SafeTwitch Privacy Policy

SafeTwitchSearchCodePrivacySettingsMenuSearch<ul>CodePrivacySettings</ul>Privacy Policy<p> It's.... kind of empty here. <br> <br> No logs are kept by SafeTwitch, however instances may log requests with their reverse-proxy. The following data is stored in your browser from using the site, however never goes outside your browser: </p> <ul> <li>Selected settings</li> <li>Followed streamers</li> </ul> The following data is sent outside of your browser to SafeTwitch's backend: <ul> <li>Language locale</li> </ul> The language locale is sent to SafeTwitch's backend per request, and is used to fetch the data from Twitch in the correct language <br> <br> Non-official instances are under their own privacy policy, as they may host SafeTwitch with different practices that may log requests <p> </p> <p>SafeTwitch v2.3.1-g62f3d8b</p>

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