
Privacy Policy

Blog About Music DJ Sets Live Privacy Policy In General <p>If any user data is collected, the data is ONLY used to provide the services.<br>No personal data is ever shared with a third-party. No personal data is recorded and processed.</p> Cookies <p>In general, there are no tracking-cookies in place. Neither do I want to be tracked, nor do I want to track you.</p> <ul> <li> <code>blog.rtrace.io</code> (Blog, Hexo) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>live.rtrace.io</code> (Owncast) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>speedtest.rtrace.io</code> (Librespeed) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>reddit.rtrace.io</code> (Libreddit) does NOT utilize cookies, except (optional) user-configuration</li> <li> <code>lws.rtrace.io</code> (LiberaWebStore) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>static.rtrace.io</code> (Static File Server) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>searx.rtrace.io</code> (Searx metasearch enging) does NOT utilize cookies, except (optional) user-configuration</li> <li> <code>send.rtrace.io</code> (Send, Filesharing Service) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>bibliogram.rtrace.io</code> (privacy friendly Instagram frontend) does NOT utilize cookies</li> <li> <code>vikunja.rtrace.io</code> (a F(L)OSS task manager/organizer) does utilize Cookies for Session Management</li> <li> <code>status.rtrace.io</code> (Status Monitor) does NOT utilize cookies</li> </ul> Logs <p>Each site-request (targeting <code>*.rtrace.io</code> and <code>rtrace.io</code>) is logged. The following information will be stored for a max. of 4 weeks, then will be deleted permanently.</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Time of request</strong>: a simple UNIX timestamp representing the time of request</li> <li> <strong>User-Agent</strong>: taken from the Requests HTTP-Header</li> <li> <strong>IP-Address</strong>: the remote IP address of the client that is connecting</li> <li> <strong>Requested Site</strong>: the site on <code>*.rtrace.io</code> or <code>rtrace.io</code> that has been requested</li> </ul> <p>These logs exclusively serve to protect from attacks (like DoS) against servers and infrastructure of <code>rtrace.io</code>. None of this information will be processed nor used for any analytic purposes. Logs will be retained for a max. period of 4 weeks on the servers serving <code>*.rtrace.io</code> and <code>rtrace.io</code>. No third-party does and will ever have access to these logs.</p> Site Analytics <p>The following services provided on this domain utilize plausible.io as a privacy-friendly site-analytics framework. Plausible does not track any GDPR-related information. For further details, please also read what plausible tracks. For further protection of your identity, requests to plausible are proxied through <code>rtrace.io</code>.</p> Site Embeds <p>Blog posts, articles and pages on <code>blog.rtrace.io</code> might embed so called <code>iframe</code> to other services and websites. In general, I try to only link to privacy friendly services. </p> Invidious <p>Invidious is a privacy-friendly frontend for YouTube. To prevent you from being tracked by Google when visiting <code>*.rtrace.io</code> and <code>rtrace.io</code>, all video-embeds are served through randomly selected Invidious instances.</p> Owncast <p>Owncast is a self-hosted free and open source live-streaming solution with integrated chat. Owncast is known to be a privacy-friendly alternative to Twitch. <code>rtrace.io</code> hosts Owncast on live.rtrace.io.</p> Soundcloud <p>Soundcloud is an audio-streaming service (just like Spotify). <code>blog.rtrace.io</code> uses Soundcloud embeds on certain pages. Embeds will store cookies. Please follow Soundclouds Privacy Policy for more details. (Please note, that I’m working on replacing Soundcloud with Funkwhale).</p> Mixcloud <p>Mixcloud is an audio-streaming service (just like Spotify). <code>blog.rtrace.io</code> uses Mixcloud embeds on certain pages. Embeds will store cookies. Please follow Mixcloud Privacy Policy for more details. (Please note, that I’m working on replacing Mixcloud with Funkwhale)</p> Asciinema <p>Asciinema offers an alternative solution to record and share terminal sessions. <code>blog.rtrace.io</code> uses Asciinema embeds on certain pages. Embeds will store cookies. Please folllow Asciinema Privacy Policy for more details.</p> Further transparency Hosting <p>All services provided on <code>rtrace.io</code> and <code>*.rtrace.io</code> are hosted on Virtual Private Servers (VPS) at Netcup (subsidiary company of Anexia GmbH). Servers are located in Nuremberg, 🇩🇪 Germany. Servers are running the latest version of Fedora Server and are patched ~2 times a week (on average). Disks are LUKS encrypted and require LUKS password on boot. All services provided are served through <code>nginx</code> acting as reverse-proxy/load-balancer. <code>nginx</code> also terminates TLS (HTTPS). Upstream-Servers behind the reverse-proxy are interconnected through Wireguard for secure communication - so none of your traffic (even if previously TLS-terminated) will ever be transferred over the network in plain-text. TLS Certificates are provided by Let’s Encrypt. TLS configuration explicitly only allows <code>TLSv1.3</code> with the strongest available cipher-suites. HTTP Security Headers are applied where possible and useful.</p> Personal Commitment <p>I personally hate it to be tracked online, and that’s why I won’t track you either (and try my best to prevent third parties from spying on you too). It’s that easy and that’s my promise. I want all services provided at <code>rtrace.io</code> and all of its subdomains to be as privacy-friendly as possible. If you have any additions, constructive feedback, hints to improve or wishes - feel free to contact me at any time. As it is with security - at the end of the day everything boils down to <code>trust</code>. It’s very hard to trust service-providers and that effectively boils down to the fact that you can’t and shouldn’t trust me - zero-trust is the best trust after all).</p> <p>Nonetheless, if you want to verify that the things I’ve written here are true, please get in touch with me. We can arrange a Jitsi call, and I’ll happily show you how things are hosted and configured here at <code>rtrace.io</code> - come on, let’s go for a SSH safari.</p> <ol> <li> Gitlab </li> <li> GitHub </li> <li> Codeberg </li> <li> LinkedIn </li> <li> Mastodon </li> <li> SoundCloud </li> </ol> <ol> <li> Send </li> <li> Searx </li> <li> Libreddit </li> <li> Speedtest </li> <li> Livestream </li> <li> Vikunja </li> </ol> <ol> <li> Blog </li> <li> Privacy </li> <li> Impressum </li> <li> RSS-Feed </li> <li> Atom-Feed </li> <li> Status </li> </ol> <p> made with <i> </i> and Hexo by Raffael</p>

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