
Refund & Cancellation Policy

Refund &amp. Cancellation Policy <p> </p> <p> </p>Refund &amp. Cancellation Policy<p> </p> We are dedicated to providing you the best services but there are times when things go wrong. We try our level best that there are no situations arising when you are not satisfied with what you have received or you find a difference between what you have ordered and what you have received. But at any time due to some unavoidable circumstances, you are unsatisfied with what you have received then contact us at the earliest and we will gladly assist you to find out a solution with mutual consent.<br> <br> <p> </p>30 Days Money Refund Policy only applicable on Web Hosting &amp. Reseller Hosting.<p> </p> If you find your hosting package is not as committed, get in touch (Create a support ticket) with us within15 days from activation date of your hosting service. On receiving your e-mail, our sales team will get in touch with you and try to provide you service as committed at the time of order but if you are still not satisfied, <strong>Please create a support ticket to refund your money, with in 30 days from the date of activation </strong> of your Web hosting/Reseller Hosting, the payment will be refunded and your services will be deactivated.<br> <br> <strong>Please Note:</strong> <br> (1) 30 days refund is <strong>applicable</strong> only on Web Hosting and Reseller Hosting services that purchased with an <strong>annual plan.</strong> <br> (2) 30 days Refund Policy is <strong>not applicable </strong>on Web Hosting and Reseller Hosting services that purchased with<strong> monthly plan.</strong> <br> (3) Refund Policy is <strong>not applicable </strong>on Dedicated Server, Virtual Server, virtual dedicated servers and Domain Registration or any third party services purchased, like cPanel, WHMCS, plesk panel etc. In case of these products or services, no refund will be given if, the service is activated or renewed. <br> (4) <strong>Strictly NO refunds will be processed </strong>if a refund is requested after 30 days from the date of order or activation of the service.<br> (5) <strong>Strictly there are NO refunds</strong> for Special Promotional Packages, Monthly Billed Packages, Discounted Packages or Coupons.<br> (6) <strong>Strictly NO refunds will be processed</strong> if the account fee is not paid Full in advance before the service is activated.<br> (7) <strong>Only first time accounts are eligible for refund. Accounts created by the same customer / related to the same customer will not be eligible for refund.</strong> <br> (8) <strong>Strictly NO refunds will be processed</strong> if an account was involved in abuse / resource over usage previously.<br> <br>Please clarify your queries before purchasing a service via sales support.<br> Our ultimate aim is a satisfied and a happy customer. <p> </p>

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