Methodist College Kuala Lumpur

Personal Data Protection Notice

1,PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION NOTICE,WESLEYAN EDUCATION SERVICES SDN BHD (200101005044), duly approved by the Ministry of ,Higher Education to operate asMethodist College Kuala LumpurinWilayah Persekutuan KL and as MCKL ,College (Penang, Pykett Campus)in Pulau Pinang(“MCKL”), values your trust and is committed to the ,responsible processing and protection of your personal data. Please read this Personal Data Protection Notice to ,understand how we process your personal data in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010,(“PDPA”). ,Personal data is essentially information of you which is collected directly and/or indirectly and whichdistinguishes,or identifiesyou, whether on its own or in combination with other information. In the course of your interactionwith ,MCKL, wewill inevitably collect and process your personal data, including data which is categorised as ‘sensitive ,personal data’ under the PDPA(e.g.,information as to your physical or mental health, religious beliefs, etc.). You ,understand that when you share your personal data with us and signify acceptance ofour personal data protection ,policy and practices, you are providing to us your explicitconsent to process all your personal data, including your ,sensitive personal data.In the event that you arebelow the age of 18 yearsat the time of application for our ,services,we will require yourparent or legal guardian to give consent on your behalf.Rest assured that your,personal data will be processed according to thisnotice.,From time to time, we may update or amend our personal data protection policyandpractices according to legal, ,regulatory and/or institutional requirements. Changes will be notified through thiswebsite.Kindly check our,website from time to time for MCKL’slatestpolicy and practiceson personal data.Your continueduse of our ,services on or after any revisionmeans that you agreeand consentto ourprevailing policy and practices.,1.What personal data does MCKL collect?,MCKL seeks to only collect personal data whichare reasonably necessary forourservices,related activities,and legitimate functions. The personal data which we collect and processof youincludes but is not limited ,tothe following information:-,oGeneral: Name,identification information (NRIC/passport), date of birth, gender, nationality, race, ,immigration/visa information, addresses(street &amp. electronic), telephone numbers, emergency and ,other contact details;,oSensitive personal data: Information regarding physical or mental health, medical conditions,,vaccination status &amp. related information, religiousbeliefs,commissionofoffences;,oAcademic: Academic records, examination results, awards&amp. other achievements, misconduct &,disciplinary matters;,oFinancial: Information on credit cards, bank accounts, taxfile, household incomeand other financial ,information;,oImages&amp. recordings:Photographs, digital images, video&amp. audiorecordings,interviews,,security/CCTVrecordings;,oTechnology: Data from MCKLtechnology platform, systemsand/orequipment–e.g.,,entry/temperaturescanners, internet access logs, Microsoft Teams, UCMS, Student Portal,andother ,institutional systems. and,oSuch other information of you which we may collect and process from time to time as required by law ,and/or providedor authorised by you.,You have the right to decide what information you wish to provide to us. Please be aware howeverthatwe ,may not be able to consider/process your application,provide youwithour services,and/or administer your ,contract/transactionwith us,if you choosenot supply uswith the necessary personal data or if the data,suppliedto usis insufficientor inaccurate.,In circumstances whereyou provide us with informationpertaining to other persons(e.g. parents, sponsors), ,you represent and warrant to us that you have obtained their consent to share theirinformation with MCKL.,2.How does MCKL collect your personal data?,2,Most of the personal data we collect and process of you havebeen given to us by youor are obtained ,through sources authorised by you, including:-,oRegistration and application forms submitted by you–e.g.,for enrolment, scholarships/bursaries, ,camps&field trips, clubs &amp. societies, lockerrequest, library access, internship, graduation,university ,placements;,oEducation fairs, MCKL website/microsites,roadshows,conferences, seminars, public forums, events, ,campaigns &other marketing activities, call enquiries, social media platforms, IT or online platforms ,and systems, other digital media. ,oAffiliated institutions, sponsors, authorised third parties, marketing or recruitment agents, business ,partners;,oSuch other sources where you have given your consent for the disclosure of information relating to ,you(e.g.,financial institutions, referees, sponsors);,oWhereit isotherwisepublicly available orlawfully permitted.,3.How doweuse your personal data?,We primarily use your personal data to provide our educationaland/orotheragreed servicesto you.The ,following non-exhaustive list outlines somespecificpurposes and/or circumstances in which your personal ,data may be used by us:-,oTo administer your enrolment, process your application for scholarship and/or financial aid,enable ,the delivery of your academic programme &extra-curricular activities, monitoracademic progress &amp. ,achievements;,oTo liaise with programme partners, examination boards and other authorities (local and international),in order to facilitatetheprogrammes and examinations relevant to your enrolment;,oTo provide ancillaryservices such as assistance with residential needs, visa application,information ,technologyrelated facilities,applications tohigher learning institutions, programme-related service ,learning/attachment/internshipor other like activities;,oTocommunicate with youincluding on academic/administrative matters, payment invoices, academic ,results,announcements, upcomingcoursesorevents;,oFormarketing-related activitiesincluding website&social mediapostings, print publications,events;,oFor statistical analysis, general records management, safety and security initiatives on campus ,(physically and online);,oTocomply with legal,regulatoryandaudit obligations orrequirements.,4.Under what circumstances will MCKL share your personal data?,We do not sell personal data to other parties under any circumstances.Your personal datawill only be ,sharedwhere it is necessary in connection withour services to youpursuant to your consent,or if wehave ,a legitimate basis or are compelled under law.Such circumstances may include disclosure to the following,third parties:-,oRelevantor affiliated academic, professional, regulatoryoraccreditationbodiesor institutions (within ,and outside of Malaysia) according toyourprogrammerequirement –e.g. ACCA, CAIE, WACE, ,universityofprogramme transfer or articulation;,oParties supporting your studies with financial or other assistanceand/orwhere you have given ,yourconsent–e.g., yourparents,guardians, scholarship sponsors, industry partner;,oService providers or other third parties (within and outside Malaysia) which MCKL engagesfor our ,services-e.g.,conference/camp venue providers, training or event organisers,insurance companies, ,professional advisers, IT servicesproviders;,oLaw enforcement agencies, local authorities,governmentalandregulatory bodies,where compelled ,understatutory or legal instrument–e.g.,Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Health, Malaysian ,Immigration Department, Inland Revenue Board, and foreign embassies (where applicable);,oWhere MCKL believes on reasonable grounds that disclosure is necessary to prevent or reducea ,threat to securityor any person.,Where your personal data is shared, we limit it to the extent necessary to fulfil the purposes of such ,disclosure. Steps aretaken toensure that there is a lawful basis for the disclosure and/or that the third party ,3,is correspondingly subjectedto personal data protection laws and/or obligations.,5.How does MCKLsafeguard your personal data?,All personal data are kept securely andareaccessible only to thosewho need access for the purpose of ,carrying outour servicesor obligationsto you. Precautionsare also takento ensure that adequate security ,measures are in place for any processes or systems we use.,6.How long do we keep your personal data?,We will keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. ,Your personal datawill be deleted according to our retention and disposal policy after a specificperiod. For ,legitimate institutional purposes, MCKL may retainfor longer periodscertain minimumpersonal dataof you,as academic recordsor as legally required.,7.What are your rights?,You have certain qualified rights in relation to ourprocessing of your personal data under the PDPA.Your ,rights include the following:-,oRight to withdraw consent: You may by written notice withdraw consent to us to process your ,personal data at any time. However, please note that withdrawing your consent will mean that we are ,no longerable to provideour servicesto youand/or undertakecertain transactions foryou.,oRight to access your information and/orto make corrections: You are entitled to knowwhatpersonal ,data which is being processedof you. At the same time, it is your responsibility to ensure that the ,data we processof you is correct, accurate and complete. You may request reasonable access to ,yourpersonal datato correct or amend any inaccurate information which we may hold of you.,oRight to prevent processing: You may request that we temporarily or permanently cease processing ,activities on your personal data, especially if the processing is likely to cause you unwarranted ,distress. ,oRight to prevent processing for direct marketing: Ifyou do not wish to receivedirectmarketing content ,or messages from MCKL, you may request that we cease processing your personal data for such,purposes.,8.How can you contactus?,If you wish to exercise any of your rightsin respect of your personal data, orhave any queries or concerns, ,kindly complete the PERSONAL DATA REQUEST FORMand email it to usat the following email address:,•Student,•Marketing,•Phone Number: +(603) 2274-1851,For security purposes, we reserve the right to verify your identity before we act on anyrequest. Please note ,that the PDPA allows us to levy a fee for a data access request. You also understand that we may have a ,lawful basis not to accede to your request under certain circumstances.,This notice is issued in both the English and Bahasa Malaysia languages. In the event of any conflict or ,discrepancies between the English and the Bahasa Malaysia versions, the English version shall prevail.,Dated:September2022.

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