FL Studio


<p> </p> FL STUDIO MOBILE ON ANDROID - IOS - WINDOWS<br> FL STUDIO GROOVE ON ANDROID - IOS<br> GROOVE MACHINE MOBILE ON WINDOWS<br> IL REMOTE ON ANDROID - IOS<br> LICENSED APPLICATION END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Some Image Line software applications are sold through 3rd party stores, such as, but not restricted to FL STUDIO MOBILE, FL STUDIO GROOVE, GROOVE MACHINE MOBILE, IL REMOTE. Example App stores include the Google Play Store, Apple App Store and Windows App Store. In such cases the User is also bound by the EULAs and Terms Of Service associated with App purchases through such stores</p> <p>By using the app, you agree to the terms of use for Image Line Software.<br> Read the IMAGE LINE SOFTWARE EULA</p> <p>Read the Image Line Software MOBILE APP PRIVACY STATEMENT</p> Links to the stores legal pages for each supported platform can be found below. <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Google Play Store<br> </strong>Google Play Store Home<br> Google Play Store Terms of Use</p> <p> <strong>Apple App Store<br> </strong>iTunes Home<br> Apple Legal</p> <p> <strong>Microsoft Windows App Store<br> </strong>Windows App Store Home<br> Windows Legal</p>

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