracking user clicks on an ad, and subsequent successful completion and crediting of leads to the correct destination, whether that is an advertiser or publisher account at AdLock Media. AdLock Media may also use cookies for statistical analysis purposes. <br> <br> A web beacon is generally a transparent graphic image (usually a very small pixel) that is placed on a website or in an email which is used to monitor behavior of a user visiting a website or email. When HTML code for a web beacon points to a site to retrieve the image, it can pass along information such as IP address of the computer that retrieved the image, time the page was viewed and length, the type of internet browser that retrieved the image, and any previously set cookie values in regards to the web beacon. <br> <br> LINKS <br> <br> This Privacy Policy only pertains to the Website and the AdLock Media Services. Other websites, such as those to which the Website links to or link to the Website, may have their own privacy policies. We encourage You to read the privacy policies and terms of use of the websites that You visit through links placed on the Website as well as those for websites that provide links to the Website. You should contact these websites directly if You have any questions about their use of Your Personal Information. AdLock Media is not responsible for any use of Your Personal Information or any other type of Your information when You use such third party sites and services. <br> <br> INFORMATION SHARING AND ONWARD TRANSFER <br> <br> AdLock Media reserves the right to sell, rent or otherwise share some or all of Your Personal Information with other companies or individuals outside of AdLock Media if: <br> <br> You have consented to such sale, rental or sharing. and/or<br> AdLock Media becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of all of its assets. In such circumstances, AdLock Media will provide notice before Personal Information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy. <br> <br> <br> In addition, AdLock Media reserves the right to share non-personally identifiable information relating to users of the Website or the AdLock Media services with our partners and advertisers. The information will not be linked to any personal identifiable information. When you sign up for any third party service, information may be shared with the third party and your privacy will be maintained in accordance with the third party privacy policy. <br> <br> INFORMATION SECURITY <br> <br> AdLock Media takes reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of its data, including Personal Information stored or maintained on its servers and other systems. These measures include internal reviews of AdLock Media's data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to servers and systems where AdLock Media stores personal data. <br> <br> DATA INTEGRITY <br> <br> AdLock Media processes Personal Information only for the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. AdLock Media also takes reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Information We process is accurate, complete, and current, but We depend on You and our other users to update or correct their Personal Information whenever necessary. <br> <br> ACCESSING AND UPDATING PERSONAL INFORMATION <br> <br> Except as required by the Terms of Service, You may change the settings of Your AdLock Media account via the "settings" section of such account. You may organize or delete certain information through such settings or, alternately, terminate Your AdLock Media account. AdLock Media reserves the right to retain archival copies of information that You delete. AdLock Media will only use Your deleted information for the purposes of detecting and avoiding fraud and will share such information with third parties only when We believe that it is reasonably necessary to do so in order to comply with a subpoena or other judicial order or process, as otherwise required by law or in order to enforce AdLock Media's Terms of Service. <br> <br> When you use the Website, AdLock Media makes good faith efforts to provide you with access to your Personal Information. Where applicable, AdLock Media asks individual users to identify themselves and the information requested to be accessed, corrected or removed before processing such requests, and AdLock Media may decline to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive or systematic, require disproportionate technical effort, jeopardize the privacy of others, or would be extremely impractical (for instance, requests concerning information residing on backup tapes), or for which access is not otherwise required. In any case, where AdLock Media provides information access and correction, AdLock Media provides this service free of charge, except if doing so would require a disproportionate effort. <br> <br> ENFORCEMENT <br> <br> AdLock Media regularly reviews its compliance with this Privacy Policy. Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or AdLock Media's treatment of Personal Information by contacting AdLock Media at the address below. When AdLock Media receives formal written complaints at this address, its policy is to contact the complaining user regarding his or her concerns. AdLock Media will cooperate with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of Personal Information that cannot be resolved between an individual and AdLock Media. <br> <br> MINORS AdLock Media is not interested in accepting and does not knowingly collect information from individuals under the age of 18. <br> <br> INTERNATIONAL PERSONS <br> <br> If you are located outside of the United States, You acknowledge and agree that by using the AdLock Media Services and by accessing the Website, Your Personal Information will be collected, stored, and used by AdLock Media in the United States. As such, you agree to the collection, transfer, storage and use of Your information in the United States and that the collection, storage, transfer and use of any of Your information will be governed by the laws of the United States. <br> <br> GENERALLY <br> <br> Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. AdLock Media will post any changes on this page of the Website. AdLock Media encourages You to check back and review this policy periodically so that You will always know what information We collect, how We use it, and to whom We disclose it. <br> <br> If You have any additional questions or concerns about this Policy, please contact us by clicking on the link below. <br> <br> CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS <br> <br> California Civil Code Section 1798.83 allows users who are California residents to request information about the disclosure of their personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us by clicking on the link below. <br> <br> MORE INFORMATION <br> <br> AdLock Media adheres to the US safe harbor privacy principles of Notice, Choice, Onward Transfer, Security, Data Integrity, Access and Enforcement. For more information about the Safe Harbor framework, see the Department of Commerce's web site. <br> <br> SEVERABILITY <br> <br> If any provision of this Privacy Policy is found to be illegal, void, or unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severed from the balance of the agreement and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions, which will continue in full force and effect. <br> <br> This page was lasted updated on March 31, 2015. <p> </p> <br> <br> ©Copyright 2016-2017 AdLock Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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