

GO2BANK,ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT,Agreement to Electronic Communicationsand Signatures.Green Dot Bank (“Bank,” “we,” “us,” and ,“our”)may need to provide you with certain information, agreements, and disclosures in writing in ,connection with the accounts and services offered by Bank (“Communications”). By agreeing to this,Electronic Communications Agreement(this “Agreement”), youare confirming your ability, and ,providing your consent, to: (i)receive Communications electronically from Bank and our designees,instead of in paper form and (ii) use electronic signatures in connection with our relationship with you. ,Without limiting the foregoing, you further agree that Communications may be provided to you via email, ,text message, the GO2bank website, the GO2bank mobile app, and any other reasonable electronic ,notification methods.,Our ability to provide Communications to you electronically is dependent upon you maintaining a valid, ,workingemail address. Therefore, you agree to provide us with and maintain avalid, workingemail ,address for Communications that will be delivered by email and that you will promptly notify us of any ,change toyour email address. ForCommunications that are provided to you via email, text message, the ,GO2bank website, the GO2bank mobile app,or another electronic notification method, it is your ,responsibility to promptly review those Communications. We and our designees may, at our discretion, ,mail paper copies of Communications to you, in addition to or instead of sending them to you ,electronically.,By agreeing to this Agreement, you consent, understand,and agree that: (i) you are entering into ,this Agreement electronically;(ii) you meet the minimum hardware and software requirements ,specified below;(iii) yourconsent to receive C ommunications electronically will remain validuntil ,you withdraw your consent;and (iv) C ommunicationsthatmay be provided electronicallyinclude, ,butarenot limited to, the following:,•Agreements (including account agreements) and disclosures, including changes to and updated ,versions of those agreements and disclosures;,•Bank’s Privacy Policy, as well as annual notices and other disclosures regarding Bank’s Privacy ,Policy;,•Information regarding use of your account(s)and our services, including your account balances ,and activity foryour account(s);,•Accountstatements, authorizations,receipts, and transaction historiesfor your account(s);,•Notices to you of the resolution of any error regarding your account(s);and,•Inquiries andnotices toyou about transactionsperformed.,In order to access, view, and print/retain C ommunications electronically, you must have:,•Access to a device (e.g., a computer, smartphone, mobile, device, tablet, etc.) that is suitable for ,connecting to the Internet or downloading our mobile app and has aCurrent Version (as defined ,below) of: (i) an operating system, such as Windows, Mac OS, iOS or Android and (ii) an ,Internetbrowser, such as Chrome, Safari,or Firefox, that we support;,•A connection to the Internet;,•Local electronic storage capacity to retain Communications and/or a printer to print ,Communications;,•Avalid, working email address and software to access it. and,•Software that enables you to view and display files in HTML and PDF format.,By “Current Version,” we mean a version of the software that is currently being supported by its ,publisher. From time to time, we may offer services or features that require that your Internet browser be ,configured in a particular way, such as permitting the use of JavaScript or cookies. If we detect that your ,Internet browser is not properly configured, we may provide you with a notice and advice on how to ,update your configuration. We reserve the right to discontinue support of a Current Version of an ,operating system or Internet browser if, in our sole opinion, it suffers from a security flaw or other flaw ,that makes it unsuitable for use.,We reserve the right to modify this Agreement in our discretion. We will provide you with notice of any,modifications, as required by applicable law.,Consent to receiving electronic Communications is a requirement of being able to open and ,maintain an accountwith Bank. Except as may be required by applicable law, you do not have the ,option of requesting Communications in paper or other non-electronic form. You can withdraw ,your consent only by contacting customer service at (855) 459-1334 and closing your account(s).,Rev. 11/2020

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