
Local Exchange Services

Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) , 2260 Apollo Way , Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Title Sheet,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,PRICE GUIDE SCHEDULE ,APPLICABLE TO LOCAL EXCHANGE ,SERVICES IN MULTI-TENANT ,DWELLING UNITS ,of ,SONIC TELECOM, LLC ,#U-7002-C ,within the ,STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 1,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,CHECK SHEET ,Sheets of this Price Guide as listed below are effective as of the date shown at the top of the page are in ,effect as of the date on the page. ,Sheet Sheet ,Number Number ,Revision Revision ,TitleOriginal32Original,1Original33Original,2Original34Original,3 Original 35 Original ,4Original36Original,5Original37Original,6Original38Original,7Original39Original,8Original40Original,9Original41Original,10Original42Original,11Original43Original,12Original44Original,13Original45Original,14Original46Original,15Original47Original,16Original48Original,17Original49Original,18Original50Original,19Original51Original,20Original52Original,21Original53Original,22 Original 54 Original ,23Original55Original,24Original56Original,25Original57Original,26 Original 58 Original ,27Original59Original,28Original60Original,29Original61Original,30Original62Original,31 Original ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 2,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,CHECK SHEET (Cont’d) ,SheetSheet,Number Revision Number Revision ,63 Original 94 Original ,64Original95Original,65Original96Original,66Original,67Original,68Original,69 Original ,70Original,71Original,72 Original ,73Original,74Original,75Original,76Original,77Original,78 Original ,79Original,80Original,81Original,82Original,83Original,84Original,85Original,86Original,87Original,88Original,89 Original ,90Original,91Original,92Original,93 Original ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 3,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,TABLE OF CONTENTS ,Sheet No. ,CHECK SHEET ............................................................................................................................................ 3 ,EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS .................................................................................................................. 4 ,SECTION 1 – PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ............................................................................................. 5 ,SECTION 2 - RULES .................................................................................................................................... 7 ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES .................................................................................................... 81 ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 4,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS ,(C)To signify changed listing, rule, or condition which may affect ,rates or charges. ,(D)To signify discontinued material, including listing, rate, rule or ,condition. ,(I)To signify increase. ,(L) To signify material relocated from or to another part of the Price ,Guide schedules with no change in text, rate, rule or condition. ,(N) To signify new material including listing, rate, rule or condition. ,(R) To signify reduction ,(T) To signify a change in wording of text but not change in rate, rule ,or condition. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 5,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 1 - PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ,No. 1 General ,1.1This Price Guide sets forth the rates and rules of Sonic Telecom, LLC applicable to its ,provision of competitive local exchange service within the State of California to Business ,and Residential Customers located in at Multi-tenant Dwelling Units (“MDUs”) in ,exchange areas served by Pacific Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T California, ,Frontier California Inc. Consolidated Communications of California Company, and ,Citizens Telecommunications Company of California d/b/a Frontier Communications of ,California, Inc. ,1.2The rates and rules contained herein are subject to change pursuant to the rules and ,regulations of the CPUC and its provision of telecommunications services throughout the ,State of California. ,1.3The Company has been authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) ,to provide competitive local exchange service. ,No. 2 Availability of the Company's Price Guide ,2.1Complete copies of the Company's advice letters and current Price Guide are maintained at ,the Company's business offices located at: ,Sonic Telecom, LLC ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 6,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 1 - PRELIMINARY STATEMENT (Cont’d) ,No. 3 Service Area Map ,3.1The Company has been authorized by the Commission to provide competitive local ,exchange service within the areas of the State of California currently served by Pacific Bell ,Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T California, Frontier California Inc. Consolidated ,Communications of California Company, and Citizens Telecommunications Company of ,California d/b/a Frontier Communications of California, Inc. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 7,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES ,No. 1 Definitions ,Advance Payment: Part or all of a payment required before the start of service. ,Access Code: Denotes a uniform code assigned to the Company. The code has the form 10XXX or ,10XXXXX for direct access. 950-0XXX or 950-1XXX for calling card access. ,Agency: For 911 or E911 service, the government agency(s) designated as having responsibility for the ,control and staffing of the emergency report center. ,Analog: A transmission method employing a continuous (rather than a pulsed or digital) electrical signal ,that varies in amplitude or frequency in response to changes of sound, light, position, etc., impressed on ,a transducer in the sending device. ,Attendant: An operator of a PBX console or telephone switchboard. ,Authorized User: A person, corporation or other entity who is authorized by the Company's Customer to ,utilize service provided by the Company to the Customer. The Customer is responsible for all charges ,incurred by an Authorized User. ,Automatic Number Identification (“ANI”): Allows the automatic transmission of a caller's billing account ,telephone number to a local exchange company, interexchange carrier or a third party subscriber. The ,primary purpose of ANI is to allow for billing of toll calls. ,Bit: The smallest unit of information in the binary system of notation. ,Building: A structure enclosed within exterior walls or fire walls, built, erected and framed of component ,structural parts and designed for permanent occupancy. ,Call Hold: Allows the user to hold one call for any length of time provided that neither party goes on-hook. ,Call Transfer: Allows a user to transfer any established call to another line. ,Central Office: An operating office of the Company where connections are made between telephone ,exchange lines. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 8,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Definitions (Cont’d) ,Channel: A point-to-point bi-directional path for digital transmission. A channel may be furnished in such a ,manner as the Company may elect, whether by wire, fiber optics, radio or a combination thereof and ,whether or not by means of single physical facility or route. One 1.544 Mbps Service is equivalent to 24 ,channels. ,College: An establishment for higher education authorized to confer degrees where lodging for the students ,is maintained on the premises. ,Commission or California Public Utilities Commission: The California Public Utilities Commission ,(CPUC). ,Communications Services: The Company's local exchange telephone services. ,Communications Systems: Channels and other facilities which are capable of two-way communications ,between subscriber-provided terminal equipment or Company equipment , even when not connected to ,exchange and message toll communications service ,Company: Sonic Telecom, LLC, the issuer of this Price Guide, located at: 2260 Apollo Way, Santa Rosa, ,CA 95407. ,Company Equipment: Communications facilities including fiber optic cable, routes, gateways, connectors and ,other devices or facilities used to provide Communications Services to a Customer. ,CLC: Competitive Local Carrier. A common carrier that was issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and ,Necessity after July 24, 1995 to provide telecommunications service within a specific geographic area. ,Customer: The person, firm, corporation, or other entity that orders, utilizes or receives service from the Company ,provided under the Company’s terms. A Customer is responsible for using the services provided by the ,Company by means of all terms of the Company's Price Guide. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 10,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Definitions (Cont’d) ,Customer Premises Equipment (CPE): Equipment provided by the Customer for use with the Company's ,Communications Services. CPE can include an electronic voice or data device, including a facsimile ,machine, key system, PBX, or other communication system. ,Customer Premises: The location within a Multi-tenant Dwelling Unit where the Customer receives ,Communications Services, including access to and through all common areas of the MDU required to ,access the Customer location to provide Communications Services. ,Date of Presentation: The postmark date on the billing envelope. ,Day: Time period from 8:01 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ,Demarcation Point: The point at which the Company's facilities end and the customer’s facilities begin. A ,demarcation point may be located at the minimum point of entry, pedestal, or at the customer's premises. ,The Company bears no responsibility for facilities, signals or quality of service at any point on the ,customer's side of the demarcation point. ,Digital: A method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic ,or optical pulses that represent the binary digits (bits) 0 and 1. Digital transmission/switching ,technologies employ a sequence of discrete, individually distinct pulses to represent information, as ,opposed to the continuously variable signal of analog technologies. ,Direct Inward Dial ("DID"): A service attribute that routes incoming calls directly to Customer Premises ,Equipment, by-passing a central answer point. ,Emergency Service Number ("ESN"): A unique code, assigned by the Company, used to define specific ,combinations of police, fire and/or ambulance jurisdictions, or any other authorized agency, which are ,designated by the Customer. ,Error: A discrepancy or unintentional deviation by the Company from what is correct or true. An "error", ,can also be an omission in records. ,Evening: Time period from 5:01 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. ,Exchange: A geographic area smaller than a LATA established by the Company for the administration of ,Communications Service in a specified area. An Exchange may consist of one or more central offices ,together with the associated facilities used in furnishing communications service within that area. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 10,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Definitions (Cont’d) ,Exchange Service: The provision to the Subscriber of access to the exchange system for the purpose of ,sending and receiving Communications Services. ,Fiber Optic Cable: A thin filament of glass with a protective outer coating through which a light beam ,carrying communications signals may be transmitted by means of multiple internal reflections to a ,receiver, which translates the message. ,Hospital: An establishment for treatment of human patients by members of the medical profession where ,lodging for the patients is maintained on the premises. ,Hotel: An establishment offering lodging with or without meals to the general public on a day-to-day basis. ,Inside Wire: Wiring, riser cable, house cable or fiber optic cable located within a Multi-tenant Dwelling ,Unit and/or within the customer's premises. ,Interexchange Carrier (IC) : Any individual, partnership, association, corporation or other entity engaged in ,intrastate communication for hire by wire or radio between two or more exchanges. ,Interface: That point on the premises of the subscriber at which provision is made for connection of ,facilities provided by someone other than the Company to facilities provided by the Company. ,Interruption: The inability to complete calls, either incoming or outgoing or both, due to Company facilities ,malfunction or human errors. ,Joint User: A person, firm or corporation which is designated by the Customer as a user of services ,furnished to the Customer by the Company and to whom a portion of the charges for the service will be ,billed under a joint user arrangement as specified herein. ,LATA: A Local Access and Transport Area established pursuant to the Modification of Final Judgment ,entered by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 82-0192. or ,any other geographic area designated as a LATA in the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. ,Tariff F.C.C. No. 4, or by other appropriate means. ,Link: The physical facility from the network interface on an end-user's or carrier's premises to the point of ,interconnection on the main distribution frame of the Company's central office. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,(2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 13,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Definitions (Cont’d) ,Local Call: A call which, if placed by a Customer over the facilities of the Company, is not rated as a toll ,call. ,Local Calling Area: The Company's local calling areas for basic service rates mirror the local calling areas ,described in the dominant local exchange carrier's tariff for that region. ,Local Service: Telephone Service within a Local Calling Area. ,Megabit: One million bits. ,Mbps: Megabits, denotes millions of bits per second. ,Move: The disconnection of existing equipment at one location and reconnection of the same equipment at a ,new location in the same building or in a different building on the same premises. ,Multi-tenant Dwelling Unit: A building or group of buildings with multiple dwelling units used by a Customer ,primarily as long-term residential accommodation, but not a Hotel or other lodging obtained on a day-to-,day basis. ,Multiline Hunt: A method of call signaling by which a call placed to one number is subsequently routed to ,one or more alternative numbers when the called number is busy. ,Network: Refers to the Company's fiber optic cable, facilities, equipment, and services provided under this Price Guide. ,Night: Time period from 11:01 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. ,Non-published Service: Service in which the Customer's name, address and telephone number are omitted ,from any telephone directory, street address directory, or in the directory assistance records available to ,the general public. ,Other Telephone Company: An Exchange Telephone Company other than the Company or issuer of this ,Price Guide. ,PBX: A private branch exchange. ,Port: A connection to the Company’s network with one or more communications channels, each with a ,unique network address (e.g. telephone number) dedicated to the Customer. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,(2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 13,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Definitions (Cont’d) ,Public Safety Agency: The State or any city, county, municipal corporation, public district, public authority, ,or functional division located in whole or in part within the State which provides or has the authority ,to provide firefighting, law enforcement, ambulances, medical, or emergency services. Referred to the ,customer as Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service. ,Public Safety Answering Point ("PSAP"): An answering location for E911 calls originating in a given area. ,A PSAP may be designated as primary or secondary, which refers to the order in which calls are directed ,for answering. Primary PSAPs respond first. secondary PSAPs receive calls on a transfer basis only and ,generally serve as a centralized answering location for a particular type of emergency call. ,Recurring Charges: The monthly charges to the Customer for services, facilities and equipment, which ,continue for the agreed upon duration of the service. ,Referral Period: The time frame during which calls to a number which has been changed will be sent to a ,recording which will inform the caller of the new number. ,Same Premises: All space in the same Multi-tenant Dwelling Unit in which one subscriber has the right of ,occupancy, and all space in different buildings on contiguous property when occupied solely by the ,same subscriber. Foyers, hallways and other space for the common use of all occupants of a building ,are considered the Customer Premises for purposes of accessing the Customer Premises to provide ,Communications Services. ,Service Order: A written request for Communications Services executed by the Customer and the Company ,in the format devised by the Company. The signing of a Service Order by the Customer and acceptance ,by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this ,Price Guide, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date. ,Serving Central Office: The central office from which local service is furnished. ,Shared: A facility or equipment system or subsystem that can be used simultaneously by several Customers. ,Suspension: Suspension of service is the interruption of both incoming and outgoing service for non-,payment. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,(2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 13,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Definitions (Cont’d) ,T-1 System: A type of digital carrier system transmitting voice or data at 1.544 Mbps. A T- 1 carrier can ,handle up to 24 multiplexed 64 Kbps digital voice/data channels. A T-1 carrier system can use metallic ,cable, microwave radio or optical fiber as transmission media. ,Telephone Call: A voice connection between two or more Customer Premises Devices. ,Tenant: Any reference to tenant shall be defined the same as Customer. ,Termination Of Service: Discontinuance of both incoming and outgoing service. ,Three-Way Calling: Allows a user to add a third party to an existing conversation. ,Toll Call: Any call extending beyond the local exchange of the originating caller which is rated on a toll ,schedule by the Company. ,Two-way: A service attribute that includes outward dial capabilities for outbound calls and the ability to ,receive inbound calls. ,Universal Emergency Telephone Number (“911”) Service: Wherever feasible, the Company will provide a ,universal Central Office number "911" for the use of Public Safety Agencies having the responsibility ,to protect the safety and property of the general public. It is intended that use of 911 Service will provide ,the public with a means of simple and direct telephone access to a Public Safety Answering Point. ,User or End-User: Any person or entity that obtains the Company's services provided under this Price ,Guide, regardless of whether such person or entity is so authorized by the Customer. ,Weekend: Time Period from 12:01 Saturday morning to 11:59 Sunday night and the following holidays: ,New Years Day, President’s Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day ,and Christmas day. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 14,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 2 Description of Service ,2.1Undertaking of the Company ,2.1.1The Company undertakes to furnish Communications Service pursuant to the terms ,of this Price Guide in connection with one-way and/or two-way information ,transmission between points within the State of California. ,2.1.2Customers and users may use service and facilities provided under this Price Guide ,to obtain access to services offered by other service providers. The Company is ,responsible under this Price Guide only for the services and facilities provided ,hereunder, and it assumes no responsibility for any service provided by any other ,entity that purchases access to the Company network in order to originate or ,terminate its own services, or to communicate with its own customers (e.g., NPA ,900, NXX 976, etc.). ,2.1.3Service is offered for local and long distance calling to Customers pursuant to the ,terms of this Price Guide. Descriptions applicable to specific offerings are found in ,the Rate Schedules contained in Section 3 of this Price Guide. ,2.1.4Service is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week and is subject to the ,availability of necessary service, equipment and facilities and the economic ,feasibility of providing such necessary service, equipment and facilities. ,2.1.5Services are offered via the Company's facilities (whether owned, leased or under ,contract) in combination with resold services provided by other certificated carriers ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 15,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 3 Order for Service ,3.1Order Process ,3.1.1Service is installed by arrangement between Sonic Telecom, LLC and its ,customers. ,3.1.2A Customer desiring to obtain service may do so based on an oral or written ,agreement. In order to initiate service, the Customer must provide the following ,information: an address to which the Company shall mail or deliver all notices and ,other communications, except that the Customer may also designate a separate ,address to which the Company's bills for service shall be mailed. ,3.1.3The Company shall designate a physical address or email address to which the ,Customer shall mail, email or otherwise deliver all notices and other ,communications, except that the Company may designate a separate physical or ,email address, or website address or payment portal on each bill for service where ,the Customer shall provide payment on that bill. ,3.1.4Service may be initiated based on a written or oral agreement between Sonic ,Telecom and the customer. In either case, prior to the agreement, the customer ,shall be informed of all rates and charges for the services the customer desires and ,any other rates or charges which will appear on the customer's first bill. If the ,agreement is oral, within 10 days of initiating the service order, Sonic Telecom will ,provide a confirmation letter setting forth a brief description of the services ordered ,and itemizing all charges which will appear on the customer's bill. The letter must ,be in a language other than English if the sale was in another language. ,3.1.5Within 10 days of initiating service, Sonic Telecom shall state in writing for all ,new customers all material terms and conditions that could affect what the ,customer pays for telecommunications services provided by Sonic Telecom. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 16,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 3 Order for Service (Cont’d) ,3.2Cancellation of Service Order ,3.2.1When a Customer cancels an order for service prior to the start of service or prior ,to installation of any Company Equipment, no charges will be imposed. ,3.2.2Where, prior to cancellation by the Customer, the Company incurs any expenses in ,installing the service or in preparing to install the service that it otherwise would ,not have incurred, it may assess a charge equal to the costs the Company incurred, ,less net salvage, and including all charges others levy against the Company that ,would have been chargeable to the Customer had service begun. ,3.2.3The Customer may have service discontinued upon verbal, written or electronic ,notice to the Company. The Company shall hold the Customer responsible for ,payment of all bills for service furnished until the cancellation date specified by ,the Customer or until the date that the written cancellation notice is received, ,whichever is later. A termination liability charge applies to early cancellation of a ,term agreement. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T, Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 17,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 3 Order for Service (Cont’d) ,3.3Termination Liability ,3.3.1Unless otherwise specified in individually negotiated contracts, the termination ,liability for services purchased under a Term Agreement will be equal to the lesser ,of either: , of the balance of the total billing payable during the life of the term, or , difference between the monthly rate for the selected term plan and the monthly ,rates for the longest term plan that Customer could have satisfied prior to early ,discontinuance of service. ,3.4Initiation of Service ,3.4.1Within 10 days of initiating service, the Company shall state in writing for all new ,Customers all material terms and conditions that could affect what the Customer ,pays for telecommunications services provided by the Company. ,3.4.2Potential Customers who are denied service for failure to establish credit as ,described in this Price Guide must be given the reason for the denial in writing ,within 10 days of service denial. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 18,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 4 Contracts ,Contracts will be used for Individual Case Basis ("ICB") service offerings or Special Construction. ,Customer and Company can enter into a contract for Centrex service. The terms and conditions of each ,contract offering are subject to the agreement of both the Customer and Company. Such contract offerings ,will be made available to similarly situated Customers in substantially similar circumstances. Contracts are ,available to any similarly situated Customer. ICB arrangements will be filed in accordance with G.O. 96-B.,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T, Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 19,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 5 Special Information Required On Forms ,5.1Customer Bills ,5.1.1The Company's name shall be identified on each Customer bill. Each bill will ,prominently display a toll-free number for service or billing inquiries, together with ,an address where the Customer may write to the Company. If the Company uses a ,billing agent, the Company will also include the name of the billing agent it uses. ,Each bill for telephone service will contain notations concerning the following: ,-When the bill shall be paid by the Customer to the Company. ,-Billing detail, including the period of service covered by the bill and the due date for ,Customer payment. ,-How the Customer must pay the bill. ,-How to contact the Company with questions about the bill. ,-Listing of government taxes and surcharges. and ,-Bills are due and payable within 15 calendar days of the invoice date. ,5.1.2 Customer Complaints ,The bill will contain information advising that should a Customer have any questions ,regarding their bill, they can request an explanation from Sonic Telecom, LLC. however, if ,the Customer believes they have been incorrectly billed they may file a complaint with ,the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Consumer Affairs Branch (CAB), 505 ,Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102. To avoid having service turned off ,while they wait for the outcome of a complaint to the CPUC specifically regarding the ,accuracy of their bill, they may contact CAB for assistance. If your case meets the ,eligibility criteria, CAB will provide you with instructions on how to mail a check or ,money order to be impounded pending resolution of your case. You must continue to pay ,your current charges while your complaint is under review to keep your service turned on. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 20,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 5 Special Information Required On Forms (Cont’d) ,5.1 Customer Bills (Cont’d) ,5.1.2Deposits ,The Company does not require a deposit from Customers. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 21,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Advance Payments and Deposits ,6.1Advance Payments ,6.1.1The Company may offer promotions providing one or more months of service free ,to the Customer. Thereafter, the Customer will be billed in advance for services ,during the following month. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 22,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Advance Payments and Deposits (Cont’d) ,6.2 ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 7 Notices and Communications ,7.1Notices by the Company ,Unless otherwise provided by these Rules, any notice by the Company to the Customer or ,by the Customer's authorized representative will be given in writing either by electronic ,mail to the Customer or to the Customer's authorized representative, or by written notice ,mailed to the Customer's or the authorized representative's last known address. The ,Company may provide verbal notice to a Customer or to an authorized representative ,thereof only in emergencies, where a delay may result in impaired service or a hazard to a ,Customer. All notices and other communications of either party, and all bills mailed by the ,Company, shall be presumed to have been delivered to the other party on the third business ,day following of the placement of the notice, communication or bill with the U.S. Mail or ,a private delivery service, prepaid and properly addressed, or when actually received or ,refused by the addressee, whichever occurs first ,A.Regarding Rate Information: ,Rate information and information regarding the terms and conditions of service ,will be provided in writing upon request by a current or potential Customer. Notice ,of major increases in rates will be provided in writing to the Customer and ,postmarked at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the change. No Customer ,notice shall be required for minor rate increase or rate decrease. Upon request ,customers shall be advised of optional service plans in writing. In addition, ,Customers shall be advised of changes to the terms and conditions of service which ,may result in rate increases to some or all Customers or which result in reduced ,service or increased obligations for Customers. The Company shall provide this ,notice no later than the Company's next periodic billing cycle. ,When the Company provides information to a consumer that is allegedly in ,violation of its Price Guides, the consumer shall have the right to bring a complaint ,against the Company. If the Commission determines that the complaint is part of a ,pattern of misinformation or was an attempt to defraud the Customer, the ,Commission may impose appropriate sanctions. ,The Company will notify Customers in writing of a change in ownership or identity ,of a Customer's service provider on the Customer's next monthly billing cycle. ,Notices the Company sends to Customers, or to the CPUC, shall be a legible size ,and printed in a minimum point size of 10 and are deemed made on the date of ,presentation. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 24,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 7 Notices and Communications (Cont’d) ,7.2Notice by Customer ,A.Unless otherwise provided by these Rules, any notice by the Customer or its ,authorized representative may be given verbally to the Company at the Company's ,business office (in person or telephonically), by electronic mail or by written notice ,mailed to the Company's business office. Cancellation of service by the Customer ,may be given verbally, electronic mail or by written notice to the Company at the ,Company's business office (in person or telephonically). ,B.The Company or the Customer shall advise the other party of any changes to the ,addresses designated for notices, other communications or billing, by following the ,notice set forth herein. ,C.The Company shall, upon request, provide any applicant for service or Customer ,the following information: ,D.The CPUC identification number of its registration to operate as a ,telecommunications corporation within California. ,E.The address and telephone number of the CPUC to verify its authority to operate. ,F.A copy of the CPUC's Consumer Protection Regulations. ,G.A toll-free number to call for service or billing inquiries, along with an address ,where the Customer may write to the Company. ,H.A full disclosure of all fictitious names, (i.e., d/b/a names) of the Company. ,I.The names of billing agents, if any, the Company uses in place of performing the ,billing function itself. ,J.Rate information as required in Rule 6 of the Consumer Protection Regulations set ,forth in D.95-07-054. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 25,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 8 Rendering and Payment of Bills ,8.1Rendering of Bills ,8.1.1Customer bills are issued monthly. The Customer will receive its bill on or about ,the same day of each month. Months are presumed to have 30 days. The billing ,date is dependent on the billing cycle assigned to the Customer. Each bill contains ,monthly recurring charges billed in advance, usage charges billed in arrears, and ,the last date for timely payment. The Company will prorate monthly recurring ,charges based on a 30-day month. ,8.2Payment of Bills ,8.2.1Bills are due and payable as specified on the bill. All charges for service are ,payable only in United States currency. Payment is accepted by credit or debit card ,only. ,8.2.2The Company will credit payments within 24 hours of receipt. ,8.2.3However, if a Customer's service has been discontinued within the past 12 months ,or if the Customer incurs usage charges during a billing period which are equal to a ,least 200% of the amount of the Customer deposit or guarantee, payment may be ,demanded for the usage charges by a telephone call to the Customer followed by ,written notification of such demand sent by first class mail. If the requested ,payment is not made within five days from the rendition of written notification or a ,mutually established late payment arrangement date or 30 days from the date of the ,bill, the usage charge will be deemed delinquent. Charges deemed delinquent may ,be subject to the lesser of either a late payment charge of 1.5% per month or portion ,thereof that the bill remains unpaid, or the maximum allowed by law. This amount ,will be assessed from the date payment was due. ,8.2.3Bills that remain unpaid beyond the due date on the bill will incur a late payment ,charge of 1.5% of the outstanding unpaid balance for each month or part of a month ,that the bill remains unpaid after the specified due date. The late payment date will ,be prominently displayed on the customer’s bill. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 26,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 9 Disputed Bill Procedure ,9.1Disputed Bill Procedure ,9.1.1In the case of a dispute between a Customer and the Company as to the correct ,amount of a bill rendered by the Company for service furnished to the Customer, ,which cannot be adjusted with mutual satisfaction, the Customer may make the ,following arrangements: ,-The Customer may make a request, and the Company shall comply with ,the request, for an investigation and review of the disputed amount. ,-The undisputed portion of the bill and subsequent bills, other than the ,disputed amount, must be paid by the "Due by" date shown on the bill. The ,“Due by” date shall be no sooner than 15 days after the date of ,presentation. If the undisputed portion of the bill and subsequent bills ,become delinquent, the service may be subject to disconnection if the ,Company has notified the Customer by written notice of such delinquency ,and impending termination. ,-If there is still disagreement about the disputed amount after an ,investigation and review by a manager of the Company, the Customer may ,appeal to the Consumer Affairs Branch ("CAB") of the CPUC for an ,investigation and decision. To avoid disconnection of service, the ,Customer must submit the claim and, if the bill has not been paid, deposit ,the amount in dispute with CAB within 7 calendar days after the date on ,which the Company notifies the Customer that the investigation and ,review have been completed and that such deposit must be made or service ,will be disconnected. However, the service will not be disconnected prior ,to the Due By Date shown on the bill. The Company may not disconnect ,the Customer's service for nonpayment as long as the Customer complies ,with these conditions. ,-The Company shall respond within 10 business days to requests for ,information issued by CAB. CAB will review the Customer's claim of the ,disputed amount, communicate the results of its review to the Customer ,and the Company, and disburse the monies deposited by die Customer. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 27,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 9 Disputed Bill Procedure (Cont’d) ,9.1.2After the investigation and review are completed by Sonic Telecom, if the customer elects ,not to deposit the amount in dispute with CAB, such amount becomes due and payable at ,once. In order to avoid disconnection of service, such amount must be paid within 7 ,calendar days after the date Sonic Telecom notifies the customer that the investigation and ,review are completed and that such payment must be made or service will be interrupted. ,However, the service will not be disconnected prior to the Due By Date shown on the bill. ,9.1.3The address of the CPUC is as follows: ,CaliforniaPublicUtilitiesCommission,ConsumerAffairsBranch,505VanNessAvenue,SanFrancisco,California94102,(415)703-1170,(800)649-7570,(415)703-2032TDD,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 28,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 10 Termination of Service ,10.1Termination of Service by Customer ,10.1.1A Customer may have service discontinued upon oral or written notice to the ,Company on or before the date of disconnection. Customers remain responsible for ,payment of all bills for services furnished. Basic Service will not be disconnected ,for non-payment of anything other than residential and single line business, as flat ,rate and/or measured services are defined in D.96-10-066. ,10.1.2If a Customer cancels his or her order for service before the service begins, a charge ,equal to the greater of $25.00 or the actual costs incurred by the Company in ,provisioning the service prior to the cancellation may be levied upon the Customer. ,However, no charge will be levied if a Customer cancels his or her service within ,three (3) days of the date the order was placed in writing or within three (3) days ,of the date of the Company's written confirmation. No cancellation charge applies ,to orders canceled due to delays in installation that are caused by the Company that ,are ten (10) days past the promised due date. The Customer will be informed of the ,cancellation charge at the time the order is placed. ,10.1.3No minimum or termination charge will apply if service is terminated because of ,condemnation, destruction, or damage to the property by fire or other causes ,beyond the control of the Customer. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 29,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 10 Termination of Service (Cont’d) ,10.1 Termination of Service By the Company ,10.2.1The Company may discontinue service under the following circumstances: ,A.Nonpayment of any sum due to the Company for service more than 30 ,days beyond the date of the invoice for such service. In the event the ,Company terminates service for nonpayment, the Customer may be liable ,for all reasonable court costs and attorneys fees as determined by CPUC or ,by the court. ,B.A violation of, or failure to comply with, any regulation governing the ,furnishing of service. ,C.An order from a court from another government authority having ,jurisdiction which prohibits the Company from furnishing service. ,D.Failure to post a required deposit or guarantee. ,E.In the event that the Customer supplied false or inaccurate information of a ,material nature in order to obtain service. ,F.Any violation of the conditions governing the furnishing of service. ,10.2.2Service may be refused or disconnected in the event of illegal use or of intent to defraud the ,Company. The Company may disconnect service for this reason after sending written ,notice by certified mail to the Customer's last known address. ,10.2.3Service will not be discontinued for nonpayment of Category III services, as defined by the ,California Public Utilities Commission. ,10.2.4The Company provides service only on fiber optic facilities which require electrical power from ,inside the Customer’s unit. If a Customer loses electrical power to his or her unit or if the Customer ,vacates the unit, the availability of electrical power is controlled by the MDU owner. Therefore the ,Company cannot guarantee that the power necessary for Company Equipment will be available in a ,Customer’s unit, therefore, it cannot provide Customers access to 911 emergency service should ,service be discontinued by the Company to said Customers until such time as the Customer ,has established service with another carrier. (Also known as "Warm Line.") ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 30,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 10 Termination of Service (Cont’d) ,10.3Notice for Disconnection ,10.3.1Written notice of the pending disconnection will be rendered not less than 7 days ,prior to the disconnection. Notice shall be deemed given upon deposit, first class ,postage prepaid, in the U.S. Mail to the Customer's last known address. ,10.3.2Service may be discontinued during business hours on or after the date specified in ,the notice of discontinuance. Service will not be initially discontinued on any ,Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or any other day the Company service ,representatives are not available to serve Customers. ,10.2.3Written notice will state: ,A.the name and address of the Customer whose account is delinquent. ,B.the reason for discontinuance. ,C.the amount that is delinquent (if applicable). ,D.the date when payment or arrangements for payment are required in order ,to avoid termination. ,E.the procedure the Customer may use to initiate a complaint or to request an ,investigation concerning service or disputed charges as set forth in Rule 9. ,F.the procedure the Customer may use to request amortization of the unpaid ,charges. ,G.the telephone number of a the Company representative, who can provide ,additional information or institute arrangements for payment. ,H.the telephone number of the CPUC Consumer Affairs Branch where the ,Customer may direct inquiries. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 31,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 10 Termination of Service (Cont’d) ,10.4Restoration of Service ,The Customer may restore service by full payment in any reasonable manner including by ,personal check. However, the Company may refuse to accept a personal check if a ,Customer's check for payment of service has been dishonored, excepting bank error, within ,the last twelve months. A restoration charge will apply after the disconnection of service. ,if, however, the equipment necessary for service has been removed, a complete activation ,fee will apply. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 11 Temporary Service ,From time to time, Sonic Telecom, LLC may agree to install temporary service for a Customer for ,demonstration purposes only. Such service will not be continued for more than 60 days. Calls ,placed by Customers on such temporary service will be subject to the regulations provided in this ,Price Guide. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 33,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 12 Continuity of Service ,12.1Allowances for Interruptions in Service ,12.1.1Credit allowance for interruptions of service which are not due to the Company's ,testing or adjusting, to the negligence of the Customer, or to the failure of channels, ,equipment or communications system provided by Customer, are subject to the ,general liability provisions set forth in Rule 16, herein. It shall be the obligation of ,the Customer to notify the Company of any interruptions in service. Before giving ,such notice, Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any ,action or omission of Customer, not within his control, or is not in wiring or ,equipment connected to the terminal of Company. ,12.2Credit for Interruptions ,12.2.1A credit allowance will be made when an interruption occurs because of a failure ,of any component furnished by the Company under this Price Guide. An ,interruption period begins when the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit ,to be interrupted and releases it for testing and repair. An interruption period ends ,when the service, facility or circuit is operative. If the Customer reports a service, ,facility or circuit to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it ,is considered to be impaired, but not interrupted. ,12.2.2For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have 30 days. A ,credit allowance is applied on a pro rata basis against the rates specified hereunder ,and is dependent upon the length of the interruption. Only those facilities on the ,interrupted portion of the circuit will receive a credit. In no case will the credit for ,interruption exceed the monthly recurring charges for the service affected. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 34,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 12 Continuity of Service (Cont’d) ,12.2.2Credit for Interruptions (Cont’d) ,A.A credit allowance will be given for interruptions of 30 minutes or more. Credit ,allowances shall be calculated as follows: ,Interruption of 24 hours or less: ,Less than 30 minutes ,30 minutes up to, but not including 3 hours ,3 hours up to, but not including 6 hours ,6 hours up to, but not including 9 hours ,9 hours up to, but not including 12 hours ,12 hours up to, but not including 15 hours ,15 hours up to, but not including 24 hours ,Interruption ,Period ,to be Credited,None,1/10 day ,1/5 day ,2/5 day ,3/5 day ,4/5 day ,One day ,Two or more interruptions of 15 minutes or more during any one 24-hour period ,shall be considered as one interruption. ,Interruption over 24 hours and less than 72 hours will be credited 1/5 day for ,each 3-hour period or fraction thereof. No more than one full day's credit will be ,allowed for any 24-hour period. ,Interruptions over 72 hours will be credited 2 days for each full 24-hour period. ,No more than 30 days credit will be allowed for any one-month period. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 35,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 12 Continuity of Service (Cont’d) ,12.3Limitations on Allowances ,P ,12.3.1The Company shall have the discretion to determine that no credit allowance will be made for: ,A.Interruptions due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the ,provisions of this Price Guide by the Customer, authorized user, joint user, ,or other common carrier providing service connected to the service of the ,Company. ,B.Interruptions due to the negligence of any person other than the Company, ,including but not limited to the Customer or other common carriers ,connected to the Company's facilities. ,C.Interruptions due to the failure or malfunction of non-Company ,equipment. ,D.Interruptions of service during a period in which the Company is not given ,full and free access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of ,investigating and correcting interruptions. ,E.Interruptions of service during a period in which the Customer continues ,to use the service on an impaired basis. ,F.Interruptions of service during any period when the Customer has released ,service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of ,a Customer order for a change in service arrangements. or ,G.Interruption of service due to circumstances or causes beyond the control ,of the Company. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 36,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 12 Continuity of Service (Cont’d) ,12.4Temporary Suspension for Repairs ,12.4.1The Company shall have the right to make necessary repairs or changes in its ,facilities at any time and will have the right to suspend or interrupt service ,temporarily for the purpose of making the necessary repairs or changes in its ,system. When such suspension or interruption of service for any appreciable period ,is necessary, the Company will give the Customers who may be affected as ,reasonable notice thereof as circumstances will permit, and will prosecute the work ,with reasonable diligence, and if practicable at times that will cause the least ,inconvenience. ,12.4.2When the Company is repairing or changing its facilities, it shall take appropriate ,precautions to avoid unnecessary interruptions of Customers' service. ,12.4.3The use and restoration of service in emergencies shall be in accordance with Part ,64, Subpart D of the Federal Communications Commission's Rules and ,Regulations, which specifies the priority system for such activities.,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 37,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 13 Service Connections and Facilities on Customers' Premises ,13.1Service furnished by Sonic Telecom, LLC may be interconnected with services or facilities ,of other authorized communications common carriers and with private systems, subject to ,the technical limitations established by the carrier. Service furnished by Sonic Telecom, ,LLC is not part of a joint undertaking with such carriers. ,13.2Interconnection with the facilities or services of other carriers shall be under the applicable ,terms and conditions of the other carrier's tariffs. Customer is responsible for taking all ,necessary legal steps for interconnecting his or her customer-provided terminal equipment ,or communications systems with carrier's facilities. Customer shall secure all licenses, ,permits, right-of-way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection. ,13.3Company's facilities and service may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided ,terminal equipment or communications systems. Such terminal equipment shall be ,furnished and maintained at the expense of Customer, except as otherwise provided. ,Customer is responsible for all costs at his or her premises, including personnel, wiring, ,electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of carrier's service. When such terminal ,equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with the generally accepted minimum ,protective criteria standards of the telecommunications industry. ,13.4The Company's authorized employees, agents or representatives have the right to enter and ,leave the Customer Premises at reasonable hours for any purpose connected with the ,furnishing of Communications Service, including but not limited to, telephone service, and ,the exercise of any and all rights secured to it by law or by these Rules and Regulations. ,While the Company is performing in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of this ,Price Guide, the Customer shall not interfere with access to the Customer’s Premises to ,provide Communications Services. ,The Company may remove any and all of its facilities and property, located on the ,Customer Premises at the termination of service, as provided for in these Rules and ,Regulations. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 38,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 14 Extension of Lines ,14.1 Extension Request ,14.1.1 If no facilities exist within 300 feet of the Company’s network, a Customer may request a line ,extension to serve the Customer Premises. The Company shall have the right to determine ,whether to provide such extension. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 39,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 15 Telephone Number Changes ,15.1When a business Customer requests a telephone number change, the referral period for the ,disconnected number is 180 days. ,15.2The Company reserves all rights to the telephone numbers assigned to any Customer. The ,Customer may order a Customized Number where facilities permit for an additional charge. ,15.3When service in an existing location is continued for a new Customer, the existing ,telephone number may be retained by the new Customer only if the former Customer ,consents in writing, and if all charges against the account are paid or assumed by the new ,Customer. ,15.4The Customer has no property right in the assigned telephone number and none can be ,acquired by usage or otherwise. The Company reserves the right to assign, designate, or ,change such numbers when reasonably necessary in the conduct of its business. Telephone ,numbers of Customers who discontinue service may be reassigned 30 days from the date of ,discontinuance of service. ,A Customer who wishes to retain his or her existing telephone number when that Customer ,changes his or her local service provider from the Company to the incumbent local ,exchange carrier or to a Competitive Local Carrier and chooses to disconnect the ,Company's service associated with the telephone number, may negotiate with the new ,carrier to obtain Number Call Forwarding. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 40,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 16 Limitation of Liability ,16.1Limitation of Liability ,16.1.1Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or ,equipment and subject to the provisions of this Price Guide, except that the ,Company will serve all locations within 300 feet of its facilities, provided that the ,Company can obtain reasonable access to the Customer’s demarcation point. ,Beyond the 300 feet service requirement, the Company may decline applications ,for service to or from a location where the necessary facilities or equipment are not ,available. The Company may discontinue furnishing service in accordance with the ,terms of this Price Guide. ,16.1.2The provisions of this section of this rule do not apply to errors and omissions ,caused by willful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or violations of laws by the ,Company. ,16.1.3In the event an error or omission is caused by the gross negligence of the Company, ,the liability of the Company shall be limited to and in no event exceed the sum of ,$10,000. ,16.1.4Except as provided above, the liability of the Company for damages arising out of ,mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in any of the services or ,private line, alphabetical directory listings (excluding the use of bold type), and all ,other services shall in no event exceed an amount equal to the pro rata charges to ,the Customer for the periods during which the services or facilities area affected by ,the mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect, provided, however, that ,where any mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect of any one service ,or facility affects or diminishes the value of any other service, said liability shall ,include such diminution, but in no event shall exceed the total amount of the ,charges to the Customer for all services or facilities for the period affected by the ,mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect. Company will not be liable ,to its wholesale customers’ retail end users for any errors caused by the wholesale ,customer. ,16.1.5The Company shall not be liable for errors in transmitting, receiving or delivering ,oral messages by telephone over the lines of the Company and connecting utilities. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.41,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 16 Limitation of Liability (Cont’d) ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 42,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 17 Limitations of Service ,17.1The Company reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by ,conditions beyond its control, or when service is used in violation of provisions of this ,Price Guide or the law. ,17.2The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its service ,when available, and, as more fully set forth elsewhere in this Price Guide, shall not be liable ,for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. ,17.3The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose ,requirements as required to meet changing regulatory or statutory rules and standards. ,17.4The Company reserves the right to refuse an application for service made by a present or ,former Customer who is indebted to the Company for service previously rendered pursuant ,to this Price Guide until the indebtedness is satisfied. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 43,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 18 Use of Service ,18.1Use of Service ,18.1.1Service may be used by the Customer for any lawful purpose for which the service ,is technically suited. ,18.1.2The Customer obtains no property right or interest in the use of any specific type of ,facility, service, equipment, number, process, or code. All right, title and interest to ,such items remain, at all times, solely with the Company. ,18.1.3Recording of telephone conversations of service provided by the Company under ,this Price Guide is prohibited except as authorized by applicable federal, state and ,local laws. ,18.1.4Any service provided under this Price Guide may be resold to or shared (jointly ,used) with other persons at the Customer's option. Service may only be resold or ,shared in accordance with the provisions of the specific service. Specifically, ,residential service may only be used, resold or shared for noncommercial purposes. ,The Customer remains solely responsible for all use of service ordered by it or ,billed to its telephone number(s) pursuant to this Price Guide, for determining who ,is authorized to use its service, and for promptly notifying the Company of any ,unauthorized use. The Customer must advise its Customers that a portion of its ,service is provided by the Company, but the Customer shall not represent that the ,Company jointly participates with the Customer in the provision of the service. ,18.1.5Any individual or company who uses or receives service from the Company, other ,than the provisions of an accepted application for service and a current Customer ,relationship, shall be liable for the tariffed cost of the services received and may be ,liable for reasonable court costs and attorney fees as determined by the CPUC or ,the court. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 44,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 18 Use of Service (Cont’d) ,18.2Use and Ownership of Equipment ,The Company's equipment, apparatus, channels and lines shall be carefully used. ,Equipment furnished by the Company shall remain its property and shall be returned to the ,Company whenever requested, within a reasonable period following the request, in good ,condition (subject to reasonable wear and tear). The Customer is required to reimburse the ,Company for any loss of, or damage to, the facilities or equipment on the Customer's ,premises, including loss or damage caused by agents, employees or independent contractors ,of the Customer through any negligence. ,18.3Unauthorized Use ,18.3.1Service shall not be used to make unlawful expressions, to impersonate another ,person with fraudulent or malicious intent, or to call another so frequently or at ,such times of day or in any other manner so as to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass. ,18.3.2Service shall not be used for any purpose in violation of law. ,18.3.3Service shall not be used in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use ,of the service by one or more other Customers or interfere with the Company's ,reasonable ability to provide the service to others. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 45,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 19 Responsibilities of the Customer ,19.1The Customer is responsible for: 1) placing any necessary orders. 2) complying with Price ,Guide regulations. 3) for assuring that users comply with Price Guide regulations. 4) ,payment of charges for calls originated from the Customer's telephone lines. ,19.2The Customer is responsible for arranging access to the Customer Premises at times ,mutually agreeable to Company and the Customer when required for installation, repair, ,maintenance, inspection or removal of equipment associated with the provision of ,Communications Services. ,19.3The Customer shall be responsible for all calls placed by or through Customer's equipment ,by any person. In particular and without limitation to the foregoing, the Customer is ,responsible for any calls placed by or through the Customer's equipment via any remote ,access features. The Customer is responsible for all calls placed via their authorization code ,as a result of the Customer's intentional or negligent disclosure of the authorization code. ,19.4The Customer and any authorized or joint users, jointly and serially, shall indemnify and ,hold the Company harmless from claims, loss, damage, expense (including reasonable court ,costs and attorneys' fees as determined by the CPUC or the court), or liability for patent ,infringement arising from (1) combining with, or using in connection with facilities the ,Company furnished, facilities the Customer, authorized user, or joint user furnished or (2) ,use of facilities the Company furnished in a manner the Company did not contemplate and ,over which the Company exercises no control and from all other claims, loss, damage, ,expense (including the reasonable court costs and attorneys' fees as determined by the ,CPUC or the court), or liability arising out of any commission or omission by the Customer, ,authorized user, or joint user in connection with the service. In the event that any such ,infringing use is enjoined, the Customer, authorized user, or joint user, at its option and ,expense, shall obtain immediately a dismissal or stay of such injunction, obtain a license ,or other agreement so as to extinguish the claim of infringement, terminate the claimed ,infringing use, or modify such combination so as to avoid any such infringement. ,19.5In addition and without limitation, the Customer, authorized user, or joint user shall defend, ,on behalf of the Company and upon request by the Company, any suit brought or claim ,asserted against the Company for any such claims, including but not limited to slander, ,libel, or infringement. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 46,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 20 Special Construction ,20.1Basis for Charges ,Where the Company furnishes a facility or service for which a rate or charge is not specified ,in the Company's tariffs, charges will be based on the costs incurred by the Company and ,may include: ,-nonrecurring charges. ,-recurring type charges. ,-termination liabilities. or ,-combinations thereof. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 47,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 20 Special Construction (Cont’d) ,20.2Basis for Cost Computation ,20.2.1The costs referred to preceding may include one or more of the following items to ,the extent they are applicable: cost installed of the facilities to be provided ,including estimated costs for the rearrangements of existing facilities. Cost ,installed includes the cost of: ,-equipment and materials provided or used, ,-engineering, labor and supervision, ,-transportation, and ,-rights of way. ,-cost of maintenance ,-depreciation on the estimated cost installed of any facilities provided, ,based on the anticipated useful service life of the facilities with an ,appropriate allowance for the estimated net salvage. administration, taxes ,and uncollectible revenue on the basis of reasonable average costs for ,these items. license preparation, processing and related fees. ,-Price Guide preparation, processing and related fees. ,-any other identifiable costs related to the facilities provided. or ,-an amount for return and contingencies. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 48,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 20 Special Construction (Cont’d) ,20.3Termination Liability ,20.3.1To the extent that there is no other requirement for use by the Company, a ,termination liability may apply for facilities specially constructed at the request of ,the customer. ,20.3.2The termination liability period is the estimated service life of the facilities ,provided. ,20.3.3The amount of the maximum termination liability is equal to the estimated amounts ,for: ,A.Cost installed of the facilities provided including estimated costs for ,rearrangements of existing facilities and/or construction of new facilities ,as appropriate, less net salvage. Cost installed includes the cost of: ,-equipment and materials provided or used, ,-engineering, labor and supervision, ,-transportation, and ,-rights of way. ,B.license preparation, processing, and related fees. ,C.Price Guide preparation, processing, and related fees. ,D.cost of removal and restoration, where appropriate. and ,E.any other identifiable costs related to the specially constructed or ,rearranged facilities. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.49 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 21 Non-routine Installation and/or Maintenance ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 50,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 22 Individual Case Basis (ICB) and Special Assembly Arrangements ,22.1Individual Case Basis ,The Company may develop case-by-case arrangements in response to a Customer’s or ,prospective Customer bona fide request to develop a bid for a service offered under this ,Price Guide (ICB). Rates quoted in response to such competitive requests may be different ,than those specified for such services in this Price Guide. ICB rates will be offered to the ,Customer in writing and on a nondiscriminatory basis. ,22.2Special Assembly Arrangements ,The Company may provide a unique intrastate service arrangement for a customer where ,no tariffed service exists for the service. The unique service can be provided to the customer ,via a Special Assembly. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.51,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 23 Services for the Deaf and Disabled ,23.1California Relay Service ,23.1.1The Company will provide telecommunications relay access to a telephone relay ,center for California Relay Service. In addition, the Company will participate in ,the Deaf and Disabled Equipment Program. The Company will provide access to ,both of these services through arrangements with other telecommunications ,carriers. ,23.1.2The Relay Service permits telephone communications between hearing and/or ,speech-impaired individuals who must use a TDD or a Teletypewriter (TTY) and ,individuals with normal hearing and speech. The Relay Service can be reached by ,dialing 711 or an 800 number. Specific 800 numbers have been designated for both ,impaired and non-impaired Customers to use and will be listed in the Customer’s ,bill. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 52,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 23 Services for the Deaf and Disabled (Cont’d) ,23.2Liability ,The Company has contracted with Pacific Bell and Verizon California, Inc. to offer ,equipment and services to eligible deaf and disabled customers. Please contact the ,Company’s local business office for details of this program. The outside provider(s) has ,complete control over the provision of these services except for the facilities provided ,directly by the Company. In addition to other provisions of this Price Guide dealing with ,liability, in the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the ,Company, the Company shall not be liable for and the Customer, by using the service, ,agrees to release, defend and hold harmless for all damages, whether direct, incidental or ,consequential, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any ,other person, for any loss or destruction of any property, whatsoever whether covered by ,the Customer or others, or for any personal injury to or death of, any person. ,Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, in no event shall the Company be liable for ,any special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages of any nature ,whatsoever. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 53,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 24 Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service ,24.1General ,24.1.1This Price Guide does not provide for the inspection or constant monitoring of ,facilities to discover errors, defects or malfunctions in the service, nor does the ,Company undertake such responsibility. ,24.1.2911 information consisting of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all ,telephone customers is confidential. The Company will release such information ,via the Data Management System only after a 911 call has been received, on a call- ,by-call basis, only for responding to an emergency call in progress. ,24.1.3The 911 calling party, by dialing 911, waives the privacy afforded by non-listed ,and non-published service to the extent that the telephone number, name, and ,address associated with the originating Customer Premises Equipment are furnished ,to the Public Safety Answering Point. ,24.1.4After the establishment of service, it is the Public Safety Agency's responsibility to ,continue to verify the accuracy of and to advise the Company of any changes as ,they occur in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address ,numbers used on existing streets, closing and abandonment of streets, changes in ,police, fire, ambulance or other appropriate agencies' jurisdiction over any address, ,annexations and other changes in municipal and county boundaries, incorporation ,of new cities or any other similar matter that may affect the routing of 911 calls to ,the proper Public Safety Answering Point. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 54,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 24 Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service (Cont’d) ,24.2Liability for Use of 911 ,The Company assumes no liability for any infringement, or invasion of any right of privacy ,or any person or persons caused, or claimed to be caused, directly or indirectly by the use ,of 911 Service. The Public Safety Agency agrees, except where the events, incidents, or ,eventualities set forth in this sentence are the result of the Company's gross negligence or ,willful misconduct, to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from any ,and all loss or claims whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by the ,Public Safety Agency or by any other party or person, for any personal injury to or death of ,any person or persons, or for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether ,owned by the customer or others. The Public Safety Agency also agrees to release, ,indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company for any infringement or invasion of the ,right of privacy of any person or persons, caused or claimed to have been caused, directly ,or indirectly, by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, ,presence, condition, occasion, or use of 911 Service features and the equipment associated ,therewith, or by any services furnished by the Company in connection therewith, including, ,but not limited to, the identification of the telephone number, address, or name associated ,with the telephone used by the party or parties accessing 911 Service hereunder, and which ,arise out of the negligence or other wrongful act of the Public Safety Agency, its user, ,agencies or municipalities, or the employees or agents of any one of them, or which arise ,out of the negligence, other than gross negligence or willful misconduct, of the Company, ,its employees or agents. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 55,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 24 Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service (Cont'd) ,24.3Multi-line Telephone System ("MLTS") Access ,The 911 Service network offers MLTS owners/operators/lessees ("Customers") the option ,to provide location information to the 911 Database used by 911 dispatchers. When an end ,user dials 911 from a Multi-line Telephone System, the actual location of the end user may ,not always be accurately transmitted to the 911 dispatcher at the Public Safety Answering ,Point ("PSAP"), who may receive the location on the main number or the pilot number of ,a hunt group instead. ,It is the Customer's responsibility to provide, and update if necessary, accurate Automatic ,Number Identification (ANI) and Automatic Location Identification (ALI) sub-address ,information to the 911database administrator. Once the Customer provides ANI and ALI-,sub-address information to the 911 database administrator, it is the responsibility of the ,Company to provide the location of the pilot number to the PSAP for 911 calls and, where ,technically and operationally feasible, the Company will deliver ANI to the PSAP at a ,location behind a Multi-line Telephone System. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 56,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 25 Change of Service Providers ,25.1Solicitation of Customer Authorization for Service Termination and Transfer Solicitations ,by the Company, or its agents, for Customer authorization for termination of service with ,an existing carrier and the subsequent transfer to the Company must include current rate ,information on the Company and information regarding the terms and conditions of service ,with the Company. Such solicitation must conform with California Public Utilities Code ,Section 2889.5 and be legibly printed in at least 10-point type. ,25.2Unauthorized Service Termination and Transfer ,The Company shall restore the Customer's service to the original carrier without charge to ,the Customer where that service has been changed on an unauthorized basis. All Company ,billings during the unauthorized service period shall be refunded to the Customer. If the ,Company is found responsible for the unauthorized transfer it will reimburse the original ,carrier for reestablishing service at the tariff rate of the original carrier. This applies as well ,to switches initiated by agents of the Company. A penalty or fine of $500 may apply for ,each violation of this rule. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 57,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 26 Privacy,26.1 General,26.1.1 ,The Company shall not make available to any other person or corporation ,Customer information that is not public without first obtaining the Customer's,consent in accordance with Public Utilities Code Sections 2891, 2891.1 and 2893. ,The Company will provide each new Customer, and on an annual basis for existing ,Customers, a description of how the Company handles the Customer's private ,information and a disclosure of ways in which such information might be used or ,transferred that would not be obvious to the Customer. ,26.1.2 ,The Company adopts and will comply with the privacy rules set forth in Appendix ,B of CPUC Decision Nos. 83-06-066, 83-06-073, and 83-09-061. As set forth ,below, the Company may be required to release nonpublic Customer information ,without first notifying the Customer and obtaining written consent. For example, ,the Company will provide required Customer information to an emergency agency ,answering a 911 call or other call communicating an imminent threat to life or ,property. to law enforcement agencies in response to lawful process. to collection,agencies for the purpose of collecting unpaid debts. to other telephone companies ,(including local and long distance carriers) as necessary to provide service within ,or between service areas. and to the Federal Communications Commission or the ,CPUC. The Company may be required to provide the names and addresses of ,Customers subscribing to Lifeline service to other certificated California utilities ,for use in outreach programs. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 58,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 26 Privacy (Cont’d) ,26.2Customer Credit Information and Calling Records ,26.2.1CPUC Decision Nos. 92860 and 9336, directs that each communications utility ,incorporate the provisions of the privacy rule set out in Appendix B of that decision ,as a part of its Price Guide. The Company adopts that rule as set out in Appendix ,B: ,26.2.2Release of Credit Information and Calling Records: ,A.Definitions ,Credit Information - A Customer's credit information is the information ,contained in the Customer's utility account record, including but not ,limited to: account established date, "can-be-reached" number, name of ,employer, employer's address, customer's social security and/or driver's ,license number, billing name, location of previous service. Not included ,in customer credit information for purposes of these rules are: non- ,published Customer information, or Customer's name, address, and ,telephone number as listed in the telephone directory. ,Calling Records - Calling Records are the records of calls made from a ,Customer's telephone no matter how recorded and regardless of whether ,such information appears in the Customer's monthly telephone service ,bill. Toll records, the name and address of the called party, and pen ,registered are examples of calling records. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 59,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 26 Privacy (Cont’d) ,26.2 Customer Credit Information and Calling Records (Cont’d) ,26.2.2 Release of Credit Information and Calling Records: ,B.Release of Customer Credit Information and Calling Records ,1.A Customer's credit information and/or calling records shall be ,released by a telephone utility only under the following ,circumstances: ,(a)Upon receipt of a search warrant obtained pursuant to ,California or federal law, or of a Federal Grand Jury ,Subpoena or a Federal Agency Subpoena. or ,(b)Upon making return to a subpoena or subpoena duces ,tecum, when it reasonably appears to the telephone utility ,that the procedures set out in Code of Civil Procedures ,Section 1985.3, or successor provisions, as they exist, ,have been followed. The utility shall not produce the ,records if there has not been compliance with CCP ,Section 1985.3. The utility shall abide by all orders to ,quash, protective orders, and similar court orders which ,may be issued with regard to the subpoenaed credit ,information and calling records. ,(c)Upon receiving permission of the Customer to release the ,information. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 60,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 26 Privacy (Cont’d) ,26.2 Customer Credit Information and Calling Records (Cont’d) ,26.2.2 Release of Credit Information and Calling Records: (Cont’d) ,B. Release of Customer Credit Information and Calling Records(Cont’d) ,2.Deferral of Notice ,(a)Notification to the Customer will be deferred, and no ,disclosure made for a period of 90 days, if there is a ,certification for nondisclosure in the body of a subpoena ,or search warrant. The certification for nondisclosure ,must contain a statement that there is sufficient reason to ,believe that such notification would impede the ,investigation in which the request is made, upon making ,return to the court to a subpoena, the telephone utility ,shall request instruction from the court whether it should ,notify the Customer of its receipt of the subpoena before ,divulging the information or records requested. ,(b)The 90-day period can be extended for successive 90-day ,periods upon a new written certification in each instance ,that there is probable cause to believe notification to the ,customer would impede the investigation of an offense ,pursuant to which the subpoena or warrant was issued. ,(c)Successive new written certifications shall be made by the ,individual who procured the issuance of the subpoena or ,warrant or, if that person is unavailable, by another ,member of the authorized agency who also certifies that ,he or she has been assigned to handle the matter for which ,the credit information or calling records has been ,obtained. ,(d)Within five working days of the expiration of any ,outstanding certification, or any renewal of such ,certification, the deferred notification shall be given in ,writing to the Customer. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 61,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 26 Privacy (Cont’d) ,26.2 Customer Credit Information and Calling Records (Cont’d) ,26.2.2Release of Credit Information and Calling Records: (Cont’d) ,B. Release of Customer Credit Information and Calling Records(Cont’d) ,3.Exception to Procedure for Release of Credit or Calling Records ,The procedure set forth above does not apply where the requester ,is a collection agency working for the utility on the Customer's ,account or is an independent telephone company, other common ,carrier/interexchange carrier, Bell Operating Company, or Bell ,Company. ,26.2.3Retention of Records ,Records of requests for credit information and calling records, other than from a ,utility's employees, shall be retained for a period of at least one year from the date ,on which the Customer is notified in writing of the request. A copy of the letter of ,notification which was sent to the Customer shall also retained for a like period of ,one year. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.62,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.63,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 64,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 65,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 29 Legal Requirements for Refusal or Discontinuance of Service ,29.1California Public Utilities Commission's Decision No. 91188 in Case No. 4930 requires ,that each communications utility operating under the jurisdiction of the CPUC include the ,provisions of the rule set forth in Appendix B of that Decision as a part of the rules in the ,utility's Price Guide schedules. Accordingly, Appendix B of Decision No. 91188, Case No. ,4930, is quoted herein: ,29.1.1"Appendix B" ,Any communications utility operating under the jurisdiction of this Commission ,shall refuse service to a new applicant and shall disconnect existing service to a ,Customer upon receipt from any authorized official of a law enforcement agency ,of a writing, signed by a magistrate, as defined by Penal Code sections 807 and ,808, finding that probable cause exists to believe that the use made or to be made ,of the service is prohibited by law, or that the service is being or is to be used as an ,instrumentality, directly or indirectly, to violate or to assist in the violation of the ,law. Included in the magistrate's writing shall be a finding that there is probable ,cause to believe not only that the subject telephone facilities have been or are to be ,used in the commission or facilitation of illegal acts, but that the character of such ,acts is such that, absent immediate and summary action in the premises, significant ,dangers to public health, safety, or welfare will result. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 66,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 29 Legal Requirements for Refusal or Discontinuance of Service (Cont’d) ,29.1 (Cont’d) ,29.1.2Any person aggrieved by any action taken or threatened to be taken pursuant to this ,rule shall have the right to file a complaint with the Commission and may include ,therein a request of interim relief. The Commission shall schedule a public hearing ,on the complaint to be held within 20 calendar days of the filing of the complaint. ,The remedy provided by this rule shall be exclusive. No other action at law or in ,equity shall accrue against any communications utility because of, or as a result of, ,any matter or thing done or threatened to be done pursuant to the provisions of this ,rule. ,29.1.3If communications facilities have been physically disconnected by law ,enforcement officials at the premises where located, without central office ,disconnection, and if there is not presented to the utility the written finding of a ,magistrate, as specified in paragraph 1 of this rule, then upon written request of the ,subscriber, the utility shall promptly restore such service. ,29.1.4Any concerned law enforcement agency shall have the right to Commission notice ,of any hearing held by the Commission pursuant to paragraph 2 of this rule, and ,shall have the right to participate therein, including the right to present evidence ,and argument and to present and cross-examine witnesses. Such law enforcement ,agency shall be entitled to receive copies of all notices and orders issued in such ,proceeding and shall have both (1) the burden of proving that the use made or to be ,made of the service is prohibited by law, or that the service is being or is to be used ,as an instrumentality, directly or indirectly, to violate or to assist in the violation of ,the law and that the character of such acts is such that, absent immediate and ,summary action in the premises, significant dangers to public health, safety, or ,welfare will result, and (2) the burden of persuading the Commission that the ,service should be refused or should not be restored. ,29.1.5The utility, immediately upon refusal or disconnection of service in accordance ,with paragraph 1 of this rule, shall notify the applicant or subscriber in writing that ,such refusal or disconnection has been made pursuant to a request by a law ,enforcement agency, naming the agency, and shall include with said notice a copy ,of this rule together with a statement that the applicant or subscriber may request ,information and assistance from the Commission at its San Francisco or Los ,Angeles office concerning any provision of this rule. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 67,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 29 Legal Requirements for Refusal or Discontinuance of Service (Cont’d) ,29.1 (Cont’d) ,29.1.6At the expiration of 15 days after refusal or disconnection of service pursuant to ,paragraph 1 of this rule, the utility, upon written request of the applicant or ,subscriber, shall provide or restore such service unless the law enforcement agency ,concerned shall have notified the utility in writing of its objection to such provision ,or restoration of service, in which event service may be provided or restored only ,in a complaint proceeding pursuant to paragraph 2 of this rule. At the time of giving ,any such notice of objection, the law enforcement agency shall mail or deliver a ,copy thereof to the applicant or subscriber. Nothing in this paragraph shall be ,construed to preclude the granting of interim relief in a proceeding initiated ,pursuant to paragraph 2 of this rule. ,29.1.7Each contract for communications service, by operation of law, shall be deemed to, ,contain the provisions of this rule. Such provisions shall be deemed to be a part of ,any application for communications service. Applicants for service shall be ,deemed to have consented to the provisions of this rule as a consideration for the ,furnishing of such service. ,29.1.8The term "person," as used herein, includes a subscriber to communications ,service, an applicant for such service, a corporation, a company, a co-partnership, ,an association, a political subdivision, a public officer, a governmental agency, and ,an individual. ,29.1.9The term "communications utility," as used herein, includes a "telephone ,corporation" and a "telegraph corporation," as defined in Division 1 of the ,California Public Utilities Code. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 68,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 30 Blocking Access to 900 and 976 Information Services ,The Company blocks customer's access to 900 and 976 pay-per-call telephone information services. ,The Company shall inform its customers of the availability of this service at the time service is ,ordered. This blocking service shall be made available free of charge to residential customers. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 69,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 31 Demarcation Points ,31.1Responsibilities ,31.1.1The Company will provide facilities, equipment, and services to its Demarcation ,Point. The Company is responsible for the provisioning and maintenance of its ,facilities, equipment, and services to the local loop demarcation point, including ,those located at that point. ,31.1.2The Customer is responsible for the completion of services beyond the Company's ,demarcation point, which is typically an Optical Network Terminal device located ,inside the Customer’s unit. ,31.1.3Customer requested services beyond the local loop demarcation point, or via some ,other technical arrangement, may be provided by the Company at the Customer's ,expense. ,31.2Local Loop Demarcation Point ,31.2.1The Company's Demarcation Point separates the Company's network facilities, ,equipment and services from that of the building owner or end-user Customer. ,31.2.2Where an existing Demarcation Point lacks sufficient power and/or space to ,support provisioning of new service, such service will be provisioned as close as ,practicable to the existing demarcation point. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 70,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 31 Demarcation Points (Cont’d) ,31.2 Local Loop Demarcation Point (Cont’d) ,31.2.3Exceptions: ,-Emergency Reporting Services (E911/911): The demarcation point is at ,the Company-provided terminal equipment, including the equipment. ,-Fiber Optic Cable: The demarcation point is at the Company-provided ,Optical Network Terminal ONT) equipment. The Company's ,responsibility includes the ONT equipment where the equipment has been ,provided by the Company. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 71 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 31 Demarcation Points (Cont’d) ,31.2.4 ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 72,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 32 Information to be Provided to the Public ,This Price Guide is posted on the Company’s website at and is also available for ,inspection during normal business hours at Carrier’s principal place of business: 2260 Apollo Way, ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407, and can be obtained at a nominal cost to recover photocopying, postage, ,and/or transmission expenses. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 73,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 33 Claims ,33.1With respect to any service or facility provided by the Company, the Customer shall ,indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from and against all claims, actions, ,damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees as ordered by ,the Commission or by a Court for: ,33.1.1any loss, destruction or damage to property of the Company or any third party, or ,the death or injury to persons, including, but not limited to, employees or invitees ,of either party, to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligent or intentional ,act or omission of the Customer, its employees, agent, representatives or invitees. ,or ,33.1.2any claim, loss, damage, expense or liability for infringement of any copyright, ,patent, trade secret, or any proprietary or intellectual property right of any third ,party, arising from any act or omission by the Customer, including, without ,limitation, use of the Company's services and facilities in a manner not ,contemplated by the agreement between the Customer and the Company. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.74,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 34 Interconnection Facilities ,Interconnection between subscriber and Company are made through dedicated facilities. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 75 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 35 Inspections ,35.1The Company may, after notification to the Customer, and at a reasonable time, make such ,tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements regarding ,equipment and interconnections are being complied with in the installation, operation and ,maintenance of Company-provided equipment and in the wiring of the connection of ,Customer channel to Company-provided facilities. ,35.2If the protective requirements in connection with Company-provided equipment are not ,being complied with, Company may take such action as necessary to protect its equipment, ,facilities and personnel. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 76,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 36 Taxes and Surcharges ,The Company is required to apply CPUC mandated Public Program surcharges for ,Communications Service (excluding (a) Universal Lifeline Telephone Service billings. (b) charges ,to other certificated carriers for services that are to be resold. (c) coin sent paid telephone calls (coin ,in box) and debit card calls. (d) customer specific contracts effective before 9/15/94. (e) usage ,charges for coin-operated pay telephones. (f) directory advertising. and (g) one- way radio paging) ,and the CPUC Reimbursement Fee rate (excluding (a) directory advertising and sales. (b) terminal ,equipment sales. and (c) inter-utility sales) to intrastate services. For a list of the Public Program ,surcharges and Reimbursement Fee, and the amounts, please refer to the Pacific Bell (dba AT&T ,California) tariffs. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 77,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 37 [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE] ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 78,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 37 [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE] ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C),2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 79,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 37 [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE] ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 80,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 2 – RULES (Cont’d) ,No. 37 [RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE] ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 81,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES ,No. 1 Service Charges ,1.1Service Order Charge ,The Service Order Charge is a nonrecurring charge which applies to administrative ,processing of orders for the following: (a) the installation of a new service. (b) the transfer ,of an existing service to a different location. (c) a change from one class of service to ,another at the same or a different location. or (d) restoral of service after suspension or ,termination for nonpayment. The Company may from time to time waive or reduce the ,charge as part of a promotion. Promotions will be submitted to the CA PUC for prior ,approval, as required. Such Service Order Charge Promotions will be submitted to the CA ,PUC for prior approval, as required. ,BusinessResidential,PerOrder$0.00$0.00,1.2Installation Fee ,Customers are not assessed an installation fee. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 82,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Service Charges (Cont’d) ,1.3Moves, Adds and Changes ,1.3.1The Company alone may make changes in the location of its lines and equipment, ,which will be done free of charge to the Customer. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 83,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Service Charges (Cont’d) ,1.4Charges Associated With Premises Visit ,1.4.1Customers are not charged for a premises visit to perform maintenance or repairs ,unless that a repair is necessitated by a Customer intentionally disabling, ,destroying or tampering with Company’s facilities or equipment. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 84,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Service Charges (Cont’d) ,1.4 Charges Associated With Premises Visit (Cont’d) ,1.4.2 Maintenance and Installation ,The Customer may provide inside wiring for Customer Premises Equipment or ,may elect to have the Company's technicians install or maintain inside wire. ,A.Installation Charge ,B.Inside Wire Maintenance Charge ,The Inside Wire Maintenance Charge applies when a Customer requests ,noncomplex wire and jack maintenance. Material is included in the charge. ,1st 30 Each Add'l ,Per Premises Visit ,Minutes 30 Min. ,$ 75.00 $ 25.00 ,Fusion X2 Installation ,BondedCircuitInstallation,$99.00,$150.00,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C),2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 85 ,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 1 Service Charges (Cont’d) ,1.5Primary Interexchange Carrier Change Charge ,1.5.1Description ,Presubscription is an arrangement whereby an end user may select and designate to ,the Company Inter/IntraLATA Interexchange Carriers (ICs) to access, without an ,access code, for long distance calls. These ICs are referred to as the end user’s ,Primary Interexchange Carriers (PICs) ,1.5.2Regulations ,A. Pursuant to the Equal Access Plan filed with the Commission, each ,residential customer may select one PIC for IntraLATA long distance ,service and the same or another PIC for InterLATA service. A Change ,Charge does not apply for the initial Carrier selection(s). ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 86 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 2 Blocking Service ,2.1General ,Blocking Access to 900 and 976 Information Services ,Company blocks access to 900 and 976 pay-per call telephone information services for all ,Customers at no charge. The Company does not allow charges from any third party to be ,placed on Customer bills. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 87 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 2 Blocking Service (Cont’d) ,2.2Regulations ,2.2.1The Company will not be liable for any charge incurred when any long distance ,carrier or alternative operator service provider accepts third number billed or ,collect calls. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 88 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 2 Blocking Service (Cont’d) ,2.3Caller Identification Blocking-Per Call ,2.3.1Description ,Enables a customer to control the disclosure of his/her name and/or telephone ,number to a subscriber of Caller Identification by temporarily changing the ,public/private status indicator of the telephone number. A customer must dial a ,code before each call to change the indicator from public to private. "Public Status" ,allows delivery of the name and/or telephone number. "Private Status" prevents ,delivery of the name and/or telephone number. Per Call Blocking is provided at no ,charge. ,2.4Caller Identification Blocking-Per Line ,2.4.1Description ,A.Provides a permanent indicator on a customer's line. Once block is ,established on the customer's line, the private status can be deactivated by ,the customer by dialing a code, *82 or 1182 on rotary phones, before each ,call, to change the indicator from private to public. This one call unblock ,allows the name and number to be sent for that one call only. ,B.Customers who choose per line blocking for the first time will not be ,charged the nonrecurring charge. New customers to the Caller ID serving ,area will be provided the same option. A customer requesting additional ,changes to the per line blocking, after initial set-up, will pay a nonrecurring ,charge for modifying their per line blocking option. ,C.Per line blocking will be provided free to law enforcement and domestic ,violence agencies at any time. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 89 ,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 3 Message Toll Service ,3.1General ,The Company's interexchange services are offered only in conjunction with the Company's ,Bundled Local Exchange Services set forth in Section 8. Where unlimited interexchange ,calling is provided as part of a Bundled Local Exchange Service offering, the monthly ,recurring rate is included in the price of the Bundled Local Exchange Service. The rates for ,interexchange services billed on a usage-sensitive basis are set forth in this Section. ,3.1.1Timing of Calls ,A.Long distance usage charges are based on the actual usage of the ,Company's network. Chargeable time begins when a connection is ,established between the calling location and the called location. ,Chargeable time ends when either party "hangs up" thereby releasing the ,network connection. ,B.Minimum call duration is specified for each product. ,C.Unless otherwise specified in this Price Guide, after the initial minimum ,period, usage is measured and rounded to the next higher minute for billing ,purposes. ,. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 90,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 4 Reserved For Future Use,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 91 ,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 5 Custom Calling Service ,Custom Calling Service is an optional service arrangement furnished to individual line business ,and residence customers. It is available within the exchange area of all exchanges served by a central ,office where facilities and operating conditions permit, and is offered only in conjunction with the ,Company’s local exchange/long distance service bundles. ,5.1Description of Services ,Call Waiting - Call Waiting permits the customer engaged in a call to receive a tone signal ,indicating a second call is waiting. and, by operation of the switchhook, to place the first ,call on hold and answer the waiting call. The Customer may alternate between the two calls ,by operation of the switchhook, but a three-way conference cannot be established. ,Three-Way Calling - Three-Way Calling permits the Customer to add a third party to an ,established connection. When the third party answers, a two-way conversation can be held ,before adding the original party for a three-way conference. The Customer initiating the ,conference controls the call and may disconnect the third party to reestablish the original ,connection or establish a connection to a different third party. The feature may be used on ,both outgoing and incoming calls. ,Caller ID - Provides for the display of the calling party name and/or telephone number on ,Caller ID compatible Customer premises equipment. ,Caller ID Blocking - Customers who request per line Caller ID Blocking will prevent the ,display of their telephone numbers on all outgoing calls. Per-Line Blocking is provided ,free of any recurring charge, but is a special feature which must be ordered by Customer. ,Per-Line Blocking will not prevent the display of originating telephone numbers to 911 ,emergency service providers. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 92,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Bundled Local Exchange Service ,6.1General ,Bundled local exchange service is offered to business and residential Customers on a ,presubscription basis from equal access originating end offices only. Service is provided ,only as a bundled offering in conjunction with broadband internet access/data service, as ,described more fully in Section 2. Applicable Service Order and other non-recurring ,charges may apply, as described in Section 1. Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a ,week. Service is available where technically feasible and where facilities permit. ,A.The Company’s rates do not distinguish between business or residential ,Customers in an MDU. ,1. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 93 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Bundled Local Exchange Service, (Cont’d.) ,6.1 General, (Cont’d.) ,6.1.1Charges Based on Duration of Use ,Where charges for a service are specified based on the duration of use, such as the ,duration of a telephone call, the following rules apply: ,A.Calls are measured in durational increments identified for each service. All ,calls that are fractions of a measurement increment are rounded-up to the ,next whole unit. ,B.Timing on completed calls begins when the call is answered by the called ,party. Answering is determined by hardware answer supervision in all ,cases where this signaling is provided by the terminating local carrier and ,any intermediate carrier(s). Timing for operator service person-to-person ,calls start with completion of the connection to the person called or an ,acceptable substitute, or to the PBX station called. ,C.Timing terminates on all calls when the calling party hangs up or the ,Company network receives an off-hook signal from the terminating carrier. ,D.Calls originating in one time period and terminating in another will be ,billed in proportion to the rates in effect during different segments of the ,call. ,E.All times refer to local time. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 94 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Bundled Local Exchange Service, (Cont’d.) ,6.2Local Exchange/Long Distance Service Bundles ,6.2.1General ,A.The Company's Local Exchange/Long Distance Service Bundles provide ,customers with the following services and features: ,1.A local access line and unique telephone number that allows the ,Customer to make calls to and receive calls from other Customers. ,2.Unlimited or usage-priced calling within the customer's local ,calling area. ,3.A package of calling features. ,4.Unlimited or usage-priced long distance calling, as specified in ,each calling plan. ,5.access (at no additional charge) to Company operators and ,business office for service related assistance. ,6.access to toll-free telecommunications services such as 800 NPA. ,and access to toll-free emergency services by dialing 0 or 9-1-1 ,(where available). ,7.access to relay services for the hearing and/or speech impaired. ,B.The Company's Local Exchange/Long Distance Service Bundles cannot be ,used to originate calls to caller-paid information services (e.g., 900, 976) ,provided by other companies. Calls to those numbers and other numbers ,used for caller-paid information services will be blocked by the Company ,switch. ,C.The Company’s Local Exchange / Long Distance Service can be ,purchased on a Stand-Alone or Bundled basis. ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C) ,2260 Apollo Way ,SantaRosa,CA95407,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 95 ,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Bundled Local Exchange Service, (Cont’d.) ,6.3Residential Single Line Bundle ,6.3.1Monthly Recurring Rates ,The monthly recurring rates service, billed monthly in advance. ,Fusion Fiber 1G $59.99 ,Standard Fiber 10G $49.99 ,Fusion Fiber 10G $59.99 ,Fusion Fiber SMB $109.99 ,Sonic Telecom, LLC (U-7002-C),2260 Apollo Way ,Santa Rosa, CA 95407 ,Schedule Cal. P.U.C. 1-T ,Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 96 ,Advice Letter No. 44 Issued by Nathan Patrick Date Filed: June 20, 2023 ,Decision 12-06-009 Effective: July 14, 2023,LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES INFORMATIONAL PRICE GUIDE ,SECTION 3 – EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) ,No. 6 Bundled Local Exchange Service, (Cont’d.) ,6.4

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