
Trust Center

Mit Google Docs veröffentlichtMissbrauch meldenWeitere InformationenTrust CenterAutomatisch alle 5&nbsp;Minuten aktualisiert<p>A Trusted Partner in Education</p> <p>At Soundtrap for Education, we value the trust of the schools and school districts that have chosen our services. We work hard to meet or exceed legal compliance requirements and to stay abreast of the fast-changing privacy law landscape. We are committed to being a trusted partner in education and to help schools meet their own compliance obligations under the applicable privacy laws, such as GDPR, COPPA and other local laws.</p> <p>The Student Privacy Pledge</p> <p>Soundtrap for Education is a signatory of&nbsp;the Student Privacy Pledge&nbsp;(the “Pledge”), an industry standard of privacy principles for providers of K–12 educational services. As part of our commitment to the Pledge, we follow certain core principles with respect to our collection and use of student personal information, including the following:</p> <ul> <li>We collect, maintain, use or share student personal information only for purposes for which we were authorized.</li> <li>We disclose clearly in contracts and/or privacy policies what types of student personal information we collect and the purposes for which it is used and shared.</li> <li>We support access to and correction of student personal information by the student or their authorized parent.</li> <li>We maintain a comprehensive security program that is reasonably designed to protect the security, privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of student personal information through the use of appropriate safeguards.</li> <li>We require our vendors that process student personal information on our behalf to implement safeguards at least as protective as the commitments we undertake.</li> <li>We do not sell student personal information.</li> <li>We do not use or disclose student personal information for behavioral targeting of advertisements to students.</li> <li>We do not build a personal profile of a student other than for supporting authorized educational purposes or as authorized by the parent/student.</li> <li>We will not make material changes to our privacy policies without notice or choice.</li> <li>We do not knowingly retain student personal information beyond the time period necessary or as authorized by the parent/student.</li> </ul> <p>Our collection and use of student personal information is governed by our privacy notices, terms of use, agreements signed with a school or school district, and by applicable laws like the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and other local student privacy laws, of which a few key ones are highlighted below. </p> <p>Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) </p> <p>Soundtrap for Education is designed to meet our responsibilities to protect personal information from the students' educational records under FERPA. We are committed to helping schools ensure compliance with the FERPA regulations to protect the confidentiality of educational records, provide parents and eligible students the opportunity to access and review such records, and limit further disclosure of personal information only as necessary to support the schools educational purposes.</p> <p>Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)</p> <p>Soundtrap for Education is designed to comply with COPPA. Consistent with the COPPA regulations, we rely on the school to provide appropriate consent and authorization for a student under 13 to use our services and for Soundtrap for Education to collect personal information from each student. We use and process student personal information for the purpose of providing the educational services to the school and do not collect or retain student personal information for longer than is necessary to provide the Service. We provide the school the opportunity to review and delete the personal information collected from their students, and we work with schools to provide parents the same level of access, upon request. </p> <p>California Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) and California Assembly Bill 1584</p> <p>Soundtrap for Education is designed to comply with SOPIPA and California Assembly Bill 1584. We do not use student personal information for targeted advertising purposes. We do not use collected information to amass a profile of a K-12 student except in furtherance of K-12 school purposes. We never sell student personal information unless the sale is part of a corporate transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or other sale of assets, in which case we make efforts to ensure the successor entity honors the privacy commitments made in this policy and/or we will notify you of such a sale and provide you an opportunity to opt out by deleting your account before the data transfer occurs. </p> <p>New York Education Law §2-d and Regulation 121</p> <p>Soundtrap for Education is committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity and security of student personal information, consistent with the provisions of New York Education Law §2-d. The New York State Board of Regents recently approved new regulations that provide further guidance for New York Education Law §2-d, which becomes effective July 1, 2020 (namely, Part 121 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education). Soundtrap for Education is designed to align with the finalized regulations. Upon request, we will append a Parents’ Bill of Rights to our agreement with any New York State school district and provide a copy of Soundtrap’s Data Security and Privacy Plan. </p> <p>Last Updated:&nbsp;September 2020</p> <p> </p>

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