
Bug submission Additional Terms

<p>Last updated: 28 January 2022</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>WHO DO THESE TERMS AFFECT<p>In these Bug Submission terms Unity may be referred to as <strong>‘we’</strong> or <strong>‘our’</strong>. Unity Users may be referred to as <strong>‘you’</strong> or <strong>‘your’</strong>.</p> <p>If you are submitting a bug on behalf of a company, organization or other legal entity (a “<strong>Legal Entity</strong>”), you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that Legal Entity to these Bug Submission Terms and, in such event, “<strong>you</strong>” and “<strong>your</strong>” will refer and apply to that company or other legal entity.</p>WHAT DO THESE TERMS DO<p>These set out the terms and conditions applicable to Unity Users who have submitted notice of a bug, issue or vulnerability in Unity Software via The Unity Bug Reporter (using Unity Editor or Unity Hub) to Unity (a <strong>Bug Submission</strong>) . In addition, the terms and conditions contained in the Unity Terms of Service are incorporated into these Bug Submission Terms. Upon submitting a bug to Unity via The Unity Bug Reporter you are bound by and are obligated to comply with the Bug Submission Terms.</p> <p>By <strong>bug, issue or vulnerability</strong> we mean a software defect, unintentional behaviour or usability issue affecting the Unity Engine or Unity Hub.</p>THE BUG SUBMISSION PROCESS<p>If you believe you have discovered a bug, please create a submission through The Unity Bug Reporter.</p> <p>Each Bug Submission will be updated with significant events, including when the issue has been validated, when we need more information from you, or have resolved the issue.</p> <p>Each submission is evaluated by a testing engineer from Unity’s Customer QA team and if confirmed as a valid bug, escalated to the relevant team of developers.</p> <p>What Unity will do:</p> <ul> <li>Try to reproduce the issue, using the information provided and your submitted project, if one was provided. If the issue could not be reproduced, you may be contacted for additional information.</li> <li>If the issue is found to be a valid bug, it is submitted to the relevant developer team for a resolution, otherwise the behaviour is explained to you, and if possible a workaround is provided.</li> <li>Once the issue has been resolved, it will be reviewed and the user may be notified by the Customer QA team. If the resolution is a fix for the bug, the Customer QA team will also verify the fix has worked before informing the user.</li> </ul>BUG SUBMISSION RULES<p>We are committed to protecting the interests of Unity Users.</p> <p>Please carefully read these rules:</p> <ul> <li>Issues reported that affect only unsupported platforms or systems may be rejected at any time</li> <li>Communication regarding bug submissions must remain within the email conversation and or official Unity support channels for the duration of the disclosure process</li> <li>Submissions may be closed if you/ the correspondent is non-responsive to requests for more information after 7 days</li> <li>These Bug Submission Terms apply to all submissions made through the Unity Bug Reporter. Unless you request otherwise (either in your Bug Submission or in related communications with us) your Bug Submission will be publicly visible in the Issue Tracker by default, when converted to a bug. The information that becomes public when a bug is visible in the Issue Tracker is: <ul> <li>Bug Title - The issue summarized in one sentence</li> <li>Bug Description - Reproduction steps, Affected Versions, Expected and Actual results, Any additional information relevant to the issue</li> <li>Case ID of the issue.</li> </ul> </li> </ul>SUPPORT CHANNELS AND COMMUNICATIONS<p>During the course of each investigation, the Unity Customer QA team may communicate updates via email.</p>YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP<p>In creating and sending a Bug Submission to Unity you may be required to provide part of or the whole of the project content you have created using Unity Software (the <strong>Project Content</strong>).</p> <p>You: (a) represent and warrant to Unity that you own or control all rights in and to all information and materials in the Project Content. and (b) grant to Unity and its subcontractors a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, worldwide, license to make, use, modify, reproduce and prepare derivative works of such information and materials solely for the purpose of reviewing the Bug Submission and resolving any bugs/ vulnerabilities in Unity Software in accordance with these Bug Submission Terms.</p> <strong>PRIVACY</strong> <p>Any personal data we process for the purposes of logging the bug submission and communicating with you about the bug submission will be processed in accordance with&nbsp;Unity’s Privacy Policy <strong>. </strong>Unity is the data controller of this data.</p> <p>Subject to the paragraph below, you warrant and represent that the Project Content will not contain any personal data.</p> <p>If you cannot avoid sending personal data in the Project Content as part of your Bug Submission to Unity, you acknowledge and agree that Unity is the data processor of that personal data. You will be responsible for identifying such personal data to Unity and providing all information necessary for Unity to lawfully process that personal data, including entering into any agreements that Unity must lawfully enter into prior to processing that personal data.</p> <p>You will comply with all applicable privacy laws in relation to that personal data including but not limited to informing data subjects about Unity’s processing of their personal data pursuant to these Bug Submission Terms.</p>INDEMNITY<p>You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Unity, its officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with the Project Content you submit to Unity.</p>UNITY’S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP<p>“<strong>Intellectual Property Rights</strong>” means collectively worldwide patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, trade secret rights, know-how, moral rights, and any and all other intellectual property or proprietary rights.</p> <p>“<strong>Bug Fix Materials</strong>” means information used to learn about the vulnerabilities identified in the Bug Submission and any material Unity has created during the course of resolving the Bug Submission vulnerability.</p> <p>You acknowledge and agree that Unity owns or controls all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Bug Fix Materials used during Unity’s review of the Bug Submission. You will not reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from any portions of the Bug Fix Materials.</p> <p>Unity reserves all rights not expressly granted to you herein.</p>CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION<p>“<strong>Confidential Information</strong>” means any information, materials or knowledge that is disclosed by Discloser to Recipient in the course of the Bug Submission process and concerns Discloser and its business, including but not limited to Project Content, business plans, roadmaps, financial condition, products, programming techniques, suppliers, technology or research and development. Confidential Information will not include any information that: (a) is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of Recipient. (b) was rightfully in Recipient’s possession at the time of disclosure, without restriction as to use or disclosure. (c) has been rightfully received by Recipient from a third party without restriction as to use or disclosure. or (d) was developed by employees or agents of Recipient independently of and without reference to any information communicated to Recipient by Discloser.</p> <p>The parties agree to hold each other’s Confidential Information in strict confidence, not to use it in any way, commercially or otherwise, and not to disclose it to others, except as necessary to for these Bug Submission Terms. Recipient agrees to take all actions reasonably necessary to protect the confidentiality of all Confidential Information including, without limitation, implementing and enforcing procedures to minimize the possibility of unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information. All Confidential Information, if any, is provided “AS IS” and without any warranty, express, implied or otherwise, regarding its accuracy or performance.</p> <p>These obligations of confidentiality will remain in effect for a period of 3 years from the date the Confidential Information is provided to Recipient.</p>FEEDBACK<p>“<strong>Feedback</strong>” means the suggestions, comments or other feedback provided by a party to these Bug Submission Terms to the other party with respect to such other party’s Confidential Information or their product or service offerings, including changes, improvements or new functionality or capabilities.</p> <p>Either you or Unity may from time to time provide Feedback to the other party. Feedback is entirely voluntary and, if given, is provided without any representations or warranty of any kind. Unless the Feedback constitutes Confidential Information, the party receiving Feedback hereunder is free to act on such Feedback with no obligation to the other party.</p>DISCLAIMER<p> <strong>ANY AND BUG/ ISSUE RESOLUTION SERVICES PERFORMED PURSUANT TO THESE BUG SUBMISSION TERMS ARE PROVIDED BY UNITY ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS, WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, COVENANTS OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND. UNITY AND ITS LICENSORS DO NOT WARRANT OR REPRESENT THAT THE SERVICES, OR ANY PART THEREOF, WILL OPERATE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. UNITY AND ITS LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL OR WRITTEN), WHETHER ALLEGED TO ARISE BY OPERATION OF LAW, BY REASON OF CUSTOM OR USAGE IN THE TRADE, BY COURSE OF DEALING OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL: (I) WARRANTIES OF FITNESS OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PURPOSE (WHETHER OR NOT UNITY KNOWS, HAS REASON TO KNOW, HAS BEEN ADVISED OR IS OTHERWISE AWARE OF ANY SUCH PURPOSE). AND (II) WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT OR CONDITION OF TITLE. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM UNITY OR ELSEWHERE WILL CREATE ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THE AGREEMENT.</strong> </p> <p> <strong>YOU SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY AND QUALITY OF YOUR PROJECT CONTENT, AND YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MUST EVALUATE AND BEAR ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES, OR YOUR RELIANCE ON THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF THE SERVICES.</strong> </p>DATA RETENTION<p>Unity will retain your Project Content and other attached files in your Bug Submission in accordance with its record retention policy. This policy includes manual and automated deletion controls based on set rules.</p>CONTROLLING LAW AND JURISDICTION<p>The Controlling Law and Jurisdiction provisions of the Unity Terms of Service shall apply to these Bug Submission Terms.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

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