FL Studio


<p> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> MOBILE APP PRIVACY STATEMENT <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>FL Studio Mobile, FL Studio Groove, Groove Machine Mobile, IL Remote, do not collect or transmit any personally identifiable data. They may contact and exchange information with our servers as explained below :</p> <p>At start-up FL Studio Mobile may contact Image-Line Servers with an FL Studio Mobile generated GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) and the list of any in-app purchases added to the installation. The GUID is a complex, semi-random, string of alphanumeric characters followed by a list of in-app product codes. There is no personal or personally identifiable information in this data.</p> <p>The purpose of the data transfer is to log any in-app purchases to your Image-Line account. This helps our technical support staff know what products are available to you, should you post questions on the Users and support forum - http://support.image-line.com/redirect/flmobile_forum</p> <p>If you do not have an account, nothing is done with this information. The server responds to FL Studio Mobile that the installation is not registered to Image-Line. Next time you open the ‘<strong>Help &gt. Users and support forum</strong>’ you will see a message asking you to register FL Studio Mobile.</p> <p>If you use the pop-up REGISTER option, you are taken to the Image-Line Account Creation Page. Your GUID and in-app purchases are included at the time of account creation and logged to your account.<br> Any personal information Image-Line collects is explicitly provided by you when you create an Account. From the point of Account creation, the following policies and standards apply: Please see the&nbsp;IMAGE LINE SOFTWARE PRIVACY STATEMENT</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> LOCATION ACCESS <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>On the Android platform this is required for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to work properly across all android devices and versions. Location is required when an App needs BLE as it's possible to guess your location from nearby BLE devices. We use BLE to provide support for Bluetooth MIDI keyboards and Headphones. FL Studio Mobile does not send your location to our servers or other servers. We do not try to guess your location from nearby BLE devices. We are here to help you make music, not track your location for any purpose whatsoever.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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