Cookies on the NHS website

Cookies on the NHS website What are cookies?<p>Cookies are files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website.</p> <p>They store information about how you use the website, such as the pages you visit.</p> <p>Cookies are not viruses or computer programs. They are very small so do not take up much space.</p>How we use cookies<p>We use cookies to:</p> <ul> <li>make our website work, for example by keeping it secure</li> <li>remember which pop-ups you've seen</li> <li>measure how you use our website, such as which links you click on (analytics cookies)</li> <li>help show you relevant health campaigns on social media</li> </ul> Information: <p>When you log in to the NHS website, you are logging in to your NHS account. The NHS account cookies policy will apply while you are using services within your NHS account.</p> List of cookies that make our website work Cookies needed for the NHS website work Name Purpose Expires .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.9TtSrW0hzOs Helps keep the site secure by preventing cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks When you close the browser .ASPXANONYMOUS Remembers your activity across multiple pages to improve your experience 69 days _smokefree_session Remembers your pages input and states across multiple pages to improve your experience When you close the browser _tobacco_session Remembers your pages input and states across multiple pages to improve your experience When you close the browser akavpau_waitingroom Makes sure you are not sent back to wait for coronavirus tests to become available once you have been let through to apply for one Up to 10 minutes after you’ve finished using the ask for a coronavirus test service akavpwr_waitingroom Makes sure you cannot ask for a coronavirus test when there are none available and that you cannot 'game' the system by clicking refresh multiple times Up to 30 seconds after you’ve left the page where you wait to ask for a coronavirus test ARRAffinity Helps stop our site crashing by spreading traffic across web servers When you close the browser ASP.NET_SessionId Remembers your pages input and states across multiple pages to improve your experience When you close the browser CAM Helps stop our site crashing by spreading traffic across web servers When you close the browser CookieConsent Remembers your cookies settings on our website 1 year csrftoken Helps keep the site secure by preventing cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks 1 year mobile.display Determines if you should see the mobile version of our site When you close the browser mobile.nodisplay Determines if you should see the desktop version of our site When you close the browser nhsuk-cookie-consent Remembers if you used our cookies banner When you close the browser (if you do not use the banner) or 1 year (if you use the banner) test Used to tell us if you have accepted cookies to help with health campaigns When you close the browser WFE Keeps you connected to a web server when you use our website When you close the browser Change your cookie settings<p>Some cookies, like those used to measure how you use our website, are not needed for our website to work.</p> <p>These cookies can help us make our website better, but we'll only use them if you say it's OK.</p> Choose which cookies we use How we use the information we collect<p>To find out how we collect, store and use information about you or your visit, see the NHS website privacy policy.</p> <p> Page last reviewed: 16 January 2023<br> Next review due: 16 January 2026 </p> Our policies <ul> <li>Governance of the NHS website</li> <li>Content policy</li> <li>Linking from the NHS website</li> <li>Terms and conditions</li> <li>Your privacy on the NHS website</li> <li>Cookies on the NHS website</li> <li>Reviews policy</li> <li>Requests for research support</li> </ul>

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