
Statement Regarding Biometrics and Your Privacy

Statement Regarding Biometrics and Your Privacy <ul> <li> Privacy </li> <li> Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising </li> <li> Investment Funds Privacy Code </li> <li> Privacy Code </li> <li> Statement Regarding Biometrics and Your Privacy </li> <li> AdChoices </li> <li> Data Ethics Commitment </li> </ul> <ul> <li> Privacy </li> <li> Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising </li> <li> Investment Funds Privacy Code </li> <li> Privacy Code </li> <li> Statement Regarding Biometrics and Your Privacy </li> <li> AdChoices </li> <li> Data Ethics Commitment </li> </ul> Statement Regarding Biometrics and Your Privacy We're serious about your privacy <p>In accordance with the Tangerine Privacy Code and the principles set out in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("P I P E D APIPEDA"), we're committed to protecting the privacy of all the personal information in our care.</p> The information we collect <p>Our biometric programs, such as Voice ID, use sophisticated biometric verification technologies developed by some of the world's foremost companies in this area. Biometric verification uses one or more of a person's unique physiological or behavioural characteristics for the purposes of identification. This technology verifies a user's claimed identity by comparing an encoded value with a stored value of the subject's biometric characteristic. Common types of biometrics include fingerprint, palm print, iris scan and voice recognition. Tangerine's Voice ID program uses voice recognition biometrics to produce a model of your voice which is then used to create a secure method for accessing your personal information when you call us.</p> <p>You enroll in the Voice ID program by recording your voice speaking in natural conversation with an Associate over the phone. By doing so, you consent to us using your voiceprint to confirm your identity in case you ever have trouble logging in when you call us.</p> <p>We will only collect information that is pertinent and consistent with the purposes of the collection.</p> How we use your voiceprint <p>Your voiceprint is a numeric sequence that represents the features of your voice. Once you've enrolled in the program, if you ever have trouble entering your PIN when you call us, we'll compare your voice against this stored numeric sequence. If they match, your identity is confirmed, and you're transferred to one of our Associates or to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) self-service function. Your voiceprint will only ever be used to confirm your identity and replaces other methods of verification such as questions asked by one of our Associates.</p> <p>Your unique voiceprint can't be used to reverse engineer, reuse or recreate your voice. Your voiceprint is encrypted and kept in our secure database. Your voiceprint will only be accessible by:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Our employees who need the information in the performance of their duties for us,</p> </li> <li> <p>Our affiliates, to:</p> <ul> <li> <p>resolve your concerns about any related products and services with us</p> </li> <li> <p>assist in other required investigations</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Service providers who need the information in the performance of their duties for us, and to satisfy their obligations to us, and,</p> </li> <li> <p>Anyone who is otherwise authorized by law</p> </li> </ul> <br> It's your choice <p>You can withdraw your consent for us to use your voiceprint at any time, but doing so will prevent you from using the Voice ID system in the future, unless you re-enroll. This means you'll be identified using the verification questions asked by our Associates when you call to do telephone banking.</p> <p>If you choose to withdraw your consent for any reason, your voiceprint will be de-activated and retained as required or permitted by law.</p> <p>Back to Top</p>

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